Monday 6th of May 2024

crazy murdoch...

crazy murdoch

Crazy Murdoch: paving the path to demonise Councils... and eventually remove Councils from the face of the earth by a Liberal Government. When one reads the small print, one should be horrified:

council regulations

First it's not ALL COUNCILS that require something that, by and large, makes sense. Most of the rabbits warrens that rabid developers call apartments are far too small and with ceilings that are far too low. "Up to" 30 square metres extra is responsible and reasonable planning for the future.

When looking at the figures from page two, it's mostly the South Sydney and inner west region where the "demands" by councils are "most noted" by the paper... These are areas where LABOR voters mostly live...

In other suburbs like Vaucluse (CONservative), people can afford three bedroom apartments the size of football fields, or in local parlance the size of polo grounds — with room for a swimming pool and a pony). A three bedroom apartment is 95 square metres according to "State regulations"... And because most of the new units are close to public transport in the South and West, they don't need a car park... I believe that according to the Liberals (CONservatives) the also don't need access to the NBN... According to Gus, all new apartments should be wired for the connection to the NBN. Eventually that would save on transport to a working station in the city...

Even in Hong Kong, some three bedroom apartments are around 3000 square feet or 275 square metres... the average seems to be 130 square metres, which is basically the size "SOME" councils demand. 

One can smell the sulphur from Uncle Rupe trying to demonise Councils, paving the way for a rotten Charlie called Tony to wipe them out... Most councils are doing a FAR BETTER job at managing people in their local areas than holus bolus state governments which pander for political parties, first and foremost...

two pimps or none...

Kevin Rudd has accused Rupert Murdoch's Australian newspapers of "taking a club" to his government and failing to put Tony Abbott under any scrutiny.

The prime minister made the claim while responding to the Sydney Daily Telegraph's Friday front page depiction of him as Mr Rude, a character from the Mr Men children's book series.

The story stemmed from claims Mr Rudd was rude to a makeup artist before this week's leaders' debate.

Mr Rudd dismissed the front page story as a "beat up" maintaining that he'd been "in the zone", had smiled at the makeup artist and not one angry word had been exchanged.


Meanwhile take note of the Sydney Morning Herald that carries nearly ten times the amount of advertising for the Liberals (CONservatives), but claims to be "Independent. Always"... Advertising is part and parcel of prostitution... if you want to be "independent", you need to have two pimps — or none.

real crap