Sunday 9th of March 2025

god's devilish ways...

god's devilish ways...

The seedy side of the NSW Liberal Party...

Opus Dei’s influence spread through Warrane College, a residential college of NSW Uni that provided a home predominantly for country students and the members worked tirelessly to ensure that other young and energetic Catholic students would be introduced to their founder’s teachings. Its agenda is to indoctrinate educated people of the validity of its aims and infiltrate the legal profession, medicine and politics to influence them to enforce the extremely restrictive interpretation of Catholic social teaching that its founder inculcated. Pope John Paul II, who favoured the spirituality of the cult that emphasised personal sanctity and obedience to the Pope, canonised the Founder in record time and declared the cult a valid separate category of associations in Canon Law.

Its influence continues today through its schools and institutes, which never bear any identifiers that associate them to this secretive organisation. Its attempts to place members in positions of influence in Australia (and in fact throughout the world) are extremely successful.

The current Rector of the Sydney seminary (the one responsible for determining who becomes a priest in Sydney) Father Anthony Percy is an Opus Dei priest. Father Percy was directly appointed by Cardinal George Pell and is a personal friend of Tony Abbott.

If Opus Dei and extreme right wing conservatives are setting the agenda for the Liberal Party, then the Australian people need to know who the Liberal Party is made up of before they elect them into government.

Kick Tony Abbott in the budgies... Vote someone else...

hidden f*****g agenda of abbott...

Tony marvelled at the longevity of my virginity, that I had managed to protect for forty six years. “I don’t know how you do it! I couldn’t do it,” he said with a laugh.

Our originally timetabled thirty minute meeting was extended as he personally called his other appointments on his mobile to cancel. I was flattered that he wanted to prolong our conversation and talk further about my political possibilities and he expressed an eager desire of utilising me in the upcoming election.

dopus dei...

dopus educashun...


Tony Abbott has refused to criticise a Christian school for describing homosexuality as an abomination and a ‘‘perversion of the natural order’’.
The Opposition Leader announced his education policy at the Penrith Christian School, in western Sydney, on Thursday morning, despite the school’s strong stance against homosexuality.
''The great thing about a school like this is it's not just about getting you through your exams,'' he said.

''It's not just about making good friends who hopefully will be your friends for life, important though both of those things are.

''In a school such as this it is very important that we have the right values to live by, and I guess the best value that we can live by is that golden rule to ’do unto others as you would have them do to you’.''
The private school’s statement of faith says ''homosexuality and specific acts of homosexuality are an abomination unto God, a perversion of the natural order and not to be entered into''.
Mr Abbott said he disagreed with that statement. But he refused to criticise the school, saying: ''Look, this is a good school and it is a school which has been supported by people like [Labor MPs] David Bradbury and Peter Garrett.
''I respectfully disagree with lots of things that are said on that particular subject and obviously I disagree with that one.''

Mr Abbott refused to say whether he was offended on behalf of his gay sister Christine Forster

Read more:

GUS: For the Little Turd to launch his "Educashun Policy" in a PRIVATE SCHOOL and a school that HATES HOMOSEXUALS to boot is a deliberate snub at what education is about...
On this launch alone, people should tell Tony to sod off. On the issue of Global warming, Tony is an abortion of a moron and on his policy of the NBN, well what can I say that has not been said before... Tony is an idiotic provocateur and never was a person of understanding... and NEVER WILL BE.



abbott's privatisation of public schools...

Tony Abbott wants a quarter of all state schools to become “independent” by the end of the first term of a Coalition government – with principals and parents taking more responsibility for finances, curriculum and staff selection.

The Coalition is setting aside $70m to help schools make the transition to become “independent public schools” – similar to “academies” in the UK or “charter” schools in the US.

Independent schools are still publicly funded, and are not allowed to charge compulsory fees or set selective entrance standards, but, according to the Coalition, will be run more like a private school, with greater freedom to determine what is taught, to choose staff and determine staff pay.

The policy is modelled on Western Australia’s independent public schools and, on the basis of the WA experience, Abbott says “the Coalition will aim to encourage 1,500 (or 25%) of all schools to adopt similar levels of autonomy over the first four years of a Coalition government”.

But other states, including New South Wales, have rejected the model, with the NSW education minister, Adrian Piccoli, saying recently he had seen “no evidence” that independent schools improved school performance.

The Coalition sought to defuse the debate over schools funding by shifting its policy just before the election and agreeing to match Labor’s funding deal with the states for its first four years.

If you value public schools, kick Abbott in the budgies...