Monday 10th of March 2025

the theatre of the absurd —


TONY: Hey Ruddy, you've just robbed me of the most sadistic pleasure to knock her off her perch... Three bloody years on my arse I waited for this...

RUDDY: What 'bout me?... Three and a half years in purgatory, she put me in... Even after I stabbed her in the dark with the help of Laurie Oakie... and on many other occasions after that... I was trying to give you the gig!...

TONY: why would you do that?

RUDDY: So I could punch you in the gonads from behind...

TONY: Please, don't patronise me... I can do that myself... Bugger... All I can do now is tarnish her legacy... She did not do much really... How frustrating... So it's me against you now...

RUDDY: Well, yes... now it's mano a mano at last, matey... Real bum fight... Nothing of this girly thingy... May the most despicable bloke win! Come closer and I'll whip your lying stupid arse!

GOD (RUPERT) : HEY! This line is not in the script I wrote!...

more poll dancing with splits...


A NEW opinion poll shows the Coalition still on track for an election win.

The poll of 3000 respondents, taken last night, still has the Opposition leading the Government despite a big improvement in the Labor vote.

The Coalition leads 52-48 per cent after preferences.

If that result was repeated at an election, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott would be able to form government with a comfortable majority of about 20 seats.

Mr Rudd is preferred Prime Minister in the 7News Reachtel poll, leading Mr Abbott 52-48 per cent.

Voters were evenly split on the merits of the Labor leadership change with 44 per cent agreeing with the decision to replace Julia Gillard with Mr Rudd, while 42 per cent disagreed.


Read more:


God shall be pleased: It's catholic versus catholic now... with the most tyke-ish leading... Amen...


But another poll calls it very close indeed:

The L-NP primary vote is 43% (down 4%) still clearly ahead of the ALP 38% (up 7.5%). Among the minor parties, Greens support is 8.5% (down 0.5%) and support for Independents/ Others is 10.5% (down 3%).

If a Federal Election were held today, the result would be too close to call according to tonight’s special snap SMS Morgan Poll on Federal voting intention with an Australia-wide cross-section of 2,530 Australian electors aged 18+.

An analysis by Gender tonight shows both genders swinging towards the ALP after Rudd’s return. Women now favour the ALP (51%, up 4%) cf. L-NP (49%, down 4%) on a two party preferred basis while men favour the L-NP (52.5%, down 5.5%) cf. ALP (47.5%, up 5.5%).

Kevin Rudd is also Australia’s preferred PM over Tony Abbott.

As the old man in the street says: "why remember anything... when everything changes...?"


waxing unlyrical...


A certain wax museum, which shall remain nameless to avoid giving them the publicity they desperately crave, placed their waxwork of Australia's first female prime minister among a cabal of witless, witting extras in order to take a few rain-soaked happy snaps. They've then sent them out with the following words:

"Following her dramatic fall from power on Wednesday night, Julia Gillard's wax figure yesterday made her way down to a job centre in Sydney to start looking for a new job. After losing the Labor party leadership ballot to Kevin Rudd on Wednesday night, the former Australian prime minister was seen lining up outside the job centre with a resume in hand, pondering her employment options amongst other job seekers waiting to be served.
"And while Julia Gillard's next calling in life is yet to be decided, she was quoted ahead of the leadership ballot as saying that whoever should lose Wednesday night's election should retire from politics. With that in mind, it seems Julia thought it would be best to head to a nearby job centre to claim some income support while she seeks out other potential careers."

Except, of course, it isn't.
Nor is this political satire nor pointed protest. Let's be clear. This is an effort to make money out of another's misfortune.
Perhaps it's the days and days of rain, the Origin loss, the share-market slide or I just got out of bed on the wrong side, but to me this is just offensive. A wet, waxen slap in the face, which is a visceral image in itself.

This is disrespectful to Julia Gillard and to the office of the prime minister of Australia; it's tacky, tasteless and incredibly short-sighted.
Granted, this is the sort of gesture that on the plus-side would render the making of a wax figurine in the first place a classy move. Yet surely, if you're the managers of a museum that consistently suggests its sculptures are an honour to those captured in wax, it's best not to then use the same sculptures as, at best, caricatures in some surreal real-world political cartoon?
Read more:

Have a good laugh...  Like anything satirical, it's disrespectful... At least the museum might make some opportunistic money out of it... That's the major difference... Cartooning and lampooning is a hard slog... with little reward — except soothing our mind temporarily by massaging our own beliefs....


witch hunting...

Watching – or, more precisely, listening to – Melbourne Theatre Company's production of The Crucible, it's striking how pertinent Arthur Miller's parable of social paranoia remains.

Miller's great tragedy about the Salem witch trials was a response to McCarthyism, the anti-Communist hysteria which gripped the US at the height of the Cold War. Written at the height of his dramatic powers, The Crucible is one of the four great plays in which Miller's ever-present urge towards didacticism is tempered by a passionate fascination with human frailty and contradiction. Here the domestic and the political ignite a volatile engine that drives towards a cathartic revelation of civil and judicial wrong.

Miller's genius in The Crucible is his investigation of social terror as a communal contagion. What fascinated him most of all, a knowledge that the playwright wrote "underlies every word of The Crucible", was the fact that "a political, objective, knowledgeable campaign from the far Right was capable of creating not only a terror, but a new subjective reality". As Miller put it in a note in the play: "The repressions of order seemed heavier than the dangers against which the order was organised".
Those "repressions of order" today include 
the mass public surveillance as revealed by Edward Snowden, and the trials of whistleblowers such as Bradley Manning. Once again, public order is in conflict with private conscience in "a new subjective reality".


Not to mention some misogyny in the ranks...


One thing's for sure... In order to blacken Julia as much as possible, the media has glorified Saint Kev beyond his wildest dreams for the last three years... The flow on effect, despite the merde-och press support for Tony, is that with Kev back in the saddle, the media has to work out new allegiances and not piss in their own pants... How can the media tarnish Rudd after having used him as a glorious foil against Julia?... The media cannot... Thus the public will have to choose between a "forgiving" Super Kev and an idiot Tony... The suspense is killing me... Er... Not quite... But I can't wait to see the Libs shafting their Tony and replacing him with Malcolm the popular debonaire... 

All's well is the best country down under...

saint kev



Gus: Yes Kev... I'm leaning to be forgiving... Bitter and twisted?... Well I've never been bitter in my life... Twisted? That's the curse of the cartoonist...

Note: if the image of this Daily Tele looks a bit wonky-tarty is that I took this picture of this paper outside, after it had spent some time under the weather of a possibly record wet and possibly record warm June...

joe drowns in his own mierda joke...

joe mierda

Whatever John Howard says about the whatever is crap, lies, porkies, myths, deception, whoppers... That's why I cut it out of this picture... We all know that Howard tells crap, lies, porkies, myths, deception and whoppers...

On the other hand, what Joe is say is beyond the pale, even if in jest... Sure, he will apologise, but tell him to sit on a box of tacks as he's damaged his reputation as a "nice guy" in which HIS god is a "nice guy" as in opposition to the vengeful god of the bible... I don't know where these people fish these beliefs but it only demonstrate that Joe is another idiot... not as bad as Tony Abbott, but still a moron... And, as the Libs rally the troops, they should realise by now that their only saviour is going to be Malcolm the debonaire...

don't mention the war...

A Lesson in History by professore Mad Leonisky...

On June 26th, As Julia of Arc was sacrificed as a decoy-canard in the narrow Pas de Calais by her own troops, Winstonkev Ruddhill was preparing for an all assault in Normality down blokey alley... Soon after, Tony Hitlabott was holding a rally in Bankstownberg (actually it was in Mebournberg, commented reliable sources) where the old panzer Howard was paraded as symbol of the rusty decrepit continuum. Scud Pyne whined and whined and whined like an annoying siren about an unfair incoming bombing raid... This is when Joe Himmler of the North Shore saw his chance to tell his "witz" (German for JOKE) about Kokoda time immemorial before the Krieg. Yes, Joe had been magnanimous in not drowning the nasty Ruddhill while being tempted to do so, as he walked the dog on a wet Kokosydney afternoon near the river Quack... The yellow laughter filled the brown bunker and created a red Mexican wave amongst the blue flag bearers, showing that Joe was himself a great "witz", though a very poor Buchhalter.  
Soon after, the "reich" kids (German for "RICH" kids) and the Bergleute were preparing to send workers to the arbeit camps with a revised Arbeit Choices and getting ready to tell the Navy (German for NAVY) to prepare to turn back the Schiffe invasionem... 
But a few small L hopeful believed that, in a secret blockhaus in Vaucluse, Napoleonbull was plotting to unsettle Tony. Napoleonbull was seething... Tony had forced him to be the mouth-piece of a dud nationale Breitbandnetz that would be as slow as buggery (German for BUGGERY — buggery being a term of endearment in Australienspeak)... Unforgivable...
Tony could not use his own family straight away as a propaganda Werkzeug against accusation of making miso genes, since he already had used this karte a while back with his daughters promoting him as a daggy dad... On samstag the 29th, Winston Ruddhill had trumped him on the cover of the Täglich Telegraphic with a grand kid on his knee, a grand kid who —surprise surprise — was a Rotschopf... 
Yes, in the back room of his Druckerpresses, Uncle Ruperdrucker was playing the double Dutch instrument, since his Täglich Telegraphic and his Das Australiens were telling opposite liegend-ish stories...
We all know of course that Uncle Ruperdruken (or whatever), the Ameriken, knew that war sells newspapers... The problem with Julia of Arc was that her battles were bloodless-ish... and done by the buch...
The rest is history zu kommen — and women are back in the kitchen... All's gut (German for GOOD — English for intestine).
With apologies to my German friends, and to all the other offendees.

Gus, as mad as a cut snake, describing a dream... a nightmare, actually... Still sweating...


ducking tony...

Tony Abbott has ducked a challenge to debate Kevin Rudd on the economy.
Asked on Network Ten whether he would accept the prime minister's offer to debate him next week at the National Press Club, Mr Abbott it was more important that Mr Rudd name the election date.
Asked whether he was too scared to debate Mr Rudd he said he debated Mr Rudd every day.
“I mean, Mr Rudd can recall Parliament if he wishes to have a debate. As soon as he names the election date, then the election debate will be in full swing,” he said.

Mr Rudd said Friday he wanted “an open public debate on the question, to start off with, of debt and deficit”.
“Let's have it fully and out in the open at the National Press Club,” he said. “Sometime next week, sometime the following week but let's actually have a debate about the facts.”
Mr Abbott confirmed that the Coalition planned to abolish the carbon tax even if Mr Rudd changed the mechanism from a fixed to floating price as he says he is considering.

Read more:

"Yes, said Tony, I'd debate Kevin Rudd any day except on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday..."

and now further away on the right fringes...

There is a new "politcal party" on the horizon calling itself the 21st Century Party being formed... Its founder/spruiker is a certain fellow called Jamie McIntyre who claims to have been a teacher in charge of 21st century education project in 17 "different" countries... Good one...

Apart from wanting to get rid of Rudd and Abbott (but specially Rudd as I noted his new advertising TV campaign where the word NO and RUDD stuck out like red dogs balls), this party wants to get rid of the States, wants to get rid of compulsory voting and create a Dubai size city in the northwest of Australia — in cyclone country of course — build a fast train (no fast train ever made any money in the world — all are subsided by governments) and other policies that could appear palatable if they were not silly in parts and whole, some being quite eager to destroy the environment...

But the main iffy thing is that there is a long trail of people who claim to have been "conned" by a certain Jamie McIntyre who claims to be an educator and author... Not only this, that same Jamie McIntyre has apparently been also involved with a certain Henry Kaye... Who knows, is it the same Jamie who is starting a new political party?... let me know.


Mind you, most of the policies of this party smell very much like those of the awful IPA (the Institute of Public Affairs) where Chris Berg lives 24/7... I could vaguely guess it's an ultra right-wing diversion in order to siphon votes away from Labor, back into the preferential pocket of Abbott, but that would be cynical... 


und Gott sprach crap...


Rupert Murdoch thinks an Australian national broadband network will be a great thing for his pay TV provider.

But the News Corporation owner said the previous Labor government plan to build a nationwide, high-speed broadband network was ridiculous.

“People think I'm talking from my pocket and Foxtel,” he told Sky News on Sunday.

“In fact, NBN would be great for Foxtel because it would take all those programs into every home.”

But he is worried mobile technology has overtaken the need for the NBN.

Murdoch gave a lengthy interview on Foxtel channel Sky News to mark the 50th anniversary of his company's national newspaper, the Australian.

He defended the paper's strong stance against the Rudd and Gillard governments, saying it was absolutely right.

But he said it was still too early to pass judgment on the Abbott government.

He has met the prime minister, Tony Abbott, three or four times and described him as an admirable, honest and principled man.

“However, how much does he understand the free market and what should be happening?” Mr Murdoch said.

read more but don't trust Uncle Rupe:


Of course, Uncle Rupe is going to say that his protégé, Tony the lying Turd, is an admirable, honest and principled man... Straight away you know that Uncle Rupe is either BLIND, stupid or LYING through his teeth himself.

One Rupert would be telling a huge amount of porkies to defend the growing concocted mess that is now Malcolm's NBN, which if the crunch comes to the crunch, he might sell to Rupert for a song as planned since... well read my articles about it... Yes, I believe Uncle Rupe is prepared to buy into this "second rate technology" the old-hat fibre optics to save us the embarrassment of "owning it — since he claims "mobile technology has overtaken fibre optics". Of course if you know technology, you would have to know that this is a lot of crap... A LOT OF CRAP.