Monday 10th of March 2025

new fascism...

new fascism

Fascism was about boots and all... 

It was designed to inspire a nation into greater things by using the military discipline, gymnastics and industrial achievements... Simple, once you saw the might of your nation proudly walking with panzer divisions, you felt like a million marks — until a million marks could not buy you a carrot... This is still the nationalist style used in North Korea. It can work as long as you don't declare war on anything and keep rounding up suspects...

The new fascism is more sneaky. It has learnt from the mistake of wars fought on home soil, or near by, or those overtly against the whole world ... Some people call the new fascism Neo-Conservatism, but this name is a bit too subdued to quite give the image of a Reich in full flight... Yet Neo-Conservatism is the concept that underpins a more powerful empire-building and bunker maintenance that uses capitalism, as a tool to control the plebs rather than guns, though guns are often used on the margins. As I mentioned before Capitalism is not an ideology. Capitalism is the tool of ideology — a kind of pleasant robbery that soaks us in with blinding comfort and is sanctioned by the ideology of the state...

The professional military of New-Fascism is mostly fighting little wars somewhere else. Whereas the military of fascism was also used to control and motivates its own people, the New-Fascism manages its people with different forms of control: credit, individualism bathed in comfortable mediocrity of understanding and greed. 

The New-Fascism is stealing your will via various means, tricks and manipulations of your needs... and there is little you can do about it, once it's in place.

Unlike the boots and all approach, the structure is complex and everyone becomes a cog in the structure... If you don't participate in the build up, the system does not send you to a concentration camp or a gulag. You simply starve and die, or vegetate on various levels of charity.

You are not free. You are like the dog of the fable.

But strangely, or not so strangely really, the capital of the New-Fascism system always flows from the poor to the rich... The rich could not get rich otherwise... The poor contribute far more to the wealth of the rich than the trickle down effect — the crumbs we're all suppose to accept as benefiting mercies — to the poor. Not only that, we also lose our song in the process. We have to sell our "soul" (I don't believe in soul) to survive.

Capital flows from poor to rich 

The gap is growing in part because of the neoliberal economic policies that international institutions like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have imposed on developing countries over the past few decades. These policies are designed to forcibly liberalise markets, prying them open in order to give multinational corporations unprecedented access to cheap land, resources and labour. But at a serious cost: poor countries have lost around $500bn per year in GDP as a consequence of these policies, according to economist Robert Pollin of the University of Massachusetts.  

Few people know about this constant siphoning of wealth. One reason for this is that the discourse of aid takes up so much space. Consider the enormous publicity captured by Jeffrey Sachs and the Millennium Development Goals, or Bono anAs a result we see a clear net flow of wealth from poor places to rich places. We designed the video to help people visualise this flow, and to show how it pumps up the Global North at devastating expense to the Global South. 

And this is what my European friends are warning me about... They can see from an hemisphere away that the conservatives in Australia, now led by a lying swaggering Tony Abbott, have become fully fledged New-Fascists... No argument. They oppose any form of social compensation. Workers are viewed as commodity not people... People are viewed as consumers, not persons. The New-Fascists use all the tricks in the book, including the religious card.

Apart from god, for them, money is the only other factor that should be cherished at the altar of capitalism... Anything else suffers.. 

At this point in time, in Australia, we have a Labor leader who has chosen to fight against a more powerful entity in the miners, the rich, the excessive capitalists — not so much to stop them being what they are but to stop them oppressing and robbing the community — all for the protection of most people and that of the environment, with proper steps for the future.

Under the constant push by the same (now old) Mr Murdoch who prefers gambling to equality and environment, this country might dice Gillard and replace her with a moronic little despot who has no idea of economic dynamics, who has no idea of science and sees everything in relation to his fascist days at the seminary...

This is where the Sydney Institute and the IPA are in their ultra-fascist elements. From refuting the concept of global warming to removing employment red tape, encouraging slavery of sorts. The praise to Thatcher from Gerard Henderson is hypocritical in its criticism of hypocrisy... 

Presently, the conservative "opposition", led by Tony Abbott, are mostly composed of the same faces that tricked you during the awful Howard years. They were part of that war on Iraq furphy, 

They tried to sell you a worker's contract that would chain you to the kitchen sink or else... and they still are trying to revive this concept behind your back.

They were the ones who — like Tony Abbott sold you a rock solid promise that was not worth the fine dust it was made of after an election — lied about the AWB and children overboard. They twisted the truth far more times than the banana benders in Queensland sell bananas... This site is fully illustrated with their rotten deeds, and now they are preparing themselves to do the same again and make your life shit...

So How do the Neo-Fascist neo-conservatives of the "Liberals (conservatives) would operate?...  

They would simply extract more blood from the poor, everyone would become poorer, except the rich... Those who now live on welfare would end up in prison for stealing a loaf of bread while those who steal the wealth of the nation would be rewarded with more. Meanwhile the earth would not care less — except that more CO2 from the rich burning more carbon-fossil-fuel would end up in the atmosphere, accelerating the process of climate change...

You might be invited to pray to the mighty god and since you are now poorer, the New-Fascist will tell you that you will inherit the earth, so what are you complaining about?


Gus Leonisky


a thousand words...


Artist-Kaya-Mars-Thatcher-Picture from the Guardian 

Thatcher funeral will bring London to halt

the stolen capital...


the stolen capital...
None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use

The notion of “externalities” has become familiar in environmental circles. It refers to costs imposed by businesses that are not paid for by those businesses. For instance, industrial processes can put pollutants in the air that increase public health costs, but the public, not the polluting businesses, picks up the tab. In this way, businesses privatize profits and publicize costs.

While the notion is incredibly useful, especially in folding ecological concerns into economics, I’ve always had my reservations about it. Environmentalists these days love speaking in the language of economics — it makes them sound Serious — but I worry that wrapping this notion in a bloodless technical term tends to have a narcotizing effect. It brings to mind incrementalism: boost a few taxes here, tighten a regulation there, and the industrial juggernaut can keep right on chugging. However, if we take the idea seriously, not just as an accounting phenomenon but as a deep description of current human practices, its implications are positively revolutionary.

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