Monday 24th of February 2025

the closet misogynists...


I could be wrong but I finally have come to a conclusion that astonishes me, myself and my reflection in the mirror: Like Abbott, Mike Carlton is a closet misogynist...


What is a closet misogynist? Well, in my book, it's not a man (or a woman) who hates ALL women... Actually some of them such as Abbott like women... A closet misogynist is someone who hates women who are basically cleverer than they are... That is a hard one for them to take. 

Many men are part of men's boys clubs. Old school ties. Abbott and Mike Carlton are two of them, though Carlton may claim he has exorcised the school ties out of his system by wearing opened shirt and leather jackets. Sure, Mike has become a latte-socialist though coming from a private school system, but his is a traditional socialism in which women never reach higher echelons because the world is to be ruled by men... It's a subconscious process. It's like the Catholic church... It's not deliberate. He may not be aware of it, but after years of being immersed in the mate's fraternity, it becomes like an unwritten rule... Mike is threatened by clever women. I understand this, Mike...

Clever women act and think slightly differently to men, though the agenda may be the same or dare I say, superior... They use slightly different processes, discreet tricks and side-ladders to get things done... Old men and devious men resent this. A woman who achieves more than they ever did? Bugger that!... It hurts. Women in history who have achieved considerably more than present male might get a guernsey and a teary toast with a raised glass of beer, but the contemporary women won't get any credit... They are viewed like Joan of Arc was seen by the King — a king who liked women at his feet or under his regal weight — but the king resented the woman winning his battle... He got her burned to a crisp.

This is Mike Carlton, the prince of a small talk-back province, though he hates the emperor, Alan Jones... All of this is a battle between men, between walruses with big blubbery egos... When the woman comes in, the men, though rivals, conspire without knowing they are doing it to destroy her eminence... Politics is the male turf by excellence, where the dick-jokes can flow freely in private... 

A woman comes in and all becomes too serious... The room is quiet, Men live in slight fear... We don't want to be lectured by our mum once more... We are grown men... But deep in our heart, we still have that child who crapped on the floor or broke the vase.... It was an accident, but we resent being shown or reprimanded — or just being stared at, as if the next time we goof, we cop it...

Though the woman in charge is not reprimanding us, we feel inadequately challenged.... 

This seems to represent Mike Carlton to a tee. He may not have resolved some of these issues thus he hates Gillard... He will go around in various explanatory underpants to plead that he's right when he has become stupid. 

For example Carlton harps on about "Raising the Titanic" and blah blah blah... in regard to the government "giving Disney some money"... As people who read my columns here would know, I used to produce stuff for the American TV industry from Australia... Then the Aussie Dollar reached stratospheric altitude compared to the US dollar and the business tanked. Boom. I understood that... I changed tack. But I stopped employing many people who did good work here. End of story. Now the predictable Carlton rant is to give the money that the government is pledging to Disney (no deal yet) to buy MRI machines (made overseas for profit) for whatever hospitals (you are allowed to be tear-jerked while placing your charitable hand on your heart)...

If ones knows the medical industry, I do, and one can have too may procedures for an ingrown toenail or get a life-saving vegetable outlook of life...

Anyway my bitch is not about the medical industry that does a great job — and I might need it in my years that are advancing, who knows, but about Carlton complaining about the government giving Disney some dosh...

You mean we should give it to make "real" Aussie movies? Hey Mike? Have you read a good Aussie movie script lately that does not involved mullets, lawn bowls or sexual perversion?... And I mean a GOOD script? You know, one that is more than just "a good idea"? A script with development, rigourous timing and a story-line that makes sense without being "too long"? A script that is more than a string of vignettes-verité that leave you leaving the cinema wondering what was this about?...

Giving money to Disney is a sweetener to counteract the effect of the Aussie dollar (which is high because, guess what, the economy is doing well). It's like an official "bribe" (like a subsidy the yanks give to their sugar plantations) for a project that will provide jobs for around 2000 people in the film industry in this country. Is this so bad? I know this could create a shortage of waiters for the cafes in Newtown, but what the heck? And if the project tanks at the box office, so be it... If the project makes money, there could be some smart return for the government...

So, Mike, why don't you spend your energy attacking the mining industry that tonight is advertising that miners give Australia a whopping 20 billions dollars in royalties and taxes...? And the miners think that's more than their fair share... the cads! Hello? Why don't you attack them for robbing this country blind. The mining industry should pay at least $30 billion more for selling the crap that belong to you and us, making huge motzas out of it, mostly money going overseas... And they are complaining about forking out a piddly $20 billion? Piddly? The world debt to itself is about $120 trillion and this wonky set up is always on the verge of massive catastrophe with derivative bets being more than ten times that much.

Why don't you praise Julia for having been the only successful PM who managed to understand global warming and implement a progressive carbon tax for this country instead of clamouring that the ALP has lost its mojo in regard to the superannuation industry?... When will you acknowledge that on this issue, the only ALP PRE-discontentment came from your mates, the old men like Crean and the Ruddites who still can't accept Julia as their boss... They are a bunch of sore losers who think that by attacking Julia they might gain a few more votes — the idiots... The sad part is that they know better, but their closet misogyny takes the better of them...

So Mike, why don't you fight to the death to make sure the idiot son Abbott is not going to be head idiot in Canberra, instead of opening the door for him as a fait accompli...? Come on fight him, make him loose his cool...Ah, you cannot do that ... because you would have to accept Julia as the boss of this country and you cannot cope with that.. can you, you the closet misogynist bloke, with the private school male prejudices still deep within you...

Wake up from your moronification... if I put this mildly...

I nearly forgot, why don't you relentlessly pick on Bazza/Packer's idiotic casino? Why don't you pick on Bazza for increasing the "safety" road budget by a piddly $7 millions?.. Yep, just enough to build five metres of expressway and fill two and a half pot holes in Double Bay... or install 35 new speed cameras... Brilliant!

Mike's rave can be read here but I don't recommend it... 

Gus Leonisky

abbott — an economic simpleton...


Finance Minister Penny Wong has labelled Opposition Leader Tony Abbott a "one-man wrecking ball" for comparing the government's superannuation changes with the crisis in Cyprus.

Senator Wong joined Prime Minister Julia Gillard in attacking Mr Abbott over comments he made last week, when he said "every time a government raids people's funds, there are shades of Cyprus about it".

On Friday, the government announced a series of superannuation reforms including a 15 per cent tax on superannuation earnings over $100,000, a measure it says will affect only 16,000 high-income earners.

Senator Wong said Mr Abbott "behaves as a one-man wrecking ball".

"This is a man who wants to be the prime minister of the country, making economically reckless statements," she told Sky News on Sunday morning.

"For all my criticisms of (John) Howard and (Peter) Costello, can you imagine John Howard trying to damage confidence in the economy and in superannuation to make a political point?"

Speaking from a business forum in China, Ms Gillard said the opposition leader was an "economic simpleton", and the comments "a crazy statement that no person of reason could make".

The government's superannuation measures will save more than $10 billion over the next decade, when combined with an already announced increase to the contributions tax rate for those earning more than $300,000.

As part of the changes, concessional contributions caps will also be increased for the over 60s from $25,000 to $35,000.


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And while writing about Disney (see top story) I beg Mike Carlton to at least recognise that Julia Gillard is far more serene, more efficient and carries a honest smile compared to the rat bag Abbott...


Trying to be everything for everyone while being dishonest like a fake-watch salesman, Abbott always pulls various faces like those seven dwarves, each sitting on a cactus while eating a lemon slice, in that famous Disney Snow White movie...


Perfect equality. Perfect. Equality....



‘Destroying the Joint’

“Do you want to know how God turns a man into a feminist?” asked Margie Abbott, addressing a business gathering in Penrith (the God-struck man in question being her husband, the federal Opposition leader). “He gives him three daughters.”
I don’t believe it. My father dismissed women as sluts, nags, idiots and upstarts – all except me, whom he loved to the stars. How can it be that a man feels no contradiction between the rancour he bears women in general (and uppity women in particular) and a wish for his own daughter to have every opportunity? All I know is that the siring of daughters is no inoculation against misogyny.
Misogyny exerts a force on all our lives: girls to women, boys to men. Whether we mark it or not, it marks us. Yet unlike its vassal, sexism, only rarely is misogyny called out. Before Julia Gillard’s spray in parliament last October, the word itself had long been relegated to the language of extremism: only a tabloid “man-hater” would talk of woman-hating. Since Gillard spoke its name, misogyny – the word and its meaning – has been drawn from the shadow into the light, from the margin to the mainstream.
Perfect equality. Perfect. Equality. I could stare at those words all day and still fail to see how they fit together in the context of women and men. But they remind me of something. When Alan Jones prefaced his “destroying the joint” remark with a quote from Julia Gillard’s Rarotonga speech (or, more likely, from the Australian’s report of it), he omitted two key words. What Gillard said was: “We know that societies only reach their full potential if women are politically participating as equals.” Two words too many for Mr Jones.
The birth of the Destroy the Joint movement pre-dated by about seven weeks the prime minister’s misogyny speech. It’s not outlandish to imagine that the movement’s existence, the conversation it had started, may have strengthened her hand. Whatever you think of Gillard’s speech – of its motives and sincerity – it will stand as a landmark: the breaking of a taboo, a marker of change.
“Progressives,” writes Penny Wong in Destroying the Joint, “are always on the lookout for signs of change … The hashtag destroyingthejoint signalled enough … an underlying frustration with our society’s dominant voice that erupted in an online roar of ‘You don’t speak for me!’”
Read more :
Read more here as well:
GUS: Let me say here that perfect equality between men and women will never happen as long as religion, in whatever format, dictates the rules the roost... See story and toon at top in regard to "closet misogynists"...


Clenching your fist could be enough to help you get a grip on your memory.

Research suggests that balling up the right hand and squeezing it tightly actually makes it easier to memorise lists.

Later, when it is time to retrieve the information, it is the left hand that should be clenched.

It is thought the movements activate brain regions key to the storing and recall of memories.

The American researchers suggest those who are short of  a pen and paper should try the trick when attempting to commit a shopping list or phone number to memory.

In the study, volunteers  were given a rubber ball and asked to squeeze it as hard as possible before trying to memorise a list of 72 words. 

They squeezed the ball again a  couple of minutes later, ahead of recollecting as many of the words as possible.

Read more: 

Very interesting... I believe that clenching both fists at the same time actually erase any memory of punching a wall either side of a woman's face... Now we know why Tony CANNOT remember...


the battle of the dinosaurs...


On and on it went, pretty much as I had expected. Quite a few of the points I had made were ignored or glossed over. But should I be dissatisfied with the response, I could pursue the matter with the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Honestly, I couldn't be bothered. I still think the program was rubbish, a travesty, far below the standards of journalism I was taught to observe when I worked at the ABC.

Shame, that. But maybe they'll try harder in future.


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Ah Mike, with the rubbish you write these days, how can you call yourself a journalist, or don't you these days... You have been relegated to the sideline, the entertainment columns, nothing investigative — all quips, barbs, fluff and nasty opinions... At least, in that program, Hadley had the decency to acknowledge he was a bit of a dinosaur... It's about time you recognise you belong in the same museum for extinct species... No balls... not being bothered... Why? Because in all honesty I guess you know you have not got a leg to stand on, like a dead dodo...

See toon and read article at top...

yes, mike, most likely — and you helped...


So, are we the people really going to elect a liar to The Lodge today? It seems we are. Every opinion poll predicts a thumping win for the Coalition. We will have a liar as our prime minister for at least the next three years.
Tony Abbott, remember, famously told the independent MP Tony Windsor in 2010 that he would do anything but sell his arse to get the job. And so he has. These are his three biggest porkies, in no particular order:

Abbott is plainly relying on short memories, and has amplified the lie. 

"This is the worst government in our history." No it's not. That title goes to the Tories, probably to the Menzies coalition of 1939-41, a minority government which collapsed - in wartime - after an orgy of internal treachery and backstabbing.
Other contenders would include John Gorton's government of 1968-71, which also tore itself to pieces, in a fight to the death between Gorton and his defence minister Malcolm Fraser. The next Liberal prime minister, Billy McMahon, was virtually laughed out of office in 1972.

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Dear Mike
Had prime Minister Rudd and his coterie of old men — including Murdoch who obviously was going to turn against him (what did you expect?) — not undermined the previous Prime Minister Julia Gillard, had Labor worked in harmony as it could and should have, that liar of a little shit Abbott would not have been able to get a freckle of a foothold... I suspect you and him are both closet misogynists and possibly in your case, you were told porkies by your old male mates in the Labor party and in the press. But "c'est la vie" as one of the doctors said in the Tardis...
We have no choice but to fight the Murdoch machine... Business has not been doing too bad out of the Labor government but now business wants to crap on workers and hoard the loot all to itself.
The major problem coming our way at a giant snail pace is global warming.  Sydney's September averages are 20.5 degrees Celsius for the maximum and 10.5 degrees Celsius for the minimum... the beginning of September has been spectacular at least 5 degrees above average and it's likely to continue for a week... So far this year has been the hottest in Australia since records began and possibly the hottest for the last 6 million years.
You may have noticed.

I don't really care if business wants to enslave people by various means, including more draconian comforts and chains of credit. But Abbott-the-Iddiott and his business mates do not care one iota about the planet — the only one we have got. They only lust after what they can steal from the planet, not what the planet can give... And the planet will give us global warming... Not because it wants to "punish" us, but because that is the balancing equation of matter on its surface since 4.6 billion years ago... Despite many changes, realignments and variations, more CO2 in the atmosphere means more heat. It is a quite complicated loop but in a nutshell that's the way it works... Capitalistic business is designed not to care about the planet and hell-bent on releasing CO2 beyond belief. So it's going to get hot... Some business people welcome more heat: what's a couple of degrees extra between friends when you can tweak the air conditioning?... But if you have followed my articles on this site, we are looking at 15 degrees Celsius EXTRA down the barrel by 2250... and climbing...

There is this movie called Elysium about to hit the screens in town... I believe the plot has similarities to that of an opera I plotted in the 1980s... There I had a split between the rich and the poor to the point that eventually the rich and the poor were unable to interbreed due to genetic differences and there was of course an impossible love story between a rich kid who had awaken to the terrible things the rich had done to the toilers, the daughter of whom he had fallen in love with. But not only the rich and the poor could not have inter-offsprings, the rich offsprings were getting dumber and dumber as the need for genetic supplementation was not fulfilled by medical advancements anymore.... But that was fiction...

The reality is that global warming is real and coming at us much faster than told to us by scientists — who by the way are going to be hit for six by Tony and his henchmen... SAD, STUPID, SORDID... But that is what happened, what is happening and will happen...

Have a good day...

See toon and story at top...


"manning" the barricades...

As expected, Tony has made sure no woman of substance is part of his cabinet... The one woman that he has picked is a predictable choice. He can't shaft the WA libs (Conservatives) and to say the least, I don't think Julie Bishop is a threat to Tony... The others women in the Lib camp could be. No one knows... Some woman could argue with Tony about something he's doing wrong, which he invariable does, and he would not like that... Tony knows he can have his ways with Julie. She is an admirer... The other woman of note but not in the cabinet is Bronwyn... Every one loves Bronwyn because she often says sweet silly "keroseny" things, though I will take a couple of marks for standing in front of those awful Liberal posters about Julia. 

Nothing new. Tony is a full-blown closet misogynist. He feels threatened by clever women. He loves those who may argue with him like new pups biting his hand but without challenging his "authority" or manhood... Australia has gone backwards 45 years or whatever... Welcome back, 1966...

See toon and story at top...

just shut up...?


The bricks were still dropping from that lot when Nicola Roxon, the former attorney-general, used Wednesday's John Button lecture in Melbourne to unload on the "bastard" Kevin Rudd. Almost in tandem, yet another Labor ex-heroine, Maxine McKew, denounced some of Rudd's policies at the last election as cruel, perverse and idiotic. The internecine warfare rages on.

Time, I think, for some helpful advice. JUST SHUT UP. The rest of us are not the faintest bit interested in this numbingly tedious Labor navel-gazing and poring over the reeking entrails. The hatreds, the fear and loathing, are not our problem. The people view this bloodletting with contempt, and rightly so.


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It's not as if Mike did not try to rubbish Julia in his own time with patronising ways... Yep everyone should shut up and should have shut up — especially Rudd when he was on the back bench but he could not stop himself, could he....?


And did you enjoy the navy jaunt, Mike?

misogyny in italy...


ROME: Eight women appointed as ministers in Italy's new government have faced criticism over their dress sense, with one stylist urging them to give Giorgio Armani a call.

Matteo Renzi, the country's new prime minister, named the women, including Marianna Madia, 33, who is eight months pregnant, in his 16-strong cabinet at the weekend. But instead of hailing the appointments as a breakthrough for gender equality, the Italian press has been dominated by catcalls aimed at the clothes the ministers wore to the swearing-in ceremony.

The electric blue trouser suit worn by Maria Elena Boschi, 33, the new minister for reform, gained particular attention. It was described by Corriere della Sera as a colour "unknown in nature". La Stampa likened the blue to that worn by "a Marvel superhero like Captain America", adding that her trousers were so tight that when she bent over to sign in as minister "many were reminded of Pippa Middleton's silhouette".

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One has to say here that the Italian press is mostly under the control of Silvio Berlusconi, the Uncle Rupe of Italy... So what do we expect?... Nothing more than misogyny at full bore...


an unreconstructed misogynic feminist tom cat...


Prime minister Tony Abbott says women have smashed just about every glass ceiling in Australia referencing female premiers and former prime minister Julia Gillard as examples.

In an address to an International Women’s Day breakfast in which he compared himself to former American president Richard Nixon, Abbott said his wife quipped having three daughters helped turn an “unreconstructed bloke into a feminist”.

“Anyone who is in Australian has won the lottery of life and if you look at our country and the deal that it gives to women; it is obviously pretty good. It wasn’t so long ago as a Sydneysider that there was a female lord mayor, a female premier, a female prime minister, a female head of state in our governor general, a female monarch, obviously, and indeed the richest person in our country was female,” he said.

“So, this is a nation which has smashed just about every glass ceiling, but we need to do more – we need to do more.”


Yes we know, Tony has tried hard to make himself pass as a femme fatal recently...I mean fatale. For years he was a bloke with testosteroned budgies and masculine views about the way women should operate a kitchen and a laundry, now he is a contrite "self" revisionist. The way he and his cohort of idiots treated Julia Gillard can tell you of what he really thinks of women... But he needs your vote... so he plays the pussy cat card...

If I were a woman, I would be very worried... I got in my head this image, too gory to make a cartoon, of a Tony with an ice pick breaking the glass ceiling from above smashing the heads of women below it at the same time...

If you believe a word from Tony, you need your head examined... He MADE SURE TO GET RID OF ALL THE FEMALES IN CHARGE...


sexist tony...

The Sydney Morning Herald
Liberal senator Sue Boyce slams Abbott 'sexism' Political News

June 22, 2014

Prime Minister Tony Abbott is ''a sexist'' and the Coalition has been ''dog whistling'' with its asylum seeker policies, says retiring Liberal senator Sue Boyce in an extraordinary exit interview.

Reflecting on her career in Parliament - she retires at the end of June - Senator Boyce said she thought Julia Gillard's famous misogyny speech was ''powerful'' and, for Ms Gillard's purposes, ''a brilliant speech''. But she thought the former prime minister had used the wrong word to describe Mr Abbott.

''I think it would have been more accurate if she had called him a sexist,'' she said.

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Closet misogynist is the way I find it best to explain... Often, Tony will be "sexist" to women (misogynist, because he does not like women who are more "powerful" or more intelligent than him) and Sometimes Tony can be "charming" to women.