Monday 10th of March 2025

comparing values....

cash values

In August when Tony Abbott launches the Coalition's campaign for the September 14 federal election, he could start as follows: "And the first pledge I now make, a commitment which embraces every other undertaking, is that everything we do as a government will have the one great goal - to reunite this great community of ours, to bring out the best we are truly capable of, together as a nation, and bring Australia together to win our way through the crisis into which the policies of the past and the men of the past have plunged our country."


This hypocrite of an advice, especially when Tony has been the most negative divisive rat bag since the time he came into parliament (he even divides the Liberal Party) comes from someone at the IPA, that ultra-right wing think tank, where freedom to shove a stick up your butt is paramount...

I have thus adapted the rest of this IPA speil below, to suit Julia who, to say the least, has been consistently magnanimous and confident... against the odds and against relentless attacks from Tony Crappy who had the help of Uncle Rupe...:




Julia should remind the Australian public on how Tony Abbott cultivated "the politics of division", and "the politics of confrontation, which poisoned the very wellsprings of the national life, the true, decent, Australian way of life".

If Julia use these lines, she would of course be quoting Bob Hawke, near verbatim, when 30 years ago Hawke as the new Labor leader launched the ALP's 1983 federal election campaign.

As she says this, Julia would bury class warfare once and for all, though the silvertails would cry in their porridge. She will help self-funded retirees with more than $20 million in their superannuation accounts be more aware of the common good. She will carry on supporting key industries, like Holden. And she will promise never to use any person's gender against them, as she always have — except for Mr Misogynist himself.


It's a measure of how much the political landscape has changed to when Hawke was in politics to how Prime Minister Julia Gillard is pushing on. More confidence sums up the difference between the two.

Hawke was confident enough in his own abilities and his own policies to go after 50-plus-1 per cent of the vote. There wasn't a vote Hawke did not believe he couldn't get. There wasn't a person, a trade union delegate, or a business boss that Hawke didn't think he could persuade of the merits of his argument.

And so does Julia, despite a very nasty toxic press led by the joker, Mr Murdoch, and a rabid negative Abbott trying to always upskirt her, every time parliament sits, with useless no-confidence motions (265 so far?).

So confident was Hawke in his ability to get people to agree with him that the last thing he would have wanted was to permanently alienate key segments of the community. Julia has never wanted to do so either, except she has sought to contain the ugly rot from the fourth estate, the media, an entity that is more toxic than a sewer in Bohpal...


The modern-day Labor Party should have no qualms about declaring some people need to have a reality check, for example, anyone that is carbon "polluter", a mining entrepreneur who wants to employ people for less than 2 dollars a day, or many of the cossetted silvertails, with cash spirited away in tax havens — those rich bastards on Sydney's North Shore who are not in touch with poorer families, singles nor gays .

The Prime Minister and her Treasurer know to persuade anyone of the worth of good. They are shoring up the ALP's core vote of 30 per cent of the electorate as well as making sure the trade union movement is vibrant and protects workers right... The Treasurer would recognise it has been easy to talk about the economy or the budget with confidence when basically he has kept this country on an even keel with growth, while the rest of the world economies have tanked badly.


It takes confidence like that of Julia to be inclusive. Magnanimity is a product of confidence. When someone goes looking for enemies (real or imagined), it's usually because they're scared, or paranoid, or both — like Abbott, always looking for a fight... The federal Liberal (conservative) party led by Abbott appears to believe a person is judged by his or her enemies - not his or her friends, because they don't have many, apart from Jesus Christ and Santa Claus, whom the court for presies at Christmas.

Julia knows best. Despite the conservative idiots throwing everything at her, she has shown extraordinary resilience, courage and a serenity that keep pissing them off...



a bald archy moment....

Melbourne artist Warren Lane has won the $7500 Bald Archy first prize with The Banquet of Gina and Ginia, a painting that depicts the mining billionaire eating chocolate cake as her favoured daughter looks on.
A portrait of Australia's richest person was always likely to win the satirical portrait prize on numbers alone. The mining magnate was the most popular subject, featuring in eight entries.
Lane, who painted a rolled-up copy of The Age newspaper in the artwork - a reference to Rinehart's purchase of Fairfax Media shares - modelled the portrait on 17th century Dutch painter Jan Victors' The Banquet of Esther and Ahasuerus.

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