Wednesday 15th of January 2025

parliament, liberal (conservative) style...


moving on but standing still...

The Coalition is using the final parliamentary sitting week of the year to continue its pursuit of the matter, and last night manager of Opposition business Christopher Pyne told Lateline the transcript raised more questions for the PM.

"We don't know yet, because she won't tell us, whether she did or didn't sign a letter to the Western Australian Corporate Affairs Commissioner attesting to its bona fides," he said.

"Now if she did do that, then she made an offence to the Western Australian Corporate Affairs Commissioner and we need a straight answer from her.

"If she didn't write the letter, why doesn't she just say, 'No, I didn't write the letter', and then we can all move on, which is what we desperately all want to do."

yes it's time to move on... And as Minister Craig Emerson explained in detail this morning on the Fran Kelly show, Julia Gillard did NOTHING WRONG... End of story. It's only the mad barking mob of warmongers, all mobster members of  the lying John Howard, who don't want to let go... On this last day of parliament for the year one would have to reflect on the real advances made by the Gillard government including ocean parks, the murray darling, the carbon tax and others — despite a few doozies, such as asylum seekers. But be patient....

Meanwhile if one remembers the Howard years of crap, some people are now making noises about the illegality of the Iraq war... which it was, illegal... and someone should also shake the boots of Abbott on the attempted destruction of medicare and his part in the AWB scandal... plus his lack of heart towards the dying Bernie Banton... when Tony was "Health Minister"... Shocking!!!!

Julia shrugs off the attacks...


Here are the key points on the story this morning:

  • Julia Gillard helped establish the Australian Workers' Union (AWU) Workplace Reform Association while working as a lawyer for Slater & Gordon in the early 1990s.
  • The PM says she believed the association would be used for legitimate purposes, but it was later used as a union slush fund by her then-boyfriend, AWU official Bruce Wilson.
  • Newly released transcripts from Slater & Gordon show Ms Gillard wrote to the West Australian Corporate Affairs Commission to argue for the association's incorporation in WA, rejecting concerns it was "ineligible" because it might be a trade union.
  • Asked in Parliament on Monday whether she had written to the WA Commissioner for Corporate Affairs to vouch for the association's legitimacy, Ms Gillard replied: "The claim has been made but no correspondence has ever been produced."

11:10am: Julia Gillard shrugged off the attacks this morning, instead introducing the NDIS legislation into Parliament.

The NDIS?... The national disability insurance scheme?... One of the most important piece of legislation for many people in need?... And the opposition wallops in concocted muck, with no evidence ever produced, and unsubstantiated innuendos... The Iraq war in which these Liberal were involved up to their neck killed many people, displaced many people and these Liberals (conservatives) think they have the high moral grounds?...

They are a bunch of nasty idiots...

Julie Bishop, Tony Abbott, Christopher Pyne and George Brandis should resign for not taking this country seriously and only be interested in what comes out of their arse...


truckloads of lies from Jeff Kennett...


Former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett said the latest revelations called for a judicial inquiry.

"I am going to suggest here and now that the Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition ought to appoint a judge to hold a quick judicial inquiry in a matter of weeks..." Kennett told 3AW radio.

"This issue has stopped the government from governing at a critical time when it needs to govern."


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NOTHING HAS STOPPED THE GOVERNMENT GOVERNING... Mind you, this concocted issue HAS stopped the opposition from being relevant, for sure...

Even today, the introduction of the NDIS By Julia Gillard, Prime Minister, is the continuation of many government initiatives already introduced. It shows Jeff Kennett is lying when he says  that "This issue has stopped the government from governing at a critical time when it needs to govern."...  What a lot of rubbish!

tony detritus, the misleader...

WATCHING ABC Breakfast on television this morning, one could have been sure that today was the day Prime Minister Julia Gillard would fall on her sword over her alleged actions at Slater and Gordon 17 years ago.

In succession, we had Tony Abbott trotting out the line that actions by Julia Gillard “would appear to be in breach of the law” by apparently sending a letter over 20 years ago to the WA Corporate Affairs Commission so say an entity set up for people associated with the AWU was a non-union entity — even though it appears it was a completely 100 per cent accurate statement.

This is the same Tony Abbott who outright lied to the ABC about setting up a slush fund to bring down Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party, mind you.

“Misleading the ABC is not quite the same as misleading the Parliament as a political crime,” was how Abbott excused himself when under scrutiny over the tawdry affair in 2003.

is there any decent liberals (conservatives) left?

After having seen the hoopla of question time today (29 November 2012) one can ask the simple question: Is there any decent Liberal (conservative) person left in Canberra? The answer of course is No... A simple No. Peta Credin would tell Abbott to say NO anyway. All the Liberals (conservatives) have deserted their moral low grounds to sink into putrid swamps —all led by Tony Abbott, Julie Bishop, Christopher Pyne and that annoying whine, Brandis, who may have knowledge of the law but rarely shows any of it... It seems that the gutter was not good enough any more for the Libs (conservatives)... They now want to do their business, drop their trousers and defecate, directly into their sewage ponds. 

Is this what Australian people deserve?... At least Julia has not indulge in smearing Tony with his own dubious past, except chastising him for being such a gnarly vicious little dog... As the economy is still booming "despite the Labor Government" and business confidence grows (today's data) as usual the "business lobby" warns us that it can't last... Idiots.! See the Aussie trends despite the rest of the world being in the doldrums... 

Gus Leonisky


are there any decent canberranean journalists left?

Even Michelle Grattan fails to see that the battle of will in Canberra should be the battle of real skills. Abbott has no skills. None whatsoever. Plenty of muck in his muck sack and plenty of will to throw it. That's it. Sorry I forgot: Abbott's main skill is to throw muck and to lead other stupid mugs to do the same. Apart from that Tony has shown time and time again he is a nasty little man prepared to do a mongrel's growling work — barking in a crummy Steptoe car "rebirthing" backyard... Remember Bernie Banton... Remember Tony's rock solid promises on Medicare, remember his slush fund to destroy Pauline Hanson, the philosophy of whom was then hijacked by Tony's boss, John Howard.. And there are plenty more of Tony's crap to pick from... including his association with Pell, whom he recently dropped like a wet sock when the pedophilia issue became a bit too hot... Should we mention his speech on parliament house steps where "he failed to see the HUGE signs were offensive to the Prime Minister"...

So, the tactic used is simple. Throw as much muck-and-muck until a "majority" of people and most journos throw the towel and paint Julia as bad as Tony... or Julia as bad as Julie... or Julia as bad as Julia...

I will wet myself here and say in this case it is mostly a sociopathic female tactic (sorry to be misogynic here)... I have seen it too often. As mentioned before, we're all sociopathic to a point, but some people are far more than others and it dominates their modus operandi.

When some female (males too to a lesser extent — personal non-scientific observations) are incompetent but ambitious, or able to pull strings beyond their level of competency (thus they often get the supervisor plumb job by deceit), they will try hard to bring down their own successful female colleague or employees (those with less "ambitions") to their mediocre level with sneaky tactics I cannot fully disclose here... But I can say though they will rubbish "feminism" while "embracing it", and at the same time may throw themselves at the bosses to whom the would discreetly rubbish their efficient colleagues (who they see as a threat should the bosses discover who is really doing the job) and often too, they will claim the cudos for their colleagues' (or employees') work...


Thus in his constant relentless attack on Julia, are we seeing Tony's sociopathic female side?... You be the judge... It's idiotic nonetheless.


The tactic to rubbish is especially successful with the North Shore ladies.... who end up fed up with the lot of them (because their idol Abbott or Julie Bishop isn't gaining favour BUT THEY STILL WILL VOTE FOR THEM) and they — all politicians — appear having fallen from the back of a rubbish truck and be uninterested in the "real' issues... So the "ladies" place their hand on their heart and put the whole lot in the same basket, when the reality is the rubbish has been a one way traffic:



PM and Bishop are giving women a terrible name
As an Australian woman I feel ashamed to be tarred with the same brush as Julia Gillard and Julie Bishop. Their unedifying diatribes filled with hatred and abuse shouted across the floor of Parliament that are reported in the media ad infinitum are an anathema to most Australian women. Is this what the suffragettes fought for, were abused, assaulted, force-fed, reviled for, so that these two women in two of the top roles in Australia could behave like caterwauling fishwives?
Meanwhile, in the real world, there are homeless women and their children sleeping on the streets or in refuges. Women are still suffering domestic violence, sexual abuse and workplace bullying. They are still the main carers for disabled children and elderly parents. Women are going back to work, some as soon as six weeks after giving birth, often not for job satisfaction but because of financial necessity. Women in Australia are still having their genitalia butchered in the name of religion.
And what do the Gillard and Bishop do about these problems? Absolutely nothing. They are too busy abusing one another. For many of us who rejoiced that Australia had a woman prime minister, the joy has long gone, replaced with disbelief, sorrow and shame. What an example to young women of today - lying, screamed verbal abuse, putting down of other women, denying the truth - the list is endless.
Thank goodness, though, we do have so many freedoms the suffragettes fought so hard for, so I am able to choose not to watch the televised shouting matches, not to read of the performances and to turn off the radio. At least we can still be so proud of the women who generations back fought for our freedom. I wonder if they are turning over in their graves.
Margaret-Anne Hayes Turramurra

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No, Ma'am... 


If you feel tarred with the same brush as Julia and Julie you should be prepared to blame Julie and Tony, exclusively... Come on! Become aware!... Why has Julia Gillard been forced to defend herself in a manner which she actually despises? Despite what anyone else wants to think, Julia has tons more of quiet decorum and skills than Tony and Julie will ever have. You may not, and we may not, like some of Julia's policies — but Julia is trying hard to change the women landscape you talk about in your good letter (apart from placing everyone in the same basket-case)... Yes Julia wants to improve the lot of women (I know her influential circle very well), but in a world in which most of the laws have been manufactured by old men for old men, it's not as easy as it looks..


And some women, like Julie Bishop, will do everything they can to make Julia Gillard fail. Julia Gillard is a "feminist" through and through, don't be fooled by Tony's and Julie's calculated madness.


In the end, your (and that of too many stupid journos) conclusive perception to place Julia in the same basket as Julie and Tony is EXACTLY what the main liberal (conservative) tactic is about... It's about falsifying the view. It's the same tactic used to mislead people on the Climate Change issue... The science of global warming is clear, but some politicians and most of the journalists want biffo.


Julia does not want biffo and this has been clear from day one (even in "her" take-over of Rudd's position — which Rudd knew he would loose near 100 per cent should it had gone to a vote) and this should be clear to anyone... She works hard to make sure consensus develops organically, with a bit of discreet shove and push — but this is what the Liberals (conservatives) hate... Julia is successful. Even if some of the good policies have been diluted, at least the foot is inside the door.


This is what most journos, (including I suspect Michelle Grattan otherwise she would not be doing such fence sitting) — Journos who have turned into commentators and falied sleuth rather than being journalists — hate too... because these journomaniacs have been predicting the demise of this government from day one and the government has achieved more in the right direction than the regressive, economically lazy and warring (Iraq, Afghanistan) government of John Howard.

Sure on some issues, there is too much to do, especially the vexing issue of asylum seekers. Julia had a solution that would have stopped the boats in their track and be generous to some asylum seekers at the same time, in return. The other solution to this difficult problem would be for the government to organise transport rather than leave it to profiteering leaky boats operators. But not so strangely this would be unacceptable to most Australian despite a majority of "bleeding hearts' towards these poor wretched people... So we are prepared to let them drown on the way here and those who survive, our "heart bleed for them"... We're nuts... 



Tony Abbott is an dangerous idiot... and a liar... and not fit to be in parliament. The people of Warringah should be ashamed of voting for him.

16 Quotes From Tony Abbott to Remind You Why He Shouldn’t Be Prime Minister

On immigration:

1. ‘Jesus knew that there was a place for everything and it’s not necessarily everyone’s place to come to Australia.’

2. ‘These people aren’t so much seeking asylum, they’re seeking permanent residency. If they were happy with temporary protection visas, then they might be able to argue better that they were asylum seekers’

On rights at work:

3. ‘If we’re honest, most of us would accept that a bad boss is a little bit like a bad father or a bad husband … you find that he tends to do more good than harm. He might be a bad boss but at least he’s employing someone while he is in fact a boss.’

On women:

4. ‘The problem with the Australian practice of abortion is that an objectively grave matter has been reduced to a question of the mother’s convenience.’

5. ‘I think it would be folly to expect that women will ever dominate or even approach equal representation in a large number of areas simply because their aptitudes, abilities and interests are different for physiological reasons’

6. ‘I think there does need to be give and take on both sides, and this idea that sex is kind of a woman’s right to absolutely withhold, just as the idea that sex is a man’s right to demand I think they are both they both need to be moderated, so to speak’

7. ‘What the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing is that if they get it done commercially it’s going to go up in price and their own power bills when they switch the iron on are going to go up, every year…’

On Julia Gillard:

8. ‘Gillard won’t lie down and die’

On climate change:

9. ‘Climate change is absolute crap’

10. ‘If you want to put a price on carbon why not just do it with a simple tax.’

On homosexuality:

11. ‘I’d probably … I feel a bit threatened’

12. ‘If you’d asked me for advice I would have said to have – adopt a sort of “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy about all of these things…’

On Indigenous Australia:

13. ‘Now, I know that there are some Aboriginal people who aren’t happy with Australia Day. For them it remains Invasion Day. I think a better view is the view of Noel Pearson, who has said that Aboriginal people have much to celebrate in this country’s British Heritage’

14. ‘Western civilisation came to this country in 1788 and I’m proud of that…’

15. ‘There may not be a great job for them but whatever there is, they just have to do it, and if it’s picking up rubbish around the community, it just has to be done’

On Nicola Roxon:

16: ‘That’s bullshit. You’re being deliberately unpleasant. I suppose you can’t help yourself, can you?’


And Gus can add many more stupid lines like these... But it's getting tiresome to rubbish Tony Abbott... He's so good at doing it himself.





a new kid on the horizon...


Shimmering tinsel in Miranda Devine's eyes:

JOSH Frydenberg, the 41-year-old MP for the blue ribbon Melbourne seat of Kooyong, is one of the Liberal Party’s most impressive up and comers. 

He has double honours degrees in law and economics from Monash University, a Master of International Relations from Oxford and a Master of Public Administration from Harvard. So he’s no slouch.

Pictured above, left, with his mate, Labor MP Ed Husic, he is courteous across the board.

But last night he turned his razor sharp mind to recording the government’s stuff-ups over the past five years.

Read it and weep.

Adjournment Debate: Five Years of Labor Failures 
Josh Frydenberg MP 
26 November 2011 

It was John Kenneth Galbraith who once said ‘Nothing is so admirable in politics as a short memory.’

... Blah blah blah




A net debt of $147 billion with an interest bill of $20 million a day and a debt ceiling of $300 billion from a starting position of having $70 billion in the bank and a debt ceiling of only $75 billion.

An NBN which started at just over a $4 billion commitment, that had no cost-benefit analysis, the proposal for which was prepared by the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy on the back of an envelope, has now blown out to $50 billion and has more than 1,300 staff and only 7,000 customers.


Well, Miranda, there is a sucker born every minute...  Thank you for pointing out that your little Josh Frydenberg is coming up to porkie speed, and to what that nice boy from Kooyong, thinks about the world and Australia in particular....

I can do the sums as well... But looking at the rest of the world, this country is smelling like fresh roses...  Most of the extra spending by the government has made sure the nation is still running (albeit with some splurting noises) while minimising the impact of the GFC which — you may not have noticed — is still lurking around the world like a bad case of mega-avian flu...

The Yanks, under the stewardship of Alan Greenspan and G W Bush robbed the world blue in the face and something had to give eventually... It all started with the glorious spending of Ronald Reagan who gave tax cuts to the rich and things were swimming along nicely though the river flow was accelerating towards a waterfall... Clinton reversed the trend a bit (though he approved the derivative CDS thingies), but under the mad Bushit, the US debt grew to nearly 20 trillion dollars for the government alone... This of course stuffed up all the economies in the world as well, meanwhile some shifty American banks sold crap (subprime) instead of gold for premium prices... Bunch of con artists! Highway robbery!. Meanwhile in Australia, instead of doing things, like investing in better stuff, the government of John Howard was lazily stacking some dosh and giving away freebies to their rich friends... 

The Howard government did not leave 70 billions of surplus. It was no more than 45 billions, plus some dosh ($25 billions) for the future funds which now runs at close to $150 billions... (I will have to look at the real figures) Meanwhile most workers had been shafted with ruthless contracts and most public services trimmed to the point of uselessness. Many important environmental programs hit the dust... It was only in the last year of his tenure that John Howard started to panic and decided to see value (not for the environment — but only in vote value) in "implementing" (well, giving the promise of — and we know the zilch value of such promises) a carbon trading scheme or similar for this county. Pure lies like the never ever GST as well..

Meanwhile the Labor government has had to reframe the whole concept of Industrial Relations but the process is somewhat delicate, as Julia Gillard has had to make the business lobby bend at the knees — without this entity losing its cool or its pants.

Compared to the rest of the world, Australia's deficit is very modest and would be ranked about third lowest below Libya before Gaddafi was departed... Gaddafi did not trust the west and kept Libya's debt to basically nil, though by now that country would be in debt like the Japanese, whose deficit is huge — and like that of the US — impossible to repay a cent...

Reading Miranda's drivel about "blue Ribbon seat" gives me impressions of clean dunnies where the foamy chlorine is sprinkled in excess and the private tennis courts are leaf-blown every day...

JOSH Frydenberg's take on the NBN is quite insane... It's a bit like saying the government is building Sydney's Harbour Bridge is a waste of money since no one has been able to use it while the construction is going on. The original NBN commitment was seeding money from the government over 10 years of $45 Billion with recovery of about 30 billions by selling the access to the network. Telstra and Optus are on board. Opposition alternative offer to this network has been proven to be a shamble of mismatched cable, airwave transmission and copper with very costly hubs to feed the final network to private houses. The copper network is STUFFED and would have to be replaced under coalition plans — a step that would bring Australia back to the days of the telegraph and Morse code.

All other points by Josh made in his tirade could be dismantled in the same way, including his live cattle rant, the super trawler affair (which if one is half a diplomat shoe lace would understand that the government played it superbly, taking flack but achieving a longer lasting goal).

The carbon tax or an ETS had to happen no matter who was in government and Mr Abbott was totally inept at making his own mind on the issue of global warming, preferring to listen to Pell, Plimer and Nova rather than accept the 97 per cent scientific "concensus" (100 per cent concensus from specialist experts — 3 per cent dissent from carbon lobby scientists) on the issue which is becoming more urgent any day. Who cares if Julia did a back flip at the last minute, though she had announced before, in an interview, that she would try to have a carbon tax... Meanwhile that rotten scoundrel Howard said never ever on the GSt and blam! you got it... 

If you count inflation and budget per capita, as well as compare the interest rates and the value of the Aussie dollar, the last budgets never were the four biggest budget deficit in Australia's history... NEVER. That is a misrepresentation of facts... Impressive? Sure, but like the rest of them crapologist, impressive with the bullshit from a ritewingnutterrer... Includig the glib mention of defining the NBN on the back of an envelope... 

Now most of the problems that this nation faces are being created by the Liberal States, under casino rorters like Barry O'Feral in NSW and mad Newman in Queensland... where even his own people are revolting against... 

The Australia Network went only to tender again because John Howard set a precedent by forcing the public service to do so. The gizmo should always stay in the hand of the government (ABC) and protect overseas people from repeats of Kingswood Country...

The embarrassing public failures of Grocerywatch, Fuelwatch and cash for clunkers were not as bad as you make out, Josh... Let's be fair, here, these systems were put out there in a hurry not so much to count every grocery pennies, but to minimise over-profiteering at the time by pointing the finger at the grocerykind. Let me say this, they did achieve the goals, though their systems were wonky, sure... Effective as well, was the new car write-down scheme — which was the downfall of Grech and Malcolm, when Grech exposed a furphied furphy...

20,000 new hires in the public services is modest and was mostly to bring back to speed what is called the "Public Service" that John Howard had trimmed below the bone to the point that services were not delivered properly — which of course saved him money while charging extortion premium for "service".... Meanwhile Costello, as Paul Keating said, was a "lazy" treasurer... All he did was collect money by screwing workers, give some back to his rich mates and invest in NOTHING that could be called infrastructure...

Not so strangely, some of Henry's tax reform have been implemented quietly as well as others including some effective tax reductions for small business that of course have never been mentioned by anyone else but my accountant...  Not a peep from the media. 

And I believe Josh cannot even get his dates right: the date at the top of his motion says 26 November 2011... At the time the super trawler was not even on the horizon... 

Bad politics? that was John Howard lying to the Australian public about most things he did including his little wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... Both being stones in our shoes and comparable to mass murders. And the list of Abbott goofs is long, including his medicare rock solid promises about medicare that turned to sand once re-elected... The mad monk is a menace to this country and most of his financial "experts" on his front bench cannot add two and two together without mucking up the result... or mistake billions for millions and vice verso... Tony Abbott is a fake, a dangerous hoon on the road to the future...