Monday 10th of March 2025

a pretty ordinary bloke amongst strong women...


The usually media-shy Margie Abbott says a deliberate campaign is being waged against her husband to raise doubts about his relationship with women.

She has told Channel Nine the attacks are personal and groundless because Mr Abbott understands women.

"I just want to add a bit of balance to this and to present the fact that he is a pretty ordinary bloke," she said.


"No airs and graces, who enjoys time with his family and is surrounded by strong, capable women." she added ... to which Gus says that the strongest and most capable of these surrounding women is Julia Gillard...

we don't need him...


Following the example of US Republican candidate Mitt Romney's wife, Ann, Margie Abbott has delivered a vigorous personal testimonial to her husband, in which she condemned the ''gender card'' being played by his opponents.
In a media blitz to counter Labor's pitch to portray Tony Abbott as having a problem with women, Mrs Abbott said she was not political ''but just don't ever try and tell me that my husband of 24 years and the father of three daughters is on some anti-women crusade. It's simply not true.''
To bolster his argument that he has no difficulty with powerful women Mr Abbott, introducing his wife, declared his chief of staff Peta Credlin ''is in some ways the de facto deputy leader of the opposition''.

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Why have the pretty ordinary bloke, Tony, when, according to him, the Libs (conservatives) could have a strong capable woman, Peta Credin, as deputy leader... I think Julie Bishop would be spitting chips about this comment...


deflecting the flak...

Of course all this new charm offensive by Mrs Abbott is a defensive move to distract the public's attention away from the fact that Tony — "such the lover of strong women that he's made himself a pretty ordinary redundant bloke and shown to be impotent to fend for himself on the sheila issue" — is associated with Alan Jones up to his eye balls. The Liberal (conservative) party is up to its neck in the same shit. Imagine that these young Liberal (conservatives) who lie through their teeth are the future of the Liberal (conservative) party and were help in their dubious endeavour by their senior colleagues... So far not a pip condemning the young ones coming from Libs (conservative) headquarters... 




Several young Liberals told ABC-TV's Media Watch show, and at least one, an employee of The Australian newspaper, told Fairfax that they heard master of ceremonies Simon Berger ask any journalist to declare him or herself at the start of the September 22 dinner.That claim was used by Fairfax and others to allege the Chatham House rule applied, prohibiting reporting.

But The Sunday Telegraph can reveal a tape and a transcript of Mr Berger's speech proved neither he nor anyone else asked journalists to identify themselves or declared the night off the record. It also proved the Chatham House rule wasn't mentioned.
After reading the transcript and hearing the audio, Media Watch conceded the Young Liberals' stories cannot be verified. In an email to senior investigative reporters sent on Friday, a Media Watch producer said "we have no evidence that the Sydney University Liberal Club dinner was declared to be under the Chatham House rule. 
"It seems very doubtful that the MC asked journalists to declare themselves. We will be making that clear," she wrote.
Mr Berger resigned as a government relations manager at Woolworths on Friday just hours after The Sunday Telegraph sent it the transcript.
The tape reveals Mr Berger had accused Ms Gillard of being "beyond just hopeless".
He designed the chaff bag jacket signed and bought at auction by Jones.
He also praised Jones' call for the prime minister to be put in a chaff bag and be dumped at sea.
"She is beyond just hopeless and so (Jones) brought back the chaff bag and put the prime minister in a chaff bag, Wayne Swan in a chaff bag, Bob Brown in a chaff bag, Chris Hartcher in a chaff bag, Clover Moore in the chaff bag and Barack Obama in a chaff bag," Mr Berger said.


hypocritical tears...

OVER THE PAST YEAR, we’ve had a plethora (of mainly male) conservative politicians and their supporters play the victim when their comments or actions are questioned:

‘What about what people say about me?’ they say; or ‘I am not a racist’; or ‘I have women friends’ and so on. From Alan “her old man recently died… of shame” Jones; to Grahame “kicking her to death” Morris; to Scott “I demand an apology” Morrison; to Tony “she won’t lie down and die” Abbott ― they have an uncanny ability to exist on two parallel universes: the one where they have feelings, spouses, children, loved ones, personal stories and tragedies, sensitivities, hopes and needs; and the other, where they view any opponent as fair game, without these qualities or connections, without regard for their own personal situations and stories, and attack them viciously at all levels.

he's even loved by the bitch...


EVEN his dog, a cream spoodle called Maisie, is a girl. Which is useful, because Tony Abbott is deploying every female ally he can find to attack his perceived ''woman problem''.

Abbott isn't a man to do things by halves. Remember that 2010 ironman triathlon that one colleague observed left him looking like a skinned rabbit? Faced with his trouble with women (voters) the Abbott team's strategy was first to deny it, then to accuse the Labor Party of having a handbag hit squad (aka federal women ministers) out to get him, and now to launch a blitz with its own killer ladies, including wife Margie, mother Fay, and assorted daughters and sisters.

The numbers show the challenge. On Nielsen polling, over the past year Abbott's approval has been an average 5 points lower among women than with men. The Coalition primary vote has been 3 points lower on average among women in the same period, and an average of 6 points lower over the past six months.

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Meanwhile in the mean corner where they mean things:
Labor frontbencher Nicola Roxon says Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is still ''fair game'' despite his protests about the government's personal attacks against him.
While his wife is entitled to sing his praises, Mr Abbott isn't running for ''husband of the year''.

Ms Roxon says the government won't back down in its criticism of Mr Abbott, who she maintains has an ''issue with capable women''.

''Mr Abbott is not running in some election to be husband of the year or father of the year,'' she told ABC television on Sunday.

''It is fair game for me or any other minister ... to hold him to account for his public behaviour and his public comments.''

Mr Abbott's wife Margie faced the media last week to defend her husband against what he says are continued personal attacks on his character by federal Labor, targeting his attitude towards women.
The government's campaign gained traction last month when Mr Abbott was accused of intimidating a female student council rival at university 30 years ago by punching the wall beside her head.
Ms Roxon denied ever calling the opposition leader misogynistic, but insisted he had a problem with women. She said he routinely turned his back on her in parliament and refused to acknowledge her at social events, unlike other coalition MPs.

''Usually that's a very friendly sort of environment because you're a little bit off-duty, but not so with Mr Abbott,'' Ms Roxon said. ''It's known that we don't like each other, but I don't think that's any reason why I'm not able to express those views.
''That's part of politics.''

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always blaming someone else...

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott says Labor's campaign of personal attacks against him can be sheeted home to Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

He says Labor ran a similar smear campaign against Campbell Newman, who led the Liberal National Party to a landslide victory over Labor in Queensland's state election in March.

"We saw in Queensland before the state election up there a nasty, personal campaign against Campbell Newman and his family," Mr Abbott told Network Ten.

"This is typical of the contemporary Labor party.

"When you can't defend your record, when you've got nothing of substance to say, you go personal and that's what they've been doing."


Tony is always blaming someone else for having both feet in his own crap... His constant attack on Julia Gillard is beyond the pale... Of all the people in Parliament, she is the one with the least bile against anyone, not even Rudd... 

mr negativity needs his mum...

Now I'm sure Margie loves her husband. But that a woman loves her husband is hardly news and goes nowhere towards addressing the real issues he faces amongst women voters. And the lines that get trotted out - 'he's surrounded by women', 'he has daughters' yada, yada, yada - miss the whole point.

The issue isn't that Abbott has a problem with women. It's that women really do have a problem with Abbott.

What don't they like? The aggression, the strong allegiance to a church which is utterly patriarchal and which has and will continue to influence his decisions on policy matters affecting women, his decision to stand in front of 'Ditch the Witch' signs at rallies, and the strong friendship with the likes of Alan Jones, who has been responsible for some of the vilest misogynistic rhetoric this country has ever seen.

The fact that Abbott likes Downton Abbey won't endear him to women. Avoiding phrases like 'Abortion is the easy way out' may.

And Margie Abbott is completely wrong when she says:

"I believe a disservice is being done to women when the gender card is played to shut down the debate on policy."

In fact one of the many problems women have with Abbott is that his constant negativity has been in lieu of any attempt at actual policy.

op shop recycling...


"Whether it's for clothing, books, household items or resources as an early childhood educator, op shopping is the first port of call.

"When our daughters were young, and even now as young women who are earning their own income, they quickly realised that the buying power of their money was far greater in an op shop than it was anywhere else."

The scarf she was wearing was a recent purchase from a local northern beaches op shop, she said, and her very first op shop purchase more than 20 years ago (a jacket with a slight Mexican flavour) was still in her wardrobe.

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See toon at top...


at home, chez turdy...


Margaret returns home to the Abbott family home after a week away visiting relatives.

Margaret: Tony? I’m home dear.

Tony: Yes, hun. I’m in the living room.

Margaret: Tony! What have you been doing? The place is a mess. Dirty dishes everywhere; the dishwasher is full. The benches are dirty. You promised you’d keep the house clean.

Tony: Sorry, Dear. You know I’ve been busy.

Margaret: You promised.

Tony: I told you, I’m sorry. I know I promised you.

Margaret: A promise is a promise. And look at the state of this living room! Mess on the floor. Cushions and newspapers everywhere. You promised me Tony. You know I hate coming home to a dirty house.

Tony: What can I say, Margie? I’m sorry.

Margaret: Tony! The bed’s a mess. The en suite looks like a bomb hit it. Towels strewn all over the floor. You’re a disgrace.

Tony: What do you want me to do? I can’t rewrite history. I fucked up. Big deal. I made a promise and didn’t keep it. What are you going to do? Call me Julia?

Margaret: There is no need for that, Anthony. I bet you haven’t mown the back lawn. I’ll check ...

How could you?! What have you been doing while I was away? Nothing around the house obviously. Oh, I know. You’ve been writing an article with your little precious petal Peta, about how useless Mr Harbourside Mansion is.

read more of the broken promises at:



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