Monday 24th of February 2025

controversy about the type of rats...

lab rats


A furious row has erupted over a French study claiming to have found tumours and other problems in rats fed on genetically modified maize and exposed to a common, associated herbicide.

The rodents ate the GM diet over a two-year period - a normal lifetime.

The study's length made its results far more reliable than previous research, said team-leader Gilles-Eric Seralini.

But independent scientists criticised the work for its statistical methods and for using the wrong type of rat.

They said the albino Sprague-Dawley strain of animal had a tendency to develop cancers, especially the mammary tumours seen in some of the study subjects.

A paper detailing the investigation has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Different diets

It describes how groups of rodents were given a diet that included the engineered maize known as NK603.

I love my "NK603 porridge" in the morning does not have the same ring as my "corn-based muesli."..


rats are not people... as proven with thalidomide...

They also questioned the choice of rat, which they said was well known to develop cancers, particularly if its diet was not well controlled. In addition, the small size of the control group - just 20 animals - made it difficult to draw any conclusions of significance, they argued.

And there was disapproval of the emotive way in which some of the results were presented in the paper, specifically pictures of rats with large tumours.

"The most evocative part of the paper is those pictures of tumorigenesis," said Prof Maurice Moloney from Rothamsted Research, where much UK GM study is undertaken.

"They give the impression that this never happens in controls. I'd be surprised if it didn't, but that ought to be explicitly demonstrated, and if there was a control that ended up showing similar kinds of tumorigenesis then a picture of that rat should be shown as well, just so we can see if there are any qualitative differences between them."

In a move regarded as unusual by the media, the French research group refused to provide copies of the journal paper to reporters in advance of its publication, unless they signed non-disclosure agreements. The NDAs would have prevented the journalists from approaching third-party researchers for comment.

In the event, French media broke the 1300 GMT embargo and ran stories early on Wednesday morning.

see also: (rats were resistant to thalidomide)

see also:

rat controversy in regard to male lab assistants...

It's an old cartoon stereotype that has long felt outdated, but scientists think they may finally have evidence to justify the claim that women are more afraid of mice than men are.

A new study suggests millions of experiments may have been ruined because rodents are ‘stressed’ by the smell of researchers - with a man's scent far more distressing than that of a woman.

This is likely to mean mice are less concerned about revealing their presence when a woman is around, and are more likely to confront a female than they are a man.

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