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the winter of our discontent...You swine. Are you deliberately doing so or are you stupid???? "The notion of global warming is a hoax,'' Jones told a group of about 150 people on the steps of the Victorian Parliament. ''This is witchcraft. Commonsense will tell you it's rubbish; 97 per cent of all carbon dioxide occurs naturally … 3 per cent around the world is created by human beings.'' Read more: I will believe you understand zilch about science when saying "97 per cent of all carbon dioxide occurs naturally … 3 per cent around the world is created by human beings". This show you still don't know what you're talking about — even after having been hit over the knuckles by the AMCA...
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the science VS mr jones...
But the scientific figures are:
Presently, humans add 4 to 6 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere to 394 ppm already present in the atmosphere — PER ANNUM. If one calculates the proportions, this represents about 1 to 1.2 per cent of the total CO2 present in the atmosphere. A proportion of this human-created CO2 is reabsorbed by natural process. The accepted figure of anthropomorphic CO2 remaining in the atmosphere is 3pmm per year, which is thus 0.7 per cent of CO2 in the atmosphere — PER ANNUM.
In the 1850s, CO2 has been measured at 175 ppm average. Since the industrial revolution, humans have added EXTRA CO2 from fossil fuels (carbon buried under the surface of the earth for million of years) at a variable rate as demonstrated by Arrhenius in 1889 and other scientific (verifiable) experiments.... To this day, humans have added the anthropomorphic CO2 amount of 395 minus 175 = 220 ppm into the atmosphere. Over 160 years, humans have added 129 per cent anthropomorphic CO2 on top of the CO2 of the "natural" carbon cycle..
Stick you microphone in your arse. That would shut you up! You idiot... You talk shit...
What would be great one day, would be for "journalists" — reporting on mad Jones and pathetic Bishop — to include the scientific facts in the SAME articles...
Presently I believe journos are too lazy, too ignorant or too scared to do so...
holmes VS uncle rupe...
From the Independent
Currently, The Australian it is fighting a war with Jonathan Holmes, the anchor of the ABC’s Media Watch — a venerable programme that exposes bad journalism in Australia.
If there is any outlet in Australia guilty of biased reporting on global warming, it is The Australian. Robert Manne, one of the country’s leading public intellectuals, wrote an excellent analysis exposing the paper’s disinformation campaign against climate science. He showed that the paper distorted the science, slandered the scientists and raised anti-climate anecdote to the status of proven fact.
In 2012, the global warming debate has stalled significantly and the main game is not the science that documents the problem, but rather the technologies that provide the solutions. Whether or not the world has a binding global climate treaty and carbon price, renewables are defeating fossil fuels on price alone.
Solar power, wind power, electric vehicles and energy conservation are becoming cheaper than coal, gas and nuclear electricity and petroleum vehicles.
Every day, I read stories about excellent developments in clean energy technology, finance, policy and politics. Australia is lagging behind the rest of the world and the media here ignores most of it — largely due, I believe, to the malign influence of the Australian.
For example, McKinsey & Company forecasts that solar electricity is already competitive with coal in some markets and its price will drop another 40 per cent by 2015. McKinsey’s prediction is that solar will be worth US$1 trillion over the next 8 years, with an economic potential at 2020 of 1 million megawatts.
Gus: Though Holmes and Media Watch are not exempt of making mistakes, Holmes has been rightfully pursuing The Australian and its editors for their dangerous idiotic position... Pity Holmes did not use the same analytical whip on his own back on the other issues where he's been totally wrong or had to resort to the "his opinion" trick to let his grandiose crap prevail...
another drought...
So terrible is the weather in the heartland that farmers have begun to compare it to the drought of 1988 which wiped out millions of acres of corn and caused $78 billion in crop damage, or even worse, the great Dust Bowl era of the 1930s. Already stockpiles of corn have fallen by 48% between March and June, the biggest drop since 1996—and that was before the drought and the brutally hot weather began in earnest. The percentage of the corn crop with top-quality ratings was 48% as of July 1, compared to 69% a year ago.
Whether 2012 goes down as just an off-year for corn crops or a truly historic disaster will depend on the next couple weeks. The pollination phase is imminent for corn plants in much of the country. That’s the period when ears of kernel-filled corn should be appearing on the plants. But drought and extreme heat can wither and stress corn plants, stunting their growth—or even preventing pollination altogether.
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1933, 1988, 2012... what is the next number in this series?... 2024 or sooner... then 2030 then 2032...
One of the most important questions scientists are trying to answer is just what impact the higher temperatures and drier weather that will be caused by climate change will have on agriculture in America’s breadbasket. If the corn crop withers this summer, consider it a bad sign for the hotter days to come.
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the average extraordinary...
Britain and northern Europe are dripping their way into what is already being called a "lost summer". We have had our wettest April and June and our coldest spring, and there is no end in sight of the abnormal weather. But we can take some comfort in the fact that we are not alone.
In the US, 100 million people in 17 states have now had to be warned about the dangers of one of most intense heatwaves of the last century. Life in many US cities has become unbearable, with temperatures well over 100F (38C) lasting for many days now. More than 40,000 temperature records have already been set in the US this year and freak storms, record rainfall and giant forest fires have left millions suffering. Many old people will certainly die in the heatwave and food prices are bound to rise.
But this extreme weather is far more widespread than just northern Europe or the US. May was the second warmest ever recorded worldwide and the warmest on record for the northern hemisphere. The link between a warming atmosphere and individual climatic events is unclear but no one should doubt the physical turmoil. In the last few weeks we have seen the Arctic sea ice melting at a record pace, the Amazon reaching its highest level on record, massive forest fires in Siberia and the Russian east, temperatures climbing to a barely imaginable 48C in northern India, and an abnormally strong monsoon which has so far left many hundreds dead and nearly 7 million people homeless from floods in Assam and southern Bangladesh.
There's always been freak weather, but climatologists increasingly think these events are becoming less unusual. Instead of taking place every 10 or 20 years, they are happening every two or three. This, they are beginning to say, is the new normal, a taste of the future as the planet warms.
Last year was the 35th consecutive year since 1976 that the yearly global temperature was above average. Since 2000 we have had 11 of the 13 warmest years in 132 years and the patterns of global warming that scientists warned about – such as more droughts, sudden downpours, more widespread wildfires, volatile heat, violent storms and more frequent heatwaves – are all here now. This, say the scientists with increasing conviction, is what the early stages of global warming looks like.
Alan Jones is an idiot.... Tony Abbott is an idiot...
hot summer daze...
For the 9th straight day, Washington, D.C. has met or exceeded 95 degrees (officially 95 at 11:25 a.m., 96 is the high so far today). In 141 years of records, this is a first. And the streak is likely to be extended to 11 after Saturday and Sunday.
This record is just one of countless extraordinary heat records established over the course of the last three summers.
Unrivaled flurry of summer heat records
Alan Jones is an idiot.... Tony Abbott is an idiot...
flooded festivals...
Several festivals and events planned to start today have been cancelled, including MFEST at Harewood House, the Sharrow arts festival in Sheffield and Race for Life in Huddersfield.
Wakestock, a wakeboarding and music festival held in Abersoch, North Wales, was going ahead (picture above) despite severe conditions. Its campsite is flooded and nearby river levels are rising.
Last month was the wettest June on record – and bookmakers Paddy Power have announced today that they have shortened the odds on 2012 being the wettest year on record from 8-1 to 4-1.
But at least The Guardian manages to find levity in the damp situation, observing that Prince Charles – on his way to discuss last month's flooding in Hebden Bridge – has been delayed by... flooding.
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Alan Jones is an idiot.... Tony Abbott is an idiot...
flooded hogs....
The devastating monsoon floods in the north-eastern Indian state of Assam have killed at least 559 animals, officials said.
More than 400 hog deer and 14 of the endangered one-horned rhinos have been found dead in the Kaziranga national park, they said.
Assam's Environment Minister Rokybul Hussain called it a "catastrophe".
Kaziranga is home to nearly two-thirds of the world's remaining one-horned rhinos.
The floods have also killed 121 people and displaced 2.2 million more.
The displaced have been put up in government shelters or have taken refuge with friends and relatives.
Officials say this is the worst flood in the state since 1998.
Alan Jones is an idiot.... Tony Abbott is an idiot...
CRU maintains one of the three most authoritative and widely-used records of global temperature.
Its work has been crucial in attempts to work out how the Earth's surface is warming up under the impact of humanity's greenhouse gas emissions.
Some of the e-mails released appeared to show scientists at CRU and their collaborators in other institutes deviating from accepted academic standards in an attempt to paint an alarmist picture of climate change.
However, examination of the broader context by three separate investigations resulted in the scientists being cleared of malpractice.
And a fourth, entirely independent global temperature record from the University of California at Berkeley - released last year and compiled using funding from a climate sceptic group - confirmed the broad accuracy of the CRU record.
more floods....
The heaviest rainfall to hit China's capital Beijing in 60 years has left 10 people dead and stranded thousands at the main airport.
The deluge struck on Saturday afternoon and continued into the night, flooding major roads, state media said.
Roof collapses, lightning strikes and electrocution from downed power lines were among the causes of the deaths.
More than 500 flights were cancelled at the main airport, the Beijing News reported.
State news agency Xinhua said 460mm (18.1 in) fell in Beijing's Fangshan district, with the capital as a whole averaging 170mm.
unleashed vaginas...
"She [Prime Minister Julia Gillard] said that we know societies only reach their full potential if women are politically participating,'' he told his listeners. ''Women are destroying the joint - Christine Nixon in Melbourne, Clover Moore here. Honestly.''
Fast-forward a few hours and Twitter was ablaze with commentary from women dedicated to illustrating how they, too, are #destroyingthejoint. It kicked off when writer Jane Caro tweeted, "Got time on my hands tonight so thought I'd spend it coming up with new ways of ''destroying the joint'' being a woman & all. Ideas welcome.''
People began to join in, joking about how they were #destroyingthejoint while at work, looking after their families, at school and university, and so on. It was a hoot.
In a summary of the trend for the online magazine New Matilda, "Cry Havoc And Let Loose The Bitches Of War", Caro explains, "[A] Twitter phenomenon was created. The tweets from both men and women were mostly hilarious, some borderline obscene - unleashed vaginas featured prominently (I was guilty of a couple of those myself) and some made powerful points."
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see toon at top... As mentioned before I used the wrong word by accident and when you read anthropmorphic you should of course read Anthropogenic... my mistake...