Monday 24th of February 2025

The earth could not care less...


It's either the greatest threat civilisation has ever faced, or a hoax perpetrated by fraudulent scientists. Opinions on both sides of the debate are so strong that one side barely speaks with the other. The two groups read different newspapers and websites, and immerse themselves in information that reinforces their existing prejudices.
So what would happen if you took two assertive people with diametrically opposed opinions on human-induced climate change, put them together for a month and filmed them attempting to change each other's mind?We are about to find out, since this is the premise of an intriguing documentary I Can Change Your Mind About Climate on ABC1 tonight, followed by a Q&A with a live audience.Our two protagonists are Nick Minchin, the retired Liberal senator who still wields substantial backroom influence, and Anna Rose, the 28-year old co-founder of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition. Each had the opportunity to nominate seven experts from anywhere on the planet to help with their case and producers threw in four wildcards.



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meanwhile, in the antarctic...


Antarctica's massive ice shelves are shrinking because they are being eaten away from below by warm water, a new study finds.

That suggests that future sea levels could rise faster than many scientists have been predicting.

The western chunk of Antarctica is losing 23 feet (seven metres) of its floating ice sheet each year. Until now, scientists weren't exactly sure how it was happening and whether or how man-made global warming might be a factor. The answer, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature, is that climate change plays an indirect role — but one that has larger repercussions than if Antarctic ice were merely melting from warmer air.


Twenty ice shelves showed signs that they were melting from warm water below. Changes in wind currents pushed that relatively warmer water closer to and beneath the floating ice shelves. The wind change is likely caused by a combination of factors, including natural weather variation, the ozone hole and man-made greenhouse gases, Pritchard said in a phone interview.

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Gus: Please note that ice has more volume than water... This is a well-known fact (makes the ice float on water), a fact that is hiding the way sea level are "rising"... As well, one has to know water will shrink to its minimum volume when it reaches 4 degrees Celsius... Now, one has to also know that the average sea temperature is 3.5 degree Celsius, thus as the sea is warming, the average would tend to shrink in volume, though it's more complicated than this.
Surface sea water is presently 1 to 2 degrees Celsius warmer around most part of Australia than average... But at 30 degree Celsius in the north and around 24 degrees off the coast of Sydney, the extra volume is more than compensating for the possible shrinkage below... The stats are thus complex, but there is no two ways about it: the sea level is rising and precisely measured so. Minchin can go blue in the face while trying to contradict this but who cares, I hope he chokes on his beliefs, but sea level rise is a fact.
Insurance companies around the world would be presently gearing up for another round of incoming "global warming" induced disasters that is going to send them broke should they not increase their premiums to you by a wafty 7 to 8 per cent per year on "disaster-affected" policies. Recently, the 220 tornadoes (in two sessions) in the US are but small potatoes on what's on offer next. The extreme weather changes in Europe from severe drought to strong floods and storms is not happening because it's the way it used to be... Never happened before with such intensity and speed of "change". 
CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL. THE EARTH IS WARMING. The culprits are mostly CO2 and methane created outside the "natural" CO2 cycle. PRESENT CLIMATE CHANGE is thus created by OUR USAGE OF EXTRA CARBON, coming from fossils — a long buried carbon derivative which we call "fossil Fuels"... possible because they will turn us and much of the life on this planet back into fossil possibly sooner than we can imagine.


the Liberal (conservatives) carbon eaters...



It's not difficult to see why this is a hot issue in Australia. The country has been hammered by drought and bushfires. It has the highest carbon dioxide emissions per person of any major economy outside the Arabian peninsula. Australians pollute more than Americans, twice as much as people in the UK and four times more than the Chinese. Most Australians want to change this, but the coal industry keeps their politicians on a short leash. Like New Labour here, Rudd and Gillard's administration was a government of flinchers. It has been punished for appeasing industrial lobbyists and the rightwing press.

Australia provides yet more evidence that climate science divides people on political lines. Abbott is no longer an outright denier, though he still insists, in the teeth of the facts, that the world has cooled since 1997. Some members of his party go further: [former] Senator Nick Minchin maintains that "the whole climate change issue is a leftwing conspiracy to deindustrialise the western world". (He has also insisted that cigarettes are not addictive and the link between passive smoking and illness can't be demonstrated). A recent poll suggests that 38% of politicians in Abbott's coalition believe man-made global warming is taking place, in comparison with 89% of Labor's people.


With due respect to Nick... get nicked...


My erstwhile travelling companion Nick Minchin argues the view in Fairfax Media today that while we can all agree on clean energy, debate on the science of climate change should continue.

He states that "neither Anna, nor those whom Anna took me to meet, could convince me that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are driving dangerous global warming".

With due respect to Nick, this refusal to change his mind wasn't for lack of trying – or for lack of evidence. There are two pieces of clear, empirical evidence showing that human emissions of carbon pollution are responsible for the 40 per cent increase in CO2 since pre-industrial levels.

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finding a new paradise to muck up...

Australian astronomers say finding planets outside the solar system that can sustain life should be made a top priority.

Dr Charley Lineweaver and PhD student Aditya Chopra from ANU have reviewed current research into environments where life is found on earth and the environments thought to exist on other planets.

They say understanding habitability and using that knowledge to locate the nearest habitable planet may be crucial for our survival as a species.

Since the first discovery of a planet orbiting another star was made in 1995, the number of exoplanets has skyrocketed to more than 750.

changing the climate...

A team of three researchers looked at ocean data over the period 1950 to 2000.

They found salinity levels have changed in all the world's oceans, wetter areas are experiencing more rain and drier areas have become drier.

Susan Wijffels from the CSIRO says she expects the trend to continue.

"The answer of how much more is going to be in the future depends on how much more warning there is going to be," she said.

"So if we stay on a high emissions pathway we might see warming up around three degrees, which will give us maybe a 24 per cent change in our water cycle."

The authors say this could have implications for global food security.

The study was jointly funded by the Department of Climate Change, the Bureau of Meteorology and the CSIRO.

record rain after record drought...

April’s record rainfall has had its effect, and brought much of England out of drought status, the Environment Agency announced today.

The heaviest “April showers” since records began in 1910, combined with a similarly sodden beginning to May, have allowed official drought status to be lifted for 19 counties in the South West, the Midlands and Yorkshire, the agency said.

However, much of Eastern and Southern England is still in drought after two extremely dry winters, and hosepipe bans imposed five weeks ago remain in place, with no sign of them being lifted in the near future.