Monday 24th of February 2025

species are important...


spiders catch insects...

The relationship between species is carefully poised... spiders catch insects but if they catch too many insects and wipe their species off, then spiders disappear too. Thus there are relationships between species that are critically balanced yet work in a very chaotic manner. Humans have become "systematic" beings. We do not live by chance of the catch, but by the result of our manufacture, in which little is left to chance. Most of what we do is "efficiency driven" with a great benefit for us but a loosy impact on natural balances. Nature suffers more and more. There will be a point at which we wont allow "spiders to change skin" (see picture) ... if you see what I mean.

The symbol e is that which I have created to represent Organica Spiritualia. This is to relate our "spiritual being" to nature. In fact it is our human intelligence (reactive animalistic processing of environmental factors for survival into stylistical actions) that creates our "spirtual being". Our consciousness is organic, based on our memory. Most animals that have a central memorising system of environmental factors can have a consciousness of space and position.

Our individual memory is greater than that of individuals in others species and gives us the ability to invent a lot of solutions, including fake solutions that solve "problems" nonetheless... But beyond these fake solutions, including ethical solutions, there are relationship between our generosity and species that do not really matter to our survival.

Organica spiritualia gives us the power to be generous to nature beyond our needs. But our needs are bathed more and more in greed, another Organica Spiritualia activity with less ethical understanding of where we are at at this point in time — an evolved being from a soup of life on a planet to which we could decide we owe nothing to.

The relationships between human survival and that of other species is often not as important as we could think... But this relationship is more important than our needs, because at this point in time we have evolved to be where we are — together on the planet. It's an ethical choice in which our judgement (or carelessness) of life or death over other species may alter the course of our future history or not... It is a stylistic choice. Extinction of species resulting from our activities is our stylist choice. We can and should choose different and care better.

extinction of species is forever.

the killing machines...



Well intentioned people will persist in believing that their dear little Fluffy couldn't harm native species. How can we educate them? People who might otherwise be responsible pet owners still allow their cats to roam at large, not knowing or caring where they go or what they do, but kidding themselves that their cat is well fed, so it wouldn't harm anything. People get very emotional about their cats and refuse to let facts stand in their way. If they grudgingly admit that some cats might be a problem, it is always other people's cats, never theirs.

Cats are a problem. Cats share with mankind the dubious distinction of killing for fun. Cats hunt by instinct. In Australia, cats are known to feed on more than 347 native species: that's 186 species of birds, 64 mammals, 86 reptiles, at least 10 amphibians and numerous invertebrates. We know that feral cats are a problem but there is little point in targeting feral cats and leaving domestic cats uncontrolled. A domestic cat will hunt and kill no matter how well fed it is. One study estimated that on average each pet cat kills 32 vertebrates each year. It is estimated that there are 3-million pet cats in Australia. This adds up to a total of 96-million birds, mammals and reptiles killed each year by domestic cats alone.

Gus note: The dove above was killed by a cat. I have witnessed many cats killing birds in my garden. Cats kill for the chase (fun of the hunt) not for the feed... Once there were Blue Wrens nesting in the area. Soon after, people with cats on all sides rented places. The wren disappeared, other birds including lorrikeets were — and still are more and more — under attack from moggies "that could not hurt a fly" according to their "owners" (as if cats had owners!)..

grim report...

One fifth of animal and plant species are under the threat of extinction, a global conservation study has warned.

Scientists who compiled the Red List of Threatened Species say the proportion of species facing wipeout is rising.

But they say intensive conservation work has already pulled some species back from the brink of oblivion.

The report is being launched at the UN Biodiversity Summit in Japan, where governments are discussing how to better protect the natural world.

echoes of yd...

When we think of wars in our times, our minds turn to Iraq and Afghanistan. But the bigger war is the war against the planet. This war has its roots in an economy that fails to respect ecological and ethical limits - limits to inequality, limits to injustice, limits to greed and economic concentration.

A handful of corporations and of powerful countries seeks to control the earth's resources and transform the planet into a supermarket in which everything is for sale. They want to sell our water, genes, cells, organs, knowledge, cultures and future.

The continuing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and onwards are not only about "blood for oil". As they unfold, we will see that they are about blood for food, blood for genes and biodiversity and blood for water.

The war mentality underlying military-industrial agriculture is evident from the names of Monsanto's herbicides - ''Round-Up'', ''Machete'', ''Lasso''. American Home Products, which has merged with Monsanto, gives its herbicides similarly aggressive names, including ''Pentagon'' and ''Squadron''.This is the language of war. Sustainability is based on peace with the earth.

The war against the earth begins in the mind. Violent thoughts shape violent actions. Violent categories construct violent tools. And nowhere is this more vivid than in the metaphors and methods on which industrial, agricultural and food production is based. Factories that produced poisons and explosives to kill people during wars were transformed into factories producing agri-chemicals after the wars.


Gus: there are many comments, articles, blogs on this site that have pushed the same line for a long time. And we've said it: we are at war against the earth. The sad part is that should we win, we'll be the biggest losers... Meanwhile only a few people are prepared to risk all, to protect the planet against the onslaught of big business — from which, vicariously, we get our enslaving comforts — our sprays against mostly harmless ugly bugs or animals...