Tuesday 18th of February 2025

embarrassing pinocchio .....

embarrassing pinocchio .....

On Tuesday, President Bush said he was never forewarned by the intelligence community that Iran had suspended its nuclear weapons program in 2003: 

zero emissions .....

zero emissions .....

Gillard defends Garrett sidelining 

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard has defended Labor's decision to bar Environment Minister Peter Garrett from answering parliamentary questions about climate change. 

the value of aftertaste .....


the value of aftertaste ..... 

Steve Irwin' ship to confront Japanese whalers 

the value of science .....

the value of science .....

Whaling is no longer the only threat to whales.

The oceans, or rather, human impacts on the oceans, have changed dramatically over the half-century since whales have been protected.  

14% .....


14% .....

Faulkner may have conflict of interest with ALP job: Nelson 

The Federal Opposition says there may be a conflict of interest with new Special Minister of State John Faulkner's presidency of the Labor Party.  

dead men walking .....


dead men walking ..... 

Ruddock plans to mentor MPs from backbench

Philip Ruddock says he has not decided whether he will serve out his full parliamentary term 

the privilege of hypocrisy .....

membership closed .....

Officially, the Israeli government maintains a position of "nuclear ambiguity": neither confirming nor denying its possession of nuclear weapons.  

But everyone who has studied the issue knows that this is a formula with a simple purpose: to give the United States an excuse to keep breaking its own laws, which forbid it to grant aid to a country with unauthorised weapons of mass destruction.

rattus in tights .....

rattus in tights .....

The cutting wisdom of the ordinary folk, once a week …..   

The man in the street is not happy... 

Sure, the demise of the Rat-gang leader puts a wry smile on the man's glowing unshaven face...  

eyes wide shut .....

eyes wide shut .....

US politics has crawled through the gutter for so long, that it's easy to forget that the country was founded on ideals of freedom & human dignity. 

Or that in the past it has been led by people of character & intelligence. 

the triumph of appearance over substance .....

a phoney legacy .....

There can have been few more excruciating sights than President Bush parading the Israeli and Palestinian leaders before the cameras at the Annapolis summit on Tuesday, clasping their hands, squeezing their shoulders, pushing them together for a handshake and then leaving them to return to their seats like awkward boys summoned to the podium to be congratulated for their efforts at a school prizegiving. 

unmasking brendan bandit .....

unmasking brendan bandit .....

Brendan Nelson is out of touch with working families on workplace laws. 

The Liberal's extreme and unfair WorkChoices laws pushed the balance in the workplace against working families.  

same old dirty tricks .....

same old dirty tricks .....

An internal CIA memorandum has been obtained by Venezuelan counterintelligence from the US Embassy in Caracas that reveals a very sinister - almost fantastical, were it not true - plan to destabilize Venezuela during the coming days.  

nightmares in dreamland .....

nightmares in dreamland .....

Foreclosure filings have nearly doubled from a year ago and more people could lose their homes in 2008, according to a report released Thursday. In October, 224,451 foreclosure filings were reported nationwide, up 94 percent from October 2006. 

the darkening of dreamland .....

the darkening of dreamland .....

The Constitution protects individuals against unreasonable searches, but for this protection to have practical meaning, the courts must enforce it.

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