Saturday 27th of July 2024

despicable ......

despicable .....


‘Philip Ruddock is a hypocrite when parading his Amnesty International membership.

rising damp .....

rising damp .....


from the SMH …..

howard, rudd trade insults

Prime Minister John Howard and Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd traded insults today as the gloves came off in their phoney election campaign.

rogue rattus .....


rogue rattus .....

from our ABC …..

PM promises hard yakka after poll result

defining intelligence .....

amerikan intelligence .....


‘"This war is a serious situation. It involves the worst foreign policy mistake in the history of this country," Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nevada, told CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer."

mourning a secret awstralya .....

mourning a secret awstralya .....


from john pilger …..

building ghettos .....

the value of justice .....


Must a Native-American recognize the right of the United States of America to exist?

bushit's terrarists .....

bushit's terrarists .....

‘An Italian judge gave approval Friday for what will be the first overseas criminal trial of CIA officers involved in a covert counter-terrorism operation, as a court in Milan indicted more than two dozen Americans on charges of kidnapping a radical Muslim cleric four years ago.

losing it .....

the ante-escalation strategy .....


from the Centre for American Progress …..

rattus droppings .....

rattus droppings .....

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