Sunday 8th of September 2024

potted rattus .....

potted rattus .....

from the ABC …..

Labor hypocrisy on IR exposed, says PM

The Prime Minister has used Question Time to accuse the Opposition of hypocrisy on industrial relations (IR).

John Howard has pointed to Labor's recent criticism of a small business in New South Wales for allegedly stripping workers of entitlements.

flea-bitten freedom .....

bitten by freedom .....

‘Ken Rogers of Washougal, Washington was enjoying a visit with family in Kennewick and looking forward to some fishing when his slumber was rudely disturbed on the night of July 13, 2003.

Rogers, a 54-year-old regional sales manager for Georgia-Pacific, was sleeping under the stars when a large dog suddenly vaulted over a wooden fence and sank its teeth into his left arm. Shocked and disoriented in the darkness, and not wearing his eyeglasses, Rogers struggled desperately to free himself from the dog, to no avail.

Aid For Who?

The cost of cancelling Iraq's debts to Australia has been paid from Australia's foreign aid budget, a new report has claimed.

The report also claims that $1 billion of Australia's aid budget is not used to alleviate poverty. It also states that funding of Federal Police salaries in the Solomons and construction of Pacific detention centres was included in our aid budget.

The Aid Watch document claims that 95% of the $A661 million debt was for wheat purchases from Australia. Aid Watch writes that "Australia decision to cancel this debt was part of an agreement made in 2004 by the international group of rich nations called the Paris Club and was based on the premise that it would increase Iraq's economic prospects."

Shield Us From Downer

star wars .....

The "new" Australia/Japan/US Missile Shield pact came out of Tokyo just in time for Downer and Rice's tete a tete. Downer followed up by saying that Australia was going to help but wouldn't be directly involved. Aha, that must be why we need the three ships.

prime suspect .....

prime suspect .....

‘The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.’

Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect

meanwhile …..

pumping dopey .....

pumping dopey .....

1996 Tour de France Winner Admits to Doping …..


Published: May 26, 2007

rattus caricatures .....


a familiar caricature .....

According to Amnesty International's 2007 Report the world is being polarised by the "politics of fear" & this has resulted in a serious erosion of human rights.

Unsurprisingly, the report delivers a stinging rebuke to the human rights policies & abuses meted-out by the empire of evil on the people of this planet, without sparing its own.

wet rattus .....

wet rattus .....

‘A recent trip to Australia to cover a conference on agrichar allowed me to see the Australian drought crisis on the ground and talk to a few Australians about their thoughts on climate change. Agrichar is an agricultural technique that sequesters carbon, see Birth of a New Wedge.

From the Mouths Of The Masters- AWDs 'n' Missile Shields

"In December 2003, Australia announced its decision to participate in the U.S. Missile Defense program. Subsequently, the U.S. and Australia signed in July 2004, a Framework Memorandum of Understanding on Missile Defense Cooperation, and a Research & Development MoU was signed in October 2005. Three specific cooperative projects -- involving the Over-the-Horizon Radar, modeling and simulation, and fusion and tracking technologies -- are currently under discussion. On August 16, 2005, Canberra announced it had chosen the U.S. firm Gibbs and Cox as the preferred designer for their navy's air warfare destroyers worth up to $6Billion Australian Dollars. Three vessels are currently funded, with the first scheduled to be operational in 2013. Each will be equipped with AEGIS sensors and will be interoperable with the military forces of the United States and with those of other future coalition partners.

the "value" of religion .....

the "value" of religion .....

'Pope Benedict just visited Brazil and his comments have caused uproar when he said, “the Church had not imposed itself on the indigenous peoples of the Americas. They had welcomed the arrival of European priests at the time of the conquest as they were "silently longing" for Christianity.” Satere Mawe, chief coordinator of the Amazon Indian group Coiab responded, “It’s arrogant and disrespectful to consider our cultural heritage secondary to theirs."

from the cuckoo's nest .....

from the cuckoo's nest .....

‘Only days before the fifth anniversary of September 11, President George W. Bush addressed military officers in Washington to warn that nuclear-armed terrorists could "blackmail the free world and spread their ideologies of hate and raise a moral threat to America."

But while the United States demands that other countries end their nuclear programs, the Bush administration is busy planning a new generation of nuclear weapons. Nearly 20 years after the Berlin Wall crumbled, the United States is allocating more funding, on average, to nuclear weapons than during the Cold War.

brendan bandit .....


from the 7:30 report …..

Local pentagon spokesperson, rattus government propagandist & branch procurement officer for the US military-industrial complex, was at it again last night, touting the phoney government justification for Australia’s ongoing involvement in the systematic rape & destruction of Iraq …..

Hole-in-the-head defended Australia’s participation in the organised looting of Iraq’s oil wealth by claiming that: “the world was better in the post-September 11 world without Saddam Hussein, who tortured and murdered on average 70,000 people a year for 15 years”, conveniently neglecting to explain why the coalition marketers of ersatz freedom & democracy had done nothing to correct those alleged crimes over that period.

mister magic .....


mister magic .....

PM warns Coalition of electoral annihilation …..

The Prime Minister has warned his colleagues that current opinion polls mean the Coalition would not just lose a federal election, it would be annihilated.

John Howard has told a meeting of Liberal and National MPs the polls show Labor would win emphatically.

He has warned if they are expecting him to pull a rabbit out of a hat, he does not have a rabbit.

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