Saturday 11th of January 2025

kicking sand in our face...


Like a brat "playing" on a beach, Tony is happy kicking sand in our face... Buckets of uncosted policies, no abacus to be seen, just sand, a leaky toy boat, some cubes to be rearranged to spell "e-c-o-n-o-m-y" after having spelled "I-r-a-q" ... and a plug-the-hole board for infants under three.

manning the barricades...

The most watched measure of job ads has increased solidly in July, pointing to further improvements in Australia's unemployment rate.

ANZ's Job Advertisements Series increased 1.3 per cent in July, and is 36.1 per cent higher than it was a year ago.

Both newspaper ads (up 1.2 per cent) and online ads (up 1.3 per cent) increased in seasonally adjusted terms.

The growth in July follows a 2.8 per cent increase in job ads in June.

ANZ's chief economist Warren Hogan says the result is indicative of a resilient labour market.

"It is also encouraging to see that job advertising is picking up across the regions. In July, newspaper job advertisements rose across all states and territories except for Queensland and Tasmania," he said.

"This contrasts with the previous two months, when job advertisements fell in six out of eight states and territories."

Over the longer term, Warren Hogan sees the bigger threat to Australia's economy being a shortage of skilled workers.

"For most countries, the problem is what to do with underemployed labour - how to get that back into the workforce with their very high rates of unemployment," he told ABC News.


Obviously, the economy has been "so mismanaged by Labor" — according to Phoney Tony — that the unemployment figures are dropping...  Tony's a fake! He's a snake oil merchant!... He's a spoiled brat who'll say anything to get his tantrumic ways...


Meanwhile at the all fluffy feathered front:


Labor has taken aim at former Liberal leader Andrew Peacock after he said that only "handicapped" people could fail to see what a poor state the current Government is in.

The former opposition leader is in the Melbourne seat of Kooyong to help launch the campaign of new Liberal candidate Josh Fydenberg.

Mr Peacock told ABC News Breakfast that while he is now living overseas, what has been happening in the Labor Party is plain to see.

"You'd need to be pretty handicapped not to appreciate this Government is dissolving before your eyes daily," he said.

Labor's Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities Bill Shorten says Mr Peacock is using nasty language to make cheap political points.

"Why does he have to use someone's impairment to make a point?" he asked.

"He doesn't have to attack and use the intellectual disability of thousands of people and say that that is the distinguishing factor of whether or not you know what's going on in this country or not."


This is the Libs' policies allright! This is Phoney Tony back up team!!! Discriminatory to the hilt... That reminds me of this cartoon

And on the fake compassionate front, Cardinal Pell is batting for Abbott-de-Phoney:

The Greens have retaliated after Sydney's Catholic Archbishop Cardinal George Pell launched a scathing attack on their party.

In an opinion piece in the Sunday Telegraph, Cardinal Pell labelled the Greens "anti-Christian" and "sweet-camouflaged poison".

Cardinal Pell also claimed the Greens policies are expensive and will not help poor people.

But Greens leader Bob Brown says Cardinal Pell is just dog whistling.

"The Australian Greens' policies for a more compassionate society and more sharing society, more dignified society are the most in line with Christian beliefs," he said.

"The problem for Archbishop Pell is that he's out of touch with mainstream Australia and many, many Catholics.

"I suspect he's blowing a dog whistle for a Abbott-Abetz government in future, and that's a much harsher government than the compassionate policies the Greens are putting forward."

Greens Senate candidate Lin Hatfield Dodds, who was national director of UnitingCare, says her party's policies are very much aligned with Christian values.


Kick Abbott in the budgies!!...

kick him in the budgies...


Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan has accused the Opposition of "gross incompetence" after it made errors in a document it used to attack the Government.

Both sides of politics are attempting to pick holes in each other's election savings and spending promises as they trade insults over economic credibility.

The Opposition released a document which it said showed a $3.4 billion black hole, but Mr Swan has pounced on errors within it to label the Coalition as incompetent.

"The fact is that they are out of control. Anybody who could issue the press release like has been issued by Mr [Andrew] Robb overnight has got some serious problems with their competence," he said.

Mr Robb, the Opposition's finance spokesman, has conceded there were errors in the figures.

But he says the Government is still not being transparent over its spending commitments.

"Wayne Swan, in my view, is starting to look mildly hysterical," he said.


One can forgive Swan for being mildly histerical when Robb blames Swan for Robb's own screw ups...

Kick Abbott in the budgies!!!

tony is going to kindy....


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has conceded Australia's Parliament is "needlessly confrontational" and says it could be kinder and gentler.


He promises to be a Mr Nice Guy after having been a little shit... See the effing toon at top...

Tony also:

  • reiterated that only the Coalition could provide stable politics
  • Gus says : CRAP.
  • spruiked the Opposition's regional credentials, warning a Labor government would be bad for rural Australia
  • Gus says: CRAP.
  • left open the option of ministerial positions for the independents
  • Gus says: bribes of the biggest order?
  • accused Labor of being embroiled in a "ferocious civil war
  • Gus says: NOPE... There is a bit of rough navel gazing but not a "ferocious civil war"...


adult conversation...

Since performing very well in the recent midterm elections, the GOP’s has evolved its rhetoric from inimical and bullying to amiable and “adult.” As Jon Stewart points out, party leadership was quite successful in delivering at least one talking point to its ranks, evidenced by the montage of several Republican electees each claiming that its now time for an “adult conversation.” The Daily Show host queried, “by ‘adult conversation’ you mean the kind of conversation where the adult says ‘no! because i said so!’?”

Lots of mockery to go around in the video clip below, as Stewart then continued the metaphor by calling the media the “needy brat” and the Democrats the “step-parents” who will do or say whatever you want for you to like them.

See toon at top... I would not be surprise if (I an ready to believe, I believe, I know) there is a worldwide collusion between "conservative" parties and their presentation... They use the same advertising/public relations rubbish, compare notes and push the same crap. Lazy of course, but efficient nonetheless at duping the not-thinking cruds... Cruds are filthy crowds with no brains — mostly most people who are prepared to believe crap for an offer of steak knives, and switch from what is right to do to what is wrong to believe because there is a fake lolly hooked at the end of fishing line.

Remember when Abbott called for a government for "grown ups"? Remember? His attitude was like a first time brat with an urge to go to an adult shop! The theme took on a life of its own in the USA, the home of "adult" movies and "adult" shopping for dildoes... Politics for drongoes...

