Saturday 11th of January 2025

beware the age of reason .....

beware the age of reason .....

Phoney Tony spent a lot of time this week demanding to know which was the real Julia Gillard. We might ask the same of him. No current political leader can chop and change like he does. Here are four Abbott quotes from yesteryear.

''I'm all in favour of paid maternity leave as a voluntary thing. I'm dead against paid maternity leave as a compulsory thing. I think that making businesses pay what seems to them two wages to get one worker are, almost nothing could be more calculated to make businesses feel that the odds are stacked against them. So, voluntary paid maternity leave, yes; compulsory paid maternity leave, over this Government's dead body, frankly, it just won't happen under this Government.'' That was July 2002.

''The Howard government's industrial legislation, it was good for wages, it was good for jobs, and it was good for workers. And let's never forget that.'' That was March 2008

''Climate change is absolute crap.'' October 2009.

''My instinct is to extend to as many people as possible the freedom and benefits of life in Australia. A larger population will bring that about, provided that it's also a more productive one.'' January 2010.

In this election campaign, Abbott the worm has not so much turned as done doughnuts down the freeway. Unblushing, he now would have you believe that parental leave is a great leap forward to be funded by a multi-billion dollar tax on business, that Work Choices is ''dead, buried and cremated'', and that immigration must be slashed to keep Australia small and comfy. On climate change he's had more positions than the Kama Sutra.

Phoney's cheer squad would probably argue that here is a pragmatic conservative at work, capable of changing his mind when he discovers he is wrong. Tosh. This is policy by focus group, banged together on the run, from a man who'll say anything to get elected.

The true danger from Abbott, though, lies in his economic illiteracy. And that of his team, rooted as they are in the antiquated nostrum that government debt is always a mortal sin. If the global financial crisis had happened on their watch we would still be slumped in recession.

Mike Carlton

Abbott talks up his economic credentials but, no debate.

It is a tragedy that decent conviction journalists like Mike Carlton and Alan Ramsay can't get a start in the Main Stream Media.  Truth is certainly a burden to carry and will never ever appear in the Murdochracy.

Howard worked hard to give absolute unregulated power to the one and a half MSM in Australia.  Control the information and you control the people. 

The election of the Kevin Rudd Labor government was a test of Rupert Murdoch's power - and by any measure by any intelligent person - his destruction of that man's plans for a future Australian society, free of foreign interests and debt, warranted the demonstration of his ultimate unregulated power and - a lesson to the Abbott’s of Australian politics.

The complete 180 degree change in Murdoch's opinion of Kevin Rudd's Labor Party only occurred when the Law Reform Commission decided that - as Paul Keating clearly stated - the [Howard] honor system in the media is not working due to the power of foreign interests.

The Murdoch media, all over the world, is only viable if they can recruit, by whatever means, people in positions of influence, to achieve and maintain power provided they follow the dictates of their mentors.

The ingredients of the Murdoch formula of control includes absolute obedience to the doctrine of “only profit matters”.  Otherwise Abbott has a clear attack path to disadvantage the Goyim.

The motto of the Lung Foundation states: “If you can’t breath, nothing else matters”. That’s when priorities change from “what I want” to “what I need”.

My Australia desperately needs to control the indecencies of the Murdoch/Abbott cartel and that opportunity may well go back to the 50’s unless our people demand the truth.

It is shamefully and arrogantly acknowledged by the Lobbyists in America, regarding the Senate and the Congress that the multi-rich Jewish Lobby funds the campaigns of selected persons and, they have even made a movie about it as though it was normal corruption.  Struth.

Our nation has been given one, just one, more chance to copy Gough Whitlam’s statement in 1975 that, “Well might you say” when the conservatives and the Queen’s drunken GG actually broke the law and placed an imposter in the seat of the Prime Minister of Australia.

“Well might we say” it can’t happen again – because it is happening but only by a different avenue.  The result to our equality is in jeopardy.

"Please believe that Labor can win this election. Please believe that". Because the return to the 1950’s will certainly happen with the unbelievable non-believer, Tony Abbott.  Even I did not believe that the Murdoch media had that much power – but there it is and, if you believe that your vote matters, you had better vote Labor or Greens.

God Bless Australia and all who hold her future dear to their hearts.  NE OUBLIE.




The evil that men do lives after them? Except Howard/Costello.

It's about time the economy was managed

Kenneth Davidson
March 15, 2007
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"THE Labor Party has successfully created the impression that … the economy runs on autopilot and it has nothing to do with good governance. That could not be further from the truth." (John Howard in Tokyo on Monday trying to explain Labor's poll lead.)

The key difference between the economic policies of the Howard-Costello Government and the Hawke-Keating government was the different attitude to foreign debt.

Labor was prepared to engineer a recession in the late 1980s to slow the economy and slow the recently deregulated banks' appetites for foreign debt so they could profit from financing an explosion in share and property values that the banks themselves largely engineered.

Until the election of the Coalition Government in 1996, all Australian postwar governments were constrained by the balance of payments. The lessons of the 1890s land boom, and the excessive and wasteful state government borrowing during the 1920s and the resulting depressions when agricultural commodity prices fell were that the prime task of economic policy was to keep foreign debt at manageable levels.

It was understood that when Australia's export and import competing industries couldn't generate or save the necessary foreign exchange to finance the debt, it was the government's responsibility to apply the brakes to the domestic economy to curb imports even if that led to recession, lost jobs and the threat of electoral defeat.

Thus Keating's statement about the "'recession Australia had to have", which the electorate still remembers. He was saved in the 1993 election by the unpopularity of John Hewson's Fightback! policy.

Howard didn't make the same mistake in 1996. He eschewed Fightback! and promised to make Australians "relaxed and comfortable", while in the background his deputy, Peter Costello, ran the "debt truck" with a counter showing how much Australia's foreign debt was growing each second to create the impression that the re-election of Keating would lead to another recession.

At the time of the election, net foreign debt was $193 billion. The day after the election the debt truck was garaged, never to be seen again.

Instead, the new Government found a $7 billion "Beasley black hole" in the budget that provided the excuse to make the swinging cutbacks in government spending that were promised originally in Fightback! Gutted was funding for government school education, workforce training and retraining programs, higher education, the CSIRO and the 140 per cent research and development allowance — in short, most of the human capital investment that could sustain new export and import competing industries that would stabilise Australia's foreign debt.

Since then, net foreign debt has grown 170 per cent to $520 billion and is continuing to grow by nearly $50 billion a year despite the biggest export commodity price boom since the Korean War. Now, more than half the build-up in debt each year is the interest on the existing debt. Until the 1980s, there were capital controls to ensure that foreign borrowings were used to finance direct investment, which, provided it generated a return in excess of the cost of borrowing, would not add to the foreign debt burden of the nation.

Now, the lessons of the 1890s and 1920s have been lost. Most of the borrowings that aren't used to pay the interest on the existing stock of borrowings have been used by the banks to finance the housing bubble. We are assured by authorities that the growth in household debt doesn't matter because the debt burden has been reduced by low interest rates and rising house values.

But the housing bubble will pop if interest rates and/or unemployment rise as a result of foreigners deciding to withdraw the foreign needle. Our future is no longer in our hands. In the past decade we have frittered away the savings generated by accumulated budget surpluses and asset sales.

It is scandalous that Telstra has been sold off without a plan in place to roll out a first-world fibre-optic broadband network and that Costello can't see the attack on the public interest generated by the private equity partners in the Qantas takeover, who will appropriate the $200 million a year in tax now paid by the airline to pay the expense on the $9 billion borrowings to finance the deal. The Government also sees nothing wrong with wasting $100 million subsidising an unproven process to "clean" brown coal to black coal standard, or in spending $6 billion on an interim fighter aircraft with dubious strategic value.

The Government can't see the economic opportunity offered by engaging industry in the new opportunities opened up by climate change. Instead, it wants to protect the coal industry (our biggest export earner), which is doomed in the long term unless the world is prepared to live with catastrophic climate change.

In fact, the Howard Government is operating on autopilot in the hope that something will turn up to save the "lucky country" from a major accident that could rival the events of the 1890s and 1930s.

After a decade of neglect what is needed now is real leadership.

Kenneth Davidson is a staff writer.

COMMENT: Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it.  Howard as Treasurer had only four budgets - all in deficit - and with his 21% interest rates he achieved the highest interest rates in Australia's history.  NE OUBLIE.

The Evil that men do lives after them? Howard & Costello too.

From a post of mine in another forum.


Sub heading 6 - Record foreign debt.:

Report from ABC's Mark Simkin, 30 August 2000.

"In 1995, the then Opposition unveiled its debt truck, a battered vehicle that trundled around the country advertising Australia's high level of foreign debt.  Opposition leader John Howard and Shadow Treasurer Peter Costello said the debt was an indictment of economic mis-management and key factor in higher interest rates.

Peter Costello added: “We’re pleased to put foreign debt on the agenda in this country because we don’t want Australians, bit by bit, to watch their productive assets and their productive capacity go into foreign hands. There’s a question of Nation identity about this.  Do we as a country want to be hock to the rest of the world?

COMMENT:  Who protected these congenital liars?  The tenure of the Corporation’s gang of two, Howard and Costello, is now history and we should learn by it.

This can be checked on the net but, why are we so gullible to the control of the Murdochracy?  Bernard Keane says it is us – and he is right.

God Bless Australia and may the people, yes our people, awake to the massive con by the media that is endangering our future.  NE OUBLIE.



This "election" is Murdoctored, Abbott's IOU's must be enormous.

Today, Bernard's warning takes on a new dimension.  Fair dinkum.

We watched the antics of Jolly Joe on the National Press Club address today against (or should that read FOR), Wayne Swan the Labor Treasurer in the Gillard Government.

Hockey merely ranted negative politics with some scattered and time wasting rhetoric while he slowly proved that he didn't really know what he was talking about.  But the poor beggar did what he was told – he may well have said - “It is a far far better thing I do than I have ever done” [Poetic license?] – and his “dingo” leader lets him take the flack.

So the “untouchable hail fellow well met brand-new Phoney Tony” is completely avoiding ANY DEBATES while he compliments himself for totally fooling the Australian voting public.

Should this fascist Howard clone achieve Murdoch’s objective, he will have endorsed yet again the views of Bernard Keane – IT IS OUR OWN FAULT. This is the excuse that Howard/Costello used against the people who fell for their trap in borrowing beyond their means.  But they were blameless.

Nevertheless, this cringing person behind “the protective Burqua of not being able to be questioned” is insult enough.  However, has the non-speaking clone ever been asked, to my knowledge, whether or not he still supports Howard’s “New Order” plan for his wealthy friends to build Nuclear Reactors?  And under the corporate name that he permitted registration for his mates? And since such construction also demands heaps of available water in the driest continent on Earth – where will they be built?

However, the most telling question is simply to the so-called Journalists.  Why does the obvious mistakes and arrogant statements of the most fascist of Liberals and Nationals get away with a virtual wave of the hand?  Where does that put the balance of the once trusted ABC?  Well might a lucid Mark Latham say “How does he [Howard] get away with it”?

During his early years in government, Howard began replacing the most senior of Public Servants until they were “all of his making”. That included a complete overhaul of the ABC Board and their journalists.

Leaks were happening to his government too and were obvious when two reporters from the Herald Sun published a leak from the Howard Cabinet and were jailed for refusing to divulge their sources.  Remember?  In addition, leaks from the shadow cabinet of the Liberal Leader Hewson also undermined the election “he couldn’t loose” against Keating.  Remember?

Notwithstanding those leaks, the media made Laurie Oakes their darling when he helped to undermine the Whitlam Labor government in the DISMISSAL of 1975.  And ever since, Laurie Oakes has had open slather in the Corporation’s media, on what he claims are “leaks” from the highest order but, ONLY if it is not challenged and at the most destructive time.  There is a message there.  ONLY against Labor?

Is Laurie Oakes prepared to back up his claims to “bring down an Australian incumbent government” with a legal demand for proof?  Guilt by innuendo”? The saying remains – “How do they get away with it?”

Would a Court of Law demand that Oakes must obey the law – even of natural justice - and divulges the name of the person/s [who] claimed that a terrible thing was [EXACTLY} said and passed it on to a Labor hater Oakes [why] who held it incommunicado until the most vulnerable time for the “defendant”?  Only a fool would believe Laurie Oakes without proof at any time.

Your forte Oakes is to at best, harbor the secrecy of the unsavory characters who without dignity or principle; know that your "value" will only remain if you do not obey our laws.  Well might Mark Latham say – “Be a man Laurie” – get out there and put the truth on the line?

There is no way that a completely honest Australian will ever be elected again should Abbott succeed in this massive abuse of de-regulated media freedom to lie by opinion - gratefully introduced by the Howard “New Order” in return for his media elections. The Murdochracy would not allow it. 

The mere fact that Murdoch has so arrogantly denied Kevin Rudd any semblance of balanced reporting - and is doing the same to Julia Gillard - is a demonstration of his evil influence in our Nation.

God Bless Australia and protect us from the obvious contradictions of an Abbott democracy.  NE OUBLIE.




What about the ever increasing Abbott backflips Murdoch.

Abbott has been hiding for the last couple of weeks from spontaneous questions of his incompetence to form any sort of government using the Howard "New Order" remnants.

I am possibly behind in the latest 180 degree flip flops of this so-called man because, Barnaby "I won't allow the sale of Telstra" Joyce claimed on Lateline that "we support broadband"?  Fair dinkum.  I must be a few days out somewhere because I clearly remember Abbott and his Howard dregs stating that they would stop this expensive exercise by closing down the Labor Broadband Plan absolutely.

I even remember Mz. Bishop (the one that loves holding huge ugly cane toads) not the "mimic Julia Gillard" entertainer (mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery) Bishop - when the Deputy Leader of the Liberals policy - especially for the regionals - would be the tried and hated Wireless type of connections.  That would have been designed to help their Private Corporations that own their sold Telstra.  Am I wrong, or are Abbott’s plethora of bloopers receiving the old Howard “non-core” treatment?

So what IS Abbott’s policy on Labor’s Broadband which has already begun?

What is his policy on anything that a reasonable voter can believe?  Indeed, what is HE? 

The sicko is now protected by his Wife and daughter’s presence in his meanderings.  What positions in a Conservative Government would these ladies hold?  Why are they there if not to protect him from voter’s inquiries? “Or to hide his life-long belief that women should stay in the kitchen and be barefoot and pregnant”.

So I must catch up.

Now this macho champion of the “lesser female voters”, has agreed to have his blessed self questioned (arranged by Murdoch’s Sky TV) at the same time as Julia Gillard is questioned (arranged by Murdoch’s Sky TV) BUT - DO I BELIEVE IT – ONLY IF HE DOESN’T HAVE TO FACE JULIA GILLARD?

My Wife and I were in awe of this exceptional person Julia Gillard when she faced the mixed crowd in Tony Jones’ Q & A program last night.  Personally I thought that the crowd warmed to her up front honesty and one can only hope that the 800,000 plus viewers, have been treated to a person who has an innate ability to analyze and effectively deal with, national and international problems which beset the Australian people and our future. 

In the meantime, what is Abbott’s policy on nuclear power in Australia and where will he make his billions of “cost cutting” razor gang.

Already Jolly Joe has indicated that they have made up their minds but they are going to hang on to them until the day of the election.

Another of the Howard “New Order” methods is to claim, as Abbott and his mentors have said from the beginning, that they will provide the public with the complete and independent modeling of their objectives “LONG BEFORE THE ELECTION AND IN TIME FOR THE VOTERS TO UNDERSTAND THEM”.

Try doing that on the day of the election but then, that was only one of a multitude of NON-core promises.  When will we ever learn?

This Murdoch Media Empire “remaking” of an incompetent and heartless thug to become the darling of the Corporations must be either ignored or stopped by any legal means possible.

Howard and therefore Abbott by his own description will always favor the rich because that is who they work for and that is who really elects them.  I kid you not.

God Bless Australia and may we be proud to elect Julia Gillard as our future Prime Minister.  NE OUBLIE.