Saturday 11th of January 2025

blowin' smoke .....

blowin' smoke .....

from Crikey .....

By August 22, Joe Hockey could be in charge of the economy

Canberra correspondent Bernard Keane writes:


The longer the election campaign goes, the more confusing Joe Hockey becomes.

Last week he was angrily claiming inflation wasn't under control, a view at odds with, well, the rest of the universe. It would place upward pressure on interest rates, he insisted. Yesterday he responded to the RBA decision to leave rates on hold by claiming we'd "dodged a bullet." "Quite clearly," Hockey said, "evidence emerging on retail sales and building construction indicates the last interest rate increase is still hurting Australian families. They are feeling the heat because the government just doesn't understand what it is doing.''

Just forget for a moment those two statements don't make any sense when run together anyway.

If inflation remains out of control, as Hockey insists that it does, then why didn't the RBA lift rates yesterday? Shouldn't he have been reluctantly urging the RBA to lift rates to deal with inflation?

The only economic policy Hockey has to offer is the straw man of Labor debt driving up interest rates. The economic facts have relentlessly refused to cooperate - just like they refused to cooperate in the aftermath of the GFC, when the Coalition insisted the Government's stimulus packages wouldn't work.

You can only assume that is why Hockey has been almost entirely absent from the Liberals' national campaign so far, with Andrew Robb much more visible. It has been Robb who has counter-punched every time Labor has tried to attack the Liberals' costings, not Hockey. It has been Robb who has been all over the media attacking Labor. Hockey has been the invisible man of the campaign, confined to regional Queensland campaigning, although he got tangled up in Cairns yesterday over conflict of interest claims.

Imagine Peter Costello vanishing from sight for long stretches of election campaigns during the Howard years.

Yesterday Tony Abbott confirmed he would retain his existing economic team if he won Government. That means at this rate we'll wake up on 22 August and Hockey will be in charge of the Australian economy.

The only reason Hockey has the job is because, after the debacle of Julie Bishop as Shadow Treasurer, Malcolm Turnbull foolishly promoted him over Robb. When Abbott knocked off Turnbull, he left Hockey in place out of fear of causing ructions amongst Liberal moderates.

We may all end up paying for Turnbull's error of judgement back then.

as for phoney tony .....

Tony Abbott is offering Australia a faith-based economics policy - because there's such a lack of vital detail that it requires deep belief in Abbott and his team.

That's hard, because none of the Coalition economics team has even one day's experience managing a national economy.

Together with national defence, managing the economy is one of the two great responsibilities that fall uniquely to the federal government.

Abbott chants a sacred daily mantra: "End the waste, pay back the debt, stop the big new taxes and stop the boats."

Yet when he was asked yesterday when he would return the budget to surplus, he had no answer. Pressed by a reporter - "You don't know when the country will be back in surplus under a Coalition government?" - he dodged.

Surplus Blunder Reveals Coalitions Economic Woes


Enemies? Iraq/Afghanistan no - just Rupert Murdoch.

I had pleasure and gained mutual respect for the friendship between Rudd and Hockey in their debates on T/V.  After the turmoil of the Turnbull Liberal assassination to sink bi-partisanship of the ETS, the one vote Leader of a completely divided Liberal party Tony Abbott, sort of destroyed the Noblesse Oblige attitude of these two friends.

I also noted that Jolly Joe stayed in one of the few Liberal seats in Parliament while his obviously favored leader, Malcolm Turnbull, gave his speech regarding that coup and his intended resignation.  Very few cared because the split was so close to 50/50 that the in-fighting was obvious.

So, I am not surprised that Joe Hockey is out of his depth as a shadow treasurer because perhaps loyalty is the big issue with him.  Nevertheless, I would imagine the Murdochracy would have cautioned Abbott about changing ANY of his front bench before and during an election campaign. Honesty - Rupert would say – is a sign of weakness and without profit.

Jolly Joe has been lampooned and ridiculed because he has been hastily put into a front bench position that he is unfortunately unable to understand.  Joe is just not neo-conservative and vicious enough to carry the burden of helping to destroy the Labor made “lucky country”.  I bear him no ill will.

Nevertheless, the media led by Rupert Murdoch has, by abusing the “freedom” that this country has given them, conned Australians into believing in a “Leopard changing its spots”!!! Or as my Mother would say, his power even includes making a “silk purse out of a sow’s ear”. Magic yet?

As Bernard Keane has opined, this is OUR FAULT for believing the unbelievable until we became completely un-aware of what was really going on. What could we do with an unprincipled and information corrupted foreign Corporation’s media?  We could think reason and be logical.

The unfortunately “up front and honest” approach of the Rudd and later the Gillard government was not getting through to the public! Struth.  Why?

We sat back and watched and listened to the “passing parade” of attacks on our elected Government, by an unelected multi-national member of the US Jewish Lobby while he and his cronies, painted the unpredictable radical Tony Abbott as the “Phoenix that Murdoch himself had created from his personally managed mass media malaise.”  Absolute power corrupts.

Control the information and you control the people is, if we allow it, true.  But what if we demanded the government to enforce the laws advocated by the Australian [not Murdoch’s] – let me repeat that – Australian Law Reform Commission then we may be coming back from the days of servitude to the foreign monsters that plague our minds.

God Bless Australia and may Abbott have the courage to give the people a look at his economic credentials by a debate with our Julia Gillard.  Otherwise he will continue to follow Murdoch’s instructions. NE OUBLIE.





Abbott is a puppet freak but who manipulates the strings?

“The Daily Telegraph is reporting that the $5 million campaign has been devised by former Liberal Party strategists and Howard government adviser”s.

As a victim of my own excesses in smoking, even though my wife and I gave it away in 1983, I have had a lung cancer which has now required our need to “realize our limitations”. And I cannot believe that in a post Howard era of Australian politics, the people would accept the Liberal party receiving donations from the tobacco industry.

And being supported by Murdoch and his too much power wealth.

So we are told that Kevin Rudd is back to campaign for Labor and -immediately - the Murdochracy accuses him of doing so for himself.  While I do not accept that, mainly because this is a man who stood down rather than put HIS PARTY through the trauma of a very divisive vote. 

Compare that attitude with the one vote 50/50 split in the Liberals when Abbott deposed his leader and reneged on the word of his Party.  And yet, that seems to have been forgotten? Is it because the Labor Party "could not get its message through"? And thereby hangs a tale???

How do the citizens of a US style "democracy" expect to be supplied with their balanced information?  By newspapers? Murdoch has that covered. By T/V - ditto. By any other method - ditto. By Satellite – ditto.

Add to that the Howard "New Order" (compared to the “Fascist New Guard" of his father) and its destruction of the unbiased attitude of the ABC "people's voice".  To achieve the "privatizing style control" of that once trusted informative and responsible news organization, Howard delivered our only avenue of believable non-profit truth to the "powers that be". 

Among Howard’s record of “following the money trail” politics is highlighted by his now evidently false claim of “knowing how to balance the books”.

He was Treasurer of the Fraser Liberal Government from 1977 to 1983, he produced four budgets, all in deficit, and achieved the highest interest rates in Australia’s history of 21%. 

But now he claims that the ragtail remnants of his “New Order” are ready to govern.  Fair dinkum.

The truth is that there is not one member of the Abbott ramshackle “front bench” that has any experience in handling a trillion plus economy.  Or for that matter, any economy.

Nevertheless, Kevin Rudd is correct in saying that Abbott and his Murdochracy is allowing Abbott to avoid questions or debates while Murdoch manages his propaganda.

It won’t be in my lifetime but, I never lose hope that the media, at least in Australia, is regulated to protect the people from its unbridled bias.  Those who accept Murdoch’s money, whether in Australia or the UK or the US, are betraying their own future generations – and I believe that they don’t care.

God Bless Australia and let us think reason and be logical.  NE OUBLIE.