Saturday 11th of January 2025

frame that...

frame that

"You can frame that: WorkChoices, dead, buried, cremated, that's my signature," Mr Abbott said.

The stunt recalled Mark Latham's 2004 signature on an oversize cardboard statement promising a Labor government would keep interest rates low.

AAP writes: But Mr Abbott also refused to rule out any future changes to the government’s industrial laws, the Fair Work legislation.

‘Obviously I can’t give an absolute guarantee about every single aspect of workplace relations legislation,’’ Mr Abbott said.

The previous Howard government introduced Work Choices and claimed its deregulation of workplace relations improved employment levels, but unions said it disadvantaged workers.

Ms Gillard said the camouflage that Mr Abbott tried to create around the issue hadn’t even lasted two days.

‘‘It’s abundantly clear that if Mr Abbott became prime minister the worst aspects of Work Choices would be back,’’ she told reporters in Townsville.

Workplace Relations Minister Simon Crean and Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner also sustained the attack against the opposition leader.

‘‘This is a person who has been using weasel words all his life, I believe he’s using weasel words now when he says he’s not going to change the (Fair Work) legislation,’’ Mr Crean told ABC Television.

A suggestion by opposition workplace relations spokesman Eric Abetz that the coalition might ‘‘tweak’’ current laws needed assessment, he said.


rattle the tin for the poor mining industry...

Earlier today he said there would be no changes to the laws - "not now, not ever" - but in a second interview said he could not give an "absolute guarantee" on every aspect of workplace relations.

When asked if he would make any changes to the regulations, Mr Abbott replied: "The thing is that all sorts of things happen out there in our workplaces on a day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month, year-by-year basis."


The name of Tony's new secret industrial relations is "Work-work-work to support the poor mining industry"...

gone, finished and cremated candidate...

The sacked Liberal party candidate, David Barker, says he stands by anti-Islamic comments he made about his opponent in the Sydney seat of Chifley.

Opposition leader Tony Abbott says Mr Barker is "gone, finished" as a candidate after he posted the remarks on Facebook and attacked his opponent's Muslim faith.

He announced the Coalition's new candidate in Chifley will be 41-year-old small businesswoman Venus Priest.

Labor candidate Ed Husic describes himself as a non-practicing Muslim.

But Mr Barker has told the ABC there should not be a Muslim in Parliament and he has also taken a swipe at Prime Minister Julia Gillard's lack of faith.

"I'm not anti-Muslim. I believe every one should have their own beliefs," he said.

"But I don't know if we want at this stage in Australian politics a Muslim in the Parliament and an atheist running the Government."

Mr Abbott distanced himself from the actions of the sacked candidate.