Friday 10th of January 2025

a rat's fart...

climate change

Climate policy won't affect power prices: Abbott

Federal Opposition leader Tony Abbott says he can guarantee electricity prices will not rise as a result of the Coalition's climate change plan.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard is chairing a Federal Cabinet meeting today and is expected to release her new climate change policy within days.

The Government has indicated it will outline a new plan to reduce carbon emissions after its emissions trading scheme was shelved.

The Opposition predicts Labor's plan will force up the cost of electricity. Mr Abbott says the Opposition's policy will not put an extra cost on power generators.

"We are going to fund a climate change policy out of the budget, we are not going to put impositions on consumers, we are not going to put impositions on producers," he said.

The Opposition has promised to offer financial incentives for polluters to cut emissions rather than putting a price on carbon through a tax or an ETS.

It also predicts the Government's new climate change policy will mirror its direct action plan.

Mr Abbott says Labor has a history of adopting Coalition policies close to an election.

not giving a rat's arse...

"It's flattering in a sense but I think the public are very suspicious of a Labor Party which pretends to be the Liberal Party before an election, but then becomes the same old incompetent spin over substance Labor Party after the election," he said.


What a spiv! Tony taking credit for Labor's Climate change policy while he — the denier extraordinaire — throws burley in the water to catch the naive little fishes and cook them on the barbecue of global warming... Tony? Not giving a rat's arse...

The basic principle needed for war is misinformation.

The major problem in "democratic" elections is that the phrase "freedom of speech" gives too much power to those who can afford to abuse it.

The Murdochs of the western world - the US in a shattered Iraq - the US in Afghanistan and of course the Zionists in occupied Palestine.   

IMHO I cannot name one western nation that I believe is a true democracy, including Australia.  Among many other things, a democracy does not embark on preemptive wars against nations who are actually practicing the true principles of democracy by being free to govern themselves as they see fit. The government of a country is what they deserve. They too surely have that right unless they force their methods on others by illegal war.

I can never understand that we Orstraylians believe in that which is passed  to us by obviously biased sources for profit, in particular on political opinions which only use the word democracy as a marketing ploy.

The character assassination of a good man in Kevin Rudd, by primarily the Murdoch media, from a popular and brilliant statesman to a sneaky and untrustworthy incompetent.  What power? Think, reason and use logic and it is indisputable that an unelected foreign owner of a media empire decided who will NOT run our country and by false and biased opinion.

Even though Howard knew the truth of no WMD’s in Iraq, he supported the preemptive strike on that sovereign nation and even boasted that the Australian SAS had entered southern Iraq and killed several Iraqis before the invasion proper.  That was not a democratic act nor one to be proud of.  When he asked Bushit to lay a wreath for our first soldier killed in that unnecessary and illegal war, he ignored the Soldier’s Wife and family and didn’t even invite them to the ceremony.  Bonza chap that.

Ergo, all nations who took part in that illegal Iraq invasion demonstrated that they are NOT democracies since they denied to another nation their right to exercise the very principles of freedom of choice and speech.

IMHO, the biggest criminal organizations, continually exploiting the basic principles of democracy, is the so-called media.  Control the information and you control the people.  Goebbels proved that in spades and the US copied it and has refined that act of influence with a vengeance.

Even the leader of the Fijians has clearly shown his distrust of the foreign owned media by insisting that only Fijians can control the media in Fiji.  Whether this is merely citizenship or “state of origin” I don’t really know.

Nevertheless Murdoch has proven in Australia that he and his cronies of the misnamed The Australian (which is even used by great Australians like Paul Keating) has the interstate power of that rag to “spread the word” so to speak. Without any worthwhile regulation or even the prosecution of the existing ones, we are forced to cop his method of misinformation – primarily of political opinions without obeying the small plea of our nation to only use their “freedom to lie and to influence” in their legally tested EDITORIALS.

Now, the Murdoch media and its fellow-travelers have obviously chosen the “Mad Monk” as their representative in a proposed government of a worn out “born to rule” group of exposed incompetents who assassinated their leader by just ONE VOTE.

And who doesn’t tell us that – the media.

I respect the intelligence of the women in Parliament as Australians who have been firstly, chosen by their rank and file as their representative by the process of pre-selection, and then supported by the major party members in the proposed election.  All parties ascribe to that method.

Not just by factional groups in federal politics as the media would want you to believe. 

I genuinely believe that something has to be done, at least in our “Lucky Country” to stop – not curtail – but stop the media abuse of opinions dressed up as facts.  It can and should be done.

God Bless Australia and just as Labor has religiously insisted on the better education of the working families, make sure they remain in government.  NE OUBLIE.




The Murdoch media is an example of mis-use of privilege - again.

Examples of blatant misuse of Editorial Freedom by Brad Norington of The Australian - and he is one of Murdoch’s mild bigots:  He writes about Kevin Rudd in the US:-


His actions are already judged by his Labor colleagues back home as mischievous. (Who are they? Come clean)


Some think his behaviour amounts to political sabotage as he puts his own interests - and personal venom about the way he has been treated - ahead of his party's electoral prospects.  (Who are some?))


Even Americans attending the five-day dialogue were puzzled. (Who?)For one thing, they struggled to grasp how a man so obviously popular 12 months ago and at ease hobnobbing with world leaders could fall so quickly. (Don’t they read The Australian?) But they were also embarrassed. Apart from a few gushing tributes to paper over the discomfort of all by stressing Rudd's contribution as a founding member of the dialogue group, many did not know what to say.   (Body language no doubt?)


But several dialogue attendees commented that one session devoted to international security became a tournament of old bulls as Rudd felt compelled to demonstrate his superiority.  (How could he possibly know that?)   


Senior Labor figures are already personally blaming Rudd for much of the political fallout (Who told him that – Laurie Oaks?)


Obama offered support in finding an international post. The story was sourced to US officials, but many in Labor see Rudd's hand in that story too. (Many? Who?)


Most of Mr. Norington’s article is supposition, innuendo and plain opinion and none of it would be acceptable in a Court of Law as evidence.  It is heresay at the very kindest. 


If that isn’t enough proof of the Murdoch goons misusing their Master’s power then take a look at the rest of the garbage and Think Reason and be Logical.


God Bless Australia and may we see the News Ltd. taken to Court (like Packer in 1976) over the careless misuse of political bias (and salary caps)none of which were listed as Editorial Independence. NE OUBLIE.



Howard sold our assets and Abbott wants to sell our souls.

We have been told, by visual and radio claims, that Tony Abbott wants us to forget his past completely and yet, he says that the P.M. is "looking forward" only to forget her past!  Fair dinkum.

If any reader can remember, this is from a swaggering example of arrogance who pleaded with the electorate (after he stabbed his Leader in the back), to TOTALLY FORGET HIS PAST?  What was the difference between the Rudd removal and the Turnbull ditto? With Rudd it was, right or wrong, a unanimous and united decision of the Party.  With Turnbull, Abbott's revolt divided the party to a ONE VOTE leadership change? A total split that still simmers under the service.  He claims:-

That he is a new man who is no longer intolerate of women? 

No longer followed the Howard "New Order"? "Phoney Tony" crap.

Has compassion - while wanting to re-introduce the Howard Pacific Solution? Remember the 353 men women and children who drowned due to the SIEV X "being turned around" and the "Tampa" and the Reith/Howard "babies overboard"?

Who wants to remove the fair deal that the P.M. negotiated with the Foreign miners and sabotage the air tight plans for the best economy in the western world?

And, as he says himself, he cannot be believed unless his statement is in writing?  Why then does his minders allow him to face fair dinkum questions?

He will happily disadvantage the small businesses by eliminating their Labor tax reduction to ensure increases in prices due to his own “Great Big New Tax” to protect the foreign buyers of our natural finite resources.

And the absolute “Corporation paid for/Corporation decision” to re-introduce an “apartheid style” Howard WorkChoices in spirit and intent by the simple Liberal method of using Howard’s euphemisms!  Struth.

There is much more but, the Australian people have to consider the latest “Mad Monk” dodge of promising – that is PROMISING – perhaps core or non core – but not quite “iron clad and rock solid” for which he is well known – that he has “buried and burnt” WorkChoices (Howard’s greatest boast) and will MAINTAIN THE LABOR PARTY’S FAIR WORK POLICIES FOR THE ENTIRE THREE YEARS OF HIS FIRST TENURE IN OFFICE IF ELECTED! Fair dinkum Tony?

Consider this – a person of doubtful honesty, who is noted for his “kick down the barn door” and don’t let them build another one” (LBJ  policies) IS ACTUALLY offering to ALLOW the Australian working families TO SUFFER THE BASTARDRY OF THAT LABOR POLICY FOR HIS ENTIRE FIRST TENURE IN OFFICE – JUST TO GET ELECTED.  And then???   How desperate can he get?

God Bless Australia and while I have lived though the tenures of 20 Prime Ministers - I have never been so annoyed at the media (like Packer like Murdoch) and for that matter the supposed independent ABC, in their insulting belief that we “Orstraylians” are still uneducated enough to put aside our family values and go back to the 1950’s – I kid you not. NE OUBLIE.