Friday 10th of January 2025

the value of camp-following .....

the value of camp-following .....

Jewish leaders welcomed the appointment of Australia's first female prime minister, who has been supportive of Israel.

Julia Gillard was elected unopposed in a Labor Party caucus meeting Thursday after Prime Minister Kevin Rudd agreed to a leadership ballot triggered by a slump in the polls.

Gillard, from Labor's left faction, was widely considered an unknown quantity on Israel when she was elected deputy leader in 2006.

But she "stood like a rock during the Gaza incursion [in 2009], reiterating again and again that Hamas began the conflict by rocketing Israel," said Michael Danby, a Jewish lawmaker in the Labor government.

Dr. Colin Rubenstein, executive director of the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council, agreed.

In a congratulatory letter issued Thursday, Executive Council of Australian Jewry President Robert Goot praised Gillard's "principled stands" and "close understanding" of Jewish issues.

Gillard, who first visited Israel in 2005, led the Australian delegation in June 2009 to the inaugural Australia Israel Leadership Forum, a high-profile bilateral conference organized by the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange. She met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli President Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Ehud Barak in Jerusalem, and Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in Ramallah.

Rudd, a staunch supporter of Israel, recently had come under fire from Jewish leaders for expelling an official from the Israeli Embassy in Canberra over the Dubai passports affair. Gillard stayed largely silent on the controversial affair.

New Australian PM supportive of Israel

With the indulgence of the Administrators.

A repeat of the article I wrote which was at least 24 hours before the "plot" to assassinate Kevin Rudd by ONLY the Labor factions and at least before Julia Gillard was forced BY the Labor conspirators, to take the challenge to Kevin Rudd.  Something strange was happening in the foreign media that suddenly, yes suddently, significantly softened their view of Kevin Rudd. I sniffed the breeze and didn't like the smell.

I repeat that opinion now that we know the media was aware of the "plot" at least 24 hours before Julia Gillard, no matter who planned it or executed it.  To me that means the Murdochracy yet again.

I print a copy:

Has "Your Democracy" had some effect on the MSM? in republik in the ranks...

by Ernest William ... on Wed, 2010-06-23 19:32

At least I prefer to consider that it has.

The courageous Administrators of this forum have, definitely in my case, printed both sides of every situation as best they can.  Who can ask for more?

My recent absence has been due to my total disgust at the Murdoch Zionist media and also the Sydney Morning Herald.  What else is there? No, I have not given up Gus and John, just a little disappointed at the bushit.

Today, after a deep breath, I was prepared to suffer more insulting crass Journalism from the Murdocracy and was quite surprised at what I read.

Has Murdoch "dropped his Character Assassination of our Prime Minister?"

Has the SMH considered that their repeated assertions that Kevin Rudd is a “bad communicator” are infinitely better than having an “attack dog” and a purposefully silent opposition leader?  If Abbott was a “cast iron and rock solid” politician (as he has contradicted so often) why is he remaining silent and avoiding any media interviews of reasonable questions? And is that his “Leadership” decision? Or those of his real bosses?

I am always amazed, ever since Howard was elected in 1996, how the policy of defending a public perception of being a bastard, is immediately used as a reverse accusation against the Labor Party.

Of course we should always be prepared that the MSM will not recognize that fact and they will attack to force the Labor Party to defend themselves and without any substantive evidence to defend. Corporations must look after Corporations?

That may be a wonderful method of blatant propaganda but most of us oldies had hoped that that type of abuse of media power was restricted to only when at war.  But, of course, we are aren’t we?

Over the last perhaps six months, led by the Murdochracy, the MSM has persecuted Kevin Rudd (for any or no reason at all) as a leader, a family man; his religion; his previous suffering as a child; being conveniently married to a Millionaire and for anything that he has or has tried to do.

In my day, his trials and tribulations would have been considered as an asset.  “How appreciate the rose without knowing the thorn?”

This is not only the disgraceful and negative politics that the conservatives have copied from Corporate America but is the sure and undeniable proof that the Media elects governments in Australia and WE are to blame.

So, those of us who can still think; reason and be logical will notice that while the Liberals and their foreign Miners and media, have been attacking our Prime Minister on a personal basis – are now using their media power to claim that the Labor Party are carrying out a “dirty campaign”.  This, by exposing the “accidental Opposition” Leader’s obvious dangers to our nation as a whole and doing it to protect Tony Abbott’s very existence. 

I do watch the Parliamentary Question Time and the obvious superiority of the Labor Government which is of course, partly due to being the government.

However, there is never, never anything constructive from the “accidental” leader of the opposition and - does any uncommitted voter wonder why?

I believe in Australia and I believe that the Kevin Rudd Labor government has given us back the supported Malcolm Fraser distinction of being independent in our foreign policies – because WE will prosper or suffer from the consequences – not the foreign Corporations.

God Bless Australia and may we overcome this massive and expensive attempt to destroy our independence.  Never since 1975 has the votes of our citizens been so inundated by massive foreign millions to unseat our elected government. NE OUBLIE.

As the old American Senator once said: “I weep for my country”.  End of quote.

COMMENT: We mushrooms should understand that WE are the last to know and that the powers that be are as much in control today as they were before the French and American revolutions.  Amen and NE OUBLIE. 


Is that surprising?

I have to say this even though it may increase the chances of an Abbott/Miners/foreign control continuing in this reasonably fledgling nation of ours.

A Kevin Rudd victory in the inevitable federal election would have changed the balance of the war between the Corporations and their representatives and made an historical statement that we, the majority of Australians, who are considered as the “untermenshen” will give as much support to everything that is Australian - even as our troops, involved in wars that are political and nothing to do in our National interests are prosecuted in our name.

Too late Murdoch – too late Harcher – are you really going to ignore your Frank Packer involvement in this further indication that we are, subject to the whims of the “ubermenshens” a tainted state and subject to the will of those who do not even have the right to vote?

In 1972 a man called Gough Whitlam declared that he would do everything in his power to return to Australians, their birthright.  And he was destroyed by the media of Frank Packer (read Murdoch).

And here is my concern.  Every incoming government in this Corporation’s media controlled nation has to satisfy the “powers that be” to be elected.

Kevin Rudd was prepared to put his future and his unblemished past on the line to hopefully have the respect and independence that he so valued as an Australian – as did Gough Whitlam.

And we betrayed him – not the “gang of four” recently, but also the “faceless men” of 1970’s.

Can this nation of ours really stand by our beliefs in honesty and being fair dinkum?  If the “media” reports of W.A. and Queensland are true ….

I weep for my country.  NE OUBLIE.



Why did Murdoch decide on Julia over Kevin?

Obviously as retaliation to Kevin Rudd's audacity to criticize the Zionists in occupied Palestine by expelling an "Israeli" politician.

I vote for that and it is another warning to Australians to make sure that the Abbott aborration does NOT achieve more Corporation's power for Murdoch.


It is all about media power and its unregulated existence.

Imagine the effect of your article above John if it was allowed to be promulgated in the Main Stream Media as so much mis-information has been done?

When I was a teenager in 1945, the Jewish Holocaust was only news to me (and IMHO, most Australians) when the war was almost ended.  It was reported in the more dignified media (due to wartime regulations of that time) that the Holocaust had occurred and that the Allies [the US/British Commonwealth/Russians and the Europeans] had known about the concentration camps for some considerable time.

With the normal “if only” ramifications which follow a crime such of that magnitude being ignored and not even used as an added incentive for the ultimate destruction of the Nazi regime, one has to wonder why.

Modern War is the most demonstrative example of brute force the world has ever known.  There is no honor in War – winning or losing – but I remember that, in hind sight the Allies were criticized for NOT bombing the known concentration camps and providing the starving inmates with a quick death.

In retrospect I was horrified with that observation and I am glad that the Allies resisted the temptation because, “hope springs eternal” and some of these innocents were saved and treated who would otherwise have died.

In contrast, the behavior of the Zionist Organizations even during the war with Germany and before, have been guilty of encouraging these Jewish people to be persecuted and even imprisoned simply because they were Jewish and considered as a major part of the “untermenshen” with the other people of eastern Europe.  Were they considered cattle by the Zionists?

And so the Nuremburg trials began and the criminals who apparently masterminded the war to purify the European nations of “lesser peoples” were dealt with under international law.  [What happened to that?]

And it was done without suggesting any responsibility for those crimes to the Zionists who had made arrangements with the Hitler regime to satisfy the ultimate objectives of both the European Nazis - who wanted to rid Europe of the Jews - and the Zionist Jews who wanted to absorb the expelled Jewish citizens from Europe to be welcomed into what was then Palestine.

So now we have an inverse situation where the “Nazis” are the “Zionists” in occupied Palestine, and the new and more permanent HOLOCAUST is against the Palestinians, who had nothing to do with the plight of the Zionist Jews. But what does that matter?

The resolution to these festering cancers is to remove the UN power of veto from the tainted and Jewish controlled US from the Security Council along with all other nations of equal military power. 

The much abused Muslim nations are correct when they claim that the UN Security Council itself denies equal rights to all participating Nations.

We have just seen in Australia the power of the Zionist media which controls, by financial persuasion or threat, most of the governments of the western world.

We have been conned by the unregulated media, including the once trustworthy ABC, that only a Corporations Government of the Corporations and for the Corporations would maintain our belief in the feeling of being the Whitlam era of the "lucky country". 

God Bless Australia and may we value our independence if – we can achieve it? NE OUBLIE.





The Zionist power needs curbing badly.

Recently Australia has been witnessing the unbridled power of the Murdoch Media in the Australian and other Zionist tabloids in Capital cities where the misinformation can best be utilized to have maximum effect.  As some independent and courageous journalists have written in non MSM, “Murdoch was out to get Rudd” and using any and all criticisms to influence the Australians to “surrender their hearts and minds” to the elite born to rule.

And yet, this opinion was never ever suggested in the Main Stream Media. That is -misinformation by omission and a calculated abuse of “freedom of the press”.  In Fiji and other small nations, leaders are beginning to insist that the foreign press print both sides of the story, or don’t print at all.  Your Democracy is miles ahead of them too.

Like when the “lesser peoples” sue the large Corporations like Goldman Sachs, the latter merely delay any resolution by exploiting its control over “democracy” until the “untermenschen” run out of financial fuel.

The comparison between the post execution of Malcolm Turnbull was not in any way as heart-rending as that of Kevin Rudd.

In the Turnbull incident, he was arrogant and confident but an almost evenly split Liberal/National caucus divided his Party - while Rudd was forcibly “stood down” due to only one person standing for election after the spill had been called.  A unanimous and united Party, in no small way due to Kevin Rudd’s courage and dedication to the Australian working families he still loves so much.

Turnbull immediately resigned after his one vote defeat and in a fit of righteousness refused to go to the backbench – that is – until Murdoch’s support for “phony Tony” re-invigorated him to suddenly do a U turn and agree to continue to represent his seat that he originally stole from a genuine Jewish person and probably due to his relationship with Goldman Sachs.  But what does that matter. No backflip there?

Conversely, Kevin Rudd sounded out what support he may have and, wisely I believe, decided that he couldn’t win and a vote would only serve to split the Labor Party.  Wherein he sat in the back bench which took enormous strength of character and faced his party and the Murdoch/Miner’s Liberal representatives, with dignity and in the staunch belief that what was happening was in the best interests of the entire working families of Australia.  And it is a bloody good government.

I have no reason to suspect Julia Gillard of being full-time involved in the Labor Party leadership spill, and I do believe that she will get the support of some other excellent women representatives like Helen Ridout who, by the way, supported Rudd’s Resources tax incentive.

An interesting and unpublished aside is that the ABC was totally against Kevin Rudd, the incumbent Prime Minister and yet, could he have done a Howard and demoted the extreme right journalists (instead of neutrals) that blackened their history for fairness?

We must shake ourselves free of the chains of US/Zionist control – as Your Democracy has already pointed out, a dedicated, rich and hostile world-wide organization of only .22% of the world’s population should not be allowed to take charge of universal decisions. But as Murdoch has just so eloquently shown, his lies and innuendos in his multiple international media outlets, can only function to the disadvantage of the people he aspires to influence, in the marketing ploy of “Democracy”.  No such thing exists in this US/Zionist world of wars of choice.

God Bless Australia and since we send our military personnel to wars in the far corners of the world to satisfy our American allies, then we should have a say in the powers that control those deployments, not just servitude - as Malcolm Fraser so aptly put it.