Friday 10th of January 2025

special friends .....

special friends .....

Funny, they remember their epithets but not their manners It is a ferocious beast, the Jewish lobby. Write just one sentence even mildly critical of Israel and it lunges from its lair, fangs bared. ''I rejoice every time a f---ing Palestinian dies, f--- them!!!! Israel should flatten Gaza with a nuclear strike and be done with it,'' said one of hundreds of Jewish emailers this week. ''How dare you insult Israel you over priviledged [sic] racist white moron, f--- you and your stupid article. I wish I could smash your dumb face in.''The stupid article was last week's column, which suggested that Israel's attack on the Gaza flotilla was lethal idiocy and that the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was an unprincipled thug addicted to the use of military force.Few of the emails were as brisk as that one. Many, though, were nakedly racist, such as this from a man named Schwarz. ''Do Jews do drive-by shootings every other day like in Sydney's south-west? Do Jews or Arabs make up a large proportion of the Australian jail population? Do Jews gang rape young girls in Sydney?'' he mused.Others like to threaten. A travel agent from Double Bay drafted an apoplectic denunciation and circulated it to his friends. ''The more of us write with a copy [sic] to The Sydney Morning Herald, the more chance we may have that the Herald will change its one-eyed view of the situation and give us a more balanced reporting and maybe even sack Mike Carlton,'' he said hopefully. One of his chaverim mistakenly forwarded it to me.It's standard operating procedure for the lobby to hurl accusations of anti-Semitism with that peculiar Israeli blend of paranoia and belligerence. ''That you are happy to indulge in hate-mongering makes you quite the sadist,'' wrote a man from Melbourne. ''Your article gives you away as an anti-Semite and as much as you may hide behind the guise of a pro-Palestinian humanitarian, your Holocaust revisionism in comparing the conflict of the modern era to the systematic extermination of the Jews shows your true colours.''That is just plain dumb. My Jewish friends would confirm that I am not a sadistic, anti-Semitic, hate-mongering Holocaust denier. But I did enjoy the sneers about my manifold failings as a journalist. ''You are a cheap hack making money out of lies,'' was typical. ''Journalists are generally recruited if they have an IQ larger that their shoe size,'' was another. Yuk yuk, guffaw.None of this is accidental. The Israel lobby, worldwide, is orchestrated in Jerusalem by a department in the Prime Minister's office with the rather Orwellian name of the Ministry for Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs. Less than 24 hours after the attack on the Mavi Marmara, the ministry hit the internet with ''important talking points'' for Jews around the world, the first of which was - surprisingly - that ''the Palestinian people are not under blockade''.''Write letters to your local newspapers, comment on blogs and news websites, call in to radio programs and post links to social networking sites to help spread the real version of events,'' urged the deliciously named Mr Ronen Plot, the Ministry Director-General.This is all free speech, of course. I just wish they could be more polite.--------''One must have a heart of stone to read the death of little Nell without laughing,'' said Oscar Wilde of Charles Dickens's most tragic heroine. I feel much the same as I watch the mining magnates wringing their hands, rending their garments and uttering up their piteous cries about the horrors of the resources super profits tax. They were the picture of abject misery when the Prime Minister visited Perth on Wednesday.Poor Gina Rinehart could barely speak. ''Axe the tax!'' she croaked, double chins wobbling furiously. A crowd of well-dressed demonstrators rattled their jewellery and brandished rather-too-neatly printed placards. Coiffed and groomed, they looked like relatives of Julie Bishop. Gina clocked in at number two on this year's BRW magazine rich list, with a healthy fortune of $4.75 billion. Not a lot of it earned by her own exertions, I make so bold as to suggest. Her father, the late Lang Hancock, was such a stingy old bastard that journalists flown around in his private plane to admire his vast holdings were told to bring their own lunch.I did have one useful thought, though. If la Rinehart could be put out to stud with her Queensland resources counterpart, the enormous and almost perfectly spherical Clive Palmer, what a dynasty might arise one day. Almost an entire new species, really.Then there was Andrew ''Twiggy'' Forrest, battling along with $4.24 billion. Twiggy fears that Kevin Rudd is turning Australia communist. My, what a glittering queue there'll be for the firing squad.Largesse, but no sign of noblesse obligeNo danger of communism in NSW, though. The state government continues its adventurous policy of showering money and favours upon the rich.Recently we've had untold millions lavished upon racehorse breeders, V8 supercar entrepreneurs and clapped-out old American rock'n'rollers. News Limited in its role as part-owner of the NRL will get a helpful share of $45 million set aside to keep the grand final in Sydney until 2022. Another $45 million will go to upgrade the Showground at Homebush for a yet-to-be established western Sydney AFL team expected to play nine games there each year.And now, in this week's budget, we find fabulous tax concessions for Sydney's wealthiest publicans. Some will apparently pay no tax at all on their poker machine profits, the lucky devils. No wonder the NSW president of the Australian Hotels Association, Scott Leach, was hailing this bonanza as "a result of historic proportions."It's a matter of getting the priorities right. The Education Department can find only $15 million to remove unflued gas heaters from state schools, but if that means classrooms of kiddies being slowly asphyxiated by poisonous fumes this winter, well, that's progress. This is the new-look NSW ALP. It used to be soak the rich. Now it's stroke the rich. 

Are we next in the Jewish financial control of stupidity?

I wonder John, are we doing the Jewish Zionists a favor or a disadvantage by revealing their unbelievable claim to always be blameless and innocent of any wrong doing.


The uncivilized behavior of the invaders of Palestine since their revolution in 1948 as terrorists has been a burden on the western world. Whilst Israel doesn’t legally exist they still punch well above their weight in numbers.  Why?


The accumulation of wealth and the power that follows it is all too obvious in the US and is raising its head even in the captive Australian media.


As strange as it may seem, the actions of Germany and France in trying to save the European Union is indicative in my opinion of the worthwhile saving of a third force in world affairs.


After so many posts and internet historical records I have been convinced that the World Jewish Zionist intentions are not just the absorption of Palestine but merely the beginning of maintaining the Diaspora into a world wide conspiracy with a totally immune system of destabilization.  And, democracy is their weapon.


If I am reading this right, the take-over of all nations’ finances since the early 17th century and beyond is intended to give the Zionists, like Murdoch in Australia, the power to control the nation itself.


I consider their reasoning is that “if you are stupid I will take advantage of you”.  “If you are so unworthy of our support, we will make you pay for every bribe you accept”.  In other words, with some confusion, the Zionists are demanding by their power of wealth, that their system will eventually succeed not only because it has been approved by their God, but because the world has been unstable without their control.


The irony is that the world has been unstable ever since the Zionist Jews took over the politics of the major industrialized nations.


It has been the hypocritical policies of the US since at least the turn of the 20th century that the world must conform to the false image of Democracy.


Only the theory of “Democracy” and its disadvantages for the citizens of the nation which advocate that principle is always applied by force, can demonstrate how the marketing ploy is achieved.


So, when the Jewish Lobby decides on “declaring war” on a nation (via the US) it is usually when the economy of that sovereign nation is in debt to one or more of the Jewish world wide lobbyists.


Perhaps I am only suggesting the obvious.  An organization that is distributed all over the wealthy world (for whatever reason) will only be effective in seizing control if they have the financial power and the available  corruption necessary to do so.  Which seems to be the pure direction of the Zionists.


The irony forever present is, that the wars of choice are, in fact or spirit, the Zionist attitude to letting the Goyims destroy themselves while we finance each opponent to continue the slaughter.


God Bless Australia and may we realize that the major opportunist against the Rudd Australian government is the insidious power of the Zionists and their obvious partners in political crime - the desperate Abbott coalition. NE OUBLIE.





zionism ....

Hi Ernest,

I think zionism is like mistletoe ... it attaches itself to other living organisms & nourishes itself by drawing the life out of them, eventually killing its host.

What many also don't understand about zionists is that they are devoid of conscience & morality, & ultimately are only concerned with the attainment of power & control.

Zionism is a canker; a cancer. It's no different to fascism.


I totally agree John.

"I think zionism is like mistletoe ... it attaches itself to other living organisms & nourishes itself by drawing the life out of them, eventually killing its host".

If I was a Zionist I would be very annoyed with Netanyahu and his mob of "Morlocks" for their abuse of the memory of the Jewish Holocaust and for causing the inevitable revelations which are bound to happen to any identity which claims to be perfect

 It certainly played its part in bringing down the good originally intended for the German people by the Nazi Party when they brought pride and life back into the shattered remnants of a once remarkable nation. 

But then they claimed to be perfect and even Hitler negotiated with the very same Zionists organization, to force the Jews of Europe to the Middle East where, at least by Hitler’s measure, they had always been “untermenschen” Arab Semites anyway. This organization's headquarters is now reported as being entrenched in the US (away from rockets and other disasters of its making) and has been exposed as claiming to represent the entire Jewish people, scattered all over the world by the Diaspora.

Bit by murderous bit, the Zionists have built, over sixty plus years, a new and more dangerous hatred in the civilized world and, as I say, all it has done is to further the opposition to such an idea of military world control by fascism, along with the destruction of all the moderate moral and wisdom stories of ancient Israel and Judah.

It is in the interests of all people on Earth and especially for the Jewish race and religion, that this US sponsored take-over must not succeed.

The Jewish occupation of Palestine should be forced (by its own methods) to be demographically interspersed with the original Palestinian people; and become the same peaceful Palestinian citizens that they were during the last stages of WW II.

By all civilized balances of right and wrong – the Palestinians are right and the Zionists are wrong.  No perpetrators of massive human rights crimes should be allowed to succeed because of those crimes.  It is even against the teachings of historic wisdoms from such as the Great Solomon.

If this had happened before the western nations were involved in a disastrous world war, the Zionists of the Protocols would have been swiftly herded into a Howard/Abbott detention camp until they could be sent back to their Diaspora nations with little or no pity at all.

God Bless Australia and let us try to keep religion and politics separate.  NE OUBLIE.



A Demographic Resolution to Zionist/Nazi aggression.

UN Recognition Of Israel Is Fatally Flawed

By Christopher King  [My emphasis]

14 June, 2010.  Christopher King argues that beneath Israel’s litany of crimes against the Palestinians, and most recently its murder of humanitarian workers aboard the Gaza-bound international aid flotilla, lies the fact of its own illegality.

The true nature of the so-called freedom-loving, democratic state of Israel is now clear to the world following its military attack on Gaza, its illegal blockade of Gaza with terrible suffering of its population and now the murder of nine humanitarian activists in course of pirating the Free Gaza Flotilla in international waters.

These horrifying events should focus minds within the international community on the legitimacy of the Israeli regime. We should consider what meaning for its present status its disregard for legality and human rights since its inception might have.

The foundation of the entity Israel was supported by Europe and America due to sympathy or guilt, as you might have it, for the suffering of European Jews, the colonialist thinking of that time and familiarity with the Jewish biblical narrative.“ is clear that once the Jews took up arms against the Palestinians, dispossessed them and settled on their land, they acted against the terms and intent of the Mandate, to say nothing of civil law.”

The preamble to the League of Nations Mandate by which Britain administered Palestine and which has the same essential wording as the Balfour Declaration, reads:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on 2 November 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country [my italics]…..

Britain was placed in the position of breaching the Mandate if it condoned Jewish actions.“The Balfour Declaration and League of Nations Mandate in favour of a ‘national home for the Jewish people’ are often cited as the legal basis for the Jewish occupation of Palestine. It is obvious, however, that this cannot be true. These instruments had no legal force."….

Moreover, dispossession of Palestinians from their land breached the most important civil rights safeguarded by the Mandate, namely, the right to possess their land and the right for them and their descendants to live upon it.

Israel’s declaration of independence on 14 May 1948 when the British Mandate ended has no legal validity. Subsequently, Israel was recognized by other countries, following the United States. It was admitted to the United Nations, the rebranded League of Nations, by Resolution 273 on 11 May 1949 which, again is cited by Jewish Palestinians as Israel’s legitimization. Resolution 273 was a grave error. Israel not only had no pre-existing historical foundation but it incorporated a fatal flaw. That flaw was its failure to recognize the rights of the Palestinians. The Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate had recognized Palestinian rights and the 10 December 1948 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights was a general acknowledgement that such rights existed for all peoples….

The right to own property and live peacefully upon it already existed in Palestine. In June 2005 Turkey transferred Ottoman land ownership records for Palestine up to 1916 to the Palestinian Authority. From 1917 to 1948 land records were maintained by the British administration. It should be mentioned that the Israeli authorities seized the land records held by the Palestinian Authority as reported by the Scottish Trades Union Council on 22 April 2002:

Our Palestinian trade union colleagues are now confirming what has been suggested by such news reports as have been able to get out of the areas under Israeli assault.

"Ariel Sharon, with the complicity of the entire Israeli political establishment, is moving to complete his lifetime's ambition – the creation of a state of Greater Israel on all of historic Palestine, through the expulsion or killing of non-Jewish Palestinians, and the destruction of all physical evidence of their history.

"That is why the Israeli gunmen have not only been massacring Palestinians. They have also been demolishing centuries-old buildings, and ripping up olive groves, some of which date back to Roman times.

"They have seized and removed the records and documentation of the Palestinian Authority and of Palestinian civic organizations, including all the membership records of the Palestinian trade unions.

“And most significantly, they have seized the Palestinian records of land ownership. What purpose can that have, other than in order to destroy evidence of the Palestinians entitlement to their land? [my italics].

The 22 August report from the American Libraries Association’s International Responsibilities Task Force illustrates that Israel particularly targets libraries that contain historical records relating to Palestinian demographics (e.g. Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute, Ramallah), commerce (e.g. Palestinian Insurance Company, Ramallah) and government statistics (e.g. Bureau of Statistics, Ramallah). Library papers and computers are vandalized and records that could support Palestinian claims on their land are either entirely removed or destroyed.  [Remember the book burning? Not Hitler – but Jewish vandalism in an attempt to re-write history - why?]

The fundamental issue in Palestine is land and the right to live upon it. Israeli actions make clear their awareness that they have no title to the land. Israel is attempting to strengthen its possession by making it difficult for Palestinians to establish their claims.“... the United Nations’ acceptance of Israel’s status as a legitimate state is inherently invalid. Legitimate means according to law. In dispossessing the Palestinians Israel had broken that people’s legally valid tie to the land on which they and their ancestors had lived for centuries if not millennia..."

This then is the fatal flaw in the United Nations 1949 recognition of Israel as a legitimate state within the international community. It ignores the land and residence rights of the Palestinians that had been made explicit in the Balfour Declaration, the British Mandate and the United Nations’ own recognition in the period leading up to the expiry of the British mandate that Palestinian rights must be protected.

By fatal flaw, I mean that the United Nations’ acceptance of Israel’s status as a legitimate state is inherently invalid. Legitimate means according to law. In dispossessing the Palestinians Israel had broken that people’s legally valid tie to the land on which they and their ancestors had lived for centuries if not millennia, which is the very foundation of nationhood, national identity and indeed, livelihood.

As I have said elsewhere, legitimacy for Israel can only be granted by the Palestinians and even they cannot legally give it while under the duress of armed occupation and dispossession. Agreements with the Palestinian Authority or even Hamas relating to land allocation and citizenship are therefore worthless as they might be subject to valid legal challenge at any time in the future.

The status of the Jews in Palestine in international law is therefore that of a people having an ethnic identity, some religious identity but without a Jewish country. Those who emigrated to Palestine possessed national identities based on their birthplace and parents’ residence as in the case of the Palestinians. By these internationally-recognized critera, if they wish to live in Palestine, they are Jewish Palestinians among Muslim, Christian and whichever other Palestinians have a claim to the land. [Demographic resolution with UN control – all Palestinian citizens of the land of that name?]

There is no point in the Jews of Palestine or anyone else arguing subtle and complex legal points in refutation of this. If this proposition is not true, then any people in any country may be dispossessed by a more powerful country and lose all claim to their land. That cannot be the case. International law is founded on the concept of national identity and the right to defend the nation on which it is based. That is precisely what Hamas, the legitimate, democratically-elected government of Palestine is doing.“The status of the Jews in Palestine in international law is ... that of a people having an ethnic identity, some religious identity but without a Jewish country.

The Jews of Palestine cannot conceivably, therefore, invent a country and national identity on land confiscated by armed force from the Palestinian people. It is not possible.

Destroying Palestinian records is crime of unspeakable viciousness that rivals the crimes that Jewish Palestinians carry out against the persons of their Musilm compatriots. It does immense cultural damage while giving no advantage to Jews. The lack of records might be easily remedied for land redistribution purposes on the basis of the known ethnic populations in 1947, when mass immigration commenced. A democratically elected government for all Palestine, following the return of refugees, could sort out the details.

I have never heard anyone suggest that the Jews of Palestine should be ejected from that country. It appears, however, that they do not wish to live equitably among those Palestinians who have prior and better claim to the land than they. In that case, I would suggest that they might select an agreeable location of about 22,000 square kilometres in the United States. They could emigrate, drive its American inhabitants out and set up a Jewish homeland there. More land could be taken over later if desired. As the United States has unfailingly endorsed these principles in the case of Palestine it will undoubtedly be in accord. Alternatively, perhaps Muslim Palestinians might do the same. I cannot see what possible objection the United States government might have.   Christopher King is a retired consultant and lecturer in management and marketing. He lives in London, UK.

COMMENT:  Surely none is necessary.  God Bless Australia and make the civilized people of the world - who may foolishly support the “Zionists” - remember what has already happened to one innocent nation and its people for welcoming their presence.  NE OUBLIE.






The One State Solution can be achieved peacefully - or otherwise

The Helen Thomas' Resolution (From Countercurrents - my emphasis)

By Gilad Atzmon

15 June, 2010

Those who are engaged in the Palestinian solidarity discourse are familiar with two visions of conflict resolution: the ‘Two State Solution’ and the ‘One State Solution’. This week we have learned about a third possible resolution that seems to me the most reasonable and ethical considering the circumstances. Helen Thomas, the 89 years old doyenne of the White House press corps, sketched it in one sentence. When asked by a Rabbi holding a camera: "where should Israelis go", she said Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine”. When the Rabbi challenged her, she made it plainly clear: “they should go home to Poland, Germany, America and elsewhere”

Thomas was quick to be reminded who runs Capitol Hill. A global war was declared against her. She had to resign and to apologise. However, her brief yet transparently clear solution is sound and should be elaborated upon.

It is an obvious fact that the Israelis do not belong to the region. The Jewish claim for Zion i.e. Palestine is beyond pathetic. It is in fact as ridiculous as a bunch of Italian settlers invading London's Piccadilly Circus claiming their right to return to a land once occupied by their Roman forefathers. Obviously Italians would not get away with it, Zionists, on the other hand, have managed to fool the nations for more than a while.

Unlike our Western politicians and Media, Helen Thomas was not impressed by the Zionist argument. Let’s try to understand what she is saying. She suggests primarily that Jews don’t belong to Palestine and Palestine certainly doesn’t belong to the Jews. She also argues that the home for Jews is somewhere else. Thomas suggested for instance that Jews should go to Germany. Surely this is not such a rude idea considering the love Germany pours on Israel. We shouldn’t also forget that the Israeli nuclear submarines that have been on their way to the Gulf (according to The Times), were given to Israel by Germany as a ‘present’ at the time that Israel flattened Lebanon (2006). If Angela Merkel is sincere, she should welcome the Israelis to return to her country and save the world from another world conflict.

As it happens, most Western leaders support the Two State Solution, they believe that such a solution is fair and ethical. I wonder what is so ethical about it, the Two State Solution doesn’t address the Palestinian Cause. It largely ignores the Palestinian Right of Return to their land, homes, villages, fields and orchards. It accepts the outrageous circumstances in which millions of Palestinian refugees will be left dispossessed forever.

Most humanists seem to support the One State Solution, they are convinced that such a solution is fair and ethical. Again, I am rather perplexed here. As much as we accept that sharing the land is reasonable and ethical, it is completely foreign to Jewish ideology and Zionism in particular. Early Zionist immigrants were more than welcome to share the land with the Palestinian indigenous population. But they had a completely different plan in mind, they wanted a ‘Jews only State’. They eventually ethnically cleansed the Palestinians (1948), Those who managed to cling to the land were eventually locked behind walls and barbed wire. The One State Solution dismisses the Jewish ideology. As much as I myself tend to support the One State Solution, I am fully aware of the fact that such a solution may become possible only when the Israeli Jewish population gives up its supremacist ideology. Needless to say that when this happens, the Jews in Palestine would become Palestinian Jews: ordinary people of Jewish ethnic origin who happen to live on Palestinian land.

Those who are repulsed by Helen Thomas’ resolution, blame her for being discriminatory towards Jews. The truth of the matter is that Thomas’ suggestion is not at all different or more discriminatory than the notorious Two State Solution. While Thomas suggests that millions of Jews would peacefully go back to their true home, the Two State Resolution suggests that millions of Palestinian refugees would be left with no home whatsoever. Clearly, the Israeli State mentions again and again that it would never allow Palestinian refugees to return to their land.

Considering the latest Israeli barbarian military operations, bearing in mind the disastrous starvation in Gaza, learning about the serious threat to world peace imposed by repeated nuclear threats made by Israel against its neighboring States and Iran in particular, we should move the discourse one step further. We better look at the Helen Thomas’ solution.

Seemingly, the Rabbi who assaulted Helen Thomas, is not impressed by Thomas’ solution. He was concerned about six million Jews who perished in Europe. Someone should remind the Rabbi that the European Judeocide has nothing to do with Palestine or the Palestinians. However, his own behaviour towards Thomas together with the Israeli repellent murderous behaviour in the high seas, in Palestine, and the Jewish lobbies around the world, all contribute together to a necessary revision of the notion of ‘Jewish suffering’ in history. At the end of the day, our vision of the past is constantly shaped by our present understandings.

Like the rest of humanity, Old Helen Thomas is tired of Jewish power and Israeli barbarism, she touched the nerve exactly where it hurts by saying the plain truth. “Get the hell out of Palestine”. Truth, it seems, echoes ethics and reason.

COMMENT:  While Jewish ideology cannot be suffered any more under the guise of democracy, the emerging powers expecially Turkey, should be considering an "eye for an eye".  IMHO 60 + years of aggression excused by no more than "suspicion that some nations may also become nuclear" must eventually be stopped using whatever means are necessary.

The constant lies and breaches of basic humanity cannot be permitted and the sooner we realize that the better of the entire world will be, including the Diaspora Jews with multiple passports.

God Bless Austrralia.  NE OUBLIE.



Own the media and you own the Government Jewish style.

From Julian Assange to Helen Thomas Going After the Wrong People

By DAVE LINDORFF   (Mk 1 with my emphasis).

What does it say about the American government, its president, and its military today, that the largest military/intelligence organization in the history of mankind has launched a global manhunt for Julian Assange, head of the Wikileaks organization? And what does it say about corporate American journalists that they attack the only real journalist in the White House press corps, when she alone has shown the guts to speak truth?

The Hunt for Julian Assange

Consider first the case of Wikileaks founder Assange, whom Daniel Ellsberg, the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers, warns is in danger, if found, of being snuffed by the Pentagon’s search teams. First of all, let’s be clear here: he is “guilty” of no crime, but only of doing what American journalists should have done long ago: exposing the crimes of the US government. His Wikileaks famously leaked the military video showing that the crew of a helicopter gunship in Iraq in 2007 had shot up and killed a group of innocent Iraqi civilians, including two Reuters journalists, and laughed and mocked the victims as they were slaughtered. Now the same whistleblower website threatens to release hundreds of thousands of State Department cables that, among other things, reportedly include embarrassing comments by US officials about foreign leaders.

How is it, mainstream journalists ought to be asking but aren’t, that the Pentagon can unleash its vast intelligence resources to hunt down the Australian-born Assange, but cannot bring itself to devote those same resources and commitment to hunting down Osama Bin Laden, the man they claim is behind not only the attacks on the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon itself, but also the resistance to US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan?  [Australia should immediately declare that Julian Assange has committed no crime and will NOT be surrendered to the yanks as the Howard puppet government did by abandoning Hicks]

I’m not sure which is the bigger scandal here: the Pentagon’s grotesque misallocation of resources, or the media’s unwillingness to point it out.

There is no indication or claim by the government that Wikileaks has paid anyone anything to reveal US secrets--in fact the government claims it isn’t even interested in arresting Asange, just in “trying to convince him” not to release those cables. (Sure. I believe that like I believe the government wants fair hearings at its secret military tribunals in Guantanamo.) The secrets he has disclosed have been volunteered to Wikileaks by government and military whistleblowers, one of whom, Army intelligence specialist Bradley Manning, is now under arrest in Kuwait, a US client state where there are no protections against torture. Note that even what Manning did should not be considered a crime in any just, open society. He didn’t endanger US security as claimed; rather, he revealed a possible crime--the killing of civilians by US forces--that the government itself was covering up and refusing to investigate. (He says he tried to pursue justice within the military chain of command and was ignored, which is why he turned to Wikileaks.)

In any event, one thing is obvious. The Obama administration is becoming downright Nixonian in its efforts to silence internal dissent, and this time, what is left of a mainstream corporate media no longer have any interest in standing up to this kind of incipient fascism.

It remains to the likes of brave souls like Assange and to the independent and alternative media journalists who stand with him, to resist. Here’s hoping Assange keeps safe and well hidden, and that he and his Wikileaks compatriots continue to expose the ugly secrets of the American Empire.

The Attack on Helen Thomas is Mk 2.  (To be continued)



And Helen Thomas Mk 2.

Sorry John and Gus, but I couldn't in good conscience print the rest of that garbage.  My tolerance for corruption and lies is very narrow after years of seeing it flourish, especially in the US.

The Attack on Helen Thomas

And then we have the sorry case of veteran senior White House correspondent Helen Thomas, who was just kneecapped by her own colleagues.

The truth is [?] that when Thomas was ambushed by David Nesenoff, the Zionist rabbi with the camera, and asked for her opinion “about Israel,” she said nothing wrong. Her reply, in which she said the people occupying Palestine should “get out” and “go home,” was clearly a reference not to Israel, but to the Palestinian occupied territories, and that makes a world of difference. [Territory "occupied by" the legal owners? Struth] 

Note that Rabbi Nesenoff’s question was, “Any comments about Israel?” and Thomas’s response was, “Tell them (Israel) to get out of Palestine.” She’s referring to Israel getting out of Palestinian territory. How do we know this? Because subsequently, she says, “Remember, these people are occupied and it’s their land.”

The people of Israel--Israelis and Israeli Palestinians--are clearly not “occupied.” Israel is many things, but it is not an occupied country. Who is occupied? The people of Gaza and the West Bank. So what Thomas is doing here is what most people do, including even many Israelis, which is referring to the Palestinian occupied territories by the shorthand of the term “Palestine.” (I do this myself all the time in discussions of the issue.) It's true that some hard-core anti-Zionists refer to the whole of Israel and Palestine as "occupied Palestine," just as some hard-core Zionists refer to the whole of the occupied territoris as Eretz Israel or Greater Israel-- in the same way that some Native Americans refer to all of America as stolen land--but there has never been any evidence that Thomas is in that camp.

COMMENT:  What precedes this opinion and what would have come after it, is the worst crap I have read regarding the actual situation in occupied Palestine – and Lindorff, not too cleverly, tries to use the disgusting but normal zionist treatment of an 89 year old Lady for their own purposes. He tries to mask his patronizing, misleading and blatantly dishonest distortion of the big picture with a crass effort at being civilized, when in truth, that is also a zionist lie.

Lindorff, there is no such legal nation called Israel and you know it.  The State of Palestine has been militarily occupied by the Zionist terrorists since, as Palestinian citizens, they revolted and murdered their way to where they are now and all the land that they have stolen, EXCEPT for Gaza and what is left of the West Bank. You are using the universally condemned Zionist habit of not being able to deal with the truth.

Most of the centuries old state of Palestine is now "occupied illegally" by the only uncivilized military that is allowed to occupy where and when they want to.  Add to that – they commit acts of war against peaceful neighbors on an almost daily basis.

I consider that the abuse of human rights by these criminals is being progressively understood by most of the world and the time is coming when people like you may be made to understand what will permitted and what is not.

God Bless Australia and may we learn even more about the Zionists who also control the Murdoch media – world wide.  NE OUBLIE. 

The fair dinkum Jewish people are being betrayed again.

While it is a fact that the state of Israel is a myth and the UN Declaration of 1948, foolishly thinking that would bring satisfaction to the UN recognized Zionist Terrorists, we have witnessed the UN becoming the paper tiger that the US intended when it built the headquarters of the once hoped to be impartial, "congress" of nations.

Sometimes, but not in the Zionist Murdoch media, we have been allowed to know what is really happening in the world.  This Your Democracy forum is a good example of that and should be applauded for any person who values truth and peace above corruption and the evil of money.

The Jewish people have had many, many brilliant people in public life however, the multi-national Jewish Lobbyists have used their Diaspora positions of "multi-citizenship" to corrupt their hosts, and it is enormous when you consider the evil of Goldman Sachs and those who either by design or greed, caused the second world “depression”.

A case in point is that the Golden Globe awards must go to a Jewish person - why? Because the movie studios are all owned or controlled by the many, many Jewish businesses and IMHO all of their actors, except maybe the Negro/Americans, are Jewish.

I have discerned that the Jewish doctrine is “never give a sucker an even break” and I think that they are proud of that, wrongly assuming that their dishonesty and that of their victims, proves their superior brain?  I think not.

To blame the people, of whatever nation, who are victims to this sort of Jewish mindset is just too easy and it is much more sensible to prevent the import of heroin than to jail its users.

Civilization has all too slowly, recognized the state costs and health dangers of many things such as drugs of all kinds.  It is just not good enough to allow the Jewish Lobbyists, especially in England and America and now Canada to exploit the weaknesses of their targets and expect them to resist temptation.

It must have been a Jewish person who stated that “everybody has their price”. 

I do not retreat from my opinion that the false and illegal use of the title “Israel” is an attempt to get recognition from the people who believe in honesty and assistance to fellow man, by buying their support for overall control.

Of course we know it is happening, and even in our once proud nation of Australia – some of our people are seriously considering the lies and misinformation of the Murdoch media. Fair dinkum.

The first step is for us to apply “Physician cure thy self” and force the ACCC to prosecute any politician who accepts donations above the regulated amount whether declared or not.

During Howard’s first years, there was at least seven ministers who were sacked because of “Ministerial misdemeanors” but, his price must have been quickly satisfied and he became a Corporation’s PM.

Now we have an academic; a statesman and an advocate of fairness for all Australians, who is being character assassinated by a media led by the Zionists of the Murdoch media.

It is my considered opinion that the Jew Murdoch is merely exercising the unlimited power he has by controlling our information.  And we should recognise that or be considered as stupid as the Americans are - and look at them now.

God Bless Australia and may all Australian’s vote to consolidate the Rudd Government to protect our future from the power of foreign interests.





making goebbels proud …..

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement yesterday that promised to "liberalize the system by which civilian goods enter Gaza."  The announcement from Israel's security cabinet came after widespread international pressure on Israel following a deadly Israeli naval raid on a humanitarian flotilla trying to break the three-year old blockade of Gaza.

U.S. media echoed the Israeli press release in headlines like  "Israel to Ease Gaza Land Blockade" (New York Times, 6/17/10) and "Israel Eases Restrictions on Goods Bound for Gaza Strip" (Washington Post, 6/18/10). (CNN - 6/17/10 -at least attributed the claim in its "Israel to Ease Blockade of Gaza, Cabinet Says.")

But corporate news coverage in the United States omitted an important aspect of the story that undermines the narrative that Israel is "easing" its blockade of Gaza.  The Israeli daily Ha'aretz (6/17/10) reports:

The prime minister's office announced on Thursday that the security cabinet had agreed to relax Israel's blockade on the Gaza Strip, but as it turns out, no binding decision was ever made during the cabinet meeting.

The prime minister's office issued a press release in English following the meeting, which was also sent to foreign diplomats, was substantially different than the Hebrew announcement - according to the English text, a decision was made to ease the blockade, but in the Hebrew text there was no mention of any such decision.

U.S. corporate media have apparently decided to ignore the Hebrew press release that told a far different story about the blockade of Gaza.  Even if their correspondents in Jerusalem don't speak Hebrew, the online English version of Ha'aretz reported the news about the dual statements loud and clear yesterday afternoon.

Israeli Blockade 'Eased' Only In English, But US Media Eat It Up