Friday 10th of January 2025

masters of the universe .....

masters of the universe .....

If you were to draw an oily line from the first exploitation of oil in the Middle East by the British in 1901 (they were in the process of converting their then world dominating naval fleet from coal to oil and were in desperate need of it) to the overthrow of the secular democratic leader in Iran, Mohammed Mossadeq, in 1953, to the Iraq War, to the criminal environmental catastrophe in the Gulf, BP would have been there.  

But the fourth largest company in the world wasn't always called BP.  It used to be owned by the British Government (remember the navy armada in need of oil). It was named the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company when the CIA teamed up with the British because the Western style Iranian leader Mossadeq wanted to nationalize Britain's 100% owned and run giant oil concession in Iran, and the West would have none of that.  So Eisenhower authorized "Operation Ajax," and the Shah of Iran was placed in power - ruling with an iron fist and the dreaded SAVAK, all the time fully backed by the U.S. - leading to the radical theocratic revolution that we still confront today.  All the time BP, which formally adopted its current name in 1954, was there.

BP was there throughout the de facto colonization of the Middle East to provide oil to the West, the British and the U.S. remaining strong partners in keeping any recalcitrant nations in line. Which leads to the Iraq War and why many Americans and Brits were puzzled by Tony Blair's eagerness to go along with Cheney's secret oil committee plan to seize Iraq oil fields and Bush's belief that the war was Biblically justified. BP is the largest corporation in the UK and the third largest energy company. Do you have any more questions?

BP and its American counterparts are part of the corporate oligarchy that run governments when it comes to energy policy. They don't take orders from sovereign nations; they give them. They are unelected, but because of their hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue and profit, they run the show when it comes to oil policy, and profit comes first: forget about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Oil is their gold; we are just consumers who can be replaced at any time by more consumers, vassals to the oil company Masters of the Universe. There is no brake on their malfeasance, greed and criminal behavior, nor their ability to get nations to go to war, overthrow democratically elected leaders, and to get away with pollution of proportions beyond the imagination.

From the 1953 CIA Overthrow of Democracy in Iran, to the Iraq War, to the Criminal Gulf Catastrophe and Deaths, BP Was There

Australia, "you have a gun to your head" - will you fight?

Terrorism according to Webster’s Dictionary is;


1,  The act of terrorizing; use of force or threats to demoralize, to intimidate and to subjugate; esp such use as a political weapon or policy. 2. The demoralization and intimidation  produced in this way.

Would this include causing panic to  the Australian people with the intention of destabilizing them and making them suseptible to gross dishonesty?  Of course they are.  This is our country, faults maybe but, it is our country.

Is the Abbott/Foreign Mining/ and Murdoch media Coalition - guilty of terrorism?  Of course they are.


By now all non-American nations in the world are very much aware of the murderous con of “terrorism” by the likes of Blair/Bush/Howard and others being used as an excuse for absolute avoidance of all political and international standards.


Nevertheless, we Australians are becoming victims of the “Gun to the head” threats of the Foreign Mining and Media Corporations in collusion with the Abbott Liberals.  These preachers of doom and gloom are anti-Australian in every respect and should be treated as such.


Consequently, the truths are again denied to the people while Kevin Rudd and his Labor Party are determined to prove that they are the elected representatives of the Australian people.  And their message of economic management is a good one and commended and valued by all internationals such as the I.M.F. Even after the massive financial meltdown of the world economies,  the Rudd Labor Government’s rating is still the highest any nation can achieve – Aaa.


I am continually amazed at the power of this forum in clearly destroying the Murdoch Media’s free/paid and totally false ads and Opinions which have rattled our entire population and for what ultimate purpose?  To remove a Labor government while their total control of MSM mis-information and what our Government is trying to expose as lies - the Corporation’s claim - should not be allowed to do so.


From John Richardson in “Masters of the Universe”;  


BP and its American counterparts are part of the corporate oligarchy that run governments when it comes to energy policy. They don't take orders from sovereign nations; they give them. They are unelected, but because of their hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue and profit, they run the show when it comes to oil policy, and profit comes first: forget about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Oil is their gold; we are just consumers who can be replaced at any time by more consumers, vassals to the oil company Masters of the Universe. There is no brake on their malfeasance, greed and criminal behavior, nor their ability to get nations to go to war, overthrow democratically elected leaders, and to get away with pollution of proportions beyond the imagination.

This applies in spades to the current foreign Mining and MSM with their traitorous coalitions currently waging a “Terrorist” war against our Government and supported by Murdoch.

Whether or not the polls are right in Queensland I would remind them that their contributions to both World Wars was very significant and heroic and in WW 2 our service personnel were paid 3 shillings and 6 pence a day. What was that for?  Why did your military fight your Government’s enemy if you can be turned on your history with the obvious lies of foreign interests? Do you really believe that this Rudd Labor government (by its proven history) would even think of creating a situation where Australians lose jobs?

Let’s remember that there are all sorts of terrorism – and the foreign Mining Interests and their fellow conspirators are trying to “hold a gun to our heads”.

God Bless Australia and let’s remember our history before we capitulate to the very types of subjugation that so many of us have died to avoid.  NE OUBLIE.





The Murdoch media is an example of mis-use of privilege.

It is sometimes difficult to put my feelings into words when I respect the balance of this forum and its participants.  What I try to explain is - at most - a variation of what I learn from Your Democracy.  It saves me so often from watching the foreign owned TV and repeating Bull S.

Nevertheless, my opinion in this situation is that the truth is as much an initial victim in this Foreign Mining Class War as it is in any other War.

I cannot express myself enough to convey the anger I feel for the media, especially the foreign owned media, when day by day their employed cronies print utter garbage for mass consumption.

I guess the American movies gave us the feeling that the free press in the west had to fight for their right to print garbage.  In occupied Europe, as I imagine is the case in occupied Palestine, the "underground" was the hope of the "untermenschen" - but they put their lives on the line for that principle.

Well might Mark Antony exclaim "lend me your ears"?  Even he knew the power of persuasion.

If we look at our history over the last two centuries, we have been involved in many wars that were not really of our making or desires.  Irrespective of the movies which tend to exaggerate the American involvement per se in “saving Australia” was not quite as charitable as they would have us believe. 

Our European heritage has been varied in accordance now with the needs of our part in Asian society (one of the oldest on Earth Mr. Rumsfeld) – and I see that as a huge plus.

Currently my life time with 19 Prime Ministers tells me that this may be the “fork in the road” that Kevin Rudd warned us about.

Just a thought and I feel afraid of the answer.  If the Japanese had offered a large sum of money to each and every Australian if we would lay down our arms and concede defeat - would we?

God Bless Australia and beware.  NE OUBLIE.



remember elvis ....

Hi Ernest,

Sadly, I think, we met the fork in the road some time ago, with most of those on the journey at that time simply not recognising the fact.

Signposts in the US included Eisenhower's speech about the dangers of the military-industrial complex; the assassinations of King, Malcolm X & the Kennedy's; the rise of the lobbyists; Nixon; the CIA; the NSA; the whole rotten nasty lot of the american nightmare turned into reality,when the corporaions & politicians decided that there should be no more Wasington Posts to keep anyone honest.

And here it was the 'reds under the bed; the British atomic tests; Whitlam; Indonesia; Vietnam; rattus & a raft of other examples .... all of which came & went & we did little or nothing.

It's interesting how you & many others see our Kevin as the solution, whilst I actually see him as part of the problem: the lesser of two evils. For those that can't/won't see it, our 'democracy', just like Israel's, that in the UK, the US or Fiji, is designed to serve the interests of a minority & not the majority. Regardless of whether you have an account in a labour branch or a liberal/country party branch, that fundamental truth is the same which, in my view means, we are in a perpetual state of being screwed by the same interests, whilst all our politicians from both sides do is facilitate the process ..... & it's substantially because we don't/won't take sufficient interest to stop it. 

Now I expect that you will argue that Kev is about getting the ordinary orstraylan a fair suck of the sav & it might appear that that is the case when it vomes to the foreign miners. But remember, there are a good many more issues that aren't being addressed that make my point.

Remember Elvis?

calypso blues...

From the BBC


To mark the centennial of marine explorer Jacques Cousteau's birth, the society established in his name will relaunch his ship, the Calypso.

The vessel was badly damaged in 1996, when a barge accidentally rammed into it in the port of Singapore.

It is now being repaired and the Cousteau Society says it will become a "touring educational exhibition".


This will include a new filming expedition in the Mediterranean Sea - to document the changes since Captain Cousteau made one of his first films there in the 1940s.

His youngest son, Pierre-Yves Cousteau said: "If he were alive today, my father would be gratified by the creation of marine protected areas in many countries and by the growing community of scientists working to advance understanding and conservation of ocean biodiversity.

"However, I know he would also be distressed by the ongoing pillage of oceans by industrialised fisheries [and] by the catastrophes that stem from exploiting off-shore oil resources."