Saturday 1st of March 2025

There was movement at the station

“There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around


I listened to J.Howard's magnificent ripostes to questions, as broadcast on ABC Radio AM today. I may have become confused, befuddled or confambled, but this is what I recollect.

Q. "What about T.Abbott wanting to restrict IVF to wealthy Liberal voters?"

JH: "Labor would abolish the Safety Net!"

Q. "What about the piles of rubbish left at Anzac Cove?"

JH: "Labor would abolish the Safety Net!"

Q. "Would you let our convicted drug dealers be executed in other countries, while waving at it from 3000km away?"

JH: "Labor would abolish the Safety Net!"

I was detecting a theme at this point, so went back to the weeties. However, this continued banging away at phantom opposition policies that won't exist for another two years is a worry. Where IS Labor, anyhow? Do they need some help?

Marines forced to use dummies in Sydney Morning Herald Apr 26th. ... US marines
who suffered the highest casualty rate of any unit in Iraq have
revealed that they were so short of soldiers that they used cardboard dummies to ...

How about the ALP cut out a few cardboard likenesses, of, say, Kim, Julia, Laurie et al, and when Howard et al get stuck on one of their obsessions, someone in the crowd could just pop up the effigy. All the cutouts could have a "bubble" containing 'Not true' or 'Did not!'. Wouldn't that save a lot of effort and travel, and get the message across, until 6 days before the next election?

Over in the UK, Michael Howard is providing some laughs. He must be devastated that Rupert has cast him adrift. Now, only now, are the Tories getting onto T.Blair as a liar over Iraq. Goodness me! In the opening seconds of his campaign, Blair said he wasn't going to be around, and he lined up the contenders so all the world could see who UK people would be voting for. Full marks to M Howard for flogging a dead horse.

Re: Dummies

Hey T G, I think Labor were ahead of you on this point as they have been using the cardboard cutouts for some time already. I suspect that's why Latham disappeared, his cutout got lost.


If it's not rude to point to another cartoonist, take a peek at Ted Rall's latest.


The Tory campaign

Steve Bell, at the Guardian.

Not rude at all

I visit as many as possible cartoonist sites around the world everyday in order to keep with the REAL underbelly trends of what concerns people worldwide, Bell and Rall being two of them. Rall used to be published in the New York Times until about six month ago(?).

I have a good collection of old Aussie cartoons and so on. I try as much as possible not to "copy" neither styles nor gaglines, even if we tackle the same subjects.