Friday 10th of January 2025

our abc ....

our abc .....

from Crikey .....

Impartiality and the ABC: the Middle East doco rejected for broadcast

Crikey intern Matt De Neef writes:


ABC Television will "consider" broadcasting a Middle East pro-peace documentary it had previously refused to show after pressure from the film's distribution company.

An initial offer to broadcast the independent film Hope in a Slingshot was retracted by the ABC earlier this year due to "impartiality" concerns, but Crikey can reveal that ABC management will now reconsider its decision.

Hope in a Slingshot is the work of Australian/Maltese documentary filmmaker Inka Straface and portrays her experiences in the contested West Bank region of the Middle East. While the film is critical of Israel's occupation of Palestine, it was partially funded by Jewish and Palestinian communities within Australia and is focussed on attaining a peaceful resolution to conflict in the area.

A press release from the film's distribution company, Ronin Films, expressed disappointment at the retraction of the ABC's offer, saying that a worthwhile debate was being halted: "The ABC's policy of maintaining 'balance' on 'contentious' issues runs the risk of halting dialogue and censoring innovative points of view."

In a letter to Ronin Films, the ABC's director of television Kim Dalton explained the film would not be shown due to its opinionated content:

"...the ABC has taken the view that the documentary Hope in a Slingshot is an opinion -- or point of view -- program about the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians."

Clause 6.1 of the ABC's editorial policies states "opinion content" is permitted for broadcast based on the understanding that "such content can add to public understanding and debate on issues". A spokesperson for Dalton told Crikey that while opinion content is permitted for broadcast the film was not shown due to concerns about "impartiality".

"Given the documentary reports on the issue from a particular perspective ABC TV is required to demonstrate impartiality," the ABC says.

Clause 6.6.3 of the editorial policies would require the ABC to provide "content of a similar type and weight and in an appropriate time-slot" in order to balance the views expressed in Hope in a Slingshot. The ABC told Crikey it can't find content "which would put an alternative view and therefore we would be unable to meet the impartiality requirement".

The decision not to broadcast the film has attracted the ire of the Friends of the ABC group. Victorian campaign manager Glenys Stradijot told Crikey the ABC had gone too far.

"If the ABC's editorial policies that deal with bias and balance are now so restrictive that ABC audiences could be prevented from understanding the lives of a large group of people, then the ABC will fail in its responsibilities to inform and educate," she said.

The extent to which the ABC tried to find an alternative view program is not clear, but in a March 26 email to the ABC's head of programming, Marena Manzoufas, Hope in a Slingshot's creator Inka Straface offered one possible option:

"It seems the onus is on me and my distributors to offer you these alternative POV films. I began my search yesterday and found The Case for Israel."

The ABC never responded to the suggestion, maintaining its decision not to broadcast the film. After Crikey sent Straface's original email to the ABC, asking why it had not been considered, a spokesperson said the decision not to broadcast the film would be revisited.

"We will be happy to have (Ronin Films) suggest a program that balances out the views expressed in Hope in a Slingshot, for ABC TV to consider," a spokesperson said.

Ronin Films managing director Dr Andrew Pike welcomed the news: "I'm happy to hear they will look into it."


The ABC is not impartial.

Since the Howard "New Order" effectively "cleansed" the impartiality of the ABC, I have noticed an increase in their extreme right perspective. I cannot think of any regular program, Radio or TV, that is not extremely conservative.

I sometimes listened to ABC South East but gave it up in disgust.

I settled on the “ABC news all day”, which I still think is a good idea; however, it too is captive to the neo-con propaganda and I have no doubt about that.

IF the ABC is to be credited with balanced and fair reporting, why is it that a lot of our money was paid to allow neo-con Fran Kelly to “make up” a supposed TV “special of the Howard years”.  Fair dinkum.

With the recent loss of T/V on the south coast, I tuned in to the ABC “news all day” and the people running this propaganda must be part of or scared by the ghost of the Howard years.

Howard never ever allowed decency or honor or honesty to interfere with his campaign for foreign interests.  And he entirely changed the public service.

Are we still feeling the effects of “Rattus”?

God Bless Australia and remember Howard was off key when he sang God bless America.  NE OUBLIE.



our zionist abc .....

Please sign this petition if you believe that the Australian public have a right to see Hope in a Slingshot, a documentary about the military occupation of the Palestinian people living in The West Bank and Gaza.

This documentary passed all the quality and narrative standards of the ABC and was accepted for broadcast in April 2009. It is considered to be a "signal contribution to peaceful representation of this (the Palestinian-Israeli) conflict" by Jake Lynch, Director of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies in University of Sydney.

In November 2009 the offer for broadcast was withdrawn. Kim Dalton, the Head of the ABC TV had decided that the film lacked balance and that the ABC were unable to find another documentary to counter balance Hope in a Slingshot.

Senator Scott Ludlam challenged Mark Scott, the Director of the ABC, in the Senate Estimates last May 2010 about the withdrawal. In response, the ABC agreed to reconsider broadcasting the film, if they found a documentary to counter balance it.

Oddly enough they have never found one despite there being plenty to choose from, not least To See if I am Smiling or A Case for Israel.

Hope in a Slingshot is an unfunded film made specifically to address the gaping hole in information available in Australia's main stream media about this 'conflict'. The military occupation and what that means to the Palestinian people living in The West Bank and Gaza is rarely if ever mentioned in Australia let alone reported upon. 

In and of itself this documentary provides balance.

This petition is not only about Hope in a Slingshot, but it is also about standing up to the ABC's failing standards in fair and balanced reporting.

Inka Stafrace

The Senate Estimates are coming up again - 18th October - so please be quick. 

We were advised to have a healthy petition to help Senator Scott Ludlam fight for Hope's broadcast.