Friday 10th of January 2025

take your potassium iodide tablets...

take your potassium iodide tablets...

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has cancelled a planned visit to a summit on nuclear security in Washington next week, Israeli officials say.

Mr Netanyahu made the decision after learning that Egypt and Turkey intended to raise the issue of Israel's presumed nuclear arsenal, Israeli radio said.

Mr Obama is due to host dozens of world leaders at the two-day conference, which begins in Washington on Monday.

Israel has never confirmed or denied that it possesses atomic weapons.

Israel's Intelligence and Atomic Energy Minister Dan Meridor will take Netanyahu's place in the nuclear summit, the radio report said.

More than 40 countries are expected at the meeting, which will focus on limiting the spread of nuclear weapons to militant groups.


The Negev Nuclear Research Center is an Israeli nuclear installation located in the Negev desert, about thirteen kilometers to the south-east of the city of Dimona.

Its construction commenced in 1958, with French assistance according to the secret Protocol of Sèvres agreements. The complex was constructed in secret, and outside the International Atomic Energy Agency inspection regime. To maintain secrecy, French customs officials were told that the largest of the reactor components, such as the reactor tank, were part of a desalination plant bound for Latin America. [1] The purpose of Dimona is widely assumed to be the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, and the majority of defense experts have concluded that it does in fact do that. An estimate based on the known power of the reactor concluded that enough plutonium for 100 to 200 nuclear bombs could have been produced by the year 2000. [2] However, the Israeli government refuses to confirm or deny this publicly, as part of a policy of "nuclear ambiguity".

The Dimona reactor went on-line some time between 1962 and 1964, and with the plutonium produced there the Israel Defence Forces most probably had their first nuclear weapons ready before the Six-Day War.

When the United States intelligence community discovered the purpose of Dimona in the early 1960s, it demanded that Israel agree to international inspections. Israel agreed, but on a condition that US, rather than International Atomic Energy Agency, inspectors were used, and that Israel would receive advance notice of all inspections.

Some claim that because Israel knew the schedule of the inspectors' visits, it was able to hide the alleged purpose of the site (manufacturing of nuclear weapons) from the inspectors, by installing temporary false walls and other devices before each inspection. The inspectors eventually informed the U.S. government that their inspections were useless, due to Israeli restrictions on what areas of the facility they could inspect. By 1969 the U.S. believed that Israel might have a nuclear weapon,[3][4] and terminated inspections that year.

In 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a former technician at Dimona, revealed to the media some evidence of Israel's nuclear program. Israeli agents abducted him from Italy and transported him to Israel. An Israeli court then tried him in secret on charges of treason and espionage, and sentenced him to eighteen years imprisonment. At the time of Vanunu's arrest, The Times reported that Israel had material for approximately 20 hydrogen bombs and 200 fission bombs. In the spring of 2004, Vanunu was released from prison, and placed under several strict restrictions, such as the denial of a passport, freedom of movement limitations and restrictions on communications with the press. Since his release, he has been rearrested and charged multiple times for violations of the terms of his release.

Dimona's reactor was defended by batteries of Patriot missiles in anticipation of strikes from Iraq in 2002 to 2003[citation needed].

Recently safety concerns about this 40-year-old reactor have been reported. In 2004 as a preventive measure Israeli authorities distributed potassium iodide anti-radiation tablets to thousands of residents living nearby. [6]

see also Vanunu in double-crossed

the policy of "nuclear ambiguity"...

This is the extract on Vanunu from my article on double-cross system...


I do not have any proof of participation nor of a double-cross system in this case, and this blog is only highly speculative, but the surface information bubbles fit perfectly the double cross system of deception...


Mordechai Vanunu
For a while I thought that Vanunu had been a Mossad agent whose main purpose had been to disseminate in a clever way the concept not denied nor confirmed that Israel had nuclear weapons. At the time, it seems highly profitable for Israel to remind the world about its possession of nukes or not, as an issue of international importance, without threats.

Its need was to rekindle subtle unsure fear in the mind of potential enemies still haggling annoyingly with tired weapons from the 1970s and earlier. But then after analysis of Vanunu's past and record, I am not so sure if he was Mossad... Either way, he played a part, willingly or not, in the uncertainty/certainty dichotomy of the existence of the Israeli nukes.

Mossad would have seen Vanunu as a pigeon to be plucked, or Vanunu was part of the sting by playing a double game from the start. I now believe Mossad spotted their pigeon... But in the long run it's only important to Vanunu himself, not to the information magnitude.

So from then on, I will take it as if Vanunu was an innocent bystander.
In this affair, Mossad had to know that Vanunu — who had been, and still was, a strong voice against Israel's behaviour towards it's neighbours and the Palestinians — was working in one of the most sensitive sector of Israel's dirty secrets. Had Mossad acted as they usually do, Vanunu would have joined the ranks of fruit pickers in a kibbutz somewhere, after having been "dismissed" for something like poor performance or, better still, sexual harassment or simple culling of the workforce.... No...

So despite his very public protests bagging Israel, Vanunu was employed for more than ten years as a lab technician in the secret nuke factory. A very fishy conflict of existence. Thus I believe Vanunu was being monitored closely. Signing documents not to "reveal" secrets would be like an invitation to do the opposite to anyone inclined to revolt, thus Vanunu. The Israelis had to know that...

Let's accept Vanunu was battling his conscience between his beliefs and his duty, when he left his employment after taking some "revealing" pictures (they did not reveal much)... But the truth is he was "fired" from his job. From then on, it would have been a matter for Mossad to know when Vanunu was going to crack, because when one is fired, one is usually not "happy". Vanunu went through Asia, searching for enlightenment (considering conversion to Buddhism) and landed in Australia.

There in Sydney's infamous King's Cross, Vanunu, a Moroccan Jew, converted to Anglicanism... Hum... And I believe in tall fairies... He started to show his pictures of the Israeli nuke installations to some of the parishioners (I knew one of the people who saw them AND told me at that time, before even the whole thing blew up)... In King's Cross, he met with a journalist (Peter Hounam) from the pommy paper "Sunday Times" then quickly eloped to the UK to spill the beans on a grand scale. I believe there was two seats for Mossad agents on that plane. Obviously, the SMH was too small a provincial potato to give an exclusive on the nukes to be denied or not.

But the Sunday Times was taking too long to check and counter-check the veracity of Vanunu's story (this serious cross-checking would not have alerted Mossad or the Israelis "staff" at the embassy, of course... he-he). Here I smell another rat. Vanunu — having waited about a year to let the world know about the Israeli nukes — was becoming so impatient he went to another paper within days, The Daily Mirror, and told his same story once more...

And a few days after that, this good Jewish-Anglican Vanunu became suddenly in love with a woman (an American Mossad agent, Cheryl) and within two days was flying to Rome on a "romantic" holiday — abandoning his quest to let the world know about the peril it faced: the secret Israeli nukes pointing somewhere... Ah women...

Once in Italy, Vanunu was "abducted by Mossad agents, drugged then shipped to Israel where he was put on trial for treason and espionage."

So, only FIVE DAYS after Vanunu had fallen in love, TWO DAYS or so after Vanunu had been abducted back to Israel (no one knew or cared were he was then), the Times published the information Vanunu had revealed... which was not much.

Magic. The cat was in the bag. All the Israeli government had to do was not to deny nor confirm the information, thus the world guessed the information was correct but not proven, because Vanunu's pictures were "inconclusive" and the story came only from one source — a low paid worker without access to anything and who had not been very bright thus had been "fired" (after 10 years???).

Bingo. Enough had been revealed to frighten the pants out the Arabs, without saying anything concrete...

Of course Vanunu's trial was held in secret but "miraculously" he managed to place his hands on the window of the van he was transported in. On his hands were written the "details of his abduction" so journalists could get the info. The god of the Anglican Buddhists was on his side. And that of the journos...

What followed was Vanunu's imprisonment, release 11 years later, re-arrest for talking to the press etc... etc...

Either Vanunu was a pigeon who thought he was a clever duck, either Vanunu was a Mossad agent who played his assigned role very well... Either way, I believe Mossad could have put the lid on his "revelations" at any Anglican/Buddhist temple of its choosing... But Mossad waited till they knew "Vanunu's information" was going to be published to make a move on Vanunu. Not a minute earlier...

That, in my book, is a double-cross.

What ever happened to our "underdog" support?

We continually discuss the thousands of individual crimes committed by the Zionists of occupied Palestine and yet, they seem to me to be just examples of the very business practices of the Hebrew/Canaanites for many centuries and for which they were roundly hated.

These are a race of people who, since some believe that they are each an image of God themselves and - in their minds - can do no wrong and everything they do is therefore right - at least in the universal civilized interpretations of those words.

They are extremists in everything they do such as: cheating; murder; stealing; robbing by lies or deception and generally taking advantage of the billions of Goyim suckers who are hampered by the baggage of being kind and compassionate to the less fortunate and susceptible to greed and trust.

IMHO the masters of these world wide Jewish power bases are obscenely wealthy people who use their financial power to compliment their natural dishonesty.  For dishonesty to them is only applicable to people who feel guilt - and to feel guilty you must admit your wrong - hence they are not dishonest, merely "opportunists"?  Such as stealing body parts from murdered people.  Although the Protocols, as tedious as they are, do explain that attitude and advises that it is their way.

Even the British subjects who led the American Revolution abided by most accepted rules of war.

It seems that the more I learn about their history, as recorded by independent scientists, the more I feel that I understand why the majority of Jewish people are slavish in their fear of the Jewish Barons. Probably because the entire world Jewry, by an outstanding reported majority, go along with the decisions so dictatorially made by the real culprits - the euphemistically called "lobbyists" as the “checkbooks” of the Elders.

This majority support, born of another fanciful religious belief, is apparently viewed by those who nevertheless feel benefited by the unconscionable behavior of the "Elders of Zion" and their Mafia-like tangled webs.  However, the two sided sword also condemns the poor Jews as it does the rich as so tragically demonstrated in Europe in WW II.

When the Nazis nominated their chosen "untermenschen" the Jews were up there with the Russians; Gypsies; homosexuals; physically and mentally disabled and of course, the traitorous politicians.

Now we have the tragedy being repeated by the most outspoken victims of that title “untermenschen”, on a race that had nothing to do with their misery.

The Arab Semites did not betray the Jews in WW I – nor did the Arab Semites declare “War on Germany” in 1933 even before the Nazis had the ultimate power.

Jewish people all over Europe paid dearly for that “Ivory Tower” arrogance.

The question now remains – as the Zionist crimes continue to escalate without any provocation, the resistance of all Arab Semites must ignore the over-extended US/Zionist threats and continue with nuclear energy, if not for themselves, then for what is left of vulnerable third world freedoms.

Footnote:  Congratulations again to the heroic Zionist Occupation Forces for bombing the Milk Factory in Gaza – that’ll teach those anti-Semite Semites!

God Bless Australia and, why aren't we sending food to the Gazans as we did to the Brits in WWII?




The Jews love me - they love me not.

Brilliant analogy Gus.  A mixture of known facts and justifiable interpretations of events.

These Zionists are different from the Mongols only in that the Jews do not respect any rules of war - the Mongols were brutal, but honorable as well.

The Zionist Occupation Forces in Palestine had many years of hidden crimes - more than sixty in fact and yet - these "rag heads" as the US soldiers call them - are still suffering but have stood up to the most evil and inhuman activities of the very Axis of Evil which Bushit misnamed (as always).

The Axis of Evil is America by their duplicity - Zionists by aggression and Egypt's cowardice.  Still, one has to consider the threat of that little fat mongrel Lieberman that he would bomb the Aswan dam and kill 80 million people.  And who or what is to stop them?

Your article gives rise to a lot of thoughts Gus.  Historically, the Zionists have refused to answer questions no matter from whom because they abide by no laws but their own.  They don't explain or excuse anything they do - who is to make them?  To what God do we dare to condemn them?

So we come to the nuclear threat - what a sick joke by the yanks and yes - the Russians too.

Let's exaggerate - reducing the number of weapons to say, four per nation, would only cause a panic to be the first and only perpetrators but - that would be enough to end the world as we know it?  And what about the Zionists - they are after all the only group of fanatics on Earth with the claimed capacity to make nuclear weapons without any international inspections or regulations.

Shouldn't that one fact eliminate the necessity to look sideways at England, France, Russia, Pakistan, India - or even Iran and Nth. Korea? Or, doesn't it trump the stupid agreement of two nations reducing their capacity to enough to only destroy mankind? What would happen if IRAN would not agree or disagree that they have made; or have the capacity to make and use, at their own discretion - nuclear attacks on any nation within range of their rockets.

Do they have the rockets?  All we know about these Zionists is what they DO not what they SAY - and then it is too late.  They sure make Hitler and Apartheid look insignificant in many ways - after all, even they abided by some of the international laws of that time - albeit with typical deception.

And for their consistent attitude to this murderous and evil behavior I resent the service of my countrymen and many others throughout the civilized world, who fought against the people who have tried to force this form of universal dictatorship on the world before.  Only to see it rise again in the undignified lawless evil of the Zionists.

We will continue to receive insulting misinformation from the Jewish Media Barons and, without a Federal Government that doesn't genuflect to Murdoch or Lowy, we may still have some chance of being of value to persecuted Semite nations who surely need the help of every human who has decent feelings - Jews as well - if only for the basics of life so viciously denied them by their Zionist tormentors and murderers.

How do they get away with it?  Will there be museums showing the unmerciful killings of the illegal Zionist Occupation Forces when they are finally subdued – would that be again?

Having lived through WW II, I cannot believe that the country who profited most from war, the US, has continued its wars of choice but, NOT for the benefit of mankind.  Scrub that Bushit America.

Footnote: Further to my read of the lib bias in the ABC, I have been disappointed by Tony Jones' change in his choice of panels for Q & A.  It is one thing to have say, six people of different views but quite another to adopt the Barry Cassidy Conservative panels which rarely even allow one independent journalist – all are neo-con and we pay for it.

 His next one even has Murdoch's representative the radical neo-con Greg Sheridan.

OK Tony, now who have you got to balance that Zionist representative?  How about a Palestinian?

You are slowly but surely lowering your standards to those of the other ABC Howardists.  Don't let the Howardists take over your show as well - the ABC should be ours not the media barons'.

Footnote:  We have lost America as a leader for consistent policies – they are now war criminal terrorists without a doubt and, with 700 military bases throughout the world, which now appear to be available to unrestricted Zionism the planet has good reason to call a halt to the humanity rot.

In the Services we often felt uncomfortable with the unknown (I suppose everyone does) – so it is a new experience for me to know an imminent  danger and be unable to do anything about it. Sort of like having an empty gun or, like the Palestinians, no defense but courage against cowards.

God Bless Australia and break us clear of the un-Australian politics that is even consuming OUR SBS and ABC.  NE OUBLIE.





Major Crimes of the Jewish invaders.

IMHO, we spend a lot of time describing and tut tutting about the multitude of human rights crimes committed daily by the unholy US/Zionist military alliance with an occasional mention of the massacres of Falluga by the US using depleted uranium (killing for some 100 years) and the Zionist's banging away at the Arab Semite "The Alamo" called the Gaza strip. A major victory was celebrated by the Illegally based Zionist air force when they bombed the milk factory in the Gaza strip but, these are only to make the Hebrew/Canaanites feel more secure while the big picture is not being scrutinized much at all.  So use the following to conjure up what is bound to follow when we allow a cancer to flourish like the Jewish invasion of Palestine.The Dark Underbelly of Israel's Security State


in Nazareth.

Next week 23-year-old Anat Kamm is due to stand trial for her life -- or rather the state’s demand that she serve a life sentence for passing secret documents to an Israeli reporter, Uri Blau, of the liberal Haaretz daily. She is charged with spying.
During her conscription, Kamm copied possibly hundreds of army documents that revealed systematic law-breaking by the Israeli high command operating in the occupied Palestinian territories, including orders to ignore court rulings. She was working at the time in the office of Brig Gen Yair Naveh, who is in charge of operations in the West Bank.

Blau’s crime is that he published a series of scoops based on her leaked information that have highly embarrassed senior Israeli officers by showing their contempt for the rule of law.
His reports included revelations that the senior command had approved targeting Palestinian bystanders during the military’s extra-judicial assassinations in the occupied territories; that, in violation of a commitment to the high court, the army had issued orders to execute wanted Palestinians even if they could be safely apprehended; and that the defence ministry had a compiled a secret report showing that the great majority of settlements in the West Bank were illegal even under Israeli law (all are illegal in international law).

In a properly democratic country, Kamm would have an honorable defence against the charges, of being a whistle-blower rather than a spy, and Blau would be winning journalism prizes not huddling away in exile.

The pair are already being described, both by officials and in chat forums and talkback columns, as traitors who should be jailed, disappeared or executed for the crime of endangering the state.

Justifying his decision to “take the gloves off” in the case of Kamm and Blau, Diskin said: “It is a dream of every enemy state to get its hands on these kinds of documents” -- that is, documents proving that the Israeli army has repeatedly broken the country’s laws, in addition, of course, to its systematic violations of international law.
Writing in Haaretz today, Blau said he had been warned “that if I return to Israel I could be silenced for ever, and that I would be charged for crimes related to espionage”. He concluded that “this isn’t only a war for my personal freedom but for Israel’s image”.

He should leave worrying about Israel’s image to Netanyahu, Diskin and judges like Dorner. That was why the gag order was enforced in the first place. This is not a battle for Israel’s image; it’s a battle for what is left of its soul.

COMMENT:  There is no need to worry about "Israel's" soul since the Hebrew/Canaanites agree that it doesn't exist - so why do we bother.  In truth, these are a multi-national group of criminals, many probably wanted in their Diaspora countries for crimes committed there (like Russia) who have jumped aboard the Jewish Arab revolution in Palestine and unilaterally declared themselves a "state".  Struth.

They want this so that anything they do, nationally or internationally will be protected by their possible nuclear power.  Their breaches of all laws of humanity will ensure that Netanyahu was terribly wrong when he arrogantly stated that - "no one will ever hurt the Jewish people again". 

We know from bitter experience of 62 years that these illegal immigrants and invaders are very much in favor of the tactics used by their leaders and will continue to do so until they get a taste of their own medicine.  History is against Jewish take-overs and even with what Goldman Sachs is doing to Greece will only ensure their eventual destruction - the unhindered free nations await that day of reckoning.

God Bless Australia and lets help the Palestinians in any way we can.  NE OUBLIE.



Nuclear weapons? Old hat.

There is no doubt in the minds of any reasoning, thinking and logical person that there are many nuclear weapons in this world of ours.

And, some of the nations who have the power to develop nuclear weapons are, to say the least, very unstable.  For example, Golda Meir stated that if "Israel" goes down they will take the world with it.

Whether or not the good lady was fair dinkum is not the big picture because ANY nuclear power can destroy the planet by "throwing the first stone".

So, let's discuss other methods of killing the citizens of any country who has something WE want.  Isn't that really the basic issue?

When we consider that the threats of the "Morlock" Jews in occupied Palestine depend on their absolute artistry of deception, it doesn't really matter.  Of all the countries which have the ability to exercise nuclear weapons, the Zionists would be the most unstable because, in all reality, they depend enormously on their mentors in the US.  So why do they wield so much power over the once most "powerful nation in the world"? 

It is almost as though there is a massive conspiracy among perhaps, the Big 8, that is capable of using the WTO to consolidate the ambitions of Rockefeller by having one all powerful entity which controls the lives and wealth of all industrialized nations in the world.  What did McPhee really know?

While I wander let me say this.  The issue regarding the so-called threat to "wipe Israel" off the map has proven to be false.  Quite the contrary, all of the threats and pre-meditated actions have come from the Zionists themselves.

So, we as a planet, have many nuclear people who could be dickheads and destroy the world.  We have the Americans who continually fund any killing method that would be theirs and theirs alone.  Why?

IMHO, Iran is fair dinkum and the arrogant Jews will not attack them IF the US does not protect their false claim "of another unstable nuclear power".  With anti-American demonstrations all over the globe, can the Jewish Lobbyists force the Obama administration to commit suicide by attacking Iran?

Always the optimist, I wonder if that gutsy little fellow in Iran can continue to counter the Jewish saber rattling?  And the illegal attacks on his nation?

God Bless Australia and give world power a counter balance.  NE OUBLIE.



How do they get away with it? The Morlocks?

Israel Finds A New Way To Play The Victim

By Ira Chernus

12 April, 2010

A report released by the United Nations last year says that Israeli settlers, angered over the destruction of Jewish outposts, could exact revenge on up to a quarter million Palestinians in the West Bank.

It’s not just vague speculation. The report, issued by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Occupied Palestinian Territory, names 22 specific Palestinian communities, with a total population of 75,900, that are “highly vulnerable” to revenge attacks, and another 59, with about 175,000 residents, that are “moderately vulnerable.” It also names numerous road segments and junctions where Palestinians are especially at risk.

The people who wrote this report have obviously been there, observed carefully, and know what they are talking about.

They’ve also listened to the Jewish settlers, who boast openly of their so-called “price tag” policy, by which they exact a “price” from Palestinians in response not just to terror attacks, but also to Israel Defense Forces (IDF) actions to evacuate unauthorized outposts. Of course, since they are more or less helpless against the IDF soldiers, the settlers intend to make Palestinians pay the price.

The idea of the “new battlefield” seems to have been born in the Reut Institute, a think-tank described by Thomas Friedman in the New York Times as “Israel’s premier policy strategy group.”

The attack is being directed, Reut claims, from “hubs of delegitimization” – places like London, Toronto, Brussels, Madrid, and Berkeley that are hotbeds of anti-Israel criticism fueled by anti-Semitism.

One piece of this picture – and one piece only – is accurate enough. Worldwide criticism of Israel’s harsh occupation policies is growing rapidly, even among Jews, as well as millions of non-Jews whose moral credentials are spotless. That means the simplistic old charge that all critics of Israel are anti-Semitic is no longer plausible, even as a PR tactic.

So the sophisticated think-tankers at Reut have dreamed up a new way to try to make the stale charge of anti-Semitism stick. Now, it turns out, there is a crucial distinction we must all learn to make. “Soft critics” (including human rights groups like Oxfam) condemn Israeli policy but not necessarily the state’s legitimacy, and that’s apparently OK. Israel’s real enemies are the “hard-core delegitimizes,” fueled by anti-Semitic hatred, who are out to destroy the Jews.

COMMENT:  Can you possibly imagine any normal human being, who is now aware of even a small percentage of the unbelievable crimes of a group calling themselves Zionists, actually accepting that they, the Zionists, are entitled to any pity or support to continue their defiance of all things civilized?

I continue my plea that the biggest threat to civilization is Misinformation.  And there are very few media bases in western nations that these Elders of Zion have not taken over.

It would seem to me that to encapsulate, the only way to solve the problem would be for the democratically elected government to introduce stringent rules regarding the blatantly dishonest private enterprise called the MSM.

Communism you say? Socialism you say? Marxism you say? Whatever is necessary to give to the people of supposed democracy, the absolute right to know the truth of anything that affects their voting intentions.  Even an absolute legal blanket demanding all "free and true" information prior to an election.

God Bless Australia and may the Palestinian God protect them.  NE OUBLIE.






An Old Story but obiously true.

The Case of Anat Kam How Israel Gagged on Its Own Gag Order


This story is a testament to the Internet. And to Anat Kam, the whistleblower, who is widely regarded in Israeli security circles as a traitor and will probably soon be charged with “espionage”.

Anat (I’ll use her first name, though I don’t know her) is a 23-year old journalist who wrote for the popular Israeli portal Walla. Some months ago, Anat did the unthinkable: she passed on information that was decidedly newsworthy, but that the Shin Bet – Israel’s security services – did not want outsiders to have. It was a”hit list” – the names of Palestinians living in the West Bank who were on the Shin Bet’s “wanted” list. And it was a copy of the Shin Bet protocol stating that if these “wanted” figures are identified during the course of a military action, permission is granted to carry out “an interception”. Nice language for execution without trial. Reports are that Anat photocopied this classified information while serving in the IDF.

Anat allegedly passed on this classified information to Uri Blau, a journalist, who published it months ago as a major scoop in Ha’aretz. Now Ha’aretz has whisked Uri away to London to protect him from the Israeli authorities, who would love to interrogate him about his informant. Meanwhile, Anat has been under house arrest and held incommunicado for at least three months.

This is a big story, but until today no Israeli newspapers could publish it because a judge issued a gag order at the Shin Bet’s request. But go ask Henry Miller about banned books. Thanks to the ban and Israel’s inability to control cyberspace, the story has taken on vastly greater proportions. Every news outlet in Israel – newspapers, radio, TV, news portals – has front-paged the story now that the gag order was lifted. It would never have received such widespread attention had the Israeli authorities not tried to hide it in the first place. And had the Internet not cloned the story through every webpage eager to expose state secrets.

COMMENT:  Is that politically motivated? Did it really happen?  What if the government of the nation that these MSMs have the license to "inform" demanded that they prove what they say?  Is that opposed to the basic priciples of freedom of the press?  It should not be a case of they have the freedom to inform as they wish and we, the public, as Rattus would say, has the choice of reading or not.  Fair dinkum.

God Bless Australia and activate a strong regulation that forces the media to tell the truth.  Aren't we expected to?  NE OUBLIE.


Is it time for truth about the "Jewish Question"? Mark 1.

The Jewish Declaration of War
on Nazi Germany

The Economic Boycott of 1933

Article from The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001, pp. 41-45.
The Barnes Review, 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 100, Washington D.C. 20003, USA.
By M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D., assistant editor of TBR;
published here with kind permission from TBR.
This digitalized version © 2002 by The Scriptorium.
eMail TBR - subscribe to TBR here

The London Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Samuel Untermyer Few people know the facts about the singular event that helped spark what ultimately became known as World War II - the international Jewish declaration of war on Germany shortly after Adolf Hitler came to power and well before any official German government sanctions or reprisals against Jews were carried out. The March 24, 1933 issue of The Daily Express of London (shown above) described how Jewish leaders, in combination with powerful international Jewish financial interests, had launched a boycott of Germany for the express purpose of crippling her already precarious economy in the hope of bringing down the new Hitler regime. It was only then that Germany struck back in response. Thus, if truth be told, it was the worldwide Jewish leadership - not the Third Reich - that effectively fired the first shot in the Second World War. Prominent New York attorney Samuel Untermyer (above right) was one of the leading agitators in the war against Germany, describing the Jewish campaign as nothing less than a "holy war."Long before the Hitler government began restricting the rights of the German Jews, the leaders of the worldwide Jewish community formally declared war on the "New Germany" at a time when the U.S. government and even the Jewish leaders in Germany were urging caution in dealing with the new Hitler regime.

The war by the international Jewish leadership on Germany not only sparked definite reprisals by the German government but also set the stage for a little-known economic and political alliance between the Hitler government and the leaders of the Zionist movement who hoped that the tension between the Germans and the Jews would lead to massive emigration to Palestine. In short, the result was a tactical alliance between the Nazis and the founders of the modern-day state of Israel - a fact that many today would prefer be forgotten.

To this day, it is generally (although incorrectly) believed that when Adolf Hitler was appointed German chancellor in January of 1933, the German government began policies to suppress the Jews of Germany, including rounding up of Jews and putting them in concentration camps and launching campaigns of terror and violence against the domestic Jewish population.

While there were sporadic eruptions of violence against Jews in Germany after Hitler came to power, this was not officially sanctioned or encouraged. And the truth is that anti-Jewish sentiments in Germany (or elsewhere in Europe) were actually nothing new. As all Jewish historians attest with much fervor, anti-Semitic uprisings of various degrees had been ever-present in European history.

In any case, in early 1933, Hitler was not the undisputed leader of Germany, nor did he have full command of the armed forces. Hitler was a major figure in a coalition government, but he was far from being the government himself. That was the result of a process of consolidation which evolved later.

Even Germany's Jewish Central Association, known as the Verein, contested the suggestion (made by some Jewish leaders outside Germany) that the new government was deliberately provoking anti-Jewish uprisings.

The Verein issued a statement that "the responsible government authorities [i.e. the Hitler regime] are unaware of the threatening situation," saying, "we do not believe our German fellow citizens will let themselves be carried away into committing excesses against the Jews."

Despite this, Jewish leaders in the United States and Britain determined on their own that it was necessary to launch a war against the Hitler government.

On March 12, 1933 the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest at Madison Square Gardens for March 27. At that time the commander in chief of the Jewish War Veterans called for an American boycott of German goods. In the meantime, on March 23, 20,000 Jews protested at New York's City Hall as rallies were staged outside the North German Lloyd and Hamburg-American shipping lines and boycotts were mounted against German goods throughout shops and businesses in New York City.

According to The Daily Express of London of March 24, 1933, the Jews had already launched their boycott against Germany and her elected government. The headline read "Judea Declares War on Germany - Jews of All the World Unite - Boycott of German Goods - Mass Demonstrations." The article described a forthcoming "holy war" and went on to implore Jews everywhere to boycott German goods and engage in mass demonstrations against German economic interests. According to the Express:

 The whole of Israel throughout the world is uniting to declare an economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany has revived the old war symbol of Judas to new life. Fourteen million Jews scattered over the entire world are tight to each other as if one man, in order to declare war against the German persecutors of their fellow believers.
  The Jewish wholesaler will quit his house, the banker his stock exchange, the merchant his business, and the beggar his humble hut, in order to join the holy war against Hitler's people.

The Express said that Germany was "now confronted with an international boycott of its trade, its finances, and its industry.... In London, New York, Paris and Warsaw, Jewish businessmen are united to go on an economic crusade."

(End of Mark 1).  NE OUBLIE.

Is it time for truth about the "Jewish Question"? Mark 2.

The article said "worldwide preparations are being made to organize protest demonstrations," and reported that "the old and reunited nation of Israel gets in formation with new and modern weapons to fight out its age old battle against its persecutors."

This truly could be described as "the first shot fired in the Second World War."

In a similar vein, the Jewish newspaper Natscha Retsch wrote:


    The war against Germany will be waged by all Jewish communities, conferences, congresses... by every individual Jew. Thereby the war against Germany will ideologically enliven and promote our interests, which require that Germany be wholly destroyed.
     The danger for us Jews lies in the whole German people, in Germany as a whole as well as individually. It must be rendered harmless for all time.... In this war we Jews have to participate, and this with all the strength and might we have at our disposal.

However, note well that the Zionist Association of Germany put out a telegram on the 26th of March rejecting many of the allegations made against the National Socialists as "propaganda," "mendacious" and "sensational."

In fact, the Zionist faction had every reason to ensure the permanence of National Socialist ideology in Germany. Klaus Polkehn, writing in the Journal of Palestine Studies ("The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941"; JPS v. 3/4, spring/summer 1976), claims that the moderate attitude of the Zionists was due to their vested interest in seeing the financial victory of National Socialism to force immigration to Palestine. This little-known factor would ultimately come to play a pivotal part in the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Jews.

In the meantime, though, German Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neurath complained of the "vilification campaign" and said:


    As concerns Jews, I can only say that their propagandists abroad are rendering their co-religionists in Germany no service by giving the German public, through their distorted and untruthful news about persecution and torture of Jews, the impression that they actually halt at nothing, not even at lies and calumny, to fight the present German government.

The fledgling Hitler government itself was clearly trying to contain the growing tension - both within Germany and without. In the United States, even U.S. Secretary of State Cordell Hull wired Rabbi Stephen Wise of the American Jewish Congress and urged caution:


    Whereas there was for a short time considerable physical mistreatment of Jews, this phase may be considered virtually terminated.... A stabilization appears to have been reached in the field of personal mistreatment.... I feel hopeful that the situation which has caused such widespread concern throughout this country will soon revert to normal.

The New  York Daily News front page headline
This New York Daily News front page headline hailed the massive anti-German protest rally held in Madison Square Garden on March 27, 1933. Despite efforts by the German government to alleviate tensions and prevent the escalation of name-calling and threats by the international Jewish leadership, the rally was held as scheduled. Similar rallies and protest marches were also being held in other cities during the same time frame. The intensity of the Jewish campaign against Germany was such that the Hitler government vowed that if the campaign did not stop, there would be a one-day boycott in Germany of Jewish-owned stores. Despite this, the hate campaign continued, forcing Germany to take defensive measures that created a situation wherein the Jews of Germany became increasingly marginalized. The truth about the Jewish war on Germany has been suppressed by most histories of the period.Despite all this, the leaders of the Jewish community refused to relent. On March 27 there were simultaneous protest rallies at Madison Square Garden, in Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland and 70 other locations. The New York rally was broadcast worldwide. The bottom line is that "the New Germany" was declared to be an enemy of Jewish interests and thus needed to be economically strangled. This was before Hitler decided to boycott Jewish goods.

It was in direct response to this that the German government announced a one-day boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany on April 1. German Propaganda Minister Dr. Joseph Goebbels announced that if, after the one-day boycott, there were no further attacks on Germany, the boycott would be stopped. Hitler himself responded to the Jewish boycott and the threats in a speech on March 28 - four days after the original Jewish declaration of war - saying:


    Now that the domestic enemies of the nation have been eliminated by the Volk itself, what we have long been waiting for will not come to pass.
          The Communist and Marxist criminals and their Jewish-intellectual instigators, who, having made off with their capital stocks across the border in the nick of time, are now unfolding an unscrupulous, treasonous campaign of agitation against the German Volk as a whole from there....
          Lies and slander of positively hair-raising perversity are being launched about Germany. Horror stories of dismembered Jewish corpses, gouged out eyes and hacked off hands are circulating for the purpose of defaming the German Volk in the world for the second time, just as they had succeeded in doing once before in 1914.

Thus, the fact - one conveniently left out of nearly all history on the subject - is that Hitler's March 28, 1933 boycott order was in direct response to the declaration of war on Germany by the worldwide Jewish leadership just four days earlier. Today, Hitler's boycott order is described as a naked act of aggression, yet the full circumstances leading up to his order are seldom described in even the most ponderous and detailed histories of "the Holocaust".

Not even Saul Friedlander in his otherwise comprehensive overview of German policy, Nazi Germany and the Jews, mentions the fact that the Jewish declaration of war and boycott preceded Hitler's speech of March 28, 1933. Discerning readers would be wise to ask why Friedlander felt this item of history so irrelevant.

The simple fact is that it was organized Jewry as a political entity - and not even the German Jewish community per se - that actually initiated the first shot in the war with Germany.

Deutsche! Wehrt Euch! Kauft nicht bei Juden!
Placard text:
"Germans! Defend yourselves!
Don't shop at Jewish stores!"

Photo not part of original TBR article -
added by The Scriptorium.Germany's response was a defensive - not an offensive - measure. Were that fact widely known today, it would cast new light on the subsequent events that ultimately led to the world-wide conflagration that followed.

To understand Hitler's reaction to the Jewish declaration of war, it is vital to understand the critical state of the German economy at the time. In 1933, the German economy was in a shambles. Some 3 million Germans were on public assistance with a total of 6 million unemployed. Hyper-inflation had destroyed the economic vitality of the German nation. Furthermore, the anti-German propaganda pouring out of the global press strengthened the resolve of Germany's enemies, especially the Poles and their hawkish military high command.

(End of Mark 2)  NE OUBLIE.

Is it time for truth about the "Jewish Question"? Mark 3.

The Jewish leaders were not bluffing. The boycott was an act of war not solely in metaphor: it was a means, well crafted, to destroy Germany as a political, social and economic entity. The long term purpose of the Jewish boycott against Germany was to bankrupt her with respect to the reparation payments imposed on Germany after World War I and to keep Germany demilitarized and vulnerable.

The boycott, in fact, was quite crippling to Germany. Jewish scholars such as Edwin Black have reported that, in response to the boycott, German exports were cut by 10 percent, and that many were demanding seizing German assets in foreign countries (Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement - The Untold Story of the Secret Pact between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine, New York, 1984).

The attacks on Germany did not cease. The worldwide Jewish leadership became ever the more belligerent and worked itself into a frenzy. An International Jewish Boycott Conference was held in Amsterdam to coordinate the ongoing boycott campaign. It was held under the auspices of the self-styled World Jewish Economic Federation, of which famous New York City attorney and longtime political power broker, Samuel Untermyer, was elected president.

Upon returning to the United States in the wake of the conference, Untermyer delivered a speech over WABC Radio (New York), a transcript of which was printed in The New York Times on August 7, 1933.

Untermyer's inflammatory oratory called for a "sacred war" against Germany, making the flat-out allegation that Germany was engaged in a plan to "exterminate the Jews." He said (in part):

...Germany [has] been converted from a nation of culture into a veritable hell of cruel and savage beasts.
      We owe it not only to our persecuted brethren but to the entire world to now strike in self-defense a blow that will free humanity from a repetition of this incredible outrage....
      Now or never must all the nations of the earth make common cause against the... slaughter, starvation and annihilation... fiendish torture, cruelty and persecution that are being inflicted day by day upon these men, women and children....
      When the tale is told... the world will confront a picture so fearful in its barbarous cruelty that the hell of war and the alleged Belgian atrocities pale into insignificance as compared to this devilishly, deliberately, cold-bloodedly planned and already partially executed campaign for the extermination of a proud, gentle, loyal, law-abiding people...
      The Jews are the aristocrats of the world. From time immemorial they have been persecuted and have seen their persecutors come and go. They alone have survived. And so will history repeat itself, but that furnishes no reason why we should permit this reversion of a once great nation to the Dark Ages or fail to rescue these 600,000 human souls from the tortures of hell....
      ...What we are proposing and have already gone far toward doing, is to prosecute a purely defensive economic boycott that will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends.
      ...We propose to and are organizing world opinion to express itself in the only way Germany can be made to understand....

Untermyer then proceeded to provide his listeners with a wholly fraudulent history of the circumstances of the German boycott and how it originated. He also proclaimed that the Germans were bent on a plan to "exterminate the Jews":

The Hitler regime originated and are fiendishly prosecuting their boycott to exterminate the Jews by placarding Jewish shops, warning Germans against dealing with them, by imprisoning Jewish shopkeepers and parading them through the streets by the hundreds under guard of Nazi troops for the sole crime of being Jews, by ejecting them from the learned professions in which many of them had attained eminence, by excluding their children from the schools, their men from the labor unions, closing against them every avenue of livelihood, locking them in vile concentration camps and starving and torturing them without cause and resorting to every other conceivable form of torture, inhuman beyond conception, until suicide has become their only means of escape, and all solely because they are or their remote ancestors were Jews, and all with the avowed object of exterminating them.

Untermyer concluded his largely fantastic and hysterical address by declaring that with the support of "Christian friends... we will drive the last nail in the coffin of bigotry and fanaticism...."

The Biggest Secret of WWII?
Why Germany Began Rounding Up Jews
and Deporting Them to the East

Why did the Germans begin rounding up the Jews and interning them in the concentration camps to begin with? Contrary to popular myth, the Jews remained "free" inside Germany - albeit subject to laws which did restrict certain of their privileges - prior to the outbreak of World War II.
      Yet, the other little-known fact is that just before the war began, the leadership of the world Jewish community formally declared war on Germany - above and beyond the ongoing six-year-long economic boycott launched by the worldwide Jewish community when the Nazi Party came to power in 1933.
      As a consequence of the formal declaration of war, the German authorities thus deemed Jews to be potential enemy agents.
      Here's the story behind the story: Chaim Weizmann (above), president of both the international "Jewish Agency" and of the World Zionist Organization (and later Israel's first president), told British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in a letter published in The London Times on September 6, 1939 that:
      I wish to confirm, in the most explicit manner, the declarations which I and my colleagues have made during the last month, and especially in the last week, that the Jews stand by Great Britain and will fight on the side of the democracies. Our urgent desire is to give effect to these declarations [against Germany].
      We wish to do so in a way entirely consonant with the general scheme of British action, and therefore would place ourselves, in matters big and small, under the coordinating direction of His Majesty's Government. The Jewish Agency is ready to enter into immediate arrangements for utilizing Jewish manpower, technical ability, resources, etc.

[Emphasis in red added by The Scriptorium.]

That his allegations against Germany were made long before even Jewish historians today claim there were any gas chambers or even a plan to "exterminate" the Jews, displays the nature of the propaganda campaign confronting Germany.

However, during this same period there were some unusual developments at work: The spring of 1933 also witnessed the beginning of a period of private cooperation between the German government and the Zionist movement in Germany and Palestine (and actually worldwide) to increase the flow of German-Jewish immigrants and capital to Palestine.

The modern-day supporters of Zionist Israel and many historians have succeeded in keeping this Nazi-Zionist pact a secret to the general public for decades and while most Americans have no concept of the possibility that there could have been outright collaboration between the Nazi leadership and the founders of what became the state of Israel, the truth has begun to emerge.










(End of Mark 3)  NE OUBLIE.

Dissident Jewish writer

Dissident Jewish writer Lenni Brennar's Zionism In the Age of the Dictators, published by a small press and not given the publicity it deserves by the so-called "mainstream" media (which is otherwise obsessed with the Holocaust era), was perhaps the first major endeavor in this realm.

In response to Brennar and others, the Zionist reaction has usually consisted of declarations that their collaboration with Nazi Germany was undertaken solely to save the lives of Jews. But the collaboration was all the more remarkable because it took place at a time when many Jews and Jewish organizations demanded a boycott of Germany.

To the Zionist leaders, Hitler's assumption of power held out the possibility of a flow of immigrants to Palestine. Previously, the majority of German Jews, who identified themselves as Germans, had little sympathy with the Zionist cause of promoting the ingathering of world Jewry to Palestine. But the Zionists saw that only the anti-Semitic Hitler was likely to push the anti-Zionist German Jews into the arms of Zionism.

For all the modern-day wailing by worldwide supporters of Israel (not to mention the Israelis themselves) about "the Holocaust", they neglect to mention that making the situation in Germany as uncomfortable for the Jews as possible - in cooperation with German National Socialism - was part of the plan.

Note to readers of this article who can also read German: a booklet discussing the emigration of Jews from Third Reich Germany, and the Transfer Agreement that facilitated their emigration, may be found here!This was the genesis of the so-called Transfer Agreement, the agreement between Zionist Jews and the National Socialist government to transfer German Jewry to Palestine.

According to Jewish historian Walter Laqueur and many others, German Jews were far from convinced that immigration to Palestine was the answer. Furthermore, although the majority of German Jews refused to consider the Zionists as their political leaders, it is clear that Hitler protected and cooperated with the Zionists for the purposes of implementing the final solution: the mass transfer of Jews to the Middle East.

Edwin Black, in his massive tome The Transfer Agreement (Macmillan, 1984), stated that although most Jews did not want to flee to Palestine at all, due to the Zionist movement's influence within Nazi Germany a Jew's best chance of getting out of Germany was by emigrating to Palestine. In other words, the Transfer Agreement itself mandated that Jewish capital could only to go Palestine.

Thus, according to the Zionists, a Jew could leave Germany only if he went to the Levant.

The primary difficulty with the Transfer Agreement (or even the idea of such an agreement) was that the English [!!!; Scriptorium] were demanding, as a condition of immigration, that each immigrant pay 1,000 pounds sterling upon arrival in Haifa or elsewhere. The difficulty was that such hard currency was nearly impossible to come by in a cash-strapped and radically inflationary Germany. This was the main idea behind the final Transfer Agreement. Laqueur writes:


    A large German bank would freeze funds paid in by immigrants in blocked accounts for German exporters, while a bank in Palestine would control the sale of German goods to Palestine, thereby providing the immigrants with the necessary foreign currency on the spot. Sam Cohen, co-owner of Hanoaiah Ltd. and initiator of the transfer endeavors, was however subjected to long-lasting objections from his own people and finally had to concede that such a transfer agreement could only be concluded on a much higher level with a bank of its own rather than that of a private company. The renowned Anglo-Palestine Bank in London would be included in this transfer deal and create a trust company for [this] purpose.

Of course, this is of major historical importance in dealing with the relationship between Zionism and National Socialism in Germany in the 1930s. The relationship was not one merely of mutual interest and political favoritism on the part of Hitler, but a close financial relationship with German banking families and financial institutions as well. Black writes:


    It was one thing for the Zionists to subvert the anti-Nazi boycott. Zionism needed to transfer out the capital of German Jews, and merchandise was the only available medium. But soon Zionist leaders understood that the success of the future Jewish Palestinian economy would be inextricably bound up with the survival of the Nazi economy. So the Zionist leadership was compelled to go further. The German economy would have to be safeguarded, stabilized, and if necessary reinforced. Hence, the Nazi party and the Zionist organizers shared a common stake in the recovery of Germany.

Thus one sees a radical fissure in world Jewry around 1933 and beyond. There were, first, the non-Zionist Jews (specifically the World Jewish Congress founded in 1933), who, on the one hand, demanded the boycott and eventual destruction of Germany. Black notes that many of these people were not just in New York and Amsterdam, but a major source for this also came from Palestine proper.

On the other hand, one can see the judicious use of such feelings by the Zionists for the sake of eventual resettlement in Palestine. In other words, it can be said (and Black does hint at this) that Zionism believed that, since Jews would be moving to the Levant, capital flight would be necessary for any new economy to function.

The result was the understanding that Zionism would have to ally itself with National Socialism, so that the German government would not impede the flow of Jewish capital out of the country.

It served the Zionist interests at the time that Jews be loud in their denunciations of German practices against the Jews to scare them into the Levant, but, on the other hand, Laqueur states that "The Zionists became motivated not to jeopardize the German economy or currency." In other words, the Zionist leadership of the Jewish Diaspora was one of subterfuge and underhandedness, with only the advent of German hostility towards Jewry convincing the world's Jews that immigration was the only escape.

The fact is that the ultimate establishment of the state of Israel was based on fraud. The Zionists did not represent anything more than a small minority of German Jews in 1933.

On the one hand, the Zionist fathers of Israel wanted loud denunciations of Germany's "cruelties" to the world's Jews while at the same time demanding moderation so that the National Socialist government would remain stable, financially and politically. Thus Zionism boycotted the boycott.

For all intents and purposes, the National Socialist government was the best thing to happen to Zionism in its history, for it "proved" to many Jews that Europeans were irredeemably anti-Jewish and that Palestine was the only answer: Zionism came to represent the overwhelming majority of Jews solely by trickery and cooperation with Adolf Hitler.

For the Zionists, both the denunciations of German policies towards Jews (to keep Jews frightened), plus the reinvigoration of the German economy (for the sake of final resettlement) was imperative for the Zionist movement. Ironically, today the Zionist leaders of Israel complain bitterly about the horrific and inhuman regime of the National Socialists. So the fraud continues.

End of quote.

(COMMENT) Is there anything more we need to know about the Jewish leadership - the holocaust - the financial dictatorship and its intentions so evily planned so long ago.  What next you may ask.

The Zionist "Morlocks" of occupied Palestine should never be allowed to succeed - or the world will pay.

God Bless Australia and let the continued Jewish lies cause us SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH.   NE OUBLIE.

Apologies Gus and John. NFP.

I stuffed that up didn't I?

Cheers Ern G.

Is Misinformation the weapon of control?

If it is true that "truth will out", especially in occupied Palestine, then the "un-blessed" have to wait an awful long time for a break through in real freedom for the people.

Nevertheless, the previously hidden bestiality of the Zionists themselves just may have heralded their own destruction as history shows they have done so repeatedly in the past.

Where this will end no one knows, not even the manipulating Jewish Congresses.  But they will certainly continue their demand for total power, even if it costs their world wide believers their livelihood or even their lives.  Shades of the 1930's and so many times before.

IMHO, the Gaza Holocaust really upset me since it was permitted by the so-called leader of democracy and the other "democracies"  who all betrayed the very purpose of the Nuremberg Trials and the millions of lives which were led to destruction in WW II by just such an evil group as the Zionists.

How do they get away with it?  Misinformation and the power to universally spread it with lies and deceptions for events which have "occurred only as they have claimed"?

If we acknowledge the wisdom of the Jewish Congresses to control the information fed to the people who live in a "democracy" (which translates to a free kick for the media) then we are at a disadvantage as much as those in dictatorships of any other kind.

Having access to this forum and its links has greatly increased my interest in world affairs even more than my hopefully constructive criticism is of our own various levels of government.

I can honestly say that my contempt for the Zionists in falsely claiming to improve the so-called interests of the world Jewry by their unbelievable behavior in occupied Palestine, knows no bounds.

As a person of average intelligence and a strong believer in right and wrong - I was as loyal to the flag as any other Australian with respect to the nasty people who "hated our way of life" - Bushit.

I couldn't believe the way that the "enemy people" could cause such harm to us without justifiable reason.

What a lot of crap. 

In WW I there was an occurance where two Australian diggers (and friends) where in a trench during a fire fight with the Germans.  Suddenly, one of the diggers was hit and he exclaimed "you fucking bastard"!And he died alongside his cobber.  Until the latter also died many, many years later, the surviving digger never knew if his mate was blaming him for his mortal wound.  

Now we have a group of people, who have been misled during their entire recorded existence, supporting the filthy underhanded deal that was made by their "congresses" to eventually obtain some other people's land for their own and for them alone, to do with as they will. 

I am sadly dissappointed with the so-called US of A and I cannot believe that Barack Obama can even dent the criminal activities of the CIA and others in South American nations.

I notice that the well founded intentions of the Non Proliferation Treaty organisations have a flag waving decision to reduce their thousands of nuclear missiles.  You bewdy.

In all of these discussions, the mythical and murderous "underbelly" of the Zionists are not even mentioned. Why?

My guess is that, all things considered, the Zionists are still developing their ability to produce nuclear weapons.  Without the basic chemical needs, where do they get the necessary ingredients to produce the  items for WMD's.  

Where indeed.

God Bless Australia and stop the MSM from destroying the lives of decent people by exaggerating and falsely claiming "foul" when there is none at all.  NE OUBLIE.

Keep the Goyim guessing.

Where else in this modern world of changing values; of broken agreements; of boastful dishonesty and, most of all, that right or wrong are not a consideration?  The Zionists of occupied Palestine.

So, we the supporters of the "once upon a time" America are now faced with the fact that the so-called leaders of democracy are second rate to a race of people who only worship Gold-n-Power.

In a world that tried hard to be internationaly friendly by the "League of Nations" and when that proved to be manipulated, J.D. Rockerfella donated some land on which was built the United Nations?  Is that being manipulated? Fair dinkum.

From every disaster comes some learning.  Ignoring the history of the World Jewish Heirachy America allowed itself to be consumed by not heeding the threats of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Can Barak Obama extricate America from the financial disaster foisted on the world primarily by the greedy of Jewish CEO's whose power, even now, is so great that they can thumb their noses at any who cry foul.

In league with the "misinformation" media, these people have corrupted the so-called bastion of democracy by simply using the accepted malpractice of "lobbying"!  This is an encouraged control of US politician's votes by the illegal but obvious method of "payment for services rendered".

So the old Mark Latham question is revived - "how do they get away with it?"

IMHO in essence, the Australian parliamentory system is torn between two major influences of our society and they are the Coalition's Corporation Parties or the Australian Labor Parties dedication to all citizens.

Theoretically the US system, from a promising beginning, has allowed itself to be dictated to by the monetary value of each elected person's vote.  We know it, the American people know it, so why aren't those grubs prosecuted?  Is it because that system requires the agreement of the perpetrators to have an investigation?  The law makers are the law breakers?

Or is it because the American people saw their once Supreme - Supreme Court blatantly allow a very unsuccessful citizen to steal the Presidency of the United States?

As Howard demostrated in Australia, the political parties appoint Judges of their own persuasion and that completely denies the principle of the Executive being independant of politics.

IMHO, Kevin Rudd is progressive; non-sectarian; and only asks his staff to work as hard as he does.

I admire this man because of his ambitions for all Australians, so viciously opposed by the Murdochracy and their fellow travellers.  After all like the US, you don't have to be elected, just wait and employ the victor.  "Such is life" said Ned Kelly.

God Bless Australia and keep our defense forces, defense forces. NE OUBLIE.

Facts out of perspective are deceptive.

Chomsky Warns of Risk of Fascism in America

By Matthew Rothschild

15 April, 2010

“In 1928 the Nazis had less than 2 percent of the vote,” he said. “Two years later, millions supported them. The public got tired of the incessant wrangling, and the service to the powerful, and the failure of those in power to deal with their grievances.”  COMMENT: These people had been conned into a war they couldn't win and were betrayed by their Jewish allies in 1917 - so I can imagine that their suffering families were not too happy with the Versailles Treaty.

He said the German people were susceptible to appeals about “the greatness of the nation, and defending it against threats, and carrying out the will of eternal providence.”  COMMENT: To build up a nation, like the revolutionists in America, it would be necessary wouldn't it to give these disgraced people an element of pride?

When farmers, the petit bourgeoisie, and Christian organizations joined forces with the Nazis, “the center very quickly collapsed,” Chomsky said.  COMMENT:  Hitler was democratically elected with a massive majority under the Weimar Republic system was he not?

No analogy is perfect, he said, but the echoes of fascism are “reverberating” today, he said. “These are lessons to keep in mind.”

COMMENT:  When are normal people going to realize that the most evil fascism in this world today is not the misled American people, but the vicious fascists currently invading the state of Palestine.

It is about time that all people insist on truth and not that which they alone want to believe.  Previously, I was not aware of the alternative views of independent people with respect to the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

But now I believe that I have enough of different views to use logic and the progress of history to make a reasoning judgment.

The facts are that while the Nazis were an unforgiving lot, they were as well organized as any of the WW I victors - and more progressive.  They not only gave Germany (a great country) another chance but they improved the living of their citizens.

As late as it is, perhaps the facts of the past are surfacing and a different picture is starting to evolve.

I wonder that, if the Jewish "Untermenschen" Holocaust had happened while the Zionists were doing the same and sometimes worse in their invasion of Palestine, what would Noam say about that?

People are forced to make judgements sometimes on the most dishonest or minor points of view but, I believe that when a matter is harped upon relentlessly and without any modicum of "however" I have a feeling of being conned.

With respect to the Jewish/Nazi question, we now know who "threw the first stone".  So ye reap so shall ye sow.  I don't remember the Gypsies declaring war on Germany.

I have as much compassion for all the untermenschen who we know for a fact were starved in the concentration camps - slow deaths that could have been avoided.  The allies were reported as knowing that those camps existed but refused to bomb them. 

Who can say what would have been most compassionate?  Suffering or a quick and inevitable death?

God Bless Australia and let us judge, if we must, by the facts.  NE OUBLIE.



Are they a danger to me or mine?

The more I research and decide for myself the truth or otherwise of the history of the Jewish race, the more I am fascinated at its ability to survive and to be a major player, under the radar, in all of the centuries since the birth of Christianity.  Why? I guess Gold-n-Power.

It is just against my commoner past that I do not accept that people are born to rule - quite the contrary, history shows how that attitude caused enormous suffering and eventual chaos in many otherwise powerful nations - like Monachies.

So I try to understand the seemingly multitude of famous Jewish people in every type of society.

Are they famous in music -yes; in economics -oh yes; in virtually any form of the arts - yes; in comedy oh yes; and in movies.   I believe that the jewish people always look after each other and perhaps, having achieved a lofted position in life, will give a leg up to any of their "brothers and sisters".

The downside is that they, by natural elimination, give preference to their race rather than they would on the basis of merit. All of their movies seem to accentuate that they are disadvantaged by the fact that they are Jewish but, the opposite is true and that is where the bitterness is born.

The Jewish claim insessantly that they cannot get a fair go, but in doing so, while they consider that as a good diversion, the Goyim feel that their taxpayer dollars are going to an Empire that doesn't exist?

It is very disturbing to read the real names of our famous actors and to wonder why they changed them.  If I am wrong then the apparent basic policy of Jewish deception does not exist.

Conversely, do they really change their names because we will think that they are prefered?

As I say, a very confusing race of people who should, in my opinion, attack the Zionists themselves.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.

A Massive Lie to hide the truth.

I found another item on the net which helps to confirm the involvement of the Zionist Jews in WW II.

I quote Part 1 as follows:

The Zionist Jewish Role In
Causing World War II

The Heretical Press

"In 1941, a Jewish writer, Theodor N. Kaufman, wrote Germany Must Perish. Kaufman set out a plan for the total destruction of the German population by a very simple method: the mass sterilisation of all German men and women between the age of puberty and sixty years."

From a pre-1993 edition of John Tyndall's Spearhead magazine


The powers that emerged victorious from World War I made a second war almost inevitable by the peace conditions they imposed upon Germany. That second war was later made certain, not by the intentions of Hitler but by the determination of his eternal enemies to destroy the new Germany that he had created.

By the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919 and the Treaty of St. Germain on 20 September of the same year, the German people were thoroughly humiliated. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote:

'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.'

The old Austrian Empire was balkanised without respect to its various cultures and nationalities. East Prussia was separated from Germany by a large area ceded to Poland. The Sudeten Germans were placed under Czech control. The coal mining area of the Saar Valley was to be administered for fifteen years by the League of Nations and then a plebiscite held. The corrupt Weimar Republic was forced upon the German nation and the middle classes were robbed of their savings by corrupt finance. There were millions of unemployed and the Sparticist Jewish revolutionary leaders Karl Leibknecht and Rosa Luxembourg were stirring up red revolution.


The Daily Mail reported on 10 July 1933:

'The German nation, moreover, was rapidly falling under the control of its alien elements. In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime there were twenty times as many Jewish government officials in Germany as had existed before the war. Israelites of international attachments were insinuating themselves into key positions in the German administrative machine.'

Dr. Manfred Reifer, a well known leader of the Jews of Bukovina, wrote in the Jewish magazine Czernowitzer Allegemeine Zeitung (September 1933):

'Whilst large sections of the German nation were struggling for the preservation of their race, we Jews filled the streets of Germany with our vociferations. We supplied the press with articles on the subject of its Christmas and Easter and administered to its religious beliefs in the manner we considered suitable. We ridiculed the highest ideals of the German nation and profaned the matters which it holds sacred.'

Resentment and resistance began to build up against the alien horde and in the year before Adolf Hitler came to power Bernard Lecache, President of the World Jewish League, stated:

'Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her.'

The National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler gained 17,300,000 votes in the election and gained 288 seats in the Reichstag. On 30 January 1933 Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor of the German Reich by President Von Hindenberg. On 24 March 1933 the Reichstag elected by 441 votes to 94 to give full emergency powers to the new Reich Chancellor and the corrupt Weimar Republic ceased to exist.

On that same day, 24 March 1933, on the front page of the London Daily Express appeared the main headlines: "Judaea declares war on Germany: Jews of all the world unite", and followed with:

'The Israelite people of the entire world declare economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany revives the old war symbol of the Jews. Fourteen million Jews stand as one body to declare war on Germany. The Jewish wholesale dealer leaves his business, the banker his bank, the shopkeeper his shop, the beggar his miserable hut in order to combine forces in the holy war against Hitler's people.'

The German government was removing Jews from influential positions and transferring power back to the German people. This declaration of war by the Jews on Germany was repeated throughout the world. The first boycott of Jewish business concerns came after this Jewish declaration of war in April 1933.


Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist organisation, wrote in the January 1934 issue of Mascha Rjetach:

'For months now the struggle against Germany is waged by each Jewish community at each conference in all our syndicates and by each Jew all over the world. There is reason to believe that our part in this struggle has general value. We will start a spiritual and material war of all the world against Germany's ambitions to become once again a great nation, to recover lost territories and colonies. But our Jewish interests demand Germany's total destruction, collectively and individually. The German nation is a threat to us Jews.'

Emil Ludwig Cohen wrote in his book The New Holy Alliance, Strasburg, 1938:

'Even if Hitler at the last moment would want to avoid war which would destroy him he will, in spite of his wishes, be compelled to wage war.'

Bernard Lechache wrote in The Right to Live (December 1938):

'It is our task to organise the moral and cultural blockade of Germany and disperse this nation. It is up to us to start a merciless war.'

The Jewish newspaper Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederlands printed on 13 September 1939:

'The millions of Jews living in America, England, France, North Africa and South, not forgetting Palestine, have decided to carry on the war in Germany to the very end. It is to be a war of extermination.'

The Toronto Star (26 February 1940) printed a declaration of a Rabbi Perlberg, Director of the British section of the Jewish World Congress:

'The Jewish World Congress is in a state of war with Germany for seven years.'

The Jewish magazine Sentinel of Chicago printed in its issue of 8 October 1940:

'When the National Socialists and their friends cry or whisper that this [the war] is brought about by Jews, they are perfectly right.'

Hitler now put into operation the plan of getting all German areas into one state and all Germans under one German Government. The Germans in the Rhineland, the Germans in Austria and the Sudeten Germans responded willingly. In January 1935 the Saar Valley voted to return to Germany with a 90 per-cent poll in favour. There were also Germans in East Prussia and in Danzig now divided by land ceded to Poland by the Treaty of Versailles. It is interesting to note that between 1933 and 1937 10,000 Jews migrated to Hitler's Germany, 97 of them from Palestine.


An agreement was signed between Germany (Hitler) and Great Britain (Neville Chamberlain) which suggested a peaceful revision of the wrongs committed by the Treaty of Versailles. A four-power conference was suggested which would preserve the peace. The four powers were Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy.

The paper Truth of 5 January 1952 stated that Mr. Oswald Pirow, South African Minister of Defence, was sent on a mission to Germany in 1938 by General Smuts to ease the tension on the Jewish issue. The British Prime Minister told Pirow that pressure of International Jewry was one of the principal obstacles to an Anglo-German accommodation and that it would greatly help him resist that pressure if Hitler could be induced to moderate his policy towards the German Jews. Pirow stated that Hitler viewed this idea with favour and an Anglo-German agreement was in sight; the effect would have been, in the event of war, to limit the conflict to Germany and Russia, with the other great powers intervening to enforce their own terms when the combatants were exhausted.

However, the Four Nations Pact was not to be. The Jews put an end to this, for on 7 November 1938, a few weeks after the Munich Agreement and shortly before the journey to Paris of the German Foreign Minister, Von Ribbentrop, the Polish Jew, Herschel Feibel Grynszpan murdered the German Third Secretary of State, Ernst von Rath, in the German Embassy in Paris. The five bullets fired were the logical result of the Jews' declaration of war on Germany of March 1933 and put an end to the effort being made to explain and extend the importance of the Munich Agreement and the revision of the Treaty of Versailles.

This assassination provoked anti-Jewish riots in Germany, with the burning of synagogues and the looting and burning of Jewish shops. The anti-Jewish riots inflamed public opinion in Great Britain and the USA against Chamberlain's efforts to relieve Anglo-German tension. In the United States Germans were assaulted and persecuted. The Jews began leaving Germany.

The Paris magazine L'Ami du Peuple wrote about them:

'These people fled from Germany because they attempted to set up a rule of fire and blood and to let loose the horrors of civil war and universal chaos.'

The American Secretary of State, James Forrestal, who later died in mysterious circumstances, wrote in his Forrestal Diaries (Cassel and Co., London 1952):

'Have played golf with Joe Kennedy [US Ambassador in Britain, father of President John Kennedy]. According to him, Chamberlain declared that Zionism and world Jewry have obliged England to enter the war.'

The Jew, Schlomo Asch, in a pep talk to French troops in the line in Le Nouvelles Litteraires (10 February 1940) wrote:

'This is our war and you are fighting it for us. Even if we Jews are not bodily in the trenches we are nevertheless morally with you.'

On 8 October 1942 Sentinel magazine stated unequivocally:

'The Second World War is being fought for the defence and fundamentals of Judaism.'


Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had given an assurance that:

'The British Government would never resort to the deliberate attack on women and children and other civilians for the purpose of mere terrorism.'

However, his successor Winston Churchill appointed as his personal adviser the Jewish Professor Lindemann. Lindemann, later Lord Cherwell, suggested the bombing of German cities and that working class civilian areas were legitimate targets, and from then onwards the last vestiges of civilised decency in warfare were abandoned. These bombings began on 10 August 1940 with the bombing of the small open town of Freiburg on the Swiss frontier. Fifty-three civilians were killed, including twenty children playing in the park. It was reported by Mr. Taylor of the American Red Cross in the New York Times of 3 May 1940. This was before the Germans began bombing British cities. Mr. J. M. Speight, CBE, Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry, wrote in his book The Splendid Decision:

'Adolf Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets... It gave Coventry, Birmingham, Sheffield and Southampton the right to look Kiev, Kharkov, Stalingrad and Sebastopol in the face. Our Soviet allies would have been less critical of our inactivity if they had understood what we had done... Hitler would have been willing at my time to stop the slaughter. Hitler was genuinely anxious to reach with Britain an agreement confining the action of aircraft to battle zones.'


In 1941, long before there was any assembling of Jews for the supposed extermination camps, a Jew, Theodor N. Kaufman, wrote Germany Must Perish. Kaufman set out a plan for the total destruction of the German population by a very simple method: the mass sterilisation of all German men and women between the age of puberty and sixty years. He described the construction of the organisation for doing this. This book was the basis of the Morgenthau Plan for the total destruction of German industry and the enslavement of the German race. Naturally these intentions of Germany's enemy got into the hands of the German propaganda minister Goebbels, and it stiffened the resistance of the German nation to avoid defeat. The Morgenthau Plan formed the basis of discussions between President Roosevelt and Soviet leader Stalin acting through his liaison officer, the Soviet Jew Zabrousky, and also formed the basis of the Yalta Agreement.

From a pre-1993 edition of John Tyndall's Spearhead magazine

The Heretical Press

PO Box 1004,

Hull, Yorkshire

HU3 2YT, England


From Star



It is time for all Non-Zionist Jews to cleanse the world free of Zionism or this suicide machine called Zionism will destroy all Jews.

There is an old saying by the sages, if there is smoke there is fire. First they tried to say Zionism is a lie and yet we are seeing it's results. Second they tried to bully and intimidate those who tried to expose them for what they are while carefully censoring the fact that not all jews are zionists and many jews are in fact against zionism. Third they manipulate other nations to do their bidding while falsely saying it is being done in our name which makes us vomit at their abhorrent behaviour and claim. Fourth they tried all tricks in the book to manipulate the media to spread false news, disinformation, misinformation, divertionary decoys at the expense of others.

And now they want to repeat the same mistakes that took millions of innoccent jewish lives in World War II. How many times does it take to tell these Zionist to stop adding and feeding more jewish lives into their sacrificial suicide machine called Zionism for political gain?

To all Non-Zionist Jews, save your lives by cleansing the world of Zionism before it provokes the world again against all innoccent jews. We have lost so many of our fellow Jews in World War II, we must stop them from adding our jewish and christian and muslim, etc, lives into their death machine called Zionism.

Shalom!  End of quote.  NE OUBLIE.



Large Oaks from Little Acorns grow.

The “little” acorn has become an Oak and, this time at least, it is early enough to be stopped with concerted action by all races and religions.


How different is the perspective of the Zionist Jews now, after the Gaza Holocaust, and research which, while hidden by the Zionists and ridiculed, confirms the actual happenings prior to WW II?.


I would like to have my following posts published at least for their value as an example of that which has been hidden or twisted for so long.

The Jewish Declaration of WAR ON Nazi Germany

The Economic Boycott of 1933

Article from The Barnes Review, Jan./Feb. 2001, pp. 41-45.
The Barnes Review, 645 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 100, Washington D.C. 20003, USA.
By M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D., assistant editor of TBR;
published here with kind permission from TBR.
This digitalized version © 2002 by The Scriptorium.
eMail TBR - subscribe to TBR here

The London Daily Express, March 24, 1933
Samuel Untermyer Few people know the facts about the singular event that helped spark what ultimately became known as World War II - the international Jewish declaration of war on Germany shortly after Adolf Hitler came to power and well before any official German government sanctions or reprisals against Jews were carried out. The March 24, 1933 issue of The Daily Express of London (shown above) described how Jewish leaders, in combination with powerful international Jewish financial interests, had launched a boycott of Germany for the express purpose of crippling her already precarious economy in the hope of bringing down the new Hitler regime. It was only then that Germany struck back in response. Thus, if truth be told, it was the worldwide Jewish leadership - not the Third Reich - that effectively fired the first shot in the Second World War. Prominent New York attorney Samuel Untermyer (above right) was one of the leading agitators in the war against Germany, describing the Jewish campaign as nothing less than a "holy war."Long before the Hitler government began restricting the rights of the German Jews, the leaders of the worldwide Jewish community formally declared war on the "New Germany" at a time when the U.S. government and even the Jewish leaders in Germany were urging caution in dealing with the new Hitler regime.

The war by the international Jewish leadership on Germany not only sparked definite reprisals by the German government but also set the stage for a little-known economic and political alliance between the Hitler government and the leaders of the Zionist movement who hoped that the tension between the Germans and the Jews would lead to massive emigration to Palestine. In short, the result was a tactical alliance between the Nazis and the founders of the modern-day state of Israel - a fact that many today would prefer be forgotten.

To this day, it is generally (although incorrectly) believed that when Adolf Hitler was appointed German chancellor in January of 1933, the German government began policies to suppress the Jews of Germany, including rounding up of Jews and putting them in concentration camps and launching campaigns of terror and violence against the domestic Jewish population.

While there were sporadic eruptions of violence against Jews in Germany after Hitler came to power, this was not officially sanctioned or encouraged. And the truth is that anti-Jewish sentiments in Germany (or elsewhere in Europe) were actually nothing new. As all Jewish historians attest with much fervor, anti-Semitic uprisings of various degrees had been ever-present in European history.

In any case, in early 1933, Hitler was not the undisputed leader of Germany, nor did he have full command of the armed forces.  Hitler was a major figure in a coalition government, but he was far from being the government himself.  That was the result of a process of consolidation which evolved later.

Continue in Part II. NE OUBLIE.

Salient points which makes us think.


The Daily Mail reported on 10 July 1933:

'The German nation, moreover, was rapidly falling under the control of its alien elements. In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime there were twenty times as many Jewish government officials in Germany as had existed before the war. Israelites of international attachments were insinuating themselves into key positions in the German administrative machine.'

Dr. Manfred Reifer, a well known leader of the Jews of Bukovina, wrote in the Jewish magazine Czernowitzer Allegemeine Zeitung (September 1933):

'Whilst large sections of the German nation were struggling for the preservation of their race, we Jews filled the streets of Germany with our vociferations. We supplied the press with articles on the subject of its Christmas and Easter and administered to its religious beliefs in the manner we considered suitable. We ridiculed the highest ideals of the German nation and profaned the matters which it holds sacred.'

Resentment and resistance began to build up against the alien horde and in the year before Adolf Hitler came to power Bernard Lecache, President of the World Jewish League, stated:

'Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her.'

The National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler gained 17,300,000 votes in the election and gained 288 seats in the Reichstag. On 30 January 1933 Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor of the German Reich by President Von Hindenberg. On 24 March 1933 the Reichstag elected by 441 votes to 94 to give full emergency powers to the new Reich Chancellor and the corrupt Weimar Republic ceased to exist.

On that same day, 24 March 1933, on the front page of the London Daily Express appeared the main headlines: "Judaea declares war on Germany: Jews of all the world unite", and followed with:

'The Israelite people of the entire world declare economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany revives the old war symbol of the Jews. Fourteen million Jews stand as one body to declare war on Germany. The Jewish wholesale dealer leaves his business, the banker his bank, the shopkeeper his shop, the beggar his miserable hut in order to combine forces in the holy war against Hitler's people.'

The German government was removing Jews from influential positions and transferring power back to the German people. This declaration of war by the Jews on Germany was repeated throughout the world. The first boycott of Jewish business concerns came after this Jewish declaration of war in April 1933.

COMMENT:  IMHO the provocation of the Jewish world wide financial empire, was set to destroy a government which was trying to revive its nation. The Jewish power was exercised by using the weakness, financially and militarily, of the German people - solely for the Jewish take over of what they called their "eternal enemies".

If the Zionists tried to use the stone throwing youths of Palestine for their brutality, I would hope people would see through that guise.  The arrogance and world-wide web of Jewish financial influences are a danger not only to the world (as the recent financial melt down demonstrated) but to the jewish people themselves.

The Jewish people seem to describe their behavior, even on an international basis, as an apparent example of "suckers" which describes the Goyim in general terms.

But someone once wrote that "infinite wealth" is the sinews of war.  And the Jewish World Organizations seem to have confirmed that. 

There is no law that I know of that is against a person trying to improve their station in life.  However, the old stories of "born to rule" and the "have and have nots" are never too far from that assertion.

One can only wonder why a particular race of people, obviously with high intelligence and versed in the deceptions of big business, would "continue to take advantage of their fellow world citizens" for their absolute belief in their pre-determined Zionist policy of world control.

I am still thinking.

God Bless Australia and vote to have my comfort zone with Kevin Rudd continued.  NE OUBLIE.


The Infamous Balfour Declaration.

Knowing the intentions of the Zionists to take over land for the express purpose of giving life to a Jewish State, the British government made a deal with them.

In 1917, the warring parties to that "Monachist" war were completely exhausted and negotiated terms of an Armistice where both would "return to their corners" and "lick their wounds".

The World Jewish Organizations were so powerful in the US (as they are now) that they offered the involvement of the US on the British side.  (How about that?) This was contingent upon the British giving to the Zionists the assurance that the Palestinian land would be turned over to the Zionists but strictly as follows:

Foreign Office,
November 2nd, 1917.

Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".  (Emphasis added)
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely
Arthur James Balfour

Why was this deal made? It was the intended sacrifice of thousands of American Soldiers and an unrecorded number of British/French and German troops plus civilians who were not even aware that they (both sides) had been sold for the future benefit of a small race of people!  Who, by the way, were not even considered combatants - a no lose situation?

With friends like these........NE OUBLIE.





I try to keep it simple.

Why has a race of people been universally condemned by other races; religions; Nations and all areas of world financial affairs?

IMHO I do not accept that they are by birth a superior race - I do believe that they have an enormous desire to be respected rather than scorned for their belief in a State of their own and with an ingrained feeling of persecution "each force develops and equal and opposite force".

I have met many Jewish people in my lifetime and I have wondered at how they cannot raise themselves above the objective of aspiring to be wealthy.  The methods that they use to achieve wealth and to maintain it are somewhat anti-christian to me.  But of course they are.

On occasion I read parts of the Protocols which I find are mostly diametrically opposed to the beliefs of Christians and most non Jewish religions throughout the world.

So I wondered why the Jewish people, over centuries, have been able to take over the economies of so many nations to a point where they, the Jews, are no longer welcome in that country of which they are even citizens.

IMHO the biggest accepted crime in the world today is allowing the broadcasing of Misinformation.

Control the information and you control the people.

I am still learning but, it appears to me that the .22% of the world's population is controlling or destablizing the nations of their choice.  Do I believe that it is a natural reaction - no - I believe that the majority of Jewish people are being and have been, used for the purposes of Zion.

The one common factor that I can discover is - the successful Jewish business person must not have a Conscience.  After all, that is a Christian weakness.

God Bless the Rudd health plans.  NE OUBLIE.


Are we really a dumping ground?

I have just posted a copy an article from Countercurrents which clearly lays out the effects of the UK/US alliance and their use of depleted uranium.  Very disturbing and an unbelievable betrayal of the military men and women who - voluntarily or not - prosecute the "wars of choice" for the US/UK and their allies like Australia.

Years ago I wrote in another forum about the dangers of Depleted Uranium - I think this was about the time the UK/US were using DU in Kosovo.

My point was that even though the "powers that be" knew about the ever-present and long lasting carcogenic effect of this Nuclear waste - they chose not to trust that information to their "on the ground" exposed military.

My involvement came after an American state sued the Bush administration for wanting to dump the nuclear waste from their reactors in their area.  I forget the state concerned but it lit my deep hatred for nuclear involvement in any way or form. 

IMHO the UK and the US needed somewhere to dump their nuclear waste and, since their respective citizens were aware of the dangers (for thousands of years) they had to find somewhere else.

Could it be that weapons of war were a double plus to the Military/Corporate in that they used their nuclear waste as armor or shells and at the same time rid themselves of that murderous element?

When Bob Hawke suggested that we could use central Australia as a world dumping ground for "nuclear waste" (that's euphemism for DU) he went down low in my estimation.

When Howard removed the rights of the indigenous people in the same area, I thought that we in Australia would indeed become the nuclear dumping ground for the producers of the most waste, ie., the Nuclear powered nations.  And for what?  Money.  And then?

It fascinates me that modern Military/Corporate, having boxed themselves into a financial necessity to have wars to consume their products and to provide employment - they are now prepared to intentionally destroy civilization for the sake of that policy.  Is any other result possible?

We are lucky at the moment to have a Prime Minister who is not prepared to store carcogenic material in our nation nor to build Reactors to produce the same murderous material and, for what reason? Industrial profit.

Perhaps as a somewhat lenient opinion however, I consider Kevin Rudd is saying to the people of China and other Nuclear advocates - we have coal if you want it and we have Uranium as well.  We also have gas and oil in real numbers which could be used to make your people more mobile.

I have high hopes for Kevin Rudd no matter how the media is trying to bring him down.  Like Obama, he was left the legacy of the worst type of government his nation had suffered in many decades. 

I also believe in evolution and, it occurs to me that, many species who have learned to live with nature, are being wiped out - because we have to find an unnatural cure for unnatural disease?

God Bless Australia and give Kevin Rudd and his government the courage of their convictions and decide not to pamper "the Emperor". NE OUBLIE.



nuke schmicks

from the BBC

Western concerns about Iran's nuclear programme have so far dominated the latest UN conference on the treaty aimed at stopping the spread and stockpiling of nuclear weapons.

But another state is sharing centre stage at the month-long negotiations in New York to strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), despite its complete absence from the hall.

"Israel's nuclear arsenal stands like the radioactive elephant in the room," says blogger and journalist Khaled Diab.

Israel is widely believed to have between 100 and 200 nuclear warheads. Yet it has never declared them, signed on to the NPT, or opened its nuclear facilities to inspection.

Calls from NPT podiums for it to do all three are common enough. But with the US homing in on the potential proliferation risk posed by Iran, Arab and Islamic states have raised the volume on the threat they say is posed by Israel's actual nuclear arsenal.

Crucially, the debate has galvanised long-standing demands for a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East.


unambiguous nukes...

from the Guardian

Secret South African documents reveal that Israel offered to sell nuclear warheads to the apartheid regime, providing the first official documentary evidence of the state's possession of nuclear weapons.

The "top secret" minutes of meetings between senior officials from the two countries in 1975 show that South Africa's defence minister, PW Botha, asked for the warheads and Shimon Peres, then Israel's defence minister and now its president, responded by offering them "in three sizes". The two men also signed a broad-ranging agreement governing military ties between the two countries that included a clause declaring that "the very existence of this agreement" was to remain secret.

The documents, uncovered by an American academic, Sasha Polakow-Suransky, in research for a book on the close relationship between the two countries, provide evidence that Israel has nuclear weapons despite its policy of "ambiguity" in neither confirming nor denying their existence.

The Israeli authorities tried to stop South Africa's post-apartheid government declassifying the documents at Polakow-Suransky's request and the revelations will be an embarrassment, particularly as this week's nuclear non-proliferation talks in New York focus on the Middle East.


see toon at top...

unambiguous ambiguousness...

Shimon Peres dismisses claims relating to secret files but US researcher says denials are disingenuous

Israel's president, Shimon Peres, today robustly denied revelations in the Guardian and a new book that he offered to sell nuclear weapons to apartheid South Africa when he was defence minister in the 1970s.

His office said "there exists no basis in reality" for claims based on declassified secret South African documents that he offered nuclear warheads for sale with ballistic missiles to the apartheid regime in 1975. "Israel has never negotiated the exchange of nuclear weapons with South Africa. There exists no Israeli document or Israeli signature on a document that such negotiations took place," it said.

But Sasha Polakow-Suransky, the American academic who uncovered the documents while researching a book on the military and political relationship between the two countries, said the denials were disingenuous, because the minutes of meetings Peres held with the then South African defence minister, PW Botha, show that the apartheid government believed an explicit offer to provide nuclear warheads had been made.

under the thumb-screws...

Israeli prosecutors have charged two Israeli Arab activists with spying for Hezbollah, it has been revealed.

Amir Makhoul and Omar Sayid confessed that they passed information about Israeli bases to the Lebanese militant and political group, the charges say.

They sent information to their Lebanese contacts over the internet using sophisticated encryption programmes, prosecutors said.

Lawyers for the accused men say their confessions were made under duress.

The men were interrogated by Shin Bet, the Israeli secret service.

another something Israel denies...

King Abdullah has accused Israel of trying to block Jordan from developing a peaceful nuclear programme.

He said Israel had been pressuring states like France and South Korea not to sell Jordan nuclear technology.

Israel, believed to be the only country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons, has denied the accusation.

High oil prices are pushing countries to consider nuclear energy, but the spread of the technology increases the risk of proliferation, analysts say.


In a lengthy interview in The Wall Street Journal, King Abdullah strongly criticised Israel for what he said were its efforts to persuade potential suppliers to abandon plans to sell Jordan nuclear power generating reactors, something Israel denies.

All Zionist Crimes are owed to the US - who owes the Zionists.

The Case For An Impartial Turkish Inquiry

By Ahmad Amr   15 June, 2010  (From CounterCurrents – my emphasis)

A robust Turkish inquiry might uncover some uncomfortable truths.

By now, anyone paying attention understands the broad outlines of Israel's notion of what constitutes an 'impartial' inquiry into the murder of nine activists on the Free Gaza Flotilla. Except for Netanyahu and the cabinet ministers who ordered the armed assault on the humanitarian convoy, no other witnesses will be called. The Israelis now say their inquiry will not even take testimony from the IDF commanders who planned and executed the assault or the seven hundred first hand witnesses who survived the carnage. Besides, the activists have already been deported.  (Obviously another example of the Zionists being above any law but their own – therefore, even its outcome has already been decided and civilized people should not even consider such a “Kangaroo Court”)

So far, the Israelis have tampered with incriminating evidence, propagated doctored pictures and confiscated video tapes and cameras from the reporters who were on board. Just to rub salt in the wound, Netanyahu intends to focus the investigation on whether the organizers of the flotilla had ‘terrorist’ connections. A campaign of slander orchestrated by the Israeli government has prejudiced the outcome by tainting the victims with having ties to Al-Qaeda. Those absurd accusations were later withdrawn but not before the damage had been done.

We’re not going to go into Washington’s rationale for bowing before AIPAC and their overlords in Jerusalem. Suffice it to say that the Senate leaders of both parties are passing around a letter condoning the murderous assault on the high seas. I’m not an oracle, but I don’t expect much resistance to Harry Reid’s bipartisan initiative from an administration where the Vice President publicly avows his Zionism and the Chief of Staff boasts of his service with the IDF.

Let Washington and Israel play any game they want to play but let them play alone. The only viable response is an impartial Turkish inquiry with international representation. As a NATO ally, Ankara can extend a formal invitation to the United States, Britain and France to send observers. All three countries approved the UN resolution that called for an impartial and transparent investigation and there’s no plausible reason that Obama can concoct to rebuff a Turkish offer to participate in the proceedings. Observer status should also be accorded to the European Union, the International Court of Justice and Israel. Maybe the Israeli observer will be good enough to show up with the evidence his government confiscated from the 60 reporters who were on the flotilla.

There is no arguing that Turkey has jurisdiction in this case. This act of piracy on the high seas resulted in the death of nine activists, all of them Turkish Citizens. One of the victims was a Turkish-American but the Obama administration has shown little interest in investigating the murder of Furkan Dogan, the 19-year-old high school student who was killed with four bullets to the head at point blank range. One can only speculate on Washington’s indifference to the fate of the young activist. If I was to take a wild guess, I’d start with the victim’s name. It wasn’t Leon Klinghoffer and it wasn’t Daniel Pearl and he wasn’t Christian enough or Jewish enough or white enough or American enough. Case closed.

So while the United States government can also claim jurisdiction and initiate their own inquiry, only the Turkish Republic is likely to exercise its jurisdiction; and that alone should be reason enough for an impartial Turkish inquiry. But there are other reasons that are worth considering starting with the scope of the investigation, the admissibility of evidence, the availability of witnesses, the adherence to international law and the implementation of a Security Council UN resolution that called for a transparent inquiry.

There is an unmistakable stench in the air. It seems to me that the Israelis are trying to cover up for more than just a ‘botched’ raid. They’ve killed tens of thousands of innocents before and gotten away with it. Jerusalem and its proxies in the American mass media didn’t even get this worked up over the Goldstone report that documented their criminal war spree in last year’s carpet bombing of Gaza. What gives? What is it about this single act of mass murder on the high seas that has Netanyahu and the Americans so concerned? Getting the answer to that question should be the focus of the Turkish inquiry. Did the Israeli cabinet give orders to use deadly force on the high seas and did they specifically target Turkish nationals? Was that the reason for the night attack? Is that why they confiscated evidence and kept sixty journalists incommunicado for two days? Is that why they don’t want their own officers to testify?

If a couple of Israeli soldiers had killed one or two passengers, one might buy into the specious argument that they panicked. But they killed nine - with thirty-one bullets at close range. When did they start shooting live ammunition? Does anybody expect straight answers from Netanyahu, Barak or the IDF?

What the Turks should mull over is this question: what if this raid was executed exactly as planned and achieved its stated objectives? What if it was tactically flawless from the point of view of the IDF assassins that carried it out? Anybody who knows Barak’s military record understands that this operation was carried out with meticulous precision. The Israeli Minister of Defense already stands accused of war crimes so he’s not exactly worried about his reputation as a cold blooded killer. What if the assault on the flotilla was meant to be this bloody?

We’ve all seen Israeli Hasbara propaganda campaigns before. But this time they were awfully well prepared for the consequences? Did they know the results a few weeks before the rest of us? Had the damage control media squads already dug their trenches and prepared their operatives for the anticipated international outcry?

One shouldn’t go around raising questions about premeditated murder without establishing motives. So let’s imagine Lieberman, Netanyahu and Barak drawing up the blueprints and assessing the political gains and the potential consequences. What were they rolling the dice for?

It’s fairly obvious that the Israelis wanted to maintain the siege around the world’s largest open air concentration camp and deter other humanitarian flotillas from delivering supplies to the 1.5 million incarcerated Palestinians. But it had to be more than that, because it’s unlikely that Netanyahu and Lieberman would risk such a gambit to prevent a few containers of cargo from being unloaded on the piers of Gaza.

What most observers and analysts seem to ignore is that there were a few other things going on in the background. This most right wing of Israeli Prime Ministers heads a coalition government of extremists and annexationists that are hell bent on derailing the peace process. Any meaningful movement towards a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would have cut short his term as Prime minister and his coalition partners have told him as much. Netanyahu was on his way to Washington and under pressure to come up with a few concessionary crumbs so Obama wouldn’t lose face after prostrating himself before the Israeli Lobby. The assault on the flotilla allowed Netanyahu to break his date at the White House. Was that the real objective of the raid?

Aside from shelving the Proximity Talks, it made absolute sense to attack Turkish citizens, because Ankara also had a prominent role in the peace process and was mediating talks between the Israelis and the Syrians. So, Netanyahu was going to kill two peace doves by murdering nine Turks. One of the most promising things about this flotilla was seeing Greek and Turkish volunteers on a joint humanitarian mission. I imagine the Israelis don’t like those kinds of peace vibes in the Eastern Mediterranean. They always rant on about being in a dangerous neighborhood; they just forget to tell you their role in making it so dangerous.

It’s going to take a Turkish investigation to unravel the political motivation behind this meticulously engineered act of piracy on the high seas. There are just too many eerie parallels between this murderous Israeli operation, the assault on the Liberty and the Lavon Affair. A robust Turkish inquiry might uncover some uncomfortable truths for the derelicts in Washington but it could also make the Eastern Mediterranean a safe neighborhood for one and all.

COMMENT:   The Middle East is hostage to an illegal regime that by all civilized law is an un-acceptable burden on humanity and only has the corrupt United States to protect their criminal existence.  The Zionist crimes against Arab Semites is obvious; criminal and against all the UN should stand for. Only the US debt to the Jewish Lobby is a viable explanation.  As indeed it is to the unstable financial situation in the European Union.

- Ahmed Amr is an Arab-American. He’s the former editor of and the author of “The Sheep and the Guardians - Diary of a SEC Sanctioned Swindle.” He contributed this article to





that good ol' zionist exceptionalism .....

Israel said on Tuesday an Arab-led campaign to single it out at the UN atomic watchdog could undermine any arms control measures in the Middle East.

The warning highlighted US concern that the Arab drive at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would upset a plan to hold a conference in 2012 towards establishing a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction.

Israel's nuclear chief said on Tuesday that it was against Israel's interests to join a global anti-nuclear arms treaty and that the UN atomic watchdog was 'overstepping' its mandate in demanding it to do so.

Arab states have tabled a resolution at the IAEA annual conference in Vienna for Israel to foreswear nuclear weapons and sign up to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Arab states say there cannot be peace in the Middle East until Israel gives up nuclear arms.

Israel has never confirmed nor denied having atomic bombs, under a policy of ambiguity to deter its Arab and Islamic adversaries. "Israel is not the only member state ... that has exercised its sovereign right not to accede to the NPT due to its national security considerations," Israel's Atomic Energy Commission chief Shaul Chorev said.

"Yet Israel is the only state that has been singled out, and is called upon to take a decision which is against its best national interests," he told the conference.

"Indeed, the advancement of states' accessions to international treaties does not fall within the mandate of the (IAEA)," he said.

The NPT, which came into force in 1970, has been signed by 189 states. Only three countries - India, Pakistan and Israel - have not signed it.

Israel refuses to join anti-nuclear treaty