Sunday 9th of March 2025

the war on peace .....

the war on peace .....

Without public debate and without congressional hearings, a segment of the Pentagon and fellow travellers have embraced a doctrine known as the Long War, which projects an "arc of instability" caused by insurgent groups from Europe to South Asia that will last between 50 and 80 years. According to one of its architects, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan are just "small wars in the midst of a big one."

Consider the audacity of such an idea. An 80-year undeclared war would entangle 20 future presidential terms stretching far into the future of voters not yet born. The American death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan now approaches 5,000, with the number of wounded a multiple many times greater. Including the American dead from 9/11, that's 8,000 dead so far in the first decade of the Long War. And if the American armed forces are stretched thin today, try to conceive of seven more decades of combat.

The costs are unimaginable too. According to economists Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, Iraq alone will be a $3-trillion war. Those costs, and the other deficit spending of recent years, yield "virtually no room for new domestic initiatives for Mr. Obama or his successors," according to a New York Times budget analysis in February. Continued deficit financing for the Long War will rob today's younger generation of resources for their future.

It is 100 % certain that 9/11 was a Mossad Operation. Period.

Who’s Afraid Of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?

By Maidhc Ó Cathail

03 April, 2010

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
—Queen Gertrude, Hamlet.

Whenever someone insists too strongly about something not being true, we tend to suspect that maybe it is. In their denials of involvement in 9/11, do Israel’s apologists “protest too much”?

While it would take a small book to adequately document the Israeli connection to 9/11—as editor Justin Raimondo has attempted in The Terror Enigma—let us briefly recall some of the more intriguing facts as reported in the mainstream media, involving dancing Israelis, Odigo warnings, and Zim’s timely move.

The story of the five Israelis who were seen celebrating and filming as the Twin Towers burned and collapsed was investigated by Neil Mackay in Scotland’s Sunday Herald. The so-called “dancing Israelis” worked for Urban Moving Systems, later deemed to be a Mossad front by the FBI. Despite failing numerous polygraph tests, the young men were deported to Israel two months later. Back home, several of the men appeared on a TV chat show, in which one of them amazingly said, “Our purpose was to document the event.”

Two employees of Odigo, an Israeli instant messaging service, received messages two hours before the World Trade Center attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, Ha’aretz reported.

Zim-American Israeli Shipping Co., part-owned by the Israeli government, moved their North American headquarters from the 16th floor of the WTC to Norfolk, Virginia one week before the 9/11 attacks, incurring a $50,000 fine for breaking its lease, according to the Jerusalem Post.

Despite being in the public domain, none of these relevant facts are mentioned in the 9/11 Commission’s 567-page report.

Moreover, Philip Zelikow, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, is concerned about the spread of such inconvenient facts to the wider public. “Our worry,” he says, “is when things become infectious…. [then] this stuff can be deeply corrosive to public understanding. You can get where the bacteria can sicken the larger body.”

But was Zelikow speaking here as an American government official or as a pro-Israeli insider?

In the same month that he authored the so-called “Bush Doctrine” of preemptive war, which provided the justification for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Zelikow made this candid admission: “Why would Iraq attack America or use nuclear weapons against us? I’ll tell you what I think the real threat (is) and actually has been since 1990—it’s the threat against Israel.”

Yet, instead of investigating the Israeli connection, Zelikow used the 9/11 Commission to sell the Israeli-inspired Iraq war to the American people.

Zelikow’s “bacteria” quote is cited in a 2008 paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories.” Co-authored by Cass Sunstein, who currently heads President Obama’s White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, the main focus of the paper “involves conspiracy theories relating to terrorism, especially theories that arise from and post-date the 9/11 attacks.”

Rather than attempting to debunk such theories, Sunstein and Vermeule claim that those who suspect Israeli involvement in 9/11 suffer from a “crippled epistemology.” This, the authors argue, is due to “a sharply limited number of (relevant) informational sources.” In other words, “they know very few things, and what they know is wrong.”

To counter these suspicions, Sunstein recommends “cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents, or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of those who subscribe to such theories. They do so by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.”

It could, of course, be argued that Sunstein’s work also suffers from a crippled epistemology—his research relies heavily on pro-Israeli sources, most notably the notorious Islamophobe Daniel Pipes.

Pipes is a bit of an expert on conspiracy theories, having written two books on the subject. “Conspiracism provides a key to understanding the political culture of the Middle East,” Pipes opines in The Hidden Hand: Middle East Fears of Conspiracy. “It helps explain much of what would otherwise seem illogical or implausible, including the region’s record of political extremism and volatility, its culture of violence, and its poor record of modernization.”

Like Sunstein, Pipes is concerned that many in the region suspect Israeli involvement in 9/11. “The implications in the Middle East are quite profound,” Pipes told the LA-based Jewish Journal. “It’s one more brick in the edifice of fear and loathing of Israel and the Jews.”

In the absence of a proper 9/11 investigation, there remains a broad range of opinion about the precise nature of Israeli complicity. In The Terror Enigma, Justin Raimondo tentatively concludes that the Israeli connection to 9/11 amounts to “foreknowledge and passive collaboration with Bin Laden’s jihad.” Other experts, such as Alan Sabrosky, are less circumspect. Dr. Sabrosky, former director of studies of the Strategic Studies Institute at the US Army War College, has recently stated that “it is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation. Period.”

Either way, it’s hardly surprising that some of the most obsessive critics of 9/11 “conspiracy theories” have ties to Israel. If Americans ever find out that their “staunchest ally” had anything to do with the mass murder of their fellow citizens on September 11, 2001, the would-be conspiracy debunkers have good reason to be afraid.

Maidhc Ó Cathail's blog is

Continued in Comment. God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




The Mossad was 100% guilty of 9/11?

Further to the Counter Current article by Maidhc O' Cathail on 9/11, I would like to add my comment which I believe has not altered since that unbelievable of all unbelievable tragedies was perpetrated against the American people and - even more so - the unbelievable response of the Bush Administration. 

As if it was a godsend for their Middle East policies? Haven't they always excused their illegal wars overseas as a protection from a problem at home?  Rather there than hear so to speak?  And wasn't it true that even the American people were becoming tired of that?  So, let them have it between the eyes!  No matter who does it, we own the press and we will decide who it was.

IMHO, I have always believed that the American Jewish Congress are not only powerful enough to organize such an underhanded operation (with the sanction and blind-eyed attitude of the Bush benefactors) but would establish a "sword of Damocles" type shattering truth to hold over all future US governments?

Since the majority of the perpetrators were claimed to be Saudi Arabian (conveniently the race of Osama bin Laden) then Saudi Arabia must be involved?  So, Bush allows the visiting Saudi Arabian Royalty to leave by the only planes allowed to leave and condemns one of their Princes for the dastardly crime. Now that's logical isn't it?

Meantime Osama, as I remember, denied being the organizer but claimed that those who were guilty were martyrs.  It wouldn't have mattered what he said - the Bush administration had an excuse to invade Afghanistan even though the Taliban offered Osama IF he received a fair trial.  The Yanks don't allow those things.

Was there any involvement by the Jews? Mr. Silverstein making an insurance killing on buying Tower 7 only months before the attack - reportedly 4000 Jews had a religious holiday on 9/11 - the entire plan was already pieced together by the ultra-numerous US "protection" agencies but - not one cautious action was put into operation.  Fascinating.

This country (US) whose defense is so effective that they cannot be attacked from outside their chosen perimeter - can't even control the people in their cities, no matter who they are.  So they should be fighting those from within - who are.....?

I have consistently asked why the Bushit "American way" does not apply to the Zionists.  Does America owe them even more than they owe China and Japan and Saudi Arabia.  Struth.

IMHO, the Jewish World Congress was aware and involved in that tragic day in New York.  It was not an act of war against the US - it was an act to allow the US an excuse for the War on Terror.

And the rest is history unfolding - let us be wise enough to understand. 


God Bless Australia and if we are going to scrutinize the Muslims Semites, then let's scrutinize everybody - and I mean Hebrew/Canaanite Semites as well.


shooting the news...

Classified US military video showing a 2007 attack by Apache helicopters that killed 12 people in Baghdad, including two Reuters news staff, has been released by a group that promotes leaking to fight government and corporate corruption.

The group, WikiLeaks, told a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington that it acquired encrypted video of the July 12 attack from military whistleblowers and had been able to view and investigate it after breaking the encryption code.

A US defence official confirmed the video and audio were authentic.

The helicopter gunsight video, with an audio track of talking between the pilots, shows an aerial view of a group of men moving about a square in a Baghdad neighbourhood. The fliers identify some of the men as armed.

WikiLeaks said the men in the square included Reuters photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, 22, and his assistant and driver Saeed Chmagh, 40, who were killed in the incident.

"The gathering at the corner that is fired upon has about nine people in it," Julian Assange, a WikiLeaks spokesman said.

The gunsight tracks the two Reuters news staff as the pilots identify their cameras as weapons.

The helicopter initially opens fire on the small group. Minutes later a van comes by and people inside start helping the wounded and the helicopter opens fire on the van.

David Schlesinger, editor in chief of Reuters, said the deaths of Mr Noor-Eldeen and Mr Chmagh were "tragic and emblematic of the extreme dangers that exist in covering war zones".


It's call shooting the news...

The root of all evil - part 1.

The Moguls Of Hollywood

By Gulam Asgar Mitha

30 March, 2010

On 23 August 2008, Countercurrents had published my article “One World, If You Will”. The title of the article was not mine but borrowed from David Rockefeller’s 2002 memoirs “The Proud Internationalists”. David Rockefeller admitted, in very subtle manner, that he is proud of the charges against him and others of conspiring to build an integrated global economic and political structure, one world, if you will. The article was a summary of the energy, financial and banking empires that the Rockefeller and Stillman families, J.P. Morgan, Joseph Bear, Robert Stearns, Harold Mayer, Marcus Goldman, Samuel Sachs and others are attributed with and the complex integrated matrix that enslaves us through a network of wheeling dealing. If that is not a conspiracy, then I fear I’m guilty of fabrication as much as David Rockefeller is guilty of being an arrogant and a proud internationalist.

“Infinite money forms the sinews of war." So stated the Roman philosopher & statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC – 43 BC). How true, even today. The modern US is a mirror reflection of ancient Rome in so many ways. No one has, more brilliantly, provided the comparison than Cullen Murphy in his book Are We Rome? The Decline of an Empire and the Fate of America. And as Paul Craig Roberts correctly put it in his article Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty with it that Americans are ruled by propaganda and wherever one looks truth has fallen to money.

A vision has to have a cultural foundation and to enforce the culture requires propaganda. Enter communication. My article, One World, If You Will, also briefly summarized the integrated honeycomb of the communication media that is continuously putting out propaganda news that makes us believe what the internationalists would like us to believe. They brainwash us to elect who they want elected or rig elections; wage and justify wars; occupy nations in the name of a sham democracy; formulate a labyrinth of legislation and set up a security council to control nations from the towers of the United Nations on land donated by John D. Rockefeller Jr; destroy religions and cultures; kill and maim innocent men, women and children with the bombs their factories turn out; create the behemoth of terrorism and then send armies to fight the terrorists and, plunder and loot wealth through creation of the IMF and the World Bank among others. They are the Proud Internationalists that some even call Zionists or neo-cons.

Part 2 following.

COMMENT:  Does our society now pay homage to monopolies? NE OUBLIE.

Root of all evil - Part 2.

Somehow one aspect of the propaganda machinery I’d forgotten to investigate was Hollywood. I knew Hollywood was part of a propaganda but seriously did not know who controlled this machine till I accidentally read an article in the Los Angeles Times of 19 December 2008 titled Jews Totally Run Hollywood by Joel Stein.,0,4676183.column. Mr. Stein named Brad Grey Chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures, Michael Lynton Chairman Sony Pictures (worked with Gary Ginsberg and Jay Sanderson to compile an annual list of the "50 Most Influential Rabbis in America," which has been published in Newsweek since 2007), Barry Meyer Chairman Warner Brothers (honored with the American Jewish Committee’s 2006 Dorothy and Sherrill C. Corwin Human Relations Award), Jeff Zucker Chairman Universal NBC and Robert Iger CEO Walt Disney Company (Iger gave Roy Disney the shove in July 2005) among others. Now Mr. Stein writes they’re all Jewish. I’m sure he wouldn’t make such an allegation without authenticating.

The silver screen was dominated in the early years by Samuel Goldwyn, Marcus Loew, Adolph Zukor and Louis Mayer. In 1916 Goldwyn (born Schmuel Gelbfisz in Poland) had formed Goldwyn Pictures. Richard Rowland was the original founder of Metro Pictures in 1914 and Louis Mayer (born Lazar Meir in Russia) then partnered with Richard Rowland in 1915. Loew of Loews Theaters then acquired Metro Pictures in 1920. In 1924 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer was established as a collaboration sans Richard Rowland. Adolph Zukor had founded the Famous Players Film Company in 1912 and together with Jesse Lasky, who with borrowed money from his brother-in-law Samuel Goldwyn, formed the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation. The partnership then became Paramount Pictures in 1914. Hirsz (Harry), Aaron (Albert), Szmul (Sam) and Itzhak (Jack) Wonskolaser (renamed Warner) brothers came from Russia and opened their first theater in Pennsylvania in 1903. In 1923 with money lent by banker Motley Flint, the Warner brothers formed Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc. which is now a subsidiary of Time Warner. Brad Greenberg in the writes that Time Warner President and COO Jeff Bewkes is Jewish. Greenberg’s article Does Hollywood Give Jewish?
is interesting reading.

Besides the short histories of MGM, Paramount and Warner Brothers, there is also Columbia Pictures founded in 1924 by the Cohn brothers Harry and Jack. From 1971 until mid-80’s, Columbia operated jointly with Warner Brothers because of Columbia’s near bankruptcy. In 1989 Sony of Japan acquired Columbia Pictures and renamed it to Sony Pictures Entertainment. The money may be Japanese but not those that run the establishment. Entertainment is no more the nepotism of the early years but now the propaganda of a group that is not nepotism in meaning but only in spirit.

It’s not my intent to write a thesis about the propaganda generated by the entertainment industry because of limited space but for the serious reader it should be more than obvious. From time to time, some Hollywood moguls who’ve conscience do produce movies which have moral themes that touch souls and are clean entertainment.

Just as infinite money forms the sinews of war, infinite money beyond needs also breeds greed and power; greed and power breed arrogance; arrogance is the root of all evil and it has put truth into slumber but not for long though and when it will awaken it won’t without a toll for humanity.

COMMENT:  We keep getting warning after warning and yet - the biggest sucker for Jewish control still seems blessedly unaware that their elected representatives do not have control of their own affairs - wars or not.

God Bless Australia and save us from the total control of the Jewish Organizations. NE OUBLIE.






different world views .....

You're on the money here Ernest.

You might also be interested in this article by Davidson Loehr going to the same subject & suspects.



We need Nuremberg again.

Just a few opinions on the subject of Zionist legitimacy John.

The "acknowledgement" of a mythical state called "Israel" does not make it legal or, in fact, exist.

There isn't any truthful historical reason for its current claims of legitimacy nor does it have any recognized boundaries. They keep increasing don't they?

IMHO, it is indisputable that the original Zionists (most of whom had no ties to the original Semite Jews) staged a revolution against their hosts and began an invasion of that state which is continuing as an illegal occupation to this very day. No amount of pussy-footing by the UN will ever change that.

So, IF the UN "acknowledges" the Zionist' claims, why don't they enforce their resolutions against them?

IF the UN doesn't recognize them as being a state (and they're not) then the Zionists don't have to abide by the resolutions.  However, they cannot have it both ways.

In the latter case, they would be correctly admonished as rogue state without any claim to legitimate existence.  Their Nazi/Apartheid policies which are dragging us back to pre-Nuremberg should be roundly condemned and every available sanction placed upon them by ANY and ALL nations who claim to respect their own sovereignty.  The Palestinians have suffered hell to hang on to theirs.

All nations who have Jewish trade or financial interests on board should freeze them immediately with the same warning as the Zionists have given all of their victims - none.  Without a pre-emptive war (dear to the hearts of the US/Zionist alliance) the pocket nerve is the way to have the Zionists take notice.

In addition, the UN should move its offices to Geneva and give back the land of Rockefeller to those who so egregiously have used it.

God Bless Australia and don't buy anything marked "Israel".  NE OUBLIE.



You are certainly not alone Alan.

With The Exception Of Israel

By Alan Hart

06 April, 2010

Am I alone in thinking that on a daily basis President Obama is beginning to sound more and more like George “Dubya” Bush when he was talking tough about protecting Americans at home by fighting wars abroad?

That thought first came into my mind as I watched and listened to Obama addressing American troops at Bagram Air Force base on his recent surprise visit to Afghanistan. His purpose was to re-affirm America’s commitment to destroying al-Qaida and its Taliban and other allies.

“If this region slides backwards,” Obama said, “if the Taliban retakes this country, al-Qaida can operate with impunity, then more American lives will be at stake, the Afghan people will lose their opportunity for progress and prosperity and the world will be significantly less secure. As long as I’m your commander in chief, I’m not going to let that happen.”

The thing I can’t make up my mind about is this. Does President Obama understand that the best recruiting sergeant for violent Islamic fundamentalism in all of its forms is the double-standard that drives American (and actually all Western) foreign policy on the matter of the conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel?

If he does understand, he seems to be reconciled to the fact that with AIPAC turning its Congressional screws on him there’s nothing he can do to change things on that front. (The latest turn of the Congressional screw was an AIPAC-organized letter signed by more than three-quarters of the members of the U.S. House of Representatives calling for an end to public criticism of Israel).

Shortly after he received the letter, Obama was vowing on CBS to “ratchet up the pressure” on Iran. And he followed that up with an hour-long telephone conversation to China’s President Hu Jintao. The purpose of it was to persuade China not to exercise its Security Council veto if and when a resolution is tabled to impose new sanctions on Iran.

According to the White House account of the conversation, President Obama “stressed the importance of working together to ensure that Iran lives up to it obligations.” (My emphasis added).

So here we go again. Same, same old story. Iran and every nation on Planet Earth must be made to live up to its obligations with the exception of the Zionist state of Israel.

President George “Dubya” Bush once choked on a pretzel. Could the day be coming when President Obama will choke on the double standard?

COMMENT:  Let us hope that at least China will walk the straight line and veto new sanctions on Iran by any reasonable standard. NE OUBLIE.



No Israel - No Israelis - simple. Now Justice.

Why There Are No ‘Israelis’ In The Jewish State

By Jonathan Cook

06 April, 2010

Nazareth: A group of Jews and Arabs are fighting in the Israeli courts to be recognised as “Israelis”, a nationality currently denied them, in a case that officials fear may threaten the country’s self-declared status as a Jewish state.

Israel refused to recognise an Israeli nationality at the country’s establishment in 1948, making an unusual distinction between “citizenship” and “nationality”. Although all Israelis qualify as “citizens of Israel”, the state is defined as belonging to the “Jewish nation”, meaning not only the 5.6 million Israeli Jews but also more than seven million Jews in the diaspora.  (Emphasis added, interesting and continuing)

The interior ministry has adopted more than 130 possible nationalities for Israeli citizens, most of them defined in religious or ethnic terms, with “Jewish” and “Arab” being the main categories.  (No Semite there eh?)

The group’s legal case is being heard by the supreme court after a district judge rejected their petition two years ago, backing the state’s position that there is no Israeli nation.  (Cop that).  And.......

In official documents most Israelis are classified as “Jewish” or “Arab”, but immigrants whose status as Jews is questioned by the Israeli rabbinate, including more than 300,000 arrivals from the former Soviet Union, are typically registered according to their country of origin……..

“Imagine the uproar in Jewish communities in the United States, Britain or France, if the authorities there tried to classify their citizens as “Jewish” or “Christian”,” said Mr Ornan…….

The State of Israel cannot recognize an ‘Israeli’ nation because it is the state of the ‘Jewish’ nation … it belongs to the Jews of Brooklyn, Budapest and Buenos Aires, even though these consider themselves as belonging to the American, Hungarian or Argentine nations.”  (Holy Mackerel)

International Zionist organizations representing the Diaspora, such as the Jewish National Fund and the Jewish Agency, are given in Israeli law a special, quasi-governmental role, especially in relation to immigration and control over large areas of Israeli territory for the settlement of Jews only.

Mr Ornan said the lack of a common nationality violated Israel’s Declaration of Independence, which says the state will “uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of religion, race or sex”. (Fair dinkum). Only Israelis from the same religious group, for example, are allowed to marry inside Israel -- otherwise they are forced to wed abroad – and cemeteries are separated according to religious belonging.

A similar legal suit brought by a Tel Aviv psychologist, George Tamrin, failed in 1970. Shimon Agranat, head of the Supreme Court at the time, ruled: “There is no Israeli nation separate from the Jewish people. … The Jewish people is composed not only of those residing in Israel but also of Diaspora Jewries.”

COMMENT:  Apologies for the selected quotes but - since the Diaspora was activated from the rebellious Judah - why don't they call it Judah?  At least that actually means "Jews" - or in Greek - Judas.

God bless Australia and interpret the Diaspora.  NE OUBLIE.




Who writes history?

The revelations of the hidden history of the Zionist/Hebrew/Canaanite Jewish people is as confusing as the way one could trace their way of life.

Without the recent disclosure of the enormous financial power of the Jewish Organizations, one could remain confused as to why the leaders of these people are so wealthy that they destroy the very principle of the weakness of democracy that has made them so rich.

But of course, that is how you negate the foolish attitude of the "freedom to vote"? Just as you negate the foolish attitude of "freedom of the Press".

IMHO even with my research I cannot put a complete picture of the people who prefer to remain in the nation of their choice, or those (even like Australians) who prefer to be part of a mythical ISRAEL.

Logic again should prevail, some feel that they must defend the Jewish people of the world by saying that it is the ZIONISTS who are giving the Jewish people a bad name - again.  Fair dinkum.

The excesses in cruelty which has been exercised by the Zionist/Hebrew/Jewish/Canaanites in the Palestinian lands has perhaps, raised the issues of the worst type of Jew rather than the Davids and Solomons.  Give a dog a bad name.

However, on balance, I can only blame the Diaspora Jews for their support of the Zionists whose agenda is well known and despised in the civilized world.  Even some Ausralian Jews have migrated to occupied Palestine but, IMHO they can never claim that they do not support the Zionists!  Because they are there.

It is an unproven fact that in all of the countries where the Jewish Congresses are exercising their power, nothing, virtually nothing, is being done for the people of those countries.  All Gold-n-Power.

God Bless Ausralia and motivate us to thing and reason.  NE OUBLIE.