Saturday 1st of March 2025

The (little) Dictator

The (little) Dictator

"If you have never seen the Charlie Chaplin movie, get yourself a copy and watch..."

I did my first cartoon in 1951...

I often reminisce about life — especially my many incarnations in this lifetime. From working in a radio-active factory to my many failures in climbing the broken rungs of expectancy of being a rabid capitalist by the time I reached 40... I had dreams of being richer...  (Un)fortunately my social outlook had been too ingrained in (un)healthy scepticism when I saw people getting in power by obviously rorting the system — whether it was socialist or capitalistic. Thus I still remember these cartoons I did in 1951... They were a bit like those of George Grosz, the German cartoonist...

Sorry... All this is coming to mind as was looking up the spelling of "pamphleteer", which I may have misspelt many times on this site... škrabalo is more to the point, as my cousin would say. But that's where we're at... That is what we do...  Anyway, thanking you all, for still being there with us. And there are more of you, daily... At the eighth birthday of this rabid, sometimes rowdy but extraordinarily aware small website, (well a bit more, say eight and a half since my first toon for this site was published here in March 2005) we may need to reflect hard... May not you, but I may need to reflect... Too much red ned one would say. 

In 2013, the political scene has dramatically changed in this fair country... We need you more than ever to promote the ideas contained herein... Global warming, being screwed by the rich, social equity, asylum rights and the idiocy of our new leaders with hearts of wet straw... Forget us — well not really, as we have reached 750,000 page scanned, more than 7.5 million hits and passed way beyond 75,000 readers. the issues we present here in a modern pamphleteer way are far more important than the website itself, though we could not push the agenda without the website. Thank you. We need you to spruik harder out there... We need you to defeat the Jones and the Murdoch of this world... this is the point... No, no. No... ACTUALLY YOU NEED YOURSELVES TO DO SO... It's your future, not really mine. The life in front of me is getting shorter as the years go by... We can only give pointers to the young clever ones before they get twisted or shafted like we were ... and we give memories back to the oldies...

After various styles — from neo-realism to linear cartoons alla Molnar, before Molnar — I have settled onto this low brow style that can be puerile at times... All the time? It's an easy style and I'm lazy. I run a website somewhere else with similar visions but with classicalism in it. This site is out of bounds... I only add one item per year... I do two cartoon a day here on YD. It's more edgy. more up-to-date. more nut-crunching.

Sometimes I think its hard to compete with the past or what to think of other sites such as this one: We only can push on with our own sphere of social interaction.

In the end, the environment of this planet is far more important than anything else...


Meanwhile, some newly educated clever guy mentioned the Asch conformity experiments... We all are idiots, according to the law of reading Murdoch's newspapers...