Saturday 4th of January 2025

from the terrorist watch list .....

from the terrorist watch list .....

Dubai police say they are seeking the arrest of Israel's prime minister and the head of its spy agency over the murder of a top Hamas militant in a hotel room of the Gulf city-state.

Police chief Dahi Khalfan said on Tuesday he had issued the demand for the arrest warrants as he was now certain they ordered the Cold War-style hit on Mahmud al-Mabhuh.

"I have presented the (Dubai) prosecutor with a request for the arrest of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu and the head of Mossad," Meir Dagan, said Khalfan.

"I am now completely sure that it was Mossad."

hardly surprising given ......

From birth, Israel was a regional menace until America became its benefactor in the late 1960s. Now it's a global one, powerful with a large standing army and the latest weapons and technology, nuclear armed and ready to use them. It's belligerent on the slightest pretext or none at all, and a threat to world peace and security because US administrations since Lyndon Johnson supported a nation of 5.6 million Jews in an area the size of New Jersey, partnering in its worst crimes and abuses.

It's due largely to the Israeli Lobby's influence, or as John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt wrote in their book, "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy," America's Middle East policy is driven "almost entirely (by) US domestic politics, and especially (because of) the (Lobby's) activities....This situation has no equal in American political history."

In his book, "The Power of Israel in the United States," James Petras documented its enormous influence, explaining its roots throughout government, the business community, the dominant media, academia, the clergy, and powerful wealthy Jewish families. Broad support comes from thousands of dedicated activists, including doctors, lawyers, accountants, other professionals, philanthropists, and journalists given special prominence and benefits for their unwavering pro-Israeli reporting, suppressing decades of its militarism, belligerence, and illegal occupation while vilifying Israel's enemies.

As a result, Israel receives enormous benefits, including billions in annual aid, the latest weapons and technology, unrestricted US market access, and free entry of its immigrants. Its imperial wars, illegal occupation, and crimes of war and against humanity are supported. Harmful Security Council resolutions are vetoed and General Assembly ones ignored. As a result, it operates freely, including spying in America by covertly penetrating US military bases, the FBI, CIA, IRS, DHS and many other government agencies, remaining unaccountable for its actions.

Dare we hope for justice? Any Justice?

Congratulations to the Dubai Police.

It appears that because they are such a small city-state the Zionist' Morlocks haven't even bothered to take control with their financial bribes.  Or have they?

Let's see if the hypocritical Liberal/Nationals in our country agree with the arrest of Netanyahu - after all both the "Mad Monk" and Kevin Rudd agree that the buck stops with the "Prime Minister"- don't they?

It must be remembered though that the "Morlocks" have had more than sixty years to consolidate their power over the U.S. and the U.K. - to mention just the main victims of the Jewish conspiracy.  The article in counter currents above is refreshing because, even though we have written in this forum so often about the all powerful US Jewish Lobby and the crimes committed in their joint names - there may be some reason to hope that Europe and the East will stand up for the safety of all nations.

Money has always been the accumulated power of the Hebrew Semites and, it is recorded in history that the nations in which they have flourished and become all powerful - will eventually have to do something about it to survive their own greed.

The world must look to the future and consider the pitfalls of .22% of the population ruling the entire planet.  It is bad enough trying to find a conscience or any appreciation of justice in the 300 million media conned Americans without trying to change the centuries of brain washing that the Jewish people have had to endure.

In this period of time where we should be enjoying the benefits of peace - we have the US Military/Corporate enjoying profits based on the deaths of innocent civilians and the destruction of their societies.  Entire nations have been subjected to a future of Depleted Uranium and the radiation sicknesses that it will cause.  Kosovo - Iraq - Afghanistan just a few examples.

And when the entire Middle East is perforated with latent cluster bombs, radiation and the constant threat of US/Zionist aggression - what then?

"It's time" for the great majority of nations to realise what disasters have happened in history due to turning the "blind eye" to dedicated fascists - no matter how much their modern counterparts may pay the American and UK politicians (or even ours?). Nor how much they are prepared to destroy themselves along with the entire world - unless they get their way.  That was the threat of Golda Meir and yet the Americans continued to support and supply them through the years of terror and fascist Apartheid that they have perpetrated on the other Semites in the Middle East.

Who was it that said "Give me Liberty or give me death"?  An Iraqi Sunni? An Afghanistan poppy farmer or a little Iranian with a ton of guts?

God Bless Australia and give our leaders the courage of their convictions.  NE OUBLIE.




The Zionists are Morlocks - so what are the yanks?

Yesterday I watched the ABC Midday Report which included the results of American unrestrained brutality in the Iraqi town of Fallujah.  There is plenty of information on the net if we are prepared to find it.

However, I stopped taping that "news" bulletin so that my Wife would not see the results of the fiendish weapons of Depleted Uranium that the yanks used in their two attacks on that town.

The horrendous disfiguration of children born in Fallujah subsequent to the murderous US attacks would break the heart of any decent person, excluding of course the yanks and the Morlocks.  Now there are reports of American children being born with similar deformities to the wives of US "soldiers" who took part in the massacres.

Several years ago I wrote about Depleted Uranium and the dangers that it would have on the world.  At that time Bush was being attacked for trying to dump depleted uranium in one of the states (I will research that again).

So, the yanks and the Brits simultaneously began using depleted uranium as "impenetrable shields" and shells that would slice through standard armor like a hot knife through butter.  These animals from the US and the UK are reported to have used these WMD's in Kosovo as well.

So, the “Coalition of the Killing” (and the Zionist Morlocks must be included) have given an innocent Iraqi people the very Nuclear poisons which Saddam tried to minimize by taking all of those weapons south to a desert.  Well they hung him didn’t they?

Nevertheless, knowing how the media is run by the criminals themselves, whether they be in England, the US or occupied Palestine [with their "Diaspora" fellowships], it is not hard to imagine what Howard's "New Order" would have done with the nuclear waste of those countries who created his public life.  The disenfranchising of the indigenous people of the Northern Territory by Howard and his “performing clown” Mal Brough was clearly providing an avenue for his millionaire friends to build a nuclear industry.

Now we have the Zionist Morlocks preparing to attack Iran for what?  Oh, they have refused to recognize the illegal occupation of Palestine as a state of any acceptable type.  But worry not warmongers, these cowardly people will more than likely use the latest American technology “The unmanned Drone”!!!

But – the “Crusaders” had armor and armored horses and still the Arab Semites defeated them.  The same in so many places where the determination and courage of the invaded peoples are the only vestige of “freedom” left to them.  Remember Vietnam?

So far, we have not been told of any actually organized attacks on the Morlocks by Iran or any other Semite country.  The Jewish Holocaust has been divested of its deception and some people are starting to apply the basic principles of democracy to the illegally Zionist occupied Palestine.  Of course there is no justification for their terrorism.

Iran has meticulously abided by its signature to the NPT (which the Morlocks refuse to sign) and there is no legal reason to stop the Iranians having that which Howard even tried to force upon us.

And you know what (would say Kevin) the US has only used its obscene power to destroy the very meaning of democracy; equality and freedom.

And the worst US President in history, G.W. Bush, issues “Freedom” medals to all of those who joined him in the mass murder of innocent people.  Of course Howard got one!  Fair dinkum.

God Bless Australia and give Rudd the courage to force the MSM to abide by the laws of factual reporting.  NE OUBLIE.




Money is the root of all evil - and its power.

I have always had difficulty in understanding why the enormous number of Jewish organizations carry so much power in all major countries of the world.  Certainly, just the number of international councils and the myriad of sub-councils in each and every country, describes a massive network of information and influence and, in itself must require huge trillions in the hands of a central agency.

IMHO, after so many destructive and unnecessary wars, there seems to be only a small minority of senior citizens of the most powerful societies, who can count upon a reliable source of finance.

Recently, and mentioned only in passing, the obscene wealthy and unprincipled Banker - Goldman Sachs - has put Greece in an invidious position where the latter is in hock because they trusted the banker.

Is this the way they take control?  Is this what happened to Germany and most of Europe?  So how did it happen to the US and all of their greedy bankers?

And what is the end result of finances being manipulated by a massive organization which has slowly but surely used deception to encourage shaky post-war nations to borrow beyond their means?

That seems to be the only logical reason as to why once proud nations have bent their knees to the unrealistic demands of various (but organized) Jewish financial groups.  All centered on one all powerful and "untouchable" Directors?

So, if I am even partly right, the next biggest criminal is the politician.

It is, after all, those politicians who want to continue in power, who use their positions of authority to encourage and allow very, very unwise transactions. Wall Street is the latest example.

These financial disasters are rarely finitely reported but, the leading beneficiaries of such occurrences seem to be the Jewish controlled enterprises.  But since they already own and control the media, who is to tell us?

Why indeed over centuries, have the Jewish people been criticized for being overly and miserly interested  only in accumulating wealth?  Wealth is power.  So how does the US get out of their mess now?  How can they even say anything against the Jewish world-wide power? 

They are in the biggest debt in US history - still, they have the power to freeze the finances of any nation that they consider is terrorist - how about the Zionists of occupied Palestine?

I venture to suggest that the sometimes pathological hatred of everything American will continue but, the Zionists will now carry at least some of the blame for their dictates - and hopefully suffer like punishment that they have illegally inflicted against others.

God bless Australia and let us try to stop the infamous US/Zionist Iraqi crime being repeated against another innocent nation - Iran.  NE OUBLIE.



What else matters?

Even though I have had my lung cancer surgically removed I am interested in The Australian Lung Foundation and their "Year of the Lung".

I was singularly impressed by their apparent Motto and I wondered how such a truism could apply to the present unstable world in which we live.

Their "motto" is - "IF YOU CAN'T BREATH - NOTHING ELSE MATTERS".  How true?

So, to consider the current world crises and their causes - let's paraphrase it to "AS LONG AS THE US/ZIONIST ALLIANCE EXISTS - NOTHING ELSE MATTERS".

When will all nations - democratic or just free - demand of the "paper tiger" United Nations that the foreign Jewish invaders of Palestine must begin leaving the country in order to return to their places of birth prior to 1946 or become Palestinian citizens.  The direct decendants of the 10,000 genuine Holocaust victims [in the original free Palestine] can stay and also return to their original Palestine citizenship as those who have done so in some 26 other countries.

And further, that America the land of murder; mayhem; huge debt and roads which are paved in blood - withdraws from the 700 military bases around the "not-so-free" world while it is well aware that their defence system protects them more than adequently.

They believe in "free enterprise"? Well let's see it.

The clear and ridiculous threat to Iran should be just another diversion but - if it is not so - the Zionists in occupied Palestine may feel resistance within their own false borders and for the first time - they may have to "defend themselves".

The cowardly and illegal Drones are NOT intended to defend!

God Bless Australia and let us adopt the worthwhile; safe and isolationist America which once existed.


Worry Schworry - I sorely do.

I have just read another article by Jeff Bates and I quote some selective passages......

The phony intelligence that induced us to war in the Middle East was traceable to Israelis or pro-Israelis.

By Jeff Gates

While Zionism is clearly a nationalist ideology, that narrow framing does the term an injustice as it is so much more.

Zionism is more accurately described as a strategy for targeting thought and emotion as a means to influence behavior. Naïve Jews were its first victims when induced to identify with an enclave in the Middle East that President Harry Truman, a Christian Zionist, was induced to recognize as a “state.”

Zionism is first and foremost a mental state that manifests as a dispersed form of internalized nationalism—a Diaspora—that binds to an extremist enclave those who may never set foot there. After 1967, this “state” became the “Land of Israel” based on a more expansive area seized by Israel Defense Forces along with other occupied lands that Zionists claim a god gave them.

Zionism recruits by sustaining a shared sense of insecurity within the broader Jewish community. It progresses by marketing its perceived vulnerability and victimhood among those on whom it relies for financial, military and diplomatic support.

When, as now, policies of the Zionist state come under attack, media campaigns herald an outbreak of anti-Semitism and hatred—not for Zionism but for Jews, enhancing recruitment.

By choosing to identify their interests with those of Zionism, Jews choose to make themselves feel insecure. Zionism relies for its success not only on deception but also on self-deceit.

Many well-informed Jews opposed Israel’s founding in 1948. By 1967, Jewish-Americans were active in the civil rights movement. With the Six-Day War, that activism became problematic. How could Jews back civil rights for Blacks while Zionism denied those rights to Palestinians?

COMMENT:  Why do I depend on other people to confirm what I believe to be true?  In a nutshell, I feel more secure when people of the style of Jeff Gates; Gus and John, declare openly on this forum, issues which are so obvious that the MSM can get away with literally excusing murder.

I believe in the KISS principle because most issues are available under that consideration - for example - most matters can be mitigated by having an alternative.  Something like "saving face".

How can any of us, knowing now the facts of most of the last 60 odd years - even consider a "saving face" resolution to the Zionist invasion of Palestine - Hitler's invasion of Poland - and Hitler's take-over of European countries et al.  Have we become so "Morlock" in attitude that we genuinely believe that the Etruscans; Romans; Babylonians; Ottoman, British and any other so-called imperialists (I really don't know all of them) have established their oppression of other peoples by the reason of "might is right"?  And that is RIGHT? 

I do agree with Jeff Gates in that I have written that I believe the Jewish people, who have been spread around the world by the "Diaspora" would be so crass as to support the Zionist's denial of human rights when that is the very issue of their holocaust? 

They cannot have it both ways.  I have no doubt that despite the clear advantage of the technology for killing by the US/Zionist alliance, that it will not succeed and its history is already costing the perpetrators their credibility and their conscripted unemployed.

We must stop believing the media influenced opinion of the people they want us to hate and despise.

Likewise, not to accept without reason, the so-called freedom that Americans think they have and the possibility that they may lose it if they cannot save themselves with the multi-cultural and wide-spread religions that insecurity forces upon them?

God Bless Australia and all who travel in our land.  NE OUBLIE.





What do we believe?

Mossad comes to America 08/03/2010 06:00:00 AM GMT
  The DA published several articles praising the technical details of the Mossad assassination in Dubai.

By James Petras

  • Death squads by invitation


The principle propaganda mouthpiece of the Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (PMAJO), the Daily Alert (DA), has come out in full support for Israel’s practice of extra-judicial, extra-territorial assassination.

In the face of world-wide governmental condemnation (except from the Zionist-occupied White House and U.S. Congress), the PMAJO slavishly backs any brutal murder committed by the Israeli secret police anywhere in the world and at anytime. The recent assassination of Hamas leader, Mahmoud Mabhouh, in Dubai is a case in point. The PMAJO has defended all of Mossad’s criminal actions leading up to the murder, including extensive identity theft and the stealing or falsification of passports and official documents from several European countries, presumably allied to the Zionist state. Among the Mossad agents who entered Dubai to kill Mabhouh, twelve agents used stolen or forged British passports, three Australian, three French, one German and six Irish. These agents assumed the identity of European citizens in order to commit murder in a sovereign nation.

Once again the PMAJO demonstrate that its first loyalty is to the Israeli secret police, even when they violate the sovereignty of major U.S. allies. No doubt the PMAJO would readily support the Israeli Mossad, even if it were shown to have used U.S. documents to assassinate Mabhouh. In fact, two of the 26 Israeli assassins, carrying fake Irish and fake British passports, are known to have entered the United States after the killing and may still be here.

COMMENT: Almost anything can be excused if you have only one side to consider - almost.  While the Zionists continue to thumb their noses at the civilized world; and Mossad remains unmoved by universal condemnation; and Netanyahu (the Zionist's Hitler) endorses international murder - the US and "their UN" are doing nothing about the new crime of these Morlocks - identity theft.  "He who steals my purse steals trash but, he who steals my good name......makes me poorer indeed".

For many decades they have used Palestine land they have stolen to create a safe haven for Jewish criminals.  Of course any type of modern society should be horrified at the cavalier attitude of the West to that sort of unrestrained ridicule of those foolish enough to recognise an illegal state that these crimes have encouraged.

Some day, perhaps the East will put a stop to the spread of the crimes of the Hebrew/Canaanites.

As long as the Jews run the foreign policy of the US the world cannot relax.  Nazism revisited.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.

The Deuteronomy.

Gus - I was intrigued by Richard Dawkins on ABC Q & A on Monday night.  Like Priests; Rabbis; Reverends and all types of "Ministers" who claim that "the Lord moves in mysterious ways” answers all questions which test the particular belief - he had a logical - that is a LOGICAL - answer to every question put to him.

With the major crimes being committed by the Zionists I took the time to read some of the Deuteronomy - and I selected this small section to make a point....

6 The LORD our God said to us at Horeb, "You have stayed long enough at this mountain. 7 Break camp and advance into the hill country of the Amorites; go to all the neighboring peoples in the Arabah, in the mountains, in the western foothills, in the Negev and along the coast, to the land of the Canaanites and to Lebanon, as far as the great river, the Euphrates. 8 See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land that the LORD swore he would give to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—and to their descendants after them."

Religious freedom was once a mile-stone in the selling of "democracy".  How can a people, who do not give any credibility at all to the existence of a God other than their own - be a democracy?

I deal now with knowledge that the internet has provided me and I can only claim that I have indeed tried to be objective. But in the case of the Jewish abuse of liberty and freedom in Palestine I am at a loss to  understand the reasons for the European previously civilized nations to understand that which is impossible to ignore.

It is perhaps a back-handed compliment to the Jewish people that I have actually studied a reasonable amount of their history due to the claims that THEY are not the imposters in Palestine - the Palestinians are.  Why - how did that happen? Have the Zionists been planning this since the Diaspora? 

In any event, the issue is not who really owns the land anymore - that has been established by law and the Palestinians have, at least by centuries of history, the right to their state being respected.  The quote I have made from the "Deuteronomy" gives credibility to their claim of possession if nothing else.

The real issue for the world is this - now that democracy has been proven as just an excuse for wars of choice and that the US/Zionist alliance is the hub of the intention of making profit from the misery of any people who have something they want - it is time for governments to inforce laws to restrict the misuse of influencial reporting that is not accompanied by available proof of authenticity.

I digress.  We are crazy.  We allow "freedom of the press" on the false premise that THEY will inform us of the FACTS.  Struth. That is cute isn't it?

Never mind the next doctored "Murdoch News Poll" but it will most likely tell us who 'HE' has decided what government he will allow.

We are all victims of the "freedom of information" that our ancestors argued for.  We should remember that the information that they required was the truth, and only the truth.

Otherwise, what is the point?

God bless Australia and forgive Kevin Rudd for even suggesting - during the welcome to the Indonesian President - that while they were Muslim, our nation was formed on a JUDEAN/Christian basis. Struth.

Forget that one.  NE OUBLIE.


... Struth indeed (see above)... Well said, Ernest.

I knew it was you Gus.

Diplodocusocracy?  Fair dinkum.

I enjoy your writing very much but - Diplodocusocracy?

Cheers old mate.

Is it too late? If not?

From Aljazeera...... Note the defense tag.

Iran has announced starting the production run for new medium-range surface-to-air missiles with the aim of upgrading its air defense systems.

Iran's Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said the missiles have a range of more than 40 kilometers.

Ahmad Vahidi added that the smart missiles travel at supersonic speed before hitting their targeted enemy aircraft.

Vahidi said these technologically advanced missiles are apt in electronic warfare, adding that the missiles break into small pieces and act as shrapnel, upon impact.

"The mass production of air defense systems is successfully underway and these systems will [soon] be delivered [to the armed forces]," Vahidi informed.

He noted that the new missile system will play a decisive role in defending the country's airspace.

Over the past few years, Iran has acquired expertise in missile production at a rapid pace and conducts frequent drills to test-fire its latest prototypes. End of quote.

COMMENT:  Since we are living in a US permitted "their style democracy" we have to treat every method of communication with the same caution.  We should be able to lessen the media's hold on us if we continue (and are allowed to continue) being able to visit opposing sites. 

So I find this article interesting.  Whether it is correct or not is not the issue in my mind - the issue is that these Iranians are aware of the danger that the Zionists' pose to their very existence and are trying to prepare to defend themselves, especially from the cowardly unmanned drones.

IMHO I have found Aljazeera to have expert methods of communication with more believable information than the WW II American method of unsubstantiated opinions and selectively anonymous.  Not good enough.

I have a distinct dislike for people making accusations while using "anonymity" to dob someone in.  My Wife and I resigned from membership of NSW Labor due to that very reason. They actually permitted a person to defame another person who happens to be a "notary public" - then the Government pursued him with investigations which, after some 18 months proved the accusations to be completely false. 

The trauma that this person and his family went through was bad enough but - both the NSW Labor government and the Labor representative for Eden-Monaro refused to disclose the name of the accuser!!!  The latter refused to even answer. What ever happened to the basic natural justice of being able to face your accuser?  Two votes Mike Kelly has lost.

Where the hell is Justice?  This innocent man, who continues in his profession, carries the scars and trauma of false accusations and - doesn't the mud stick? So the innocent suffers and the guilty continue to snipe. Fair dinkum.

God Bless Australia and let us assist our citizens who are maligned without the right to defend themselves or to know their accuser.

Iran may yet be able to defend themselves.  NE OUBLIE.



Is history spilling the beans?

"Never, in the field of human conflict has so many owed so much to so few".  That's as good as I remember and also has the entire British servicemen in WW II remembering as well.

How dispiriting is it then to realise that the man making this famous statement was aware of the dirty deals of the Conservative politicians and their Jewish financial organisers which could have led those gutsy Brits into a Fascist regime which itself had no personal argument against them at all.

I cannot come to terms with the claim that Hitler really intended to invade England.  My memory is reasonable and I recall that at Dunkirk, the First Panzer Division General was overlooking the massacre of the Brits and Belgians and asked for permission to stop the carnage.  The Commanding General (at that time) was the Desert Fox Erwin Rommel.  The multitude of landing craft and troops to invade were designated as Operation Sea Lion and, at that time, could remain comfortable on the French Coast.

Churchill's response was to organise undersea oil stations to be ignited if the landing crafts arrived.

My father in law served in the RAAF during the Battle for Britain and suffered from it for the rest of his life.

Nevertheless, at that time, the absolute power of the German Army, Navy and Air Force must have realized that England was there for the taking.  Surely?

Is that another indication of Hitler's preference for an Aryan race?  Who knows?

Nevertheless, the slowly unveiling political events of that time are giving an entirely different picture of the dirty politics that cost the world and its people, so much, and so unneccessarily.

Who, indeed who, profited from that orchestrated money making disaster?

God Bless Australia.  Will we eve know the truth of "we and them"?  NE OUBLIE.