Thursday 9th of January 2025

a kevin dreadful .....

poor, dreadful kevin .....

Here's a story of two countries from the Middle East. One is an ancient civilization with a rich history that goes back five thousand years.

It's a functioning democracy with free elections held at regular intervals. It's a huge country of 70 million people. It has remained within its borders & hasn't attacked any country in the last 100 years. It is pursuing a nuclear power programme, which it insists is for peaceful purposes.

Second country also claims to be a democracy. In this democracy though you get citizenship & voting rights not on the basis of your origins, even if you were born in this land, but on your ancestry. This country was founded on the land stolen & forcibly taken from its original inhabitants. It has fought at least three wars & is locked in permanent conflict with its neighbours on all sides. It has a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons & other state-of-the-art killing machines. It pursues assassination as a state policy & regularly sends death squads around the world to take out people it doesn't like.

Which country do you think is a real threat to world peace? The first country that has no history of aggression or the second state that has killed tens of thousands of innocent people in wars of aggression against neighbours & in coldblooded executions?

And no prizes, dear readers, for guessing that the two countries in question are Iran & Israel.

Imagine if such a thing had happened in any other city or country & the finger of suspicion had pointed at an Arab or Muslim country, not Israel. All hell would have broken loose & ambassadors of the concerned country would have been thrown out within 12 hours.

In fact, as the Guardian's Seumas Milne argued in a brilliant piece this week (, imagine what would have happened if it was not Israel but Iran that had sent in the killers & the assassination had taken place in a Western country using the passports & IDs of Western citizens?

By now the US & NATO jets would have bombed Iran back to the Stone age, just as they did in the neighbouring Iraq, with the UN & its movers & shakers passing a dozen resolutions against the Islamic republic.

But, mind you, we are talking about the almighty Israel. And when it comes to Israel, there are different laws & rules of engagement. It can get away with anything - even with murder. And it repeatedly has. This isn't the first time Israel has sent killer squads to take out its detractors & individuals who refuse to accept its tyranny & stand & stare while it kills at will a helpless & defenceless people.

meanwhile .....

Our Kevin & his crew haven't uttered a squeak about the murders carried-out by our "special friends": whether it be their war crimes perpetrated in Gaza or the latest Mossad execution in Dubai ..... not that is, until it suddenly becomes apparent that the heinous criminals from Mossad had been using fake Australian passports.

"Mein Got". said Kevin, before solemnly declaring: "Any state that has been complicit in use or abuse of the Australian passport system, let alone for the conduct of an assassination, is treating Australia with contempt and there will therefore be action by the Australian government in response."

"We will not leave a single stone unturned & Australia will not be silent on the matter", fulminated the frothing Kevin.

How can anyone take this phoney seriously?

The Zionists murder & butcher Palestinians with impunity, whilst treating the total planet with utter contempt on a daily basis. Our politicians condone their behaviour & celebrate their success at every opportunity.

But some things are sacred: whilst being Palestinian mightn't be one of them; being an Australian passport sure is. And so it was that the zionist criminals were publicly flayed with chest-thumping rhetoric that such behaviour would not be seen "as the act of a friend".

Talk about tragic .....

kevin's chutzpah .....

Whilst our Kevin demonstrates genuine chutzpah over Mossad use of forged Australian passports, he has nothing to say about the scandalous judicial reprisals currently being meted-out against hundreds of mainly Muslim demonstrators by the British courts, because they had the temerity to participate in mass demonstrations over Israel's war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Israel's barbarism - which devastated Gaza & left 1400 dead - brought tens of thousands on to London's streets, including the demonstration of over 100,000 on 10 January 2009.

Numerous complaints were made about police aggressive behaviour on the Gaza demonstrations. Thousands of protestors were 'kettled' - illegally held for hours & only released after the police had obtained their names & addresses.

In the months that followed the demonstrations, over 90 protestors were arrested - most of them Muslims, many of them    teenagers, often in intimidating dawn raids. More than seventy of those arrested were charged with disorder offences.

The courts are now hearing these cases. The defendants pleading guilty are being tried first & the sentences have been draconian. The judge has made clear that he is issuing deterrent sentences.

We are seeing first-time offenders receiving two & a half years imprisonment for minor offences which would not normally face custodial sentences. It is hard not to conclude that this is a concerted attempt by    the police & judiciary to criminalise protest, intimidating in particular young Muslims.

Meanwhile, there has been no investigation into the aggressive & often violent policing on the Gaza demonstrations, despite the high level of complaints.

And while these young people are facing years in prison for protesting against Israel's war crimes, no one is being held to account for those crimes, which have been fully documented by reports from the United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch & others.

Lucky we have Kevin's perspective .....

So - open slather on assassination eh?

People protesting against murder and actions contrary to basic international law should not be punished by jail sentences.

That is self evident.

Will the young Muslims of the UK retaliate and, can we blame them while their Islamic statesmen are being murdered by the Jewish people in occupied Palestine? And supported by the oppressive laws of the UK?

The only difference between the world wide Jewish faith and the world wide Muslim faith is that the latter is non-aggressive and obeys the laws of civilization to the best of their ability.

Can we really believe the Murdoch Jewish press in Australia which supports the unrestrained actions of a group of extreme radicals who claim that they can do as they like and will ridicule any genuine outrage with their typical actions of making a joke out of their crimes?  "James Bond" laughs Lieberman - you know the one who wants to bomb the Egyptian Aswan dam and kill some 80 million people - laugh he may - for now.

As always the Murdoch "polls" are the opposite of what one would expect - in this case those "people" claim that more than 60% of Australians are in favor of "targeted assassinations".  Can you believe that?  Sheridan even claims that the mythical “Israel” is a democracy!  Fair dinkum.

What if Lieberman or Netanyahu were assassinated?  Would we then be told by the Murdoch press that most Australians support that?

The Muslims are entitled to believe that there is a western conspiracy to destroy their freedom and is a real and imminent threat.

The Jewish press the world over is supporting the actions of the Zionist Occupation Forces as indeed are the Jewish people who, having dual citizenships with targeted nations of convenience are, in themselves, a threat to the peace and freedom of those nations.

If I said that of the Nazis in the 1930’s I would have been believed without doubt.  Why not with the Zionists?

Wrong is wrong and fascism is fascism - there is no excuse for the aggressive and illegal actions of the Zionists wherever they may be - and occupied Palestine is only one small result of their original Diaspora.

The curse of the “Elders of Mount Zion” is world wide and as long as it continues to thrive on murder and chaos, there will be no peace. And the beneficiaries will be the Military/Corporate of the US/Zionist alliance.

There has to be an equal and opposite force to these criminals and the tender thought that their ONLY plan is to conquer the Middle East should now be ignored by the GOYIM.

This is not just an isolated case of some poor decent citizens trying to restore their heritage – this is a cancer, born from blind bigotry and executed with unrestrained military and clandestine force.

Wake up Australia.  If every Muslim in the world is suspect, even when facts prove that this is wildly exaggerated, then by the Jewish faith, while binding them together in their objectives, must surely bind them together as being responsible for the ultimate outcome.

God Bless Australia and please explain why the GOYIM are afraid of the Jews.





The Morlocks of the Middle East.

Without any justifiable reason, the Zionists have bludgeoned their way through 60 plus years of revolution; invasion; murder and mayhem.  They have even surpassed the Nazis for the biggest concentration camp ever made and the theft of body parts of their enemies, including children, for their own "Frankenstein" purposes.

Without success, I have asked why they can get away with their crimes upon crimes, so I can only conclude that the Jewish people in occupied Palestine are modern day MORLOCKS (created by the movie The Time Machine). They abide by no law but their own and consider that, whatever act they want to commit - they will do - and no one can stop them or even bring them to justice.

I have previously written in this forum that the Zionist invaders of Palestine are creating an illegal rogue state for the purpose of using it as a base for their unrestrained crimes.  It would appear now that I was right to raise the matter.

The Zionist Jews have indeed developed an international murder gang standing by the Mossad motto of "By way of deception thou shalt make war" and no one can touch them - without a counter-invasion.  Netanyahu has often stated that he will not allow any other country to bring his "people" to justice (or to trial as he so eloquently put it).

With individual acts of cruelty they have even outed their false claim of being the only victims of the Nazi Holocaust.

Multi-citizenship has been forever trashed – there should be a halt to any person claiming Australian citizenship while having loyalty to one or more nations than ours.

A few quotes: From the Australian…

Each has travelled back to Australia at different times to legally change their names and obtain new Australian passports. One of the men has changed his surname three times, the other two have changed theirs twice.

The men have changed their names from surnames that could be read as European-Jewish to ones more typically identified as Anglo-Australian.

And from Malcolm Fraser…

Mr Fraser said the Jewish state could no longer use the Holocaust as an excuse to justify state-sanctioned murder, and criticism of its policies should not be dismissed as anti-Semitism.

"That happened 65-66 years ago and it cannot be used any longer to prevent proper discussion of Israel's policies when those policies are counter-productive to world peace," he said. "To suggest that those who are critical are anti-Semitic -- I reject that utterly."

God Bless Australia and citizens loyal to us alone.  NE OUBLIE.







Why do the Jewish "Morlocks" have so much influence?

From Aljazeera re the Mossad murder in Dubai…..

So what if Israel is still squatting on Palestinian and Arab land! So what if Israel continues to send killer squads into Arab cities! So what if Iran hasn’t attacked any Arab or Muslim neighbor in a long, long time. The Shia Iran must be a threat to Sunni Arabs because the U.S., Israel and their Western allies say so. If this is a breathtaking example of hypocrisy and double standards, so be it! No matter what ordinary Arabs and people across the Muslim world think. What matters is what Israel wants and how far the West will bend over backwards to humor it.

If this isn’t true, let Israel’s friends prove it. I would love to get corrected. The Sunday Times has disclosed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had personally visited the Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv to give his blessings for the Dubai operation. Just as his predecessors had blessed the killing of other Palestinian leaders including Hamas founder Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and, very possibly, Yasser Arafat, the tallest 
Palestinian leader.

The question is how long will Israel get away with murder? And how long will its Western friends and allies protect it because of their own so-called historical guilt or whatever?

Why do we have two sets of laws and standards for Israel and its Arab and Muslim neighbors?

Secretary Clinton was confronted with these questions during a Q&A session with Arab students in Doha. Not surprisingly, Madam Clinton had no answers to offer. Instead she introduced her audience to new U.S. envoys to the OIC and Muslim world, Rashad Hussein and Farah Pandit, both Indian Americans.

Why is it so hard for Washington to see that it’s not cosmetic gestures like this but real justice that can bridge the widening gulf with the Islamic world?

COMMENT: Why indeed?  Whatever may be said about the most powerful Terrorist nation in the history of the world, they are always aware (and in favor of) the false information fed to the uncommitted nations of Europe and the Jewish control of the important media.

Among the conundrums is Saudi Arabia.  They are never attacked – even after the majority of the 9/11 perpetrators proved to be Saudi.  Even after the US refused to give the Saudi Arabian resistance fighter, Osama bin Laden, an independent trial.  Even after Saddam and Osama were their allies in US wars of choice – they rewarded Saddam with a hangman’s rope.

The Jewish world wide organizations are absolutely correct in targeting the sources of information to control what is known and what is to be believed.  The marketing ploy of a “democracy” with a “free media” is just a pipe dream.  The garbage we are sold is for the purpose of excusing crimes and ignoring the true meanings of freedom and justice.  Hollow words aren't they?

God Bless Australia and may the Australian media community come under the same regulations as any other " for profit” enterprise.



Is Kevin's direction acceptable?

I have always believed in merit for the important use of my "democratic" vote.  When I joined the Navy at seventeen I could have been (and was) sent to foreign countries for foreign purposes and, Gough Whitlam gave us a feeling of being Australian and not a British outpost nor an American vasal.

We went through a period of a booming economy, which under the Howard "new order" was spent without any obvious advantage.  Gough changed our Armed Forces to Australian Defence Forces and as Kevin would say - so did all of the aggressive military/corporates - but for different reasons.

We have a Prime Minister which we really don't deserve.  All of the Murdoch media hype of he is without feeling - he is uncaring for the ordinary Australian people - including the indigenous - is so falsely represented that it shows that the Murdoch media is winning.

We currently are blessed with a person as Prime Minister who has as a reserve, a billiant person of equal ability.  We have a government which has its roots in the very fabric of our society and their party politics is, at least in this case, non-existent.

While I worry about the Jewish control of the international media and the fear that so-called democracies have for the mythical "Israel" - I just wish they (and the US) would leave us alone.

God bless Australia and protect us from "false democracies".  NE OUBLIE.

The "Morlocks" crimes are revealing.

From Aljazeera....

Recall Iraqi WMD? Iraqi ties to Al Qaeda? Iraqi biological weapons? All were false. All were traceable to Tel Aviv.

By Jeff Gates

The Christmas Day “terrorist” is the latest in a series of staged incidents meant to make The Clash of Civilizations appear plausible and “the war on terrorism” rational.

The storyline does not hold together. Not even a little bit. As usual, the source of this media-fueled fear campaign traces directly to Tel Aviv—with a supporting role by the FBI.

How did a young Nigerian Muslim without a passport “slip through” security at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport? Not only did his itinerary feature an illogical travel route, he paid cash for a high-priced last-minute ticket and boarded without checked baggage. How?

ICTS International, the security screening company at Schiphol, was founded by former members of Shin Bet, Israel’s civil security agency, and Israeli executives in charge of El Al security. ICTS had already proven its expertise in mounting this type of operation.

In December 2001, Richard “The Shoe Bomber” Reid “slipped through” ICTS security at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. Huntleigh USA, an ICTS subsidiary, shared responsibility for security at Logan International Airport in Boston where hijackers for two of the four 911 jets “slipped through” airport security. It gets better.

The Crotch Bomber told U.S. authorities that radical Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki counseled him on the incident. Born and raised in New Mexico, Al-Awlaki moved to Yemen in 2004 after advising the two 911 hijackers who trained in San Diego. He also advised U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan who is charged with shooting 13 people at Fort Hood, Texas in 2009.

FBI agents not only monitored Major Hasan and Al-Awlaki before the Fort Hood shootings, they also monitored the San Diego hijackers while they were advised by Al-Awlaki. It gets better.

Though the Nigerian was foiled while trying to ignite 80 grams of PETN, an explosive sewn into his underwear, that amount was barely enough to dislodge the arm on his seat – of course that assumes it could have been ignited.

Without a blasting cap, this “terrorist incident” was doomed to failure even before he “slipped through” security. Could this get even better? Oh yeah.

We were told about his father alerting the C.I.A. station chief in Lagos. However we were not informed that his father, a banker, oversaw a Nigerian defense firm that hired Israeli Defense Forces personnel to train Nigerians—in security.

Nor were we told that, for decades, Nigeria has been a central hub for Israelis laundering the proceeds of their transnational organized crime. That’s not all. [See next post]

COMMENT:  If a people believe that they can do no wrong and that they are chosen to rule the world, it would not surprise at all if they demanded a land of their own, defended by nuclear weapons and the latest in murderous military technology. From there they could attack any target they chose. 

Nor is it a surprise that the mythical "new Israel" is the land where only Jews have rights and any Jew criminal, from anywhere in the world, can go there and be immediately made a citizen and protected by the unholy US/Zionist alliance.

Surely the soft underbelly of Europe must be feeling exposed already?

God Bless Australia and stop anyone having dual passports which include Australian.  NE OUBLIE.

The Middle East Morlocks exposed?

  • The Iraq war connection  [By Jeff Bates - Aljazeera - continued]

Four days after 911, San Diego special agent Steven Butler came to the San Diego home of Iraqi-American Munther Ghazal, the Iraqi closest to Saddam Hussein then living in the U.S.

That’s the same day Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz proposed in a principal’s meeting at Camp David that the U.S. should invade Iraq. Iraq?

Agent Butler paid rent and cashed checks for the two San Diego hijackers while they were being advised by Al-Awlaki. What did Butler want to know? Was Ghazal funding Mel Rockefeller with whom he had traveled to Iraq in 1997?

While in Baghdad, they confirmed that Saddam Hussein had mothballed Iraq’s WMD program after the 1991 Gulf War—and was prepared to negotiate his departure without this war. That was four years before 911. The FBI has yet to interview Mel Rockefeller.

Meanwhile, the usual suspects are once again profiting off the misery of both sides in a “Clash” that they played a key role in creating. It was Jewish Zionist Bernard Lewis who first coined the term, The Clash of Civilizations.

Only later was Harvard professor Samuel Huntington branded with that premise when his book by that name was published in 1996, five years before 911.

Israeli-American Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security (aka the rabbi’s son), now promotes firms that manufacturer highly intrusive body scanners that are terrific for spotting crotch bombers unless, of course, an Israeli firm is in charge of security.

News reports suggest that the stock of body-scanning firms soared $3 billion in value after this latest “terrorist” incident. Imagine the glee among clients of the Chertoff Group.

Meanwhile the U.S. has been transformed from the wealthiest nation to the world’s largest debtor. Nobel economist Joe Stiglitz projects a $3 trillion tab for a war based on fixed, flawed and outright fabricated intelligence—every cent of it borrowed, including $700 billion in interest.

COMMENT:  The Zionists have a habit of thumbing their collective noses at legitimate questions the GOYIM have asked over many years - and they have never "denied or confirmed" the reported fact that some 4000 Jewish employees in the Twin Towers did not arrive for work on that infamous day of 9/11 and the Jew Silverstein made an insurance killing by insuring Tower 7 (only months before 9/11) when it collapsed without even a reasonable explanation.  It is hoped that the new investigation into that disaster will go ahead and the real guilty parties brought to justice in the International Criminal Court - even if they are Zionist and hiding in occupied Palestine.

God Bless Australia and protect our sovereignty from Jewish plundering. NE OUBLIE.

Where there's smoke - there's a Morlock?

It amazes me that the Zionists, their crimes, their mythical history and their involvement in the recent world Financial Crisis has only recently become a subject of scrutiny since their Nazi type murders in the Gaza holocaust!  And that is all for the good of world peace and stability.

It will never be forgotten that the UK and the US supported that small number of revolutionary Palestinian Jews (reckoned at some 10,000) who terrorized the land and the English "protectors" -and yet could get away with the unilateral "declaration of the "State of Israel" - in the very country which had welcomed them as citizens. This triggered an enormous flood of foreign Jews from Europe, Poland and Russia, to become the Zionist Occupation Forces in Palestine.

Does anyone remember the ratbag Bjelke Petersen who wanted to declare Queensland separate from the Australian mainland - and make the Queen of England the Queen of Queensland??? Struth.

What has the Gaza holocaust done for the world?  It has pricked the consciences of the UK and US for being complicit in the Zionist crimes - based solely and ridiculously - on the treatment their race suffered in Europe during WW II.  Even that has been viewed with more reasonable thinking since the Jews have made it a world-wide guilt complex - and it is now known to have been blown out of proportion to the point where international murders by the Zionists have merely turned blind eyes for far too long.  Deception is their weapon against the GOYIM.

The need for total information control in all nations targeted by the Zionist organizations, like Australia, have had decent governments in the past which unfortunately were crucified by the Jewish Media.  A case in point was the Keating government introducing the "cross media ownership laws" - which the Howard "new order" almost immediately removed.

Now we have Murdoch and the Jewish international councils involved in what we are allowed to know - he has the biggest media setup in Australia and his power is world wide.  Scary.

A case in point is that - I often look up the "Australian" on the net to find out what the Jewish councils are demanding and I cannot remember even one article criticizing the Zionist occupation of Palestine but...I notice that the Jewish servant journalists in the Murdoch press have jumped into the murder of a Hamas elected official, in a non-aligned country, and justified the murder while thumping the table about the use of our passports.  Simple diversion and misinformation.

These journalists of malignant print, like the ABC's Barry Cassidy, are a cancer on the freedom of the press and are making a mockery of the once proud boast of the ABC to be independent.  That was crushed by the Howard mob. 

With all of his real or perceived faults, we need the Rudd government and the threat of going back to the bad old days of the US puppet Howard and his bevy of incompetent ministers, is quite frightening to this old man.

It is incomprehensible to me to believe that Australians would take such a chance in believing the lies and orchestrated events that the Jewish power will inflict on the Rudd government.

Well might we remember - that Kevin Rudd met with Murdoch before the 2007 election, ostensibly asking for a fair go.  Conversely, it was reported that Murdoch had said to Howard something like "you have had your time".

Now Murdoch meets with the "Mad Monk" - and Conroy meets with Stokes.  The result of the former is unknown but, Conroy has given the free to air TV a boost by reducing taxes.

Mortein once had a good motto - "when you’re on a good thing, stick to it".  When I compare Kevin Rudd and his ministers with the rabble across the chamber, I envision progress and stability with the former and a back to the WorkChoices days with the "budgie smuggler".

In a world being torn apart with crimes which would have horrified us before WWII, we have to be very careful of our votes - they are the last bastion of freedom we have and are certainly under attack.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.