Thursday 9th of January 2025

moanin' from dimona .....

moanin' from dimona .....

The chief of Russia's General Staff, Nikolai Makarov, has warned the US against striking Iran over the country's nuclear program. It appears that the World's attention is again focused on if or when the United States (policeman of the World) is going to engage in military operations against the Islamist Republic. Hillary Clinton recently rattled sabers again when she demanded that Iran stop enriching uranium. Let's take a closer look at that demand and why she had no justification to demand anything of the Iranian government.

First of all, Iran is a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty that gives participating nations the right to enrich uranium up to 20% for domestic use in medical research and fuel for reactors. Iran has done nothing illegal here.

Secondly, if Iran were found to be pursuing a nuclear weapon, we should demand that all nations in the Middle East, not just Iran, cease and desist. Since it is common knowledge that the nation of Israel possesses from 300 to 800 nuclear warheads and the means to deliver them, aren't we being a bit hypocritical when we hold Iran to a different standard than we do Israel?

Thirdly, under International Law, these "sanctions" that Clinton proposes are nothing more than a blockade which is defined as a warlike act and the nation that institutes it is guilty of starting a war. Iran, under the U.N. Charter would be perfectly justified in firing on ships administering the blockade.

Of course Iran will do no such thing. They will however, continue to enrich uranium to 20% which is legal under the NPT. They have voiced a desire to buy enriched uranium from nuclear countries but no country except Russia seems to be willing to do this. Russia has been severely admonished by the United States and its Allies and the deal fell through.

This writer believes that the U.S. has a double standard, one for Israel and one for Iran. We can't seem to see the forest for the trees. After 9/11, Iran was instrumental in our fight against the Taliban. They gave us intelligence and allowed U.S. military aircraft to fly over their airspace. The truth we should all realize, is that Iran would be a great ally on the war against al Qaeda and the Taliban as the Iranians are predominantly Shiite while the Taliban and al Qaeda are Sunni's. Also, Iran has not threatened a neighbor State in over 200 years. The war with Iraq was funded by the United States which ran a proxy war with the help of Saddam Hussein. It is surprising that they continue to listen to the U.S. in any way after the carnage we helped heap on that country. If Iran had really wanted Middle East hegemony, don't you believe they would have spurned Saddam's peace offing and occupied Iraq when it had the chance?

How encouraging?

The disgraceful world domination by the US is only surpassed by their double standards with regard to anything that suits them.

Well might the American flag be flown in every shop, every house, every movie, every desk, in every state legislature and every right arm of every federal and State government law enforcers - along with their conscripted killers in overseas invasions and so on.

IMHO even the possibility that Russia and Turkey may be about to join together to expose the US/Zionist "hot war" to replace the checks and balances of the "cold war" is at least a possible leash on the unrestrained illegal brutality of the US and their Zionist Jewish compatriots.

That could help to protect us all from “their values”.

Whatever is said about the “cold war” it was fed to us by foreign owned media outlets as a “schoolyard argument between two bullies” with a selective Bully being the one who protects “our values” – you know – the ones that kidnap – torture – murder – and thumb their collective noses at any and all who resist [that is if they don’t murder them first].

It appears to me - with the information we are receiving from various sources that have avoided Jewish or US attacks (so far) - that the world's biggest religion of the Islamic faith is under sustained attack by the “unholy alliance” and are even supported by some of the subordinate states.

Aljazeera - previously illegally bombed by the US – is a source of information which, with reason and logic, is a damn sight better than the world-wide garbage of the Murdoch Empire. (Not much about the Zionists there eh?)

For too long, due perhaps to our vulnerability subsequent to WW II - like the UK - all of Europe and the eastern states - there only existed one nation who made a profit from that war [discounting of course the horrendous loss of life in their military] and that was America.

With the perfect vision of hindsight (and even then a guess) like legal developers after a good deal, there was a concerted and well organized purchase of key areas of control in the devastated nations, as it turns out, especially the U.K.

However, is there any competition in these one-sided conflicts by choice?

While I believe that the unholy alliance will eventually become like the “lost empires in Afghanistan” the undeniable fact is that the US lives on the profit of continuous war.

Now for Iran who have meticulously followed the rules of the U.N.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that, whatever the eventual outcome, the fact that the Zionist Jews have taken the course of excused revenge and converted it into a crusade against their like Semites, no matter where, no matter when – their course must become a vortex which sucks all Jews into the center of a new world wide hatred.

Has the “aside look of concern” in pre-war Europe become the expected result of the “Chosen People’s” Zionist doctrine? 

To the best of my knowledge, since the Zionist unilateral declarations of successful revolution - I cannot find even one example of these people doing anything at all – for anyone other than themselves - which would endear them to any civilization existing in the last several centuries.

So I feel that the Jewish people may once again have a problem ahead - again created by their over-organized faith in the invincibility of Zion.

God Bless Australia and let our ADF be really a Defense Force.  NE OUBLIE.