Sunday 5th of January 2025

and the oscar goes to the pimps...


from John Pilger

Why are so many films so bad? This year's Oscar nominations are a parade of propaganda, stereotypes and downright dishonesty. The dominant theme is as old as Hollywood: America's divine right to invade other societies, steal their history and occupy our memory. When will directors and writers behave like artists and not pimps for a world view devoted to control and destruction?

read more of John Pilger...


Gus: from time to time I have made allusions on this site to Hollywood being a propaganda arm of the US Adminsitration... And of course I have mentioned the Cowboys and Indians movies which have been telling us how go "we" were so great to win the battles and how brave the Indians were and how they were honorably killed or exiled in defeat... As Pilger points out of course, the modern narrative does not change much. I will add here that, if you did not know already, Hollywood has been like a branch of Zionist Inc. for a long time... I drew the oscar figurine above, back then in 2003, as an award to the General Whomever whose performances in the theater of a one-sided Iraq war and in the theater of spin were unequalled. He was soon replaced by another famous army dude whose name escapes me as well... I did add a bit of blood, big army shoes and a bigger helmet on this ordinary day of feb 17 2010, to the golden statue.

and the oscarsteinberg goes to....

Who runs Hollywood? C'mon
December 19, 2008|JOEL STEIN


I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood.

Is Concentration of Power a good thing?

G'day Gus,

You well know how I feel about the Zionists and what I believe is their objectives of "Gold-n-Power".  But in all fairness, a trait that you and John thankfully consider necessary - at first blush the Zionists are merely taking advantage of the politics of the particular nations they target.

As a case in point - Howard's "New Order" encouraged the rich to be richer and the poor to be poorer while selling as much of our national wealth as he could.  His policy seemed "simple and democratic" in that he admired people who "worked hard" and climbed the ladder to success. 

However, did he support cartels or conglomerates or monopolies? Yes he sure did and so does the World Trade Organization when it is boiled down to the "funnel" syndrome of its ultimate arrangement.

So what is wrong with that? What is wrong with some 20% of a nation's wealth being tied up by an agreement between "friends"? Or like Nationalist China where when I was there in 1949 - Chiang Kai-Shek and his 5% elite Chinese National friends owned most of all things Chinese.

So, what I am trying to get at - long-windedly is - there is nothing wrong with a citizen "working hard" and aspiring to dizzy heights - provided it is achieved by merit!  Not religion; race; politics or any other medium which fosters reverse hatred by favouring a special type of human being.

IMHO I cannot think of any political system in this tired old world of ours which doesn't lead to all types of favouritism or blatant discrimination. However, to allow either or any similar single-minded authority to control an entire world society is certain to cause some sort of upheaval.  

Surely by now, even with limited information, all people would understand that the Zionists Inc. does in fact "run Hollywood" and almost all of the major entertainment or information centres in the US. 

So, what is wrong with each and every one of these "happening to be controlled by "Zionist" Jews getting a "leg up" to the University education and the political; financial and information positions of power?  It is a race/religion taking complete control of the major factors of modern life without any reasonable attempt at genuine competition in any of the areas of which they have obtained total control.

The Roman Catholic Church was guilty of this when I was a boy - one of my brothers had wonderful education credentials but was refused employment by the Catholic Newspaper The Daily Mirror because he was protestant - and they told him so.

Then Henry Ford was reported as refusing to employ any Jew.

Two examples of a system which is diametrically opposed to any equality; freedom or justice  to which every citizen of every nation has a right to claim.

But it is not so and the US/Zionist unholy alliance which has taken civilization back many centuries, must worry every person who "works hard" or who, in Howard's day, could not get a full-time secure job.

While the world-wide "diaspora" of Zionist wealth and power continues to express itself in the Gaza Holocaust and the multitude of crimes and international murders for which they are famous - the power that is in the hands of only .22% of the world's population is scary indeed.

Whether the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are authentic or not, they certainly predicted so many of the crimes that the Zionists have committed, at least since 1897.

The Americans and the Zionists of this world consider that they are above any civilized law if they choose to be - just read their propaganda.

The British relationship with the Zionists since 1917 has blown a huge hole in the once proud phrase of "Rule Britannia".  Their so-called "fight against terrorism" will stand for judgement in the most recent murder by some 11 people in Dubai. Who would do such a thing?  Who indeed.

God Bless Australia and keep the US/Zionists out of our country.  NE OUBLIE

manipulation of minds...

from Jeff Gates

How Israel Wages War on the U.S.—By Way of Deception


Mass media and popular culture are powerful tools of manipulation when wielded by those skilled at waging way by way of deception. When shaping the opinion of an unsuspecting public, the star power of military leaders and sports heroes is routinely appropriated.

That duplicity was on display in February 2003 when Colin Powell gave false testimony to the U.N. Security Council that helped launch the U.S.-led invasion of a Muslim nation. Similar duplicity was deployed in May 2005 when Pakistani cricket icon Imran Khan launched from Islamabad a false story that provoked outrage at the U.S. in Muslim nations.

Since the “bread and circus” era of the Roman Empire, pop culture has proven a potent means to distract and misdirect. With the modern reach of mass media, pop culture can be deployed not just to manipulate the public’s mental state but also to promote for political office high-profile personalities such as astronauts, newscasters, war heroes and even well known comedians.

Those who induced the U.S. to wage war in Iraq on false pretenses used Secretary of State Colin Powell for that purpose when he was dispatched to the U.N. to vouch for phony intelligence. The Powell “brand” as a credible four-star general was appropriated by pro-Israeli war-planners to market the false impression that Iraq had mobile biological weapons laboratories.

By deploying a public official’s known integrity to obscure their duplicity, those complicit in this deceit discredited both Powell and the U.S. while also undermining the credibility of the U.N. The phony intelligence on which Powell relied was provided by George Tenet, Director of Central Intelligence, and vouched for by Paul Joyal, reportedly Tenet’s Ashkenazi Chief of Staff.

A similar power-of-association ploy emerged two years later when the pop culture celebrity of Imran Khan was appropriated to provoke violence worldwide that damaged the image of the U.S. A global crisis commenced soon after those handling public relations for this legend of the cricket world summoned reporters to a May 6, 2005 press conference in Islamabad.

As an international sports figure, Khan’s star power and his position as a Pakistani politician directed media attention to an April 30thNewsweek where Ashkenazi journalist Michael Isikoff reported that U.S. interrogators had flushed a Koran down a toilet in an attempt to exert pressure on Muslim combatants in custody at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. issue of

Not until May 16th did Newsweek editors publish a partial retraction along with an apology in The New York Times conceding that the widely reported story was inadequately supported by the facts. By then Isikoff’s tale of Koran desecration had gone viral.


read more of Jeff Gates and see toon at top.

In the 1950s, I remember people in the West being worried that comics books and pop music were going to be used by evil men — by channelling subliminal dumbing messages to the young ones — to achieve world domination... Obviously it did not work... Er... mostly because there were a lot of conflicting evil men trying to do the same thing... The messages got confused and polarised in conflict. — apart from a general dictum: buy stuff. Advertising is part of this manipulation of minds, news on TV and main stream media is part of this manipulation of minds, hollywoodian movies have been parts of this process for many many years since the first "indians and cowboys" movies, now in 3D.... But before then, kings and queens used other means to bring the populace into submission: legends, big swords, big schticks and of course god swill or was it god's will. We should know...

cowboys and underpaid indians...

The US Senate has approved a $4.6bn (£2.9bn) payment to Native Americans and black farmers who complained of government discrimination.

The legal settlement would benefit black farmers who sued for alleged bias by US agriculture officials.

It would also settle a 15 year-old suit by Native Americans who said the government cheated them out of of oil, gas and grazing royalties.

The legislation now needs approval by the House of Representatives.

"While these legislative achievements reflect important progress, they also serve to remind us that much work remains to be done," President Barack Obama said in a statement.

'We're owed $100bn'

Many of the claims date back to the 19th century. At least 300,000 Native Americans claimed that since 1887, the US interior department swindled them out of royalties.

The suit, called the Cobell lawsuit for lead plaintiff Elouise Cobell, dragged on for 15 years and encompassed 3,600 court filings and 80 judicial rulings, the Associated Press reported.

"Personally I still think we're owed $100bn, but how long do you drag this thing out?" said Ms Cobell, a member of the Blackfeet Tribe from Browning in the state of Montana. "Do you drag it out until every beneficiary is dead? You just can't do that."