Thursday 9th of January 2025

an inconvenient truth .....

an inconvenient truth .....

When Obama's elderly envoy George Mitchell headed home in humiliation this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu celebrated his departure by planting trees in two of the three largest Israeli colonies around Jerusalem. With these trees at Gush Etzion and Ma'aleh Adumim, he said, he was sending "a clear message that we are here. We will stay here. We are planning and we are building." These two huge settlements, along with that of Ariel to the north of Jerusalem, were an "indisputable part of Israel forever."

It was Netanyahu's victory celebration over the upstart American President who had dared to challenge Israel's power not only in the Middle East but in America itself. And while the world this week listened to Netanyahu in the Holocaust memorial commemoration for the genocide of six million Jews, abusing Iran as the new Nazi Germany - Iran's loony president supposedly as evil as Hitler - the hopes of a future "Palestine" continued to dribble away.

President Ahmadinejad of Iran is no more Adolf Hitler than the Israelis are Nazis. But the "threat" of Iran is distracting the world. So is Tony Blair yesterday, trying to wriggle out of his bloody responsibility for the Iraq disaster. The real catastrophe, however, continues just outside Jerusalem, amid the fields, stony hills and ancient caves of most of the West Bank.

Who really controls who?

Historically the Jews are known best for their money-lending as a way of creating financial power over whoever they wish to control.  Fortunately for the world in general, their highly organised methods have previously brought about their own collapse - however only to start again.

IMHO their new and more dangerous escapade for world domination was most clearly demonstrated by the infamous "change sides' deal with Britain in 1917.  Their purpose was to profit from such a betrayal of the German people who held them in high regard (at that time), and to continue an unnecessary and bloody war, by bringing the US into that conflict when it had nothing to do with them.  Would any other proud nation like Germany have cause to hate back-stabbers?

Where did they get such power in the US?  Were they holding enormous debts over the heads of the administation of that time? Or specific individuals?

This situation has greatly worsened since WW II and the Military/Corporate (which the latter spawned) has taken over the foreign policies of America and made them the worst Terrorists of all recorded time.

Like two peas in a pod, the dual citizenship of millions of American Jews to an "in principle" place called "Israel" is as convoluted as most things the paranoid Americans have to deal with.

Any American Jew is automatically accepted as a mythical "Israeli"; may swear allegiance to that "idea" and even fight with its Occupation Forces in Palestine or Lebanon or any where else their evil little hearts may desire.  What isn't explained to my satisfaction is, when the US is at war with Iraq and the Jews are at war with the Palestinians - who takes precedence as to their loyalty?

Why does the US support each and every unprovoked Jewish attack on sovereign nations?  Why does the US Military/Corporate supply weapons of mass destruction to the Jewish Occupation Forces - like cluster bombs; depleted Uranium and white phosphorus?  Both of these terrorist organisations are war criminals.

While they take civilisation back centuries to the "might is right" syndrome, they should not be able to exploit the feelings of decent people throughout the world with their "allegations of atrocities received" when also committing the heinous crimes against humanity but, without any defensible reason. 

There is no excuse for the terrorism being purpetrated by the US/Jewish alliance but it may take many decades to bring justice to those who have suffered so egregiously under those terrorist acts.

God Bless Australia and keep us free of US/Jewish dominance.  NE OUBLIE.



jiftlik .....

Area C doesn't sound very ominous. A land of stone-sprinkled grey hills and soft green valleys, it's part of the wreckage of the equally wrecked Oslo Agreement, accounting for 60 per cent of the Israeli-occupied West Bank that was eventually supposed to be handed over to its Palestinian inhabitants.

But look at the statistics and leaf through the pile of demolition orders lying on the table in front of Abed Kasab, head of the village council in Jiftlik, and it all looks like ethnic cleansing via bureaucracy. Perverse might be the word for the paperwork involved. Obscene appear to be the results.

Palestinian houses that cannot be permitted to stand, roofs that must be taken down, wells closed, sewage systems demolished; in one village, I even saw a primitive electricity system in which Palestinians must sink their electrical poles cemented into concrete blocks standing on the surface of the dirt road. To place the poles in the earth would ensure their destruction - no Palestinian can dig a hole more than 40cm below the ground.

But let's return to the bureaucracy. "Ro'i" - if that is indeed the Israeli official's name, for it is difficult to decipher - signed a batch of demolition papers for Jiftlik last December, all duly delivered, in Arabic and Hebrew, to Mr Kasab. There are 21 of them, running - non-sequentially - from numbers 143912 through 145059, all from "The High Planning Council Monitoring [sic] Sub-Committee of the Civil Administration for the Area of Judea and Samaria". Judea and Samaria - for ordinary folk - is the occupied West Bank. The first communication is dated 8 December, 2009, the last 17 December.

And as Mr Kasab puts it, that's the least of his problems. Palestinian requests to build houses are either delayed for years or refused; houses built without permission are ruthlessly torn down; corrugated iron roofs have to be camouflaged with plastic sheets in the hope the "Civil Administration" won't deem them an extra floor - in which case "Ro'i's" lads will be round to rip the lot off the top of the house.

One day Netanyahu.

I have no doubt that there are many tens of thousands, perhaps millions, of Jewish people throughout the world who will not favor the actions of the Zionist Military/Corporate which currently occupies Palestine.  Unfortunately, history shows that the Jewish people have always stood by the “supreme rights” of that race and even now, the US trained Netanyahu has stated at the memorial to the Jewish Holocaust (that does not include the Gaza Holocaust) that “No one will ever hurt the Jewish people again”.

Besides being an obviously hollow promise that only a madman would make, it conjures up the specter of the crimes against humanity that his own occupation forces have committed in their efforts to ethnic cleanse the land they have stolen and gives lie to the worn-out claim that the entire Middle East is arming to destroy them.  Quite the opposite is true.

To revenge the injustice of their Holocaust, the Zionists would have to take on the entire European society of nations since it was in those NAZI occupied countries that the Jewish people, along with political dissidents; saboteurs; “insurgents”; Gypsies; homosexuals; Russians and all others which the Nazi regime considered as untermenschen.

The Semitic tribe of Hebrew/Canaanites has, with intended dishonesty, claimed that they and they alone are Semitic – and this while they feed their blood lust with the pre-meditated attacks on other Semitic tribes who are not guilty of anything – except wanting to live in their own lands.

As sure as the only thing that is consistent is change itself – the temper of the world will be tried too much and the survivors of the millions of displaced or murdered Semites will know exactly who will pay for their “holocausts” – unlike the Zionists who use the same tactics as their own tormentors.

Just demanding that the occupied and savagely murdered Palestinians cave in to the unbridled brutality of the Zionist regime will never make the mythical state of Israel a legal identity.  Nor will it ever be satisfied with Palestine alone – and the “rag heads” will know that.

I quote this small part from Aljazeera re Lebanon alone…

Hezbollah admits that it has more than replenished its stock of missiles and rockets – a powerful deterrent that numbers around 40,000 and could bring the war into the northern part of Israel and even Tel Aviv, now within the range of its most advanced missiles. And Hezbollah may have more surprises in store. A few months ago the Israeli navy seized a massive shipment of light weaponry, claiming it originated from Iran. Such an arsenal can be used for conventional fighting within Lebanon, but it is possible that Hezbollah will seek to bring the fight to Israel, thus fundamentally shaking the Israeli psyche, while relying on newly acquired air-defence systems to deny Israel its key strategic advantage.

And an eruption in Lebanon could precipitate another in Gaza this time. A Hamas official recently vowed: “If Israel launched a new attack against Lebanon ... we will face the aggression side by side with our brethren in Lebanon.”

Nothing unites like hatred.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



Yes Netanyahu - maybe one day?

Firstly let me say that I still argue that there is no legal or moral state named “Israel”.  If we - the ordinary thinking, reasoning and logical people – allow ourselves to be complicit in the massive injustices in Palestine – by accepting “Israel” as an equal in the world’s community of nations – then our lack of courage for the forgotten principle of freedom for all - will surely be our own downfall.

The oft used lie that the other Semite nations are arming to attack the Zionist Occupation Forces in Palestine becomes more and more obviously a deception for the converse military oppression in the Middle East.  As I understand it, all attacks in the Middle East were pre-emptive by the Zionist Occupation Forces (ostensibly to defend themselves).

But if “defending” yourself is to be universally accepted as an excuse for unprovoked aggression then - will we be asked to accept the same principle IF the oppressed Middle East nations could in fact build themselves a worthwhile military as vicious as the Zionists?  Could they possibly do that with freedom while the world’s biggest terrorist nation supports the murder frenzy of the ZOF?

I quote from Aljazeera 5/2/2010…..

One thing we all know by now is that Israel is a highly militarized country. Its definition of ‘existence’ can only be ensured by its uncontested military dominance at all fronts, thus the devastating link between Palestine and Lebanon. This link makes any analysis of Israel’s military intents in Gaza, that excludes Lebanon - and in fact, Syria - seriously lacking.

Consider, for example, the unprecedented Israeli crackdown on the Second Palestinian Uprising which started in September 2000. How is that linked to Lebanon? Israel had been freshly defeated by the Lebanese resistance, led by Hezbollah, and was forced to end its occupation of most of South Lebanon in May 2000.[Why didn’t Hezbollah follow up?] Israel wanted to send an unmistakable message to Palestinians that this defeat was in fact not a defeat at all, and that any attempt at duplicating the Lebanese resistance model in Palestine would be ruthlessly suppressed. Israel’s exaggeration in the use of its highly sophisticated military to stifle a largely popular revolution was extremely costly to Palestinians in terms of human toll. (Like Hitler in that they kill ten for one?)

Israel’s 34-day war on Lebanon in July 2006 was an Israeli attempt at destroying Arab resistance, and restoring its metaphorical iron wall. It backfired, resulting in a real – not figurative – Israeli defeat. Israel, then, did what it does best. It used its superior air force, destroyed much of Lebanon’s civilian infrastructure and killed more than 1,200 people, mostly civilians. The resistance, with humble means, killed more than 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers during combat.

Not only did Hezbollah had [sic] penetrated the Israeli iron wall, it had also filled it with holes. It challenged, like never before, the Israeli army’s notion of invincibility and illusion of security. Something went horribly wrong in Lebanon.

Will it be Gaza or Lebanon first? Israel is sending mixed messages, and deliberately so. Hamas, Hezbollah and their supporters understand well the Israeli tactic and must be preparing for the various possibilities. They know Israel cannot live without its iron walls, and are determined to prevent any more from being built at their expense.

COMMENT:  I am a great believer in the MSM being held totally responsible for their misleading information called opinion. It is interesting to me that the all powerful Jewish International Organizations are “allowing” the pressure on the elected government of Iran to “slide”.  Why?  Watch my left hand.

God bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



zionist welfare ....

Over the past four decades Israel has defrauded Palestinians working inside Israel of more than $2 billion by deducting from their salaries contributions for welfare benefits to which they were never entitled, Israeli economists have revealed.

A new report, "State Robbery", to be published later this month, says the "theft" continued even after the Palestinian Authority was established in 1994 and part of the money was supposed to be transferred to a special fund on behalf of the workers.

According to information supplied by Israeli officials, most of the deductions from the workers' pay were invested in infrastructure projects in the Palestinian territories -- a presumed reference to the massive state subsidies accorded to the settlements.

Nearly 50,000 Palestinians from the West Bank are working in Israel -- following the easing of restrictions on entering Israel under the "economic peace" promised by Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister -- and continue to have such contributions docked from their pay.

Complicit in the deception, the report adds, is the Histadrut, the Israeli labour federation, which levies a monthly fee on Palestinian workers, even though they are not entitled to membership and are not represented in labour disputes.

"This is a clear-cut case of theft from Palestinian workers on a grand scale," said Shir Hever, a Jerusalem-based economist and one of the authors of the report. "There are no reasons for Israel to delay in returning this money either to the workers or to their beneficiaries."

The deductions started being made in 1970, three years after the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories began, when Palestinian workers started to enter Israel in significant numbers, most of them employed as manual labourers in the agriculture and construction industries.

Typically, the workers lose a fifth of their salary in deductions that are supposed to cover old age payments, unemployment allowance, disability insurance, child benefits, trade union fees, pension fund, holiday and sick pay, and health insurance. In practice, however, the workers are entitled only to disability payments in case of work accidents and are insured against loss of work if their employer goes bankrupt.

According to the report, compiled by two human rights groups, the Alternative Information Centre and Kav La'Oved, only a fraction of the total contributions -- less than eight per cent -- was used to award benefits to Palestinian workers. The rest was secretly transferred to the finance ministry.

The Israeli organisations assess that the workers were defrauded of at least $2.25bn in today's prices, in what they describe as a minimum and "very conservative" estimate of the misappropriation of the funds. Such a sum represents about 10 per cent of the PA's annual budget.

Why is it so?

When we consider the blatant "opposition for the sake of opposition" of the Liberal/Nationals in Australia we must feel some pity for the Rudd government who so convincingly won (won?) the election in 2007.

Taking over the mess left by the Howard "new order" - especially at a time when the greedy American financial empire brought the world to its knees - was a tall order.

IMHO the position of the US President at this time is probably worse in its totality than the 1929 Depression.  He follows the warmongering, stupid administration of the world's biggest terrorist nation, thanks to G.W.Bush.  And he too has to suffer the futility of a Senate which can overturn anything the people may have wanted from the Democrats and Obama.  That is democracy?

Having said that, I appreciate that which has been written by Alan Hart and I quote selectively....

Please, Mr. President, Stop Talking Nonsense

By Alan Hart

06 February, 2010

At a town hall meeting in Tampa, Florida on 28 January, President Obama explained what in his view had to happen if there is to be a two-state solution which would see Israel and the Palestinians living side by side in peace and security. He said, “Both sides are going to have to make concessions“.

My own view is that Israel’s still on-going colonization of the occupied West Bank has destroyed the prospect of a two-state solution on any basis the Palestinians could accept. But for the sake of discussion I’ll pretend that is not necessarily so.

Israel is not required to make concessions. Israel is required to accept and implement UN Security Council resolutions which call for an end to its occupation and, more generally, to cease regarding itself as being above and beyond international law. (Emphasis added)

There were three related reasons why Yasser Arafat and his mainstream PLO leadership colleagues decided that they had got to compromise with Israel if their people were ever to obtain a minimum but just about acceptable amount of justice.

> The first was the reality of the existence of the nuclear-armed Zionist state – not a legitimate existence (as the true story of its creation proves) but a fact of life.

> The second was the knowledge that the Arab regimes were never going to fight Israel to liberate Palestine, and, would collude with Zionism-and-America to prevent the PLO becoming an effective resistance movement in terms of guerrilla activities.

> The third was the realization that all the major powers of the world were committed to Israel’s existence inside its borders as they were on the eve of the 1967 war.

It was the miracle of Arafat’s leadership. What he needed thereafter was an Israeli partner for peace. At a point it seemed that Israeli Prime Minister Rabin might be the partner, but he was assassinated by a Zionist zealot. The assassin was not de-ranged. He knew exactly what he was doing. Killing the peace process Arafat’s policy of politics and compromise had set in motion.

There are no more concessions the Palestinians can make for peace. President Obama’s statement that they must is absurd and obscene. Unclear is whether he was speaking out of ignorance of real history or from Zionism’s script.

So let's take a look at the claims and actions of the "Elders of Zion".

1.  They have turned on the people who accepted them as citizens after the European War and demanded that Palestine is theirs by right of history - a claim clearly without truth.

2.  They have at all times considered themselves above all laws of civilization and democracy.

3.  They have massacred; tortured; killed and stolen body parts even of Palestinian children; (didn't they claim that Hitler did that?) employed WMD's which are only one iota less cruel than the Atom bomb; refused to accept any criticism of their uncivilized behavior; ignored UN resolutions; threatened the President of the US to do as he is told by them or else; attacked other Semite nations without justifiable cause; lied consistently to the world non-Jewish media and created the world's largest and most cruel concentration camp while performing the infamous Gaza Holocaust.

Now, take a look at this list - plus much, much more - and try to excuse it even IF you believe that they have a "God given" right to the land they are stealing and colonizing.

Never mind about the Jewish Holocaust in Europe - just look at the Holocaust that these people are committing on behalf of their "Elders of Mount Zion"?  Will the tortured Arab Semites retaliate for this - even as the Jews are doing now? And vice versa - and ad infinitum?

Can the US/Zionist unholy alliance really succeed in their oppression of peaceful states? Iraq; Afghanistan; Iran; Nth. Korea and Pakistan?

In the meantime - I am yet to receive an answer from my Federal Labor Representative as to the Rudd government's attitude to the actions of the murderous Zionist criminals and their suppliers, the US?  Or, if it is more face-saving - tell me why Australia agrees with them? 

We have returned to the days of pirates; vandals and uncontrolled violence - and we deserve it.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.





When will the Zionists face their "Nuremberg"?

Besides the unforgivable brutality of the Zionist Jews against people unable to defend themselves, the whole issue of this mythical Israel is based almost entirely on lies and skewed propaganda.

I have enjoyed reading articles by Alan Hart in CounterCurrents.Org such as the following selections of one recently made….

“The Jews who returned in answer to Zionism’s call had no biological connection to the ancient Hebrews….. They therefore had no legitimate claim on the land. COMMENT:  It is also claimed that most of them were war criminals from Russia and Poland.

The Jews who did have a legitimate claim, probably not more than about 10,000 at the time of Zionism’s first dishonest mission statement in 1897, were the direct descendants of the Israelites who stayed in place on the land through time. They regarded themselves as Palestinians, and they were fiercely opposed to Zionism’s colonial enterprise because they feared it would make them as well as the incoming alien Jews enemies of the Palestinian Arabs.

The most informed and thoughtful of those who did express their opposition believed that Zionism was morally wrong. They also feared that Zionism’s colonial enterprise would lead to unending conflict.

But most of all they feared that Zionism, if it was allowed by the major powers to have its way, would one day provoke anti-Semitism. Which is precisely what is happening today. (Hence the title of my book, ZIONISM: THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS). In reality it is how the Zionists created their state - a Zionist not a Jewish state - that best defines what Zionism actually is.

Israel was created, mainly, by Zionist terrorism and ethnic cleansing - a pre-planned process that saw three-quarters of the indigenous Arab inhabitants of Palestine dispossessed of their homes, their land and their rights.

On the matter of truth as it relates to the making and sustaining of conflict in and over Palestine that became Israel, I hope the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) is right: "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."; If that’s true, Zionism not only can be defeated but will be.”

If America can be forced, even by financial debt, to back off from supporting the Zionist Jews, I feel that natural justice will do the rest and Palestine will be returned to its real citizens who should be compensated in the very same way as the European Jews were after WW II.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



When will the Zionists face their "Nuremberg"?


1. ....

2. What I am about to set forth, then, is our system from the two points of view, that of ourselves and that of the GOYIM [i.e., non-Jews].

3. It must be noted that men with bad instincts are more in number than the good, and therefore the best results in governing them are attained by violence and terrorisation, and not by academic discussions. Every man aims at power, everyone would like to become a dictator if only he could, and rare indeed are the men who would not be willing to sacrifice the welfare of all for the sake of securing their own welfare.

4. ….

5. In the beginnings of the structure of society, they were subjected to brutal and blind force; afterwards - to Law, which is the same force, only disguised. I draw the conclusion that by the law of nature, right lies in force.

6. Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, SO-CALLED LIBERALISM, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism.

While there is much argument against these "Protocols" - I couldn't help considering how many would be fairly placed at the feet of the Zionists murderers of Palestine?

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.

when criticism is not enough...

Australia’s foreign affairs minister, Julie Bishop, has accused Israel of undermining prospects for a two-state solution by claiming about 400 hectares of West Bank land south of Bethlehem.

The Australian government routinely expresses its strong support for Israel, but Bishop said the land announcement was “unhelpful so soon after the Gaza conflict”.

The US and UK had already expressed their concerns at Israel’s decision to designate 400 hectares (1,000 acres) near Bethlehem as state land, a move that cleared the way for further settlement construction.

Bishop said she had conveyed her concerns to Israel’s foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, in a “warm and constructive” telephone call on Monday.