Saturday 11th of January 2025

lest we forget .....

lest we forget .....

Last year I sat in my apartment trying to figure out what to do about Australia Day.

There was a celebration in the local park, a beautiful riverside niche where I often enjoy the local cafe. Yet today I felt torn. Would the celebrations carry on around the Indigenous Australians living on what we feel are the margins of society, looking past them as though they do not exist? Had anything changed since the 2008 Apology? Was Australia Day celebrating an achievement or an invasion?

These questions troubled me and having no answers kept me away from the park. I realised that for time unknown Aboriginals had sat by that river doing pretty much what everyone was doing today: socialising, eating, living. And there the Aboriginals are - still doing exactly the same thing in the new millennium. This timeless culture lives among us yet we do not see it. With all our educational programs we are still blind. What we see as culture: nice rooms, expensive furnishings and stiff behaviour does not acknowledge the respect for nature, the rites and customs that grew up with this ancient land.

We live alongside one of the oldest cultures on earth yet know almost nothing about it. So often we think of history as boring and irrelevant without realising that the history of Australia is the history of the world. Australia has a rich history dating back into the mists of time and one which we need to know.

advance aussie snag unfair...

from Bob Ellis...

'Advance Australia Fair' makes us cringe. And when we stand up for it, we are usually, inwardly, lying.

Every one of the first six lines rings false. We are not young. We are not free. Our soil is not golden. Wealth does not come from toil here, but from birth or short-selling or real estate. And though we are 'girt by sea' so are all islands, and we are an island, and this is scarcely worth noting. And our land does not 'abound with precious gifts', it is two-thirds desert. Unless you count uranium I suppose, and the immensity of coal that is currently choking the planet, it does not abound, it is a desert waste.

The very first line, 'Australians all, let us rejoice', rings as false as 'I did but see her passing by' or 'tough but humane'. In real life you rejoice or you do not, you cannot be asked to rejoice. You can be asked to give thanks, for that is a form of words. You can be asked to bow your head in prayer. You cannot be asked to rejoice, for that is a spontaneous emotion, and you have it or not.

When Mrs Thatcher said 'I say unto you: rejoice' at the end of the needless Falklands War, she was as falsely tuned as we are when we are called upon to fill with joy at the thought of the oldest and driest land with one of the cruellest colonial histories, of poisoned flour and stolen children, and not one Indigenous person or immigrant Vietnamese, or Sudanese, or Palestinian in our Senate or House of Representatives, and give vent to our pleasured excitement. This is a problem to work on, not a victory to rejoice in.

The second verse 'For those who come across the seas/We've boundless wealth to share' is an especially big lie. Our wealth is not boundless, and BHP Billiton does not like to share it. And boat people coming here across the sea if detected are towed back to Indonesia, or, until quite recently, imprisoned in Woomera, Baxter, Port Hedland, Villawood or Nauru.


The ABC decided to revamp its Unleashed site to accomodate its own journos under the drum... So far I find it difficult to know where things are except the latest soap box. A bit of a mess if you ask me... Contributors get their 15 minutes of exposure and then get burried in a complex menu of alphabetical soup, with no sure result at the end of a search...

And to Bob Ellis the deserts are not "waste" but beautiful places if one knows how to look...

I cannot in all honesty....

G'day Gus,

Hopefully - with the honesty of "both sides" posting style that you and John allow in this forum, I have to say that, while I love my country whatever, Bob Ellis gives a sad but very perceptive opinion on our Anthem.

I do not apologize for my criticism of the use of the American flag and the garbage with which they deceive the rest of the world, but I also see massive faults in my own nation in our continual search for an identity.

Nevertheless, whether it be because of my upbringing by British heritage, or the fact that my ancestors came from Scotland and Ireland as "free people", or that I believe that the natural tendency for "birds of a feather to gather together" is - in itself racism - but also, self-preservation.

America has demonstrated to the rest of the world during the unfortunate G.W.Bush administration that  one passport Americans do not control the financial dealings of that nation.  I became disenchanted by the massive change in the once entertaining and once apolitical movies and series which came out of the US.

I served my country and I believe in the principle of democracy which has become a fairytale.

I watch my government wine and dine people from an aggressive military organization even though sixty years ago we would have locked them up.  The Nuremburg Defense?

We all have problems with the feelings of our heads and our hearts that may be in conflict but - unless there is the rule of law - the basis of civilization - applied equally - then constant wars will be our future.

The Zionist Occupation Forces and their sponsors in the US are the major problem in the world today.

Without a force that is equal and opposite to the US/Zionist alliance - and can neutralize the current "war without pause" - then the rest of us do not deserve the freedom that the so-called "leaders of the free world" are continually denying to us. 

I cannot imagine a better example of the absence of the principles of equality than the US attitude to their supply of white phosphorous to the Zionists.  This makes the Zionists the world's most unforgiveable war criminals only after the US Atomic bombs in Japan.

Just take another look at Hitler, his actions and his reasons.  Was he as mad as Netanyahu?

God bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




Hi Ernest .....

Hi Ernest,

Please note that neither Gus nor I 'allow' any point of view over another .... that is not our role.
As a practical requirement of site administration, I am obliged to release comments/articles submitted by anyone however, it is not my place to take issue with the content, save for a few exceptions .... I try to knock out anything that is obscene; encourages hatred or violence or defies common sense.
Your passion is a welcome addition to Your Democracy & I'm sure that Gus would feel, as I do, that you have a great social conscience & a deep & abiding commitment to justice & fair play .... attributes that we both respect & share with you.
I used to think I had to achieve journey's end but these days I let others worry about that & through YD, try to encourage others to at least take the journey. We welcome you along Ernest.

