Saturday 4th of January 2025

haiti .....

haiti .....

Media images appear to be prime motivation this week in a collective, mobilized response underscored by Western guilt. Bombarded with dust-covered corpses, blood and broken bones, and bodies rotting in the hot sun, millions around the world have donated their money to various relief organizations in support of Haiti. The United States has even organized a text message campaign which allows cell phone users to donate as little as ten dollars by texting the word "Haiti" to a central national phone line.

However, this feel-good effort fails to address the circumstances which created this catastrophe. Haiti cannot afford to the typical, Western, Bono-style activism: here today and gone tomorrow, even as its citizens continue to endure the effects of enormous national debt and unfair trading practices which have historically impoverished the nation.

France considered Haiti to be the pearl of the Caribbean and set about stealing both its natural and human resources at will. The average lifespan of a slave in Haiti was a scant twenty-one years, due to harsh living conditions and limited supplies of food. Instead of recognizing the Haitian struggle as akin to that engaged in by Americans against British tyranny, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson gave foreign aid to the supposedly beleaguered French slave owners. Haitians won their freedom from France through armed conflict, defeating Napoleon Bonaparte and the most powerful army in Europe - this is the history that most outside students are familiar with. But what most miss was a move that cannot be considered anything but extortion.

France demanded the sum of 150 million francs in payment for the freedom of the Haitian people. What France could not hold through force, it did through economic colonialism; by 1900, over 80% of Haiti's annual budget was directed at paying this spurious debt.

This form of neo-colonialism would serve as a model for the impoverishment of much of the Global South. Under the crushing weight of such debt, Haiti was unable to ensure its citizens a descent standard of living, forced to take loans from France, America and Germany to service the debt. It was not until 1947 that Haiti managed to pay off the debt it incurred to achieve its freedom.

and to help things in perspective, whilst you watch the George Clooney fundraising telethon, reflect that ....

- the NBA has donated US$1Million

- Sydney's New Year's Eve fireworks cost A$5Million

- a 1931 Bugatti Royale Kellner Coupe was sold for US$8.7Million in 1987

- the Australian government has donated A$10Million

- corporations have donated US$21Million

- the US government has promised US$100Million in investment funds

- the world's largest lottery prize was US$390Million

- the worlds most expensive home cost US$1Billion

- in 2009, the US government gave Israel aid of US$5Billion

- the cost to-date of the Iraq & Afghanistan Wars is US$947Billion

Does the most powerful nation in the world really want peace?

Disaster Capitalism Headed To Haiti

By Stephen Lendman

18 January, 2010

In her book, "The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism," Naomi Klein explores the myth of free market democracy, explaining how neoliberalism dominates the world with America its main exponent exploiting security threats, terror attacks, economic meltdowns, competing ideologies, tectonic political or economic shifts, and natural disasters to impose its will everywhere.

The key element is money surely.

As a result, wars are waged, social services cut, public ones privatized, and freedom sacrificed when people are too distracted, cowed or in duress to object. Disaster capitalism is triumphant everywhere from post-Soviet Russia to post-apartheid South Africa, occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, Honduras before and after the US-instigated coup, post-tsunami Sri Lanka and Aceh, Indonesia, New Orleans post-Katrina, and now heading to Haiti full-throttle after its greatest ever catastrophe. The same scheme always repeats, exploiting people for profits, the prevailing neoliberal idea that "there is no alternative" so grab all you can

Gold or money again?.

While I am absolutely interested in the entire article of Naomi Klein, I just have a feeling that so many manipulated events are appearing with some sort of regulatory.

Given that the G.W. Bush administration must have been the quintessential example of blatant Military/Corporate power without restrictions - with the argument that the flag-blinded American people MUST realize that the rest of the world “hates them for their values”.  Fair dinkum.

With the intended “secret” information about the US’s unbelievable ways of killing people [including their own] which has been reasonably made open to a subdued and afraid planet, I wondered why the massive Indian Ocean Tsunami was so destructive however, it apparently did not affect the American mid-ocean military base of Diego Garcia?

With the Zillions of taxpayer’s money spent on the “smoke and mirrors” argument that to be safe in this world (with US domination) one must be more competent of killing than anyone else?  Are there any other nations in the world which have the courage of the North Koreans; Vietnamese; Iraqis; Afghans et al and the targeted Iranians who can and if they remain determined, will eventually recover the freedom which they had but which was stolen by the US/Zionist alliance.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.