Wednesday 8th of January 2025

the butthole bomber .....

the butthole bomber .....

After the Christmas Day botched bombing the former Vice President describes the deadly next generation of terrorists in this exclusive interview with political satirist Irving Wesley Hall.

What tactics will the terrorists use next and how can we stop them?

Those questions should be driving media coverage and government deliberation. Instead Democratic and Republican politicians are childishly trying to score points against each other. Government bureaucrats are busily pointing fingers as doomsday speeds down the tarmac.

No one is thinking ahead except Dick Cheney-and he offers us the perfect plan to make America safe again. Will we listen? The future of our beloved country hangs in the balance.

Where there's Smoke there's Fire - and Smoking causes......

It would be most appropriate for that congenital fascist Cheney to talk about Terrorism.  It was, after all, him and the Bush administration which has terrorized a significant part of the world over the last nine years.  Along with Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld they should all be tried for crimes against humanity.

Somewhere I read that the US was afraid that the Muslim states in the Middle East may unite and that would indeed be another "Saladin" to deal with.

If we study the military history of America we find that there are not too many decades when they were not at war.  Additionally, in each case the originally "isolationist" US was "shocked" into action - even pre-emptively - by some startling event which was needed to motivate the paranoiac citizens, already hypnotized by their flag since childhood (and reminded of it every minute of every day and in every way).

They call their revolution against their mother country England, a War of Independence and, along with their brothers in arms the Zionists, they still have a habit of using euphemisms - do they not?  Their terrorism is not terrorism and the Muslim peoples who try to defend themselves are really terrorists.  And those who are prepared to give their lives to fight

If these hoodwinked people continue to listen to the warmongers, in particularly the Republican Party, they will find the loss of their sons and daughters to the insatiable demand for the world's resources (at huge monetary costs as well) is not as productive as finding genuine peaceful employment for them at home.

The combined US/Jewish/British push in the Middle East may be reaching a point of no return.  Firstly, the trumped up invasion of Afghanistan subsequent to the "shock" of 9/11 (the jury is still out on that one even with the mystery of the Jewish employees not working on that day of infamy) - then the illegal invasion of Iraq with lies and deceptions;  the Zionists murdering the Palestinians and the Gaza holocaust - and their raids on Syria; Libya; Egypt; Jordan etc - their illegal occupation of Lebanon - and the annexing of the Golan Heights and the genuine unlimited terrorism that they have inflicted on the innocent Semites of that volatile area.

And now the over-extended US military is concerned about Yemen (Muslims of course).  And of course Somalia.  Fair dinkum.  How to make friends and influence people?

And does that uprising take a little pressure off the other independent Muslim nation of Iran?  Or will the US supplied Hebrew Semites take up the slack?

The world wars have only increased the military activity of the US/Zionist terrorists. Make no mistake, this cannot be allowed to go on.  The UN became the property of the US when the latter built its edifice for shame.  The world is being forced into alliances, just as they were in both world wars. Shades if 1984.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE and keep your heads down.



the usual smoke & mirrors .....

The State Department didn't revoke the visa of foiled terrorism suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab because federal counterterrorism officials had begged off revocation, a top State Department official revealed Wednesday.

Patrick F. Kennedy, an undersecretary for management at the State Department, said Abdulmutallab's visa wasn't taken away because intelligence officials asked his agency not to deny a visa to the suspected terrorist over concerns that a denial would've foiled a larger investigation into al-Qaida threats against the United States.

"Revocation action would've disclosed what they were doing," Kennedy said in testimony before the House Committee on Homeland Security. Allowing Adbulmutallab to keep the visa increased chances federal investigators would be able to get closer to apprehending the terror network he is accused of working with, "rather than simply knocking out one solider in that effort."

The committee's hearing continues a series across Capitol Hill that started last week, all looking into the events leading up to and after the attempted bombing of Flight 253 over Detroit. Law enforcement officials say Abdulmutallab tried to detonate an explosive hidden in his underwear on board the flight from Amsterdam shortly before its landing at Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Romulus on Christmas Day.

Since the failed attack, criticism has swirled around leaders of the U.S. intelligence community who have indicated they were warned by the suspect's father about a month before the flight of a potential terror threat, but failed to stop Abdmutallab, despite other warning signs like the fact that he purchased a one-way ticket to Detroit with cash.

arse covering .....

from Crikey .....

There's more to aviation safety than scanning underpants

Ben Sandilands writes:


The pre-Barack Obama visit package of security measures yesterday announced by the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd are about protecting air travellers from from the same acts of civil terror and carnage that are supported by Australian involvement in military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

They are also useless in guaranteeing such an outcome, according to former customs officer and security deficiency whistleblower, and now convicted felon Allan Kessing.

Looked at clinically, the $200 million worth of body scanners and other upgrades are a case of futile measures meeting an impossible task.

Yet they are also part of the much wider picture, that of a war in which the massacre of civilians as the necessary collateral cost of anti-terrorist actions is somehow going to win Taliban-controlled regions or even the "national" government over to a durable democracy.

The carnage that every bombed wedding party, burned down school or destroyed village causes smells and looks no different to the consequences of a terrorist attack on an airport, an underground railway station, a sports stadium, a rock concert or a city pub at lunch time.

They embitter the survivors for generations, and fuel their outrage, and determination for revenge.

The chances of militarily forcing all of Afghanistan into a state of grateful democratic social enlightenment are exactly the same as those of comprehensively eliminating the risks of a terrorist attack on Australian targets. Zero.

Kessing says the package is yet another case of "back to the future" by a government incapable of acting on fundamental security failings, some of which are caused by its reliance on private industry contractors who are chosen on price and are unable to put their obligations ahead of their commercial interests.

"The component which is for improved training is commendable," he says, "except that it fails to remove the commercial imperative in which sub-contractors set out to deliver the service as the lowest possible cost and highest profit to themselves.

"These hi-tech toys are only as good as the operator, and are essentially for window dressing purposes and are ultimately ineffective at doing anything but making the lives of travellers more miserable.

"The best counter-terrorism activity is done before the terrorist leaves for the airport, not when the terrorist in the queue waiting for checking or scanning."

Which is the worst possible place to discover a suicide bomber, a place packed with people.

Kessing agrees with overseas reports that the "stick figure" body scan system being introduced at only international terminals in Australia next year would not have detected the explosives concealed in the underpants worn by the would be Christmas Day bomber had he passed through one of the scanners at Schiphol Airport on his way to Detroit.

"The partial introduction of some of the measures (body scanners and air cargo scanners) only serves as a signpost to different targets at airports or elsewhere," Kessing says.

a thorough groping .....

Catch this bombshell at Government Security News' website: "...the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)" - among whose bureaucracies the TSA lurks - "is now interested in acquiring portable versions of [whole-body scanners], which could be transported anywhere to quickly establish 'high throughput security checkpoints.'" Emphasis despairingly added.

The naïve might consider this evidence of the agency's concern for its "customers": no doubt, when the TSA's yahoo in his "remotely located" booth holds up the "security" line whilst he salivates over the lissome lass in the scanner, his cohorts will roll a Port-o-Porn to the checkpoint and wave everyone obese or male through it.

Nope. Recall that the TSA's "mission" extends to "the Nation's transportation systems" - whose travelling throngs dwarf the paltry planeloads overhead.

Remember, too, that like the aforementioned Mr. Flynt, the TSA is insatiable. But it's far cagier: while Larry publishes his evil so graphically that even a child understands, the TSA hides behind jargon that's nigh impenetrable. And you can see why. Though poor Larry goes to jail for his obvious obscenity, the TSA earns at most a collective sigh: the corporate media has yet to report this shocker published almost three weeks ago.

And no wonder. Who would suspect that "high throughput security checkpoints" refers to busses, ferries, trains above or below ground, highways, even sidewalks? Yet all these locations are precisely where the TSA pants to be, the better to de-pants the entire country.

The TSA already invades "the Nation's transportation systems" with its "VIPR [Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response] Teams." In New York City, they "assist" the NYPD "in random bag searches in the subway." No love's lost between "real" cops and the TSA's Barney Fifes, but I predict brotherly cooperation once Barney lugs the Port-O-Porn down the D-train's steps to catch all the secretaries and receptionists - sorry, terrorists commuting to work.

How long before bureaucrats at other agencies envy the Warriors on Terror their fun? Will it be one nanosecond or two before their union demands the same "benefits" for them? Expect the Port-O-Porns to pop up in DMV's, Social Security's offices, public schools and universities, the hospitals and banks that our rulers are nationalizing, courthouses and police precincts.

They'll spread from there to the private sector, just as the absurd demand for ID has: entrepreneurs who should know better eagerly mimic the government in all its asininities. Perhaps we'll eventually stop dressing at all - until Congress realizes that nudists pay no sales tax on clothing.

Let's hope politicians' greed saves us from bureaucrats' lust.

The TSA's Port-o-Porns: Ogling You Everywhere, Not Just at Airports