Wednesday 8th of January 2025

red heifers & real extremists .....

red heifers & real extremists .....

According to current estimates, 33% of the world identifies itself as Christian, 21% Islam, and .22% Jewish. All three religions believe in Armageddon, the end of life as it is currently known. And all three expect Jerusalem to play a major role in the final days of the world.

But how are these attitudes impacting life today? Are powerful men and women influenced by these ideas? And in what direction would they turn the world if they do? In Racing Toward Armageddon, author Michael Baigent attempts to answer some of those questions.

A New Look at Israel as a Nation

Michael Baigent, obviously, covers the formation of Israel as a nation and the war that followed. However, he also brings out the inside view of the war- exactly how close were the Israelites to attacking the Dome of the Rock? The reader also learns about the red heifer- the belief that the reformation of the Temple can only occur after a perfect red heifer without a blemish is born- and the active steps that some in Israel are taking everyday to see the "New Jerusalem" as a reality.

A New Look at the Christian Fundamentalists

The rapture, an idea that has captivated millions of Christians, is revealed as a new concept in Christianity. The source of this idea will be a shock to many readers. Breaking down the ideas that fed into the Rapture and attacking the current fundamentalist leaders who are propagating the idea, Baigent should cause all readers to take a second look at their own beliefs. The fundamentalist Christians also believe that Jerusalem plays a vital role in Armageddon, and that Israel must be protected. With a large percentage of Americans identifying themselves as fundamentalist, is this impacting U.S. foreign policy?

A New Look at Islam

Islam is one of the most mis-understood religions in the Western World right now. Michael Baigent breaks down the divides in Islam, explaining how the different factions have different beliefs, and how those beliefs affect the world we all live in. He also tied in the last of the three "great religions" and how they also "need" Jerusalem for their Armageddon.

Prevention is better than cure?

The absence of any genuine, egalitarian leader in this mad, mad world of ours, has never been more obvious than during the 20th century and is continuing to create a vacuum which seems to be filled by the extremely powerful and financially untouchable world Jewish organizations.

IMHO once the United Nations was taken over by the US, the latter had given to itself the lead in deciding what can and what cannot happen in the world by the simple (in their minds) method of being the most powerful terrorist on Earth.  Without the media, the US "powers that be" could not have achieved that lofty stand and it becomes obvious now that these "powers" are able to manipulate even the finances of the world's industrialized nations - without any damage to themselves.  Note Goldman Sachs as an example.

There is apparently three religions (one with only .22% of world population) who believe in Armageddon and even try to identify how and when it will happen!  If these wise religions sincerely believe that they know how and when it will happen - then they have every opportunity to avoid it?  Crazy isn't it?

Wise prophets of many different colors have decreed that WW III will be caused by the upheaval in the Middle East?  And even the Armageddon could follow - but - which of the suggested religions would profit more from such a belief becoming a paranoiac fixture in the minds of the world citizens who can actually read?

Haven't we learned anything about prevention?  Even though the disgusting and illegal deal that brought about the unnecessary killing of millions of soldiers and citizens in the oxymoron "Great War" after the US became a participant - and used the blood of their young men to tip the tide in favor of one of the stupid states involved in that tragedy of the petulance of Monarchies?

Since the illegal and immoral deal made with the World Jewish Organizations seems now to be exposed - when common decency would have saved so many lives of innocent people - of a multitude of nationalities - one must not only condemn the participants of that egregious contract, but also to seriously consider the motives of the "brokers".

Surely that agreement carries no credit with any of the participants however; it seems to me that a situation concerning the warring parties who were almost completely exhausted in 1917 was definitely seen as an opportunity for some people to take advantage of those involved Monarchies and their foolish pride.

I believe that the architect of a structurally faulty building is more responsible for its collapse than the people who were desperate for its creation in the first place.  Shades of the Elders of Zion?

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



rapture zealots .....

Five days into 2010 haven't quite offset my hangover from our seasonal consumption binge, wherein history's richest, ostensibly Christian culture spent billions more on gifts, wars, and provoking terrorism than feeding the poor in spirit or pocketbook. In an odd parody of Christmas giving, Senate Scrooges gave unsubsidized, uninsured families a lump of coal, a coercive medical insurance scheme with penalties for defiance.

Jesus' birthday was strafed by a failed suicide bomber along with predictably increased fatalities in Afghanistan. Reading Sarah Vowell on our Puritan forefathers only confirmed our own beginnings, depicting how the first Europeans, as if freed from Old World decadence, embraced two menacing fantasies. The first asserted instant American exceptionalism and the second, even more troubling, that God's inevitably on our side. Not much has changed, per Sarah Palin and Tea Partiers. Consider Arthur Schopenhauer's grimmer judgment: "The fruits of Christianity were religious wars, butcheries, crusades, inquisitions, extermination of the natives of America and the introduction of African slaves in their place."

Is it mere chance then our government unilaterally wars against four Muslim nations, with more coming? Did not W. represent a fearful, uninformed majority that trusts its western God to approve belligerence against infidels? As Noam Chomsky observes, "Three quarters of the American population literally believe in religious miracles. The numbers who believe in the devil, in resurrection, in God doing this and that -- it's astonishing. These numbers aren't duplicated anywhere else in the industrial world." Ditto death panels, Creationism, the Rapture, Armageddon, or the end of times.

Understanding right from wrong is not so difficult.

G'day John,

I quote part of your post as follows:

"As Noam Chomsky observes, "Three quarters of the American population literally believe in religious miracles. The numbers who believe in the devil, in resurrection, in God doing this and that -- it's astonishing. These numbers aren't duplicated anywhere else in the industrial world." Ditto death panels, Creationism, the Rapture, Armageddon, or the end of times".

That is America north and south - not so with the Jews who do not believe in the devil?  Or any justified punishment? 

Then there is this observation written by Chris Floyd on 06 January 2010:

It is often forgotten how "legal" the Nazi regime in Germany really was. It did not take power in a violent revolution, but entered government through the entirely "legal" procedures of the time. The "legal" vote of the "legally" elected Reichstag gave Adolf Hitler the powers to rule by decree, thus imparting strict "legality" to the actions of his government.

Indeed, there were several cases when those who felt the government had overstepped the bounds of law in a particular instance actually took the Nazi regime to court, and won. Why? Because the government was bound by "the rule of law." And the fact is, almost the entire pre-Nazi judicial system of the German state remained intact and operational throughout Hitler's reign. The "rule of law" carried on.

Of course, as the Nazi regime plowed forward with its racist, militarist, imperialist agenda, this "rule of law" became increasingly elastic, countenancing a range of actions and policies that would have been considered heinous atrocities only a few years before. This trend was greatly accelerated after the Regime -- claiming "self-defense" following an alleged "invasion" by a small band of raiders -- launched a war which soon engulfed the world.

My well intended research shows that this is true.  So I ask, since the original crimes of the Nazis and those that followed, were endorsed by the people who had democratically elected that party - where does the Zionist Jews in occupied Palestine stand vis-a-vis "rule of law"? I believe that some 90% supported the IOF.

Hitler was legal according to the people he chose to represent by "rule of law".  A very civilized method of choosing your government - is it not?  But the U.S. said that (after they had built the Krupp’s munitions works) he is wrong - but could they really accuse him of that when they were financially helping him?  These days they would do so without blinking an eye!

Juxtapose that with the U.S. unlimited support for the illegal occupation regime of the Zionists in Palestine! So much do they want that murderous state to exist, they have even gone to the unbelievable lengths of bastardry in having their army build a steel wall in Egypt, (who are threatened with oblivion by the unrestrained Jewish Occupation Forces in Palestine), to smother any support of any kind reaching the legal Palestinians in the Jewish concentration camp of Gaza.

The US/Zionist alliance is a danger to the Middle East and will be to Europe eventually unless they are restrained. 

The only rule of law that the Canaanite/Hebrews understand is their Torah.  Which is like the crimes of the Roman Catholic Church when they forced their will upon the people they had subjugated.  And still control.

IMHO, the ultimate objective of both of these religions is to dominate.  It is surely not a coincidence that the brutalized slaves in America turned to "a God" for assistance - primarily Baptism.

The people who wish to be Muslims of as many kinds as they like, similar to the multitude of  different "Christian" beliefs - then who is to deny them that right?

The U.S.  And their “apprentice” the I.O.F.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




And the Hindus are criticised for loving the cow?

If any serious person was to sit down and think, reason and use logic - I believe that the Darwin theory of evolution would be almost impossible to ignore.

However, when the uneducated citizen was kept servile and oppressed by the militarily backed elite, they would, I believe, plead to a greater power than their tormentors, just as the American slaves did.

With human evolution came the inevitable education revolution and initially, I believe, the "powers that be" had to adjust to using "slaves" who needed the ability to read and write to carry out their duties.  The Industrial Revolution in England seemed to be a united argument against slavery and the law of Master and Servant (which still exists).

There are so many historic examples of the crimes against humanity which are now considered to include exploitation of the workers.  Then why, with all of the proof looking us in the face, do the Australian people elect something like Howard and his "New Order"?  Or can anyone explain the US. Election of George W. Bush when even the MSM hinted at that being a scam?

Since the U.S. Military/Corporate has taken control of the US government (as warned by ex-President Dwight Eisenhower) "the world's biggest economy" has been overtaken and fragmented by the "powers that be".

 Again, what could convince a people to elect a person so untrustworthy by his leaders as Howard? What would convince the US people to accept the election of a person whose family members bastardized the voting and ensured that the African/Americans had less or no votes at all?

What could convince any people who can read, that un-provoked aggression is a “God given right” for them, and that any people who resist the original "powers that be" who controlled their lives when they couldn't even read, are still in power?

The media is the most criminal organization in the world today.  That voice which exists in the oppressed Muslim countries today must have the same subjugated “your obedient servant” attitude, as did their forefathers.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.  What is most important in our planet today?  Should people support the industrial giants who are destroying civilization or, should we accept the pain that was required to force recognition of our exploitation during the increasing expansion of “the powers that be” - and now during their demise?

God Bless Australia.  If we are not sheep then we are certainly monkeys.