Wednesday 8th of January 2025

bended knees .....

bended knees .....

The discussion of Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC) in the US political system revolves around several essential issues, including:

  • The claims by the ZPC that it represents Jewish opinion and values as well as its authority to speak for the interests of the American people.
  • Measuring the power of the ZPC and determining its influence over policy, appointments and political institutions.
  • The question of whether the ZPC is a legitimate part of the US political system, another lobby, or something very different, an unregistered agent of a foreign power (Israel).
  • The scope and depth of the ZPC influence in US politics beyond the focus on its "lobbying" in Washington on a "single issue".
  • The organizational weapons and techniques utilized by the ZPC to maximize influence and deny voice and influence to critics of Israel and itself.
  • The similarities of the organizational linkages of the Israel-Zionist relationship to the Russian - Stalinist Communist Parties of the 1930's.


World leaders 'have betrayed people of Gaza'

By Middle East correspondent Anne Barker

Human rights groups have released a report accusing the international community of betraying the people of Gaza, by failing to end an Israeli-led blockade on the tiny strip of land.

The report comes ahead of the anniversary of Israel's war in Gaza.

The report by 16 non-government organisations accuses Israel of violating international law by imposing an indiscriminate blockade which it says punishes the entire Gaza population for the acts of a few.

Its authors include the groups Oxfam, Amnesty International and many church organisations.

It highlights the blockade on building materials which has prevented Gaza from restoring countless buildings destroyed in the war.

Israel has blamed the militant group Hamas for any restrictions, saying it is bent on destroying the Jewish state, and any building materials could well be used for military purposes.

The Canaanite/Hebrew Semites are indeed blameworthy.

Remember for all time, that the unilateral declaration of the new "Israel" is illegal by any measure and that is an immutable truth!  While there lives a section of the true Palestinians, in concentration camps in whatever country, who do not agree with the gun-to-the-head policy of the Zionist Jews, that situation will remain and, someday, the Zionists' government will be expelled and the original country of over three centuries will be re-instated.

As I understand the situation - after the British Mandate ended, the minority population of multi-national Jews declared the State of Israel - May 1946?  Fair dinkum.

Since then, that illegal declaration has only progressively raised outrage from the people of many countries, including the US and Australia, and the continuing, insidious military might of the Zionists in stealing the land of the Palestinians has expanded at minimum cost to the aggressor and to the disgrace of the "free" world.

While this aggressive and relentless invasion was prosecuted against the Palestinian citizens (initially including Jews) the so-called government of the non-universally recognized "state of Israel" lied on all important matters such as nuclear power; bombed and attacked various Semite Nations on "suspicion" and most disgustingly, they claimed they only wanted peace. Struth.

The entire world has been taken in by these criminals and more nations than the other Semites will suffer for their existence in the long run.

They have succeeded so much in their deceptions that they tend not to bother these days - they really feel that they are indeed the chosen ones - perhaps the real NAZI type super humans? Except that they do not have to "build a super race" - they consider they already have one.  (More of that later).

During their unrestrained execution of blatant fascism they have squeezed a once happy people into two sections of Palestine, namely the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, while also "annexing" land belonging to other Semite countries.

The West Bank under the leadership of an unfortunately “Neville Chamberlain” type named Abbas has, by their compliant and gullible attitude, continued to lose their land without any satisfactory reaction from the United Nations (of America?).

The Gaza strip has suffered its own Holocaust for daring to oppose occupation by the fascists and dared to fire rockets into THEIR OWN LAND which happened to have been stolen by the Zionist Jews.  (When that was done against the Nazis by the invaded peoples – it was heroic). 

In return they were first starved and blockaded, even from international human rights bodies, and these Gazan Palestinians were then overrun, massacred and raped by the Zionist Jews, who used all of the military might and technology that the US had given them (excluding Nuclear weapons - at this time). The Gazans are still suffering in this Jewish controlled, world's biggest concentration camp, while we watch and can no longer say we didn’t know. (Shades of Belsen?)

All parties in our so-called democratic government should be condemned for their blind-eyed attitude. How many of them would survive if this was a real issue for election?

God bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




Do Jews accept the laws of their host nation?

Today my Wife and I watched a recorded "Make them Laugh" the series we enjoy immensely.

Without being shocked most, if not all of the comedians were Jewish and bloody good.

However, we remember the times when these comedians overstepped the bounds of decency as desired by their host nations - even like America.  This was dutifully displayed and it occurred to me that perhaps, that is the extreme attitude of the Jewish people to "freedom".  Their freedom!

We all believe that freedom must be a controlled standard in any civilized society because there are some things, of which we are all aware, that are  not the appropriate basis for comedy or even public exposure.

These, mostly men, were legally restrained from the unlimited use of words and acts of which we adults are all aware, and they were most upset and prepared to be jailed for defying that restrictive law.  I must say, in many instances with good reason, especially during the infamous McCarthy era.

Acknowledging that I am a bit of a rebel and honestly believe that certain laws are not in the best interests of our citizens, nevertheless, the law is not just about me.  I should be part of society, not the reverse.

I have been asking WHY for a long time as to the reason/s that the Jewish people have been so despised and even feared over recorded history.

Could the answer to my query be simply that these people are so dedicated to their race/religion that they do believe in their right to do whatever they like in order to benefit from what they consider is their “freedom”?

Sounds too simple I suppose but, from all records, the Jewish people and their Torah has never been separated?  Their belief in being the “chosen people” and their dedication to demonstrating this to all and sundry, other than fellow Jews, seems to be obvious.

Would I be facetious if I suggested that, with this belief so engrained in their psyche and their souls, wouldn’t they work their guts out to prove it?  Wouldn’t they use all methods to accumulate wealth and thereby power?  And, when they have the power, maybe they can remove the limitations to their idea of their freedom?

Examples are the CEO’s of the biggest lenders in the US; the power of the Jewish Lobbies in all nations; the successful effort of their movie-makers to make the “F” word as common as g’day?

I am inclined to believe that they do indeed see themselves as at least “special” and they are willing to persevere to drain the finances of any nation and put it to the use of widening their concept of their “freedom”?

This is my way of wondering why they act as they do.  I still do not understand why so many major governments of the world allow them to exercise unrestrained “freedom” as they choose.  And now they claim to have a nation where they and they alone will decide the freedom of all Jews who live within their boundaries – illegal or not – and wanted for crimes anywhere.

They must consider they are at war with the world and their persecution complex makes them dangerous indeed.

The US should consider “keeping their enemies close but their friends closer”.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.


Right/wrong - Rich/poor - does anything change?

It is a fact that:

The invasion of Palestine is illegal and the perpetrators where declared terrorists by the UN.  What have they done (the IOF) to remove that title?

The Zionists know that they need the agreement of the Palestinians to be acknowledged as a true state by any measure of international law - currently they are occupying the land of the Palestine Semites and that is surely a true meaning of "anti-Semitism" - if not why isn't it?

They have invaded; jammed citizens into concentration camps; starved; bombed; mined; taped; used "white Phosphorus" [a world first]; murdered by land and air; killed by drones [another first], ran over peaceful protestors (Australian woman was one) illegally occupied Joe Hockey's ancient home of Lebanon and left it a mess for someone else to fix!  Struth - did I miss something?

I believe that the Howard "New Order" supported these killers because his fast tracked mate Turnbull signed a document of "intent" about Australia's water problems, saying that the "Israelis" were experts in this field. Fair dinkum.  As they took over the Palestinian land they took their water as well - that is an undeniable fact. We can't deny though, they are good at stealing when there is not opposition.

As a boy, I remember the politics of the beginning of WW II, and I remember my father hoping that the countries that were conned by the Nazis would one day stand up to them.

And because the world didn’t care – this result from Wikipedia:

Civilians killed totaled from 40 to 52 million, including 13 to 20 million from war-related disease and famine. Total military dead: from 22 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war. (Emphasis added)

The biggest recorded Jewish loss was in Poland and numbered 3 million.  This included the courageous but very costly loss of lives in the uprising.  As I recall, the Russians had promised the Polish that they would help and they didn’t. And yet there was an enormous Jewish presence in Russia during and before WW 2. 

Perhaps the Zionists have a record of how many Jews; homosexuals; Gypsies; mentally disabled and political prisoners actually died in concentration camps?

"By Way of Deception thou shalt make war" the Mossad.  How true?

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.





Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we pratice to deceive?

IMHO, with all my heart, I beg the Palestinian and all Semite peoples, other than the Hebrews, to continue to refuse to concede to the brutality of the Zionists as a method of stealing their very lives.  Or any others for that matter. Forgetting religion or race, what is happening should not be allowed.

By researching and debating this matter I have no hesitation in saying that, IMHO the Zionist Jews of the IOF (Israeli Occupation Force) have forever "blotted their copybook" and when the downfall of the US becomes a fact, and I believe it must, the Zionist military power will not be enough on their own.

They have perhaps, a short time to do the US bidding of attacking the weakened people of Iran but, will Iran be as weak an opponent as was Tripoli; Jordan; Egypt; Syria; Lebanon and is Turkey aware that they could be next? The latter has been showing a bit of independence lately - good for them. I recall the history of the Turks when the British armies (including the ANZACs) invaded their land.

I cannot justify the behavior of the technologically superior military might of the Zionists but, with common sense and logic - do they really have a fear of attack when they have the nuclear bombs now?

The illegal invasions of the Americans and their disgraced allies has certainly destabilised the Middle East which leaves, in effect, the Zionists as the superior military might of that cauldron of deceit and war.

One can reasonably wonder why the other Semite nations put up with the US/Zionist oppression?

Why do we as reasonable people, after investigation, accept the Zionist deceit of anti-Semitism?

While the dictates of the Jewish people seems to be that the rest of the world must have Zionist leadership and control - is there any real opposition? 

Digressing momentarily - since my childhood the word Jew was even more despised than Protestant.

Where there is smoke.......

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE

the jewish lobby in britain .....

Press TV's journalist Amina Taylor, searches for the truth behind the headlines of the most important stories in the UK. This time it is the Jewish Lobby.