Wednesday 8th of January 2025

from the frying pan into the log fire...


From The Sydney Morning Herald supported Barry O' Farrell...

"It would put the public back in control. In the words of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, it would again ensure in NSW ''that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth".


Yes Barry... Good Barry... Sorry Barry... Bollocks Barry...

I read between the lines:

It would put me (Barry O'Farrell) in control. In the words of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, it would again ensure in NSW ''that government of the Liberals, by the Born-to-rule mob, for the rich people shall not perish from the creationist's earth".


And yes, there has been "Four premiers, five health ministers and six police ministers since 2005.." Not a good look, but this a sign of a malaise that is not restricted to NSW. On top of this, John Howard (your federal mob leader till 2007) punished NSW for being Labor by robbing NSW yearly's GST budget by several billion dollars... Now there are two women at the top of the state, Christina Keneally as the Premier and Carmel Tebbutt as Deputy Premier. Due to general Australian economic improvements and a bit more fairness from Canberra, NSW finances are going back in the black... Of course there are manipulators behind the scene but their influence is waning — these two fairly formidable women have also a strong base of honest and dedicated supporters who can protect them from the "mob", despite appearances. While on your side, dear Barry, the Opus Dei of this world and other mobs are waiting to put their hand on your democratic shoulders...

So I sense a bit of your desperation that things in NSW have a good chance to improve and clean up, while you and your own mobs of born-to-rule will be left out of the spoils, yet again... And your mob of Liberals in Canberra behaving like brats?... Not a good look either...

From the frying pan into the log cabin fire?... Pox on the SMH to fall for your "Gettysburg Address democratic trick"...

My view.

Wait and see...

see toon and comment above...

oblivion ....

Yes Gus,

Truly we should weep if this is the alternate government at work.


Yes, Ernest...

Barry is from the same party as Abbott's with Barnaby attached like barnacles to a morassed hulk... Alternate useless combo... I'd stick with the women for now, but to me the Sydney Morning Herald has lost the plot... It has been hell-bent on a government change, no mater the idiocy of the move on the trot — for quite a while... It's a bit like your mechanic telling you your car needs an oil change but rents you a pair of skates while he fiddles with the dipstick for a week...