Wednesday 8th of January 2025

jews against zionism .....

jews against zionism .....

At its core, Zionism is fundamentally racist, extremist, undemocratic & militant:

* in espousing Jewish supremacy, exceptionalism & uniqueness as God's "chosen people;"

* in relying on occupation, oppression, violence & dispossession;

* in justifying a Jewish ethnocracy based on structural inequalities;

* in ruling by force, not coexistence;

* in choosing confrontation over diplomacy & the rule of law; &

* by denying Arabs & all others the same rights as Jews.

No ideology that destructive can endure. No regional peace & reconciliation is possible until it's repudiated.

How do they get away with it?

G'day John,

A case well put and it is hard to understand why the world “democracies” continue to allow, if not encourage, the behavior of the Zionist Jews when it is diametrically opposed to the doctrine of democracy which they “previously” supported.


Additionally, it is contrary to the very intent and spirit of the United Nations who, thanks to the American veto, have been unable to lay a hand on the murderous Zionists.  Will the peoples who have been so shabbily and murderously treated by the Jewish race ever forget what has been done to them?  Will they differentiate between the Zionists and the peaceful Jews? Does anyone really expect that, in this modern world, the actions of “might is right” will be allowed to excuse the theft of life, religion, freedom and homeland sovereignty?  Like “Israel” in Palestine? Like the US in Vietnam?


Iraq and Afghanistan will exist long after the U.S. has destroyed its own strength from within – as will the Zionist Jews.  The latter do not conform or serve any master other than their own, no matter how many countries have accepted them  Their prominence I believe, is partly due to their desparation to succeed in changing or controlling the land in which they live.


Where and what is the power that these people have over the civilized world when they themselves are a part of the Semite nations they are intent to destroy?  If they control finances in America, which they do, then why doesn’t the US use the power to “freeze” their assets as they have done to many other less aggressive peoples?


The last some 62 years of continued aggression by a race of people who are citizens of many other countries (and have probably sworn their allegiance to have been accepted as such) like the Australian who is hated for his inexcusable lies as their Goebbels?


I support your above post totally and find it difficult to even consider the Americans as a nation to be respected in any way.  To demonstrate the complete hypocrisy of this multi-national race of mostly misfits, we find their President being paid the “ultimate Peace” award, the Nobel Peace Prize!  Fair dinkum.


Some celebration for the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghanistan dead and the feelings of their relatives who now will have to bear the brunt of 100,000 Americans in a surge to defeat the original government of that sovereign “non-democratic” nation.


Well might we say “We are a democracy” but – are we - when we recognize and support an obviously illegal, undemocratic and vicious state calling itself “Israel”? That is not the Israel of which I was taught.


If the governments of the civilized world continue to ignore the abuse of human rights and the stolen land in Palestine – some crazies will start listening to Barnaby Joyce!!!


Well might we say – God Bless Australia?  NE OUBLIE.


Why do we elect undemocratic governments?

Why do the Americans and Zionists continually break the rules of the Human Rights Charter and nobody gets convicted?  Or even charged?  Is that the leadership one would expect from a self-appointed example of democracy? Is that why they and the Zionists will not ratify Kyoto or sign up for the International Criminal Court?

Why do the Americans protect the clearly murderous and illegal actions of the Zionists?

Those of us who want democracy to survive in its original spirit and intent, are becoming more and more frustrated that it is impossible - as long as the US/Zionist alliance is allowed to continue breaking all of the rules which is supposed to make that policy attractive to the Middle East – or anywhere!

There are protests being written in many different quarters of small broadcast but, the MSM is tightly controlled by the very people who are breaking the rules.

The paranoiac Americans are already paying for their government's failure to live up to the extremely mixed projection of right and wrong which, their media continues to flaunt as their God given right to choose what suits them.

What you have quoted above John is a perfect example of how not to be democratic!

As long as "democratically" elected governments continue to recognise the Zionist invaders and murderers of Palestine as ligitimate - when it is singularly clear that they are not - no one of any reasoning ability would like to be "democratic" on those terms.

I cannot help but keep reminding myself of that which the oppressed governments of Libya and Iran have so rightly pointed out - the United Nations cannot be considered democratic as long as some nations have the special right to veto!

Why even have all other second-class nations in any debate when they know that what ever they democratically decide can be overturned by just one first class nation? Why? Of course because they were part of the democratic process - BS!  Fair dinkum.

The Americans and the entire group of nations who continue to recognize the Zionist invaders - even though they know that such invaders have no legal right to do any of the things they are currently doing to the Palestinians or by any concept of democracy - then democracy is simply a con job - a furphy - and we have helped the US/Zionists to make it a marketing ploy. Struth.

If, as I suspect, the eventual affect of this blatant ignorance of human rights by these two aggressors will be for the entire world, both east and west, to unite against them.  At least I hope so.

And, will the hatred and contempt for the Zionist Jews flow on to those who are citizens of other nations?  If it does then the US/Zionist alliance is to blame - not racism.

America is not the only nation in the world who will remember.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



Who isn't guilty of infringing these simple items?

From Wikipedia........are we stupid or what?


Even though there is no specific, universally accepted definition of 'democracy',[3] there are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom.[4][dubiousdiscuss] These principles are reflected by all citizens being equal before the law, and having equal access to power,[5] and freedom is secured by legitimized rights and liberties, which are generally protected by a constitution.[6][7]


The Universal Charter of Human Rights states inter alia:

Article 1.

·                             All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2.

·                             Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty

     So, to the honest and unwise, these simple and obvious requirements should not cause any discomfort to any country in the world who claims the title of Democracy. Who isn't guilty of breaking these simple, elementary rules? And why do we accept the false premise that military force; invasion; occupation; sanctions; murder and installing puppet governments is necessary to enforce the dictates of the peoples who, by their actions, are not democratic themselves?

So isn't the idea of democracy a farce?


God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



Jews against Zionism.

Jews Against Zionism

By Stephen Lendman

07 December, 2009

This article, from which you have quoted John, seems to demonstrate the awareness of probably a huge number of Jews, to the illegal and unforgiveable methods used by the Zionists in Palestine.

While I personally applaud the actions of uncommitted Jews around the world that I know of, I still come to the final conclusion of the attitude of that document viz:  "We will celebrate when Arab and Jew live as equals in a peaceful Middle East," something impossible under Zionism.

IMHO something that is impossible even now.  What has been done cannot be undone and the crimes of man will live after them.

I have thought it probable that whatever the outcome is of this disgusting abuse of human rights, the attitude of the majority of peoples, not included in the Zionist claim of superiority, will see it as just another form of Apartheid or Fascism – certainly not democracy.

Those who support it, in any way, including both Howard and Rudd’s Australia, have not given due thought to its origin, its legality nor its methods of “might is right”.  Or, if they have they are not worthy of claiming to lead a democratic nation of freedom and equality nor can the United Nations ever claim that their charter is fundamentally enforcing equal rights to all.

No wonder that the just cause which brought about the Copenhagen conference is treated in such a cavalier way by Abbott and his remnants of Howard’s “New Order”.  The “We and Them” doctrine is still the policy of the “powers that be”.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



The Shackles of lies and deception are broken.

Slowly but surely, the truth of matters concerning the Zionist bestiality in Palestine are being learned by independent means.

I note an article in Aljazeera viz:

Vanunu and Israel's undeclared nukes by Eileen Fleming.

Mordechai Vanunu was released from Ashkelon prison to open air captivity in east Jerusalem on April 21, 2004, after 18 years, mostly all in solitary confinement.

In 1986, Vanunu had been clubbed, drugged, bound and kidnapped from Rome by Mossad because he told the truth and provided the photographic proof of Israel's clandestine seven-story underground WMD facility in the Negev.....

....During one of my seven trips to Jerusalem since 2005, I asked Vanunu, "If the British Mandate has expired why not the British Mandate's Emergency Defense Regulations?" [Which were the laws dishonestly used by the Zionists to imprison Vanunu in 1986 - blame Britain?]

Vanunu replied, “The reason given is security but it is because Israel is not a democracy unless you are a Jew. This administration tells me I am not allowed to speak to foreigners, the Media, and the world.  But I do because that is how I prove my true humanity to the world.  My freedom of speech trial began Jan.25, 2006, for speaking to the media, the same day as the Palestinian elections…….”When I decided to expose Israel’s nuclear weapons I acted out of conscience and to warn the world to prevent a nuclear holocaust.” (Emphasis added)

….In 2005, Vanunu told me, “President Kennedy tried to stop Israel from building atomic weapons.  In 1963, he forced Prime Minister [David] Ben-Gurion to admit the Dimona was not a textile plant, as the sign outside proclaimed, but a nuclear plant.  The Prime Minister said, “The Nuclear reactor is only for peace”. (Wasn’t that the year that Kennedy was assassinated? And do we believe that the US and Britain didn’t know?)

And was it true or not that on 9/II some 4000 Jewish people employed in the Twin Towers were absent on a “religious holiday”?  And after only months before that tragedy, Mr. Silverstein insured Tower 7 and made billions when it collapsed without obvious cause? Where there is smoke there is fire.  Believe not what people say but watch what they do – how true?

There are many horrific examples of Jewish terrorism, especially in the Black Ops world but, the apologist’s excuse of the “Jewish” Holocaust being the cause is wearing very thin as the true survivors fade into history.

The UN, the US and Britain (and probably others) should be condemned for their blatant support for un-democratic Zionism acting against sovereign nations and openly threatening murder of millions – while Netanyahu smiles.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.


Is it necessary to be Apartheid?

When I try to think, reason and use logic about defending the "right" for the Zionists (or any other pressure group) to have a nation - recognized by the “free” world - as Jewish and Jewish alone - it reminds me of the stories of Judah where the rich had lots and lots of slaves to do the menial work while they counted their gold? Is it that autocracy they pine for?

It reminds me of the Jewish history of never accepting western laws especially those which are based on the Christian Bible.  What happened to “when in Rome”? That should not be a problem since the Semite countries have adjusted to that “Crusader” period and were living peacefully until they disagreed with the US foreign dictatorship. I try to think of another example of this demand but I keep coming back to the history of Judah.

Should there be nations for only Muslims; Catholics; Protestants; Buddhists; or any other religion? A world separated by the multitude of different faiths?

Or, going further and doing a Greek theatre of exaggeration – what about Islands like Lesbos, or nations for homosexuals; criminals; misfits; crippled; deaf or dumb; mentally disabled or even Leprosy?  And more.

Over many centuries, after the autocracy of many Empires. the world has learned to deal with the problems I mention but none, to my knowledge have  survived the final test of Hitler’s objective of a Thousand Years.

I see in our own country the examples of condemning your opposition for doing what you yourself are doing – isn’t that a principle of the Zionists?

Whatever is the motivation of the Zionists, it must be resisted now or sooner.

Gold will not stop the world warming – (did the Zionists attend Copenhagen) nor hunger and lack of infrastructure.  All nations have to bury their biased attitude of self-indulgence and the Zionists’ declared goal is a perfect example in today’s world.

There should not be a haven anywhere in a civilized world where chosen people can be protected for their criminality against humanity.

We should be more concerned about those who have already, without punishment, broken the most basic of international laws and been excused for doing so.

We should be concentrating on the peoples who already have nuclear weapons of mass destruction like the Zionists, than allowing ourselves to assume some other nation MAY be doing the same?

IF the hypocritical Bush/Howard supporters were to apply their Patriot/Sedition laws of suspicion – the Zionists would be attacked before Iran.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




Apologies Gus.

G'day Gus,

Would you believe, I read your post regarding Vanunu, copied it so I could answer, and then couldn't find in what blog it existed?

Nevertheless, I have the post I wanted to reply to.

I have never had any excuses for the black ops of any country - they are after all, a demonstration of terrorism by stealth - I think your words.

I believe that it is impossible to keep the truth from everybody, all the time and forever.  So the post of mine which quoted from an "independent" person named Eileen Fleming - however, it did come from Al Jazeera and may I say, the Aljazeera magazine appears to me as to be up front as the Zionist Haaritz journalism.

Your post on this person is not as positive as you are normally and I must consider that you are as loyal to your people as indeed are the journalists of Al Jazeera.  There is one side effect however, when Al Jazeera first printed items that did not suit the US, they bombed the hell out of them.  So far that has not happened to Haaretz.

So, if your version of this unfortunate person is correct and the Al Jazeera journalist exaggerated the real experience, I think that the punishment applied by the Zionists e.g. 18 years by Mz Fleming and 16 years by you, was a pretty heavy price to pay for being a failed Mossad plant?

There appears to be no argument about where he worked so the doubt is only about the Nuclear weapons which he claims the Zionists have and they claim they have not?

The truth may lay between the different reports but, I do not accept that the Mossad is any more perfect that the CIA - as was proven when they tried to assassinate the leader of Hamas.

I must admit that normally I would believe that the cruelty trained into the CIA and the Mossad would have been satisfied by just killing the offender.  But wouldn't that have tacitly confirmed his claims? Or, as I suspect, Jews are inclined not to murder each other?

IMHO the Zionists really have nuclear weapons supplied by the US and are quite capable of using them.  I cannot forget the threat of Golda Meir viz, "if Israel goes down it will take the rest of the world with it".

When we consider that the unsubstantiated and incapable threats blamed on various other Semite nations against "Israel" and, the clearly advertised and very capable threats of the Zionists (like Lieberman) against the other Semites, must be taken seriously since they are accompanied by action.

IMHO Gus, the odds are that there is some truth in Mr. Vanunu's claims to the journalist - how much is up to the people who have to compare the statements of an unknown and seriously punished original Jewish citizen or that of an illegal state whose dedication to truth is being totally questioned -and found wanting.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



powerfully constructed deceptions

Hi Ernest

my mention of Vanunu is in double-crossed...

There I explain how we can be deceived by powerfully constructed deceptions, like those used by J. C. Masterman during WWII...

The same tactic was used by Bush, Blair and Howard to go to war in Iraq. They constructed a web of lies that was very strong and could catch most of the attention of a fear-primed populace... The truth is hard to extract from anyone, but slowly — with Blair admitting that any excuse would do — we're starting to get the truth slowly. But some of us knew they were bullshitting big time...

The perpetrators use often fodder as the front lines of the lies. I quote from myself:

I do not have any proof of their participation nor of a double-cross system in their cases, and this blog is only highly speculative, but the surface information bubbles on each case fits perfectly the double cross system of deception...

"Double cross" characters are always difficult if not impossible to detect unless the originator of the secret double cross reveals its deed, during or after the event — as most of the front personnel of a double-cross is either unaware, devious to the hilt or dead — or on the way to be dead.

For the war in Iraq, the media was manipulated to the hilt by various governmental organisation in the US, UK and Australia...

The IOF (Israeli Occupation Force) continue their murders.

Cries for help from the oppressed Palestinians remain unanswered after 62 years.

From Aljazeera:

Presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rdeina, said that the Israeli escalation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and its return to the assassination policy and random killing with feeble pretexts reveals that the occupation government has decided to destroy the security and stability of the Palestinian people. He said that it aimed at dragging our people to violence and blood in order to evade the increasing international pressure on its government and holding it responsible for the dead end of the peace process.

Abu Rdeina demanded the international community, especially the Security Council, the UN General Assembly and the Quartet to intervene, immediately, and put an end to the occupation’s crimes, responsible of the dangerous repercussions threatening the security and stability of the whole region.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad affirmed that this operation is a dangerous escalation targeting the security and stability achieved by the Palestinian Authority. (Unfortunately just a ruse to hopefully get the “Palestinian untermenschen” to believe that the IOF only wants THEM to AGREE WITH THE JEWISH OCCUPATION  - like their own copy of Adolf Hitler’s Empire by force?)

Condemning this crime, PM Fayyad called on the international community to obligate Israel to stop these aggressions and its military attacks on the Palestinian towns, villages, camps and cities, to completely halt its settlement activities especially in Jerusalem and its surroundings, and to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip.

IOF has killed, this morning six Palestinians; three in the West Bank city of Nablus and three in Gaza.

What has happened to Australians?  The champions of the underdogs - pigs blot.  Believers in democracy - whose?  The UN is a foghorn for the US terrorists and their alliance with the IOF (Israeli Occupation Force).

Neither the Rudd government nor the Abbott opposition have bothered to take the decency step - by any believable democracy - that they at least abhor the IOF's behavior in Palestine.

Factual - NOTHING these Zionists have done, even before their illegal "declaration of an occupation takeover of Palestine" - has been honest with the world in general or has any worth to anyone but the criminals themselves.

This UN/US/Zionist/British conspiracy has already created a modern precedent supposedly outlawed by two of the bloodiest world wars in history - and for what? 

There is certainly no moral high ground for the Zionists and their holocaust now seems to be a enormously expensive and  a hollow whine from a group who use it only to excuse themselves for committing the very same crimes.  The thought that the descendants of the Jewish Holocaust would never let the “guilty ones” escape seemed to be a worthy punishment for that crime. The crimes being committed by the illegal and unrestrained IOF are the same except for their magnitude - but the world is giving them time, isn't it?  Including Australia. 

Would the Zionists expect that the other ancient Semite tribes will NOT remember, and also punish those who were a party to this disgraceful unprovoked invasion, murder, rape and dispossession of land and wealth? And don't forget their immitation of the Angel of Death by stealing body parts for illegal transplants. Struth - watch out Iran.

Do they expect their victims, because of their non-warlike attitude, to wither and die in the refugee camps where they are forced to exist due to the IOF?  Remember the Alamo - how about Palestine - the West Bank - the Gaza Holocaust - Golan Heights etc?

Iran is now suffering under the lies and false charges of the US/UN/Zionist/British alliance just as did Afghanistan and Iraq.  Have we citizens really forgotten the now clearly exposed plans and murders of hundreds of thousands of innocent people that were so easily imposed upon us by the media of the “powers that be”?

If the Muslim God is so powerful, when will he defend his suffering believers?  Fair dinkum.

God Bless Australia. NE OUBLIE.





Is there really two sides to every story?

I continue to research, as much as my ability will allow, as to why - WHY the Jewish organizations get away with so much crime and millions of murders over the centuries.  They are found out; "evicted" and they come back even stronger.  Could it be that their gold-n-power principles have discovered that most Gentiles have a "price".  And it is really the latter that are guilty of satisfying the power lust of the”Talmudists"?  I have been forthright in my wonder at the reason that so many “once” decent societies allow the Zionists to do anything they like.

For example, dealing with Hitler’s assertions in the 1920’s that the Jews had caused Germany’s shameful loss of WW 1 due to Zionist betrayal, I found this”:

It is likewise today a well recognized fact of life in political circles in the United States since President Wilson won his first election in 1912 as president of the United States, that elections in the United States are seldom won or lost today based upon the candidates' qualification for office. Elections in the United States since 1912 are won or lost on the battlefields of the media for mass information by character assassination.

Zionist ownership of media for mass information, or by Zionist control exercised by some devious corporate device in effect and in fact censors the news and editorial policies of as the leading daily and Sunday newspapers, all the weekly and monthly news magazines, all leading radio and television stations and networks, the entire motion picture industry, the entire entertainment world and the entire book publishing industry, in effect and in fact the entire complex of media for mass information in the United States, truly a brainwashing monopoly.

In l9l4 Justice Brandeis was the most prominent and most politically influential of all Zionists in the United States. As a Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Brandeis was in a better position than ever before to be of service to Talmudists ("Jews") both at home and abroad. The first opportunity to perform a great service for his Zionist followers soon became available to Brandeis. Justice Brandeis volunteered his opinion to President Wilson that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English Channel with the loss of lives of United States citizens [proven lies] justified the declaration of war against Germany by the United States.

Relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress on April 2, l9l7. He appealed to Congress to declare war against Germany and they did on April 7, l9l7. After the October l9l6 agreement was concluded between the British War Cabinet and the World Zionist Organization, the Talmudists throughout the world were hopeful that an international incident would soon occur to Justify a declaration of war against Germany by the United States.

The declaration of war against Germany by the United States guaranteed the Talmudists throughout the world that Palestine was to be turned over to them upon the defeat of Germany. The defeat of Germany was certain if the United States could be railroaded into the war in Europe as Great Britain's ally.

Prior to the October 1916 London Agreement, Talmudists throughout the world were pro-German. The German Emancipation Edict of 1822 guaranteed Talmudists in Germany all civil rights enjoyed by Germans. Every country in Europe had quotas for Talmudists. The quota systems had existed for centuries in all European countries. Under the quota system in European countries, Talmudists were Limited in all activities to a small percentage of the Christian population of the country. The quota systems applied to all occupations. After the Emancipation Edict In 1822, Germany was the only country in Europe which did not place restrictions on Talmudists under a quota system limiting their civil rights.

Talmudists throughout the world were informed by cable from London about the October 1916 London Agreement. That information transformed them from pro-German to pro-British. Great Britain placed at the disposal of Talmudists in London their secret codes and worldwide cable facilities to inform Talmudists throughout the world about Great Britain's pledge to turn over Palestine to them as compensation for railroading the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain s ally in their war against Germany.

Talmudists enlisted in great numbers in October 1916 in Great Britain's Department of Defense. Their purpose was to facilitate transforming Talmudists throughout the world from pro-German to pro-British. After the London Agreement was concluded, Great Britain left no stone unturned to impress Talmudists in London with the necessity of immediately notifymg Talmudists throughout the world about Great Britain's pledge to turn over Palestine to them for their future sovereign Zionist state.

Guided by the recommendation of Justice Brandeis that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex justified a declaration of war under international law against Germany by the United States, President Wilson addressed a joint session of both houses of Congress on April 2, 1917. In that address President Wilson pleaded with Congress to declare war against Germany. Congress met on April 6. 1917. and declared war against Germany without justification. On April 6, 1917, President Wilson and Justice Brandeis knew something the grass roots population of the United States did not know--they knew full particulars about the October 1916 London Agreement.

They also knew the declaration of war against Germany by the United States activated this agreement and that Talmudists of the world would not have to wait long for Palestine, their sovereign Zionist state, if their plan worked. On this same day, Wilson and Brandeis knew something else the grass roots population of the United States did not know--they knew that the declaration of war by the United States against Germany discharged President Wilson from his obligation to his blackmailers. Wilson's declaration of war was to satisfy his commitment to his blackmailers. There was seldom any address made to Congress that stirred the people of the United States, and the world, as did President Wilson's April 2, 1917, plea to Congress to declare war against Germany.


Wilson was aware when he addressed Congress that Germany had not committed any act against the United States which justified a declaration of war by the United States against Germany under international law. This author at that time knew President Wilson was informed to that effect before he made his plea.  End of quote.

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive?

Will the Palestine betrayal finally bite the bums of the perpetrators?

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.





Are the murders by the IOF justified by their covert deals?

Again by my research as to WHY, I now wonder if any of our modern civilizations believe that a promise, so blatantly dishonest; criminal and devoid of human rights and justice should be allowed?  That is the betrayal of the thousands of years old state of Palestine (much older even than the original Israel) should be allowed by the rest of the civilized world?

Certainly not.

Was the rise (and fall) of Nazi Germany provoked by the world Zionist organization which had betrayed them in WW 1.  Or was it a desire to expunge the embarrassment of the loss of that war due to the under-handed deal that the British/Americans had made with a gold-n-power .22% of the world population?

Ancient England - Rome - 1920-40 Russia and 1930's Germany, all decided that the apparent "cancer" should be removed. Yet, the tail wagged the dog again with claims of "foul". The power of the media!

It is perhaps a good thing that the Zionists have prosecuted their unholy deal with the "powers that were" for all to see.  If nothing else, they have shown the world how vulnerable and hypocritical the so-called "honest democracies" are to the offer of wealth and power. Money is the root of all "power"?

It is possibly just a matter of what is considered evil and what is considered inevitable? Can we really be convinced that wrong is right?  Are we back to the days of Dickens or up to the powers of Orwell?

One can read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion or the Desideratum. Take your choice.

One is brutality and the other is compassion. One is disaster and the other is survival.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




The Power of .22%.

While this forum may be a "drop in the ocean" it could invite others to think, reason and logically consider the matters that are promoted in the MSM.

As I apprehend it, the Americans have been the most advanced in using varying methods of murder - under the shield of "defence".  And of course "terrorism".

Howard flourished by being subservient to the worst President the US has "elected" namely George W. Bush, who proved without doubt that "anyone" can become President of the United States of America.

It worries me that, if the Zionists have control of the American Parliament, and that appears to be true, what happens to the multi-national "agreements" that they (the non-Jewish) Americans have made with insignificant but strategic untermenschen like Australia?

If, what we logically reason, after Palestine, is an example of the deals that the Zionists are capable of achieving with corrupt politicians, then their wealth will decide the future of our planet?  The entire existence of our civilisation could be controlled by the same people who were mainly responsible for the recent financial termoil which reverberated throughout the world.

And the most famous of the Jewish money-lenders, Goldman Sachs, continues to use and abuse the efforts of the US to control the recession.

Using the Jewish Goldman Sachs as an example, I quote the Australian "Week" of December 2009.

"Goldman chief Executive, Lloyd Blankfein, responded in a Sunday Times interview, saying that banks like Goldman Sachs were doing "God's work". But another comment in the article - "I know I can slit my wrists and people would cheer" - was probably more believable, given the bank is paying itself a bonus pool of $US22 billion this year, or an average of $US700,000 per staff member!"

However, due to the system that they use to make profit, many Americans are losing their homes and their jobs to support that obscene method of "what goes around stops with us".

Does the world need another Diaspora to balance the books?

Golder Meir said it, "If Israel goes down, we will take the world with us" - and we support that?

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.


"to a pulp" for fun...

from the SMH


Other accounts detail how Israeli soldiers routinely beat Palestinians "to a pulp" for fun, or cocked loaded rifles in the faces of detainees kneeling handcuffed before them, or how Israeli army doctors would "carry out all sorts of experiments on seriously wounded people".

"Sometimes the doctors would come back from their event and say, 'yes, he was already finished, but we did practise some intubation', or this or that," said a lieutenant from the Hebron Regional Brigade/Medical Corps. "Practise. It's not that we tried to save the guy, he died on us. Practise."

Another sergeant from the Sachlav unit describes an incident involving a "stunning little blonde girl" aged about eight from one of the Jewish settlements near Hebron.

"She would pass us by near the outpost in her Shabbat (Sabbath) dress, all neat and cute, and smiling. And then she saw some Arab walk by and she grabbed this huge rock and ran towards him, leapt and boom! She banged his head with it," said the sergeant.

"Just like that, boom. She leapt up to him and banged his head with this stone. And this man was just an old man walking along the street.

"Then she started yelling: "yuck, his blood is all over me, so sickening." And he turned to her and went like this, and the soldier who was with me charged at him and punched him as though he was threatening this little girl.


a rare voice for common sense .....

Turkey's prime minister said Tuesday it was "only rumours" that Iran was making nuclear weapons, stressing Tehran's right to develop civilian atomic power.

Speaking before meeting British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in London, Recep Tayyip Erdogan also questioned why countries like Israel did not face calls from the international community to disarm, while Iran did.

"It's only rumours that Iran is making nuclear weapons," Erdogan told the BBC, speaking through an interpreter.

"I believe it is Iran's most natural right to employ nuclear energy for civilian purposes."

Turkey has good relations with its neighbour Iran and has offered to host an exchange of its low-enriched uranium (LEU) with 20 percent enriched uranium to be supplied by world powers to Tehran as part of a UN-drafted deal.

The prime minister added that countries with nuclear weapons "are not in a position to turn to another country and to say: 'Oh, you are not supposed to produce nuclear weapons'."

"Take Israel. Israel possesses nuclear weapons. Why aren't other countries warning Israel to dispose of her nuclear weapons but they're doing the same to Iran?" he asked.