Thursday 16th of January 2025

liberal enlightenment...

liberal enlightenment

And suddenly, as I was composing the toon above, I realised my errant ways...
The Murdoch press has already got it in one: "Tony, a man of trust..." (or whatever) — article written by none other than the man of trusted biffo and generous spruiker of Liberal core (and non-core) values, Glenn Milne himself...
And the Lama, may the universe bless his soul, made me also realise that Tony is a man of full-bore freedom, especially on the abortion issue.
If you want a political enema, Tony-makes-no-bone-about-it is the man to give it to you with a smile on his face.
And he wont flip-flop (much) about the methods he will employ, including resurrecting Howard's favourite flog-choices and other beautifully porkied policies that we had the gall of rejecting a couple of years ago — except of course Howard's ETS that Howard never had any intention of letting us have, once re-elected...
And Tony, good-for-you, keep opposing whatever is good for this country, especially if it's presented by your nemesis, Ruddy Kev, that upsmart catholic liberal, who, although a child of the pope like you, has not discovered the true flagellating value of the Jesuit ways — yet.
And suddenly too, Howard-"pass-the-mayo" made a lot of sense to heap praise on you.

Tony, may I apologise for my trespass, and for being one the Thomases who, having lived far too long, knows the value of stigma-tax and the smart spruiking-for-less-of-it, by politicians on their soap boxes...

So, my soul has been liberated from a huge dead weight, my sin, my sin of farting, now realising that it was not a sin but a natural gaseous release — that I wrongly believed that, in our religious plague procreation, was disturbing the godly balance of the atmosphere — but I'll still submit the cartoon nonetheless. There all can see how I saw, erroneously of course, someone, who instead of private soul searching for enlightenment, went for a full bore photo-op...
May I be forgiven by the Lord of the Monks as the planet simmers...

pass the mustard...

“It has been good for me to learn from his Holiness who has many decades of experience in these matters. I've had three days as an opposition leader,” Abbot was quoted as saying Radio Australia later during a press conference with the Tibetan leader.

Mr Abbot also recalled John Howard had met the Dalai Lama, and said he understood why people were disappointed the current Prime Minister Kevin Rudd would not do the same.


Gus: It is my simpleton view that His Holiness News should keep Kevin Rudd out of its report as the matter is only a private affair between the Lama and Kev — if Kev chooses so... or does not have time to do so. Some people are not disappointed. Thus the quote by Tony Abbott IS misleading.

May Tony have "many decades of experience in these matters" — of being in opposition...

tony abbott, the bullshitter...

And who am I to doubt Tony's new climate change proposal (solid, blahblah blah blah, bullshit bullshit) Anyone who believed Tony Abbott has any desire to invest in climate change policies are idiots. He even claimed that "climate change was crap..."!!! He got the biggest climate change denier on his front bench, the ever so redneck, Barnaby Joyce...




Mr Abbott said he was considering a range of options, but the final cost would be determined by what policy will be developed.


"So any suggestion that you can dramatically cut emissions without any cost is, to use a favourite term of Mr Abbott, 'bullshit.' Moreover he knows it."


"Tony himself has in just four or five months publicly advocated the blocking of the ETS, the passing of the ETS, the amending of the ETS and if the amendments were satisfactory passing it, and now the blocking of it," Turnbull said...

And now tony wants his own scheme — a scheme not worth the hot air from his ego, but proposed to confuse the voters...

Go play in your sand box Tony.

see toon at top