Saturday 1st of March 2025

Royals in Switzerland

Royalty in Switzerland

Seditious prince... Our future King?

From the Guardian

Charles the political dissident, as revealed by his former aide

Witness statement tells of prince's furious letters to ministers

Stephen Bates
Wednesday February 22, 2006
The Guardian

Prince Charles regards himself as a "dissident working against the prevailing political consensus", who scatters furious letters to ministers on contentious issues and denounces elected leaders of other countries, it was revealed yesterday.

The views and practices of the heir to the throne were detailed in a remarkable witness statement by his former deputy private secretary and spin doctor, Mark Bolland, who claimed the prince routinely meddled in political issues and wrote sometimes in extreme terms to ministers, MPs and others in positions of political power and influence.

read more of the article in tne Guardian

perfidious tradition

from the SMH — Ross Cameron

The visit of Prince William is an opportunity to restate the case for limited monarchy. One can be forgiven for ambivalence towards our system since its defenders at the last referendum, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy, ran a dishonest but winning campaign.

By campaigning on "Not this republic", it admitted defeat on the core principle and damaged the credibility of its good cause. Part of me would prefer Australia was a wholehearted republic than a grudging, limited monarchy, yet the case for celebrating our present arrangements is compelling.

Absolute monarchy is inherited dictatorship and abhorrent. But a limited monarchy is democracy with an umpire at the apex whose sole executive role is to resolve political stalemates. Some modern minds feel it is old fashioned or anti-democratic but despite its quirks, it works.


What a lot of mitigated rot...

I am a modern mind who believes monarchy — as limited as it appears — is a pox on the grand dream of humanity that "all humans are born equal and have undeniable rights". By keeping this quaint anachronism in the back of our mind and in the process of our political systems, we're still peddling the frog prince charming and the snow-white fairy tales as political structure. This is the thin edge of a wedge, or the tip of an iceberg, that allows us to be socially unfair and be accepting of ingrained inequality in our social constructs. It's not quirky, and it does not work. It only appears to work. It does this only by our servile acceptance of inherited hierarchy of lords and royalty, with the culturally cultivated dream that one day, our feet will fit those fine slippers. And Disney can be blamed for maintaining this perfidious idea by making toons such as "The Lion King" and others, where the dream is not to be human but to be the king or queen, where war, honour, tits and bums have only more pompous pageant overtones. Ugly...

see toon at top.

putting his nazi party costume past behind him...


This was a royal wedding polished up for the Instagram generation. Britain’s new American princess was doing things differently and we were all meant to be delighted. The dignitaries were out; the celebrities were in. Only one former prime minister made the cut. Fair enough. Britain is fed up with politics because the pressure of Brexit weighs heavily right now.

The week before the wedding, the UN had sent their envoy Tendayi Achiume to investigate whether Britain was as racist as some earlier reports had made out. Yes, we were, she told us—which sent everyone into a panic. But Meghan, many hoped, could soothe our troubles, with her movie-star looks, mixed-race heritage, and messy family life.

I’ve said before that we are, in Meghan and Harry, witnessing the birth of “woke monarchism.” By marrying Meghan, Harry has finally put his Nazi party costume past behind him. The older royals might not like the modern vibes, but the PR men who surround the palace saw the opportunities. Meghan and Harry would put on a big fat woke wedding and we could all feel a bit better because of it. Even the Guardian, normally a bastion of republican sentiment, was won over.

Read more:


Read from top.

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