Tuesday 7th of January 2025

spoils of war .....

spoils of war .....

The awarding of development rights over the huge West Qurna oilfield in southern Iraq to Exxon-Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell last Thursday once again underscores the criminal character of the continuing US-led occupation. As the direct result of the Iraq war, major American and other transnational energy conglomerates are now gaining control over some the largest oilfields in the world.

West Qurna has proven reserves of 8.7 billion barrels of oil. Iraq's total reserves are currently put at 115 billion barrels, though dozens of potential fields have not been explored adequately. Before the US invasion in 2003, rights over West Qurna had been awarded by the Baathist regime of Saddam Hussein to the Russian oil firm, Lukoil. The pro-US puppet regime in Baghdad has torn up all pre-war contracts.

Exxon-Mobil is the first US-based oil giant to benefit. Under the terms of a 20-year contract, Exxon-Mobil and Shell plan to boost daily production at West Qurna from less than 300,000 barrels to 2.3 million barrels per day over the next six years. As well as the Iraqi government compensating the companies for the cost of upgrading the field-which may run as high as $50 billion-they will be paid $1.90 for each barrel extracted, or some $1.5 billion per year. Exxon-Mobil holds an 80 percent stake and Shell the remaining 20 percent.

The US invasion and occupation of Iraq was always a war over energy resources. Over one million Iraqis have been slaughtered, millions more people maimed and traumatised, cities and infrastructure destroyed and tens of thousands of American soldiers killed or wounded to achieve American domination of Iraq's vast oil reserves as part of its broader ambitions in the Middle East and Central Asia.

American energy conglomerates were not passive bystanders. High-level representatives of Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Conoco-Phillips, BP America and Shell took part in talks in early 2001 with the Bush administration's "Energy Task Force" headed by Vice President Dick Cheney. One document prepared for the discussions included a detailed map of Iraq's oil fields, terminals and pipelines and a list of the non-US foreign companies that were preparing to move in. A May 2001 report by the task force bluntly stated the US aim: "The Gulf will be the primary focus of US international energy policy."

The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were seized upon to provide a pretext for war. The lies over Iraqi weapons of mass destruction were entwined with further lies about an Iraqi link to Al Qaeda. In the lead-up to the invasion, oil industry executives repeatedly met with Bush administration officials. As the Wall Street Journal commented on January 16, 2003: "US oil companies are starting to prepare for the day when they may get a chance to work in one of the world's most oil-rich countries."

Having drowned the Iraqi people in blood, the American financial and corporate oligarchy now believes that day has finally arrived. While US corporations are not the sole beneficiaries of the contracts, there is no question who has the final say over Iraq's oil. With huge military bases in the country and a Baghdad regime tied to Washington, the US is positioned to dictate terms to its European and Asian rivals and, amid rising great powers tensions, to wield the threat of cutting off oil supplies-a longstanding tenet of American strategic policy.


G'day John,Your article

G'day John,

Your article above has the appearance of déjà vu regarding the lies and blatant aggression of the US; the complicity of the Howard “New Order” the failure of the UN to “call a spade a spade” and the NATO powers to become “oil hyenas” for their share of Iraqi corpse and its wealth.

As just one returned serviceman, I find it difficult to compare “We shall remember them” with the more honest and a-political “We shall remember WHY they died”.

We can only surmise why 9/11 happened and the extremely suspicious circumstances surrounding that tragedy.  The newly and dishonestly elected Bush administration acted strangely to say the least and the forewarned Officials of that government allowed it to happen. 

And this from a country educated in paranoia who needed to be taught the lesson that they COULD be attacked at home.  This so that an unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation would be accepted on the most ridiculous claim that one disliked former Saudi ally was living in Afghanistan and would not be allowed a fair and independent trial.

Mr. Silverstein buying and insuring Tower No. 7 for billions only a few months before the attack – and it collapsed without the apparent help from outside influences – on schedule?  The thousands of Twin Tower workers who reportedly took the day off for a religious holiday - which was not even in the calendar?

The absence of any identifiable airplane parts in the Pentagon attack. The New York Mayor who declared area Zero - safe for all crews to enter the site for clearing and searching for bodies when clearly there was toxic pollution which was subsequently reported as killing Police, Firemen and emergency workers.  Then he wanted to stand for President.  Fair dinkum.

There are so many unacceptable US policies subsequent to WW II with aggressive, un-democratic or remotely justified invasions, into the affairs and well-being of nations who have not done anything to America.  This is now compounded by the financing and supply of killing military technology and equipment to the Zionist Jews obviously to create a rogue/puppet/illegal state to continuously attack and dominate the peaceful nations of the Middle East.

As usual, some truth mixed with new diversions are fed to the gullible but, one thing is certain – the various US Republican government agencies knew about the intended highjacking and did nothing about it.

The US/Zionist unholy alliance is merely a modern version of piracy of the worst kind.  Never mind a ship - take the whole nation and their resources for the insatiable appetite of these criminals.

The Americans are paying in their own blood now but "do they remember WHY they died"?

Cheers mate.

God bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.


Hi Ernest ....

It's not just the stupid americans who are paying Ernest but the whole world.

Ultimately I cannot see our politicians, the paid lackeys of corporatism, being able to keep the lid on such corruption .... all fall down Ernest, all fall down.


