Tuesday 7th of January 2025

pizza delivery .....

pizza delivery .....

From the first moment it was clear that the decisive test would come in the battle of the settlements.

It may seem that this is a marginal matter. If peace is to be achieved within two years, as Obama's people assure us, why worry about another few houses in the settlements that will be dismantled anyway? So there will be a few thousand settlers more to resettle. Big deal.

But the freezing of the settlements has an importance far beyond its practical effect. To return to the metaphor of the Palestinian lawyer: "We are negotiating the division of a pizza, and in the meantime, Israel is eating the pizza."

The American insistence on freezing the settlements in the entire West Bank and East Jerusalem was the flag of Obama's new policy. As in a Western movie, Obama drew a line in the sand and declared: up to here and no further! A real cowboy cannot withdraw from such a line without being seen as yellow.

That is precisely what has now happened. Obama has erased the line he himself drew in the sand. He has given up the clear demand for a total freeze. Binyamin Netanyahu and his people announced proudly - and loudly - that a compromise had been reached, not, God forbid, with the Palestinians (who are they?) but with the Americans. They have allowed Netanyahu to build here and build there, for the sake of "Normal Life", "Natural Increase", "Completing Unfinished Projects" and other transparent pretexts of this kind. There will not be, of course, any restrictions in Jerusalem, the Undivided Eternal Capital of Israel. In short, the settlement activity will continue in full swing.

To add insult to injury, Hillary Clinton troubled herself to come to Jerusalem in person in order to shower Netanyahu with unctuous flattery. There is no precedent to the sacrifices he is making for peace, she fawned.


The multi-national America is a bastardized state.

Well said John,


The actions of the very impotent “negotiator” Mz. Clinton clearly indicate that currently, in the unholy alliance between the US and the Zionists, the latter seems to be holding all the cards. Why is that so?


For most of the 20th  century up until the Gaza Holocaust, the various American administrations have been invading and plundering around the world with wild abandon. Yet, when their new President makes a very minor pleading request of the Zionists, he has to back down for the entire world to see!  Why is that so?


The Zionist terrorism in Palestine is still being committed but, due to the strict censure of their media news that is unflattering to their fascist cause, the demands of the Zionists have been regularly obeyed by the US – especially the Bush bandits.  Iraq was one of those chosen (as it is finally accepted) – and now Adolf Netanyahu demands that Obama deals with Iran or he will!!!  So Hillary says Netanyahu has made significant concessions to the people whose lands he has stolen by force – what planet is she on?


Between the US/Zionists and the conservative media, we have to guess what bastardry these people will get up to next.  The US has lost any respect they may have had to be a nation to lead nations in the quest for democracy - because a) they are not a democracy; b) they support all compliant dictators; c) Their ME criminals the Zionists, are not a democracy – quite the contrary, the best that can be said about them is that they follow the principles of Apartheid; and d)  the Iranian government has strictly abided by the rules of the U.N. and yet – the Zionist Jews continue to flagrantly ignore any criticism of their murderous methods.


Now we have the obviously orchestrated disturbances in Iran by radicals; Mossad Jews and some CIA American stirrers, even though the religious and State authorities there are as one.  So, if the the demonstrators are not loyal to their State (after a genuine non-American election) or their Religion then, who are they?  Do these conspirators dare to do another unnecessary invasion like Afghanistan (to get one Saudi, Osama? Struth) and that murderous ally dictator Saddam – the man with unlimited WMD’s! How stupid are we?


The cruelty of the American Military/Corporate and their murderous allies the Zionists, both in their invaded countries and in the prisons for their “renditions” - is better known in the Middle East than anywhere else in the world.  Do we need to ask them to remember and never forget the years of domination they have suffered, and counting?


Cheers mate.


God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




How do they get away with it?

From Aljazeera,

"UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams said Israeli overflights and listening devices in southern Lebanon are in violation of Security Council resolution 1701.
All Israeli military flights over Lebanon break resolution 1701, Williams told the Security Council. "Every single Israeli overflight of Lebanon is a violation, your question gives me a welcome opportunity to repeat that," Williams told reporters.
"To the best of my knowledge… probably no other country in the world – probably, I may be wrong – is subject to such an intrusive regime of aerial
surveillance (as Lebanon)," he noted. "Now we also have other events, the discovery of listening devices which almost certainly seem to have been left by the Israelis. Are these violations? Yes, of course they're violations of 1701."
Williams called for more to be done to safeguard what has been achieved in the past three years. "While welcoming the parties' stated commitment to resolution 1701, which is critical, we also stress the need for more tangible steps to facilitate forward movement in the direction of a permanent ceasefire and a long-term solution," he said...." (Empahsis added)


Why do the international "American style democracies" always accept the fascism of the Jewish Zionists while persecuting the other Arab Semites?  Is it because they are afraid of the US/Zionist Military alliance?


Already the Zionists have occupied most of the Palestine land and have added territory which belongs to other Semite governments.  These are the new and vicious Zionists who believe in force to achieve what they want.  Does Obama expect any other sort of behavior from these fanatics?


Free thinkers in this forum should remember the history of these people which is being proudly demonstrated by their new fascist regime.


So - like Hitler - Palestine; Lebanon; Syria; Tunisia; Egypt; Jordan have all been subjected to unprovoked military attacks by the Jewish Zionists and while independent observers like South African Judge Goldstone and even UN representatives abhore the obvious aggression of that illegal State, no one does anything.


The US knew that 15 of the 19 men that they say were guilty of 9/11 were Saudi Arabians, they nevertheless gave special help to the Saudis in America and led an invasion of Afghanistan because one, just one Saudi (Osama bin Laden who was their ally like Saddam)was reported to be in that stable Taliban nation. 


Why did America turn on two of their previous allies? Would they also turn on us? Wasn't it just for the control of the depleting reserves of oil? (Perhaps the same goal as Russia?). Would they have then shared that stolen oil with the "Coalition of the Willing"?  Not bloody likely.


So they make the Zionist Jews a Nuclear Power, as they did with India and Pakistan. Look at those three and reason as to the "reliability" and "peaceful intent" that they represent.


But not Australia - why not? Don't we deserve the same respect as the Zionists/Indians/Pakistanis?


Or is it because they need to convince us that we need them?


God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.









The price of not thinking.

The WW 1 suffering Germans eagerly followed a man who promised them a return of pride and dignity.  He did in fact keep those original promises but, as all dictators, whether they are militarily or politically minded, his power became absolute in the wave of hatred towards the Imperialist powers - and absolute power.....? 

Absolute power in the minds of the Zionists is gold –which is evidenced so much even in their names.  And it is true - judge the price of gold with the Wall Street recession.

Netanyahu and those before him have adopted the same methods of hate as Hitler but, add to that the countries they are vandalizing and consider what they expect to profit by such actions.

What is the old saying – build on the rock, not upon the sand?

There is one thing that these terrorist nations forget and that is that the best method of building an enormous and concentrated resistance to your methods of oppression, is to do what the US/Zionists are doing now.  Create a sub-culture and increase your police/army and secret service to try to control them.  And they too will become corrupt because...?

WW II supposedly removed one of history’s most heinous monsters, not to the people he lifted from the gutter but, to the people of sovereign nations whose independence he destroyed by force. 

What would we think of him if it was not for the Holocaust? If Napoleon or Fredrick the Great had isolated a specific race for punishment, what would history now say about them?  But who are the untermensch? Only Jews?

There is no history – just historians.

Nevertheless, some things are obvious.  The possible danger of Muslim nations becoming fed up with the oppression of their member Semites, may well cause another conflagration similar to WW II when they, yes they, defend themselves.

Ironically, the US/Zionist alliance has been busily finding other ways of subjugating Semite nations rather than the ultimate threat of a Nuclear or Hydrogen bombing.  Like mines; Phosphorus bombs; depleted Uranium etc.  They don’t want to use the ultimate threat because…..?

And, as America enters into the most unbelievable debt from the Bush era than anyone could imagine – the people of Japan and India are joining the people of China in removing the false, greedy attitude of the Wall Street elite.

God bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



Will hypocrisy be tolerated forever by our media?

Please Sir, don’t give me any more! (Crap that is)

What a cheek – what hypocrisy – what an abuse of truth.  Obama’s speech in Egypt.

I quote in part:

America's strong bonds with Israel are well known. This bond is unbreakable. It is based upon cultural and historical ties, and the recognition that the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied.  WHY?

Around the world, the Jewish people were persecuted for centuries, and anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented Holocaust. Tomorrow, I will visit Buchenwald, which was part of a network of camps where Jews were enslaved, tortured, shot and gassed to death by the Third Reich. Six million Jews were killed more than the entire Jewish population of Israel today. Denying that fact is baseless, ignorant, and hateful. Threatening Israel with destruction or repeating vile stereotypes about Jews is deeply wrong, and only serves to evoke in the minds of Israelis this most painful of memories while preventing the peace that the people of this region deserve.

There were always reasons for the “persecution” of the Jews, usually their refusal to abide by the laws of the country of their choice.  Are we expected to believe that the Nazis didn’t put anyone else in concentration camps and the 20 million Russians they killed along with homosexuals; criminals; saboteurs; Gypsies; mentally or physically disabled or the original inmates who were political agitators. For convenience and power of influence, the Jews do not acknowledge that among those persecuted for reasons other than being Jewish, are also included in the singularly Jewish records. Would denying that be hateful?

On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people Muslims and Christians have suffered in pursuit of a homeland. (They have their homeland and it is being taken away from them) For more than sixty years they have endured the pain of dislocation. Many wait in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, and neighbouring lands for a life of peace and security that they have never been able to lead. (They did have peace and did nothing to the Jews).  They endure the daily humiliations large and small that come with occupation. So let there be no doubt: the situation for the Palestinian people is intolerable. America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own. (No more sir , please)

Now how about two bob each way?  No decision on right or wrong – just excuses for political purposes.  The more things change the more they stay the same.

What the Zionists are doing and have done and will continue to do is no more moral or legal than what the Nazis did in the occupied countries.  So let’s not be diverted by any American President who clearly is acknowledging a terrible injustice to the Palestine people while trying to excuse the invasion because the Nazis in Europe were cruel to the Jews. And just about everyone else who challenged their authority.  Fair dinkum.

President Obama cannot even excuse the crimes of his own country and those committed in their name by claiming to want peace between innocent Palestinians and their illegal tormentors and murderers, the Zionist alliance.  Clearly they are wrong and know it!

Should we ever listen to the indignity of wrong-doing by the Americans ever again?  Physician cure thyself.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




another poke in the eye .....

Israel has given the go ahead for the construction of 900 housing units in occupied East Jerusalem, rebuffing a reported US request that it block construction at the Gilo settlement, officials have said.

Israeli officials had earlier on Tuesday declined to comment on a report in the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper that said George Mitchell, the US envoy to the Middle East, had asked an aide to Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, to halt the process.

Gilo sits on land captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed to its Jerusalem municipality.

Under international law, all Israeli settlements built on occupied land are illegal.


Yes but..does International law apply to the Jews?

It has been said that the reasons for Jews being disliked include the claim that they refuse to conform?  Whether that is to the international laws; the United Nations Charter or heaven forbid, the paltry laws of the nation in which they were born?  Do they, as a race, honor allegiance to the flag of their chosen country and its laws?

If a person in any nation breaches the laws of the land, they are prosecuted.  The same applies to religious groups; protestors; and those who, in Germany in the 1930’s lost their right to vote since they did not consider the laws were binding on them?  True?

The more the Zionists act as Nazi copycats now, the more the world may look more closely at the reasons for the governments - of many different nations over many centuries – to refuse to accept the costly individualism of Judaism.

It has been accepted as a fact that independent historians have refuted the Zionist claims to the Palestine land because their maps were false.

Their race is only one of the true Semites and their claim that it refers to them alone is also false.  Their history shows clearly that they are “easterners” and not the interbred “westerners” of many “Diaspora” nations as they claim.  And, wrong though it was, that's how the Nazi cult treated them.

So why did the cult of Mount Zion choose Palestine as the home for Jews and Jews alone?  And why has successive US Presidents supported that claim since 1947 when it is in contradiction of their (hypocritical) beliefs of peace; fairness and respect for humanity and is clearly opposed to their so-called Constitution?

The United States of America is the cause of the arrogance and murderous intentions of the Zionists and their search for more and more material wealth by oppression may turn around and bite them in the bum.

Note the section in Wikipedia as follows:

Ben-Gurion recognized the strong attachment of Palestinian Arabs to the land but hoped that this would be overcome in time. In a conversation about "the Arab problem" in 1956, Goldman wrote that Ben-Gurion stated: "Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country ... There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generations' time, but for the moment there is no chance. So it is simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army".

Would that be accepted by a Jury in Australia as a confirmation that the subsequent crimes against humanity by Ben Gurion and his followers were premeditated?  And based on the false claim to the land?


Why has this massive crime been allowed to continue over 60 years?

Is it because the owners of the land are too weak to defend themselves?

Like the Belgians, Netherlands, France, and all of the European nations who suffered likewise. 


If Hitler had survived and suggested that he might consider negotiating with the countries that he had illegally devastated while increasing the stranglehold on their citizens – what view would the Zionists take on that?  Only of course if they were on the receiving end.

God Bless Australia. NE OUBLIE.



Compare intentions with actions.

For centuries I figure, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion have been argued between the Zionists and their adversaries, the latter of which appear not to have any solid organization behind them.

Nevertheless, these Protocols and the actions of the modern Zionists have a great deal in common.

Not to be boring, I chose just one of the articles in Protocol 1 - as follows.

6. Political freedom is an idea but not a fact. This idea one must know how to apply whenever it appears necessary with this bait of an idea to attract the masses of the people to one's party for the purpose of crushing another who is in authority. This task is rendered easier if the opponent has himself been infected with the idea of freedom, SO-CALLED LIBERALISM, and, for the sake of an idea, is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened reins of government are immediately, by the law of life, caught up and gathered together by a new hand, because the blind might of the nation cannot for one single day exist without guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the place of the old already weakened by liberalism.

Whether these protocols are factual or not as to the thinking and planning of the cult of Mount Zion and were claimed to have been written centuries ago – I for one can see the similarity in the thinking of that Cult as I do in the extreme right-wing fascists calling themselves the government of Israel.

The Zionist Jewish organizations exist throughout the world and, if their intentions are as one and it supports the theory of the jungle that might is right – then this is one locomotive which has to be stopped.

The entire world may regret the existence of a race which enjoys the belief that anything they do is ok and they will not be hampered by silly ideas like human rights – they could be “liberal”. Struth.

I for one did not serve my country only for it to be taken over by the Murdochs of this world – and that’s for sure.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




What democracy?

Everything is Politics Gus.

And I quote from your article in "Zionist futbol":

Israel has ordered construction work on an internationally financed football stadium being built for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to be halted.

Palestinian municipal authorities in al-Bireh, near Ramallah, have been told they lack the correct permit to build.

This is because Israel has designated some of the plot for the planned stadium as under its exclusive control. (Emphasis added)

If Palestinian officials do not comply with the order, Israel could demolish the arena.

The stadium's development has been financed by the world football's governing body, Fifa, as well as France, Germany and Gulf states”.

Because of the US and the Zionists, democracy has become just a marketing ploy so it may be more appropriate to concern ourselves with the old and lasting bastardry that is called politics.

For example, the Zionists are too powerful for those they murder so they can do as they damn well like as long as the politics of the US is to support them in their terrorism.  Just as the US did with the IRA – remember Gus?

This is yet another act of terrorism by the Zionists invaders in Palestine and is intended to continue as long as any military force who can do something to stop these bandits gets off their collective arses and does it before it is too late to stop the eventual disasters. 

When one reads the article "Israel's Right to Exist" by Alan Hart http://www.countercurrents.org/art041109.htm all of the doubts I have had about the Zionists' claims are clearly explained as utter deception and lies issued under the "Gold-n-Power" of the Jews in all nations where they control the media - including Australia.

No matter what is done by this murderous and unholy alliance, the other Semite nations should never forget that NOTHING excuses the terrorism of 62 years that has beaten them into the ground even with the US emasculation of the United Nations.

It is an absolute fact that no one can suggest that the UN is an active democracy - as Iran and Libyan leaders have pointed out - if a majority decision is subject to the bias or spiteful whim of any one of a certain number of powerful states by simply vetoing that "democratic" act straight into the rubbish bin - then that is certainly not a democracy.  

It may be that this will not "politically" concern other nations to whom freedom; right or wrong are just words until one of those specially privileged absolute powers realises that one of them is next?

The first fact is that Netanyahu and his extreme right party, whose military murders in the Gaza holocaust were supported by a huge majority of his Zionist followers, may have to watch his own back instead of continuing the Mossad assassinations of other leaders.

Just think, reason and logically consider – did our war dead and crippled over the last 100 years, suffer their fates for some illegal bunch of stateless people to invade, murder and terrorize a harmless Semite nation into submission?

Is this what our sons and daughters fought and died for against the Japanese and the Germans?  Isn’t the Zionists’ crimes an exact duplicate of the illegal occupations of the Asian and European nations by the “Axis” powers?

Will the oppressed and subdued Semite nations of the Middle East be eventually forced into retaliation – and whose fault would that be?

It will happen – it must happen? Or we will also be guilty of carelessly betraying our military for 100 years.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.





And so it begins?

And so it begins?


How long can the Zionist’s dictate to their Semite cousins who can do what and when?  How long can the Semite nations sit back and watch the slaughter and degradation of their Palestinian neighbors?


Every force has an equal and opposite force? Time will tell.


The keys to this smoldering disaster is the belief that to be US supported means that you are invincible – post WW II has disproved that on several occasions, not the least of which is when the US tried to dominate the indigenous people of Vietnam. I believe the US lost some 58,226 troops killed (mostly African Americans) but, the Military/Corporate made a mint.  As they have done in Iraq and Afghanistan.


In Vietnam in the days of J.F.K. the Bell Helicopter corporation was going broke – but, after the murder of John Kennedy “all the way with LBJ” increased the US involvement and Bell “made a mint” – and the soldiers died – and the citizens died – and the world took notice. By the way, what happened to LBJ?


Somewhere in my tired old brain there is still the feeling that eventually truth and justice will prevail - too many good people have died for that objective – irrespective of the dictates of the world’s “richest country” (with the highest debts).


The following quote from Al Jazeera will be viewed with delight by the US Military/Corporate but, take care Zionists – you are warned.  Never underestimate your target.  And I quote:


Iranian air defense forces began on Sunday five days of maneuvers named the Sky of Velayat 2 involving simulated attacks on the country's nuclear sites, state-owned Press TV and Al-Alam television channels reported. The maneuvers were announced on Saturday by Brigadier General Ahmad Mighani, head of army air defense, who said the main aim is to thwart aerial threats on Iran's nuclear facilities -- from reconnaissance to actual assault -- posed by an imaginary enemy.”
“The war games would also help improve cooperation among different units, he added. "Due to the threats against our nuclear facilities it is our duty to defend our nation's vital facilities and thus this maneuver covers Bushehr, Fars, Isfahan, Tehran and western provinces," Mighani said. "Our unit will be in charge of the maneuver but there will be units from the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij (militia)," he added.”
End of quote.


How stupid were the arrogant Crusaders?  At least they were prepared to lead into the disasters against the “ignorant” Arabs, and many of them paid for it.  Fair dinkum.


God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



the terror business .....

The business of the Hebron settlers is terrorism, pure and simple; not quasi-terrorism, crypto-terrorism, neo-terrorism, potential terrorism, or something akin to terrorism, but the very thing itself. And the business of the Hebron Fund is funding terrorism. This does not mean that all, or even most, donors knowingly support these actions; many may be innocent victims misled by the fund's innocuous marketing materials. Although the fund's staff and Board member attempt to maintain a cloak of respectability, they are another matter entirely.

This year's Hebron Fund dinner will "honor" Hebron settler and spokesman Noam Arnon (whose picture is featured with other "Hebron Fund and Hebron Community Leaders" on the Hebron Fund website). In 1990, Arnon told Israel Radio that three Jewish militants, convicted of car-bombings that killed three Palestinians and maimed two Palestinian mayors, were "heroes" who sacrificed themselves "for the security of Jews." In 1995, Arnon was further quoted by the Associated Press when he called Baruch Goldstein, another settler who slaughtered 29 Palestinians at prayer in Hebron and injured more than 100 others, an "extraordinary person" denied "historical justice."

The 2008 Hebron Fund dinner honored Board member Myrna Zisman, who accepted her award on behalf of Yifat Alkoby, an "extraordinary woman" who received international attention in 2006 when she was videotaped repeatedly calling a Palestinian woman and her daughters whores and telling them to stay in their "cage," as the family sought refuge in their own home, with bars on the windows to protect them from recurring settler attacks.


Did Obama really say that?

“Iran must abide by the International rules of the IAEA?”  Fair dinkum.


So far Iran has indeed abided by the rules and, by announcing its sovereign right to build nuclear power for peaceful purposes is one example.  Yet the unholy alliance between the US and the Zionists continue to use their powers in the western media to build up a similar hatred of Iran as they did with Iraq.  Will we really fall for that again?


Conversely, Obama’s friend and apparent mentor Benjamin Netanyahu of “Do something about Iran or we will” infamy has again threatened a pre-emptive strike on that sovereign country.  So far, the threats, murders and unjust attacks have all been perpetrated by the Zionists and yet, no one has even suggested sanctions against them – strange isn’t it?


I have a theory about that.  The Zionists have been dishonest in every claim they have made to the land they have stolen.  The unilateral declaration of the stolen land as a new Israel State is no more legal than anything they have so far done to that country and its people.


So, as a rogue group of US supported military outlaws, they would probably claim, with some truth, is that as such they are not bound by the laws that President Obama is holding against Iran?  Legally they don’t exist – just another Semite race who hate all other Semites – and who hate them.


Since the false interpretation that Iran had threatened to “wipe Israel off the map” became too ridiculous to maintain any credibility, the “saber-rattling” is still all from the Jewish invaders of Palestine. They were and still are a necessary cog in the US plan to control the Middle East oil by constant military diversions such as the Gaza holocaust.


The Zionist Jews have illegally attacked several Semite nations other than the Palestinians under their own personal excuse that their illegal state must defend itself against whatever hasn’t happened yet!


So, now Turkey has acted as a nation who has doubts about the Zionists and the illegal real estate documents that they bought from "representatives" of the defunct Ottoman Empire.  They do not rule out any illegal method of getting what they want do they?


Starting with Afghanistan, the US/Zionist alliance for destabilization of the Middle East by military means is surely coming unstuck – so much so that we don’t seem to hear as much about Iraq or Osama bin Laden as we were becoming bored with.  Well, I suppose the US led illegal invasion of Afghanistan is the oldest in their current agenda.


Meanwhile, the fascist propaganda about evil intent by the simple act of training a defense force against any pre-meditated attack is still being democratically performed in Iran.  These people have more reasons to defend against the US/Zionist fascists now that the once independent sovereign nations of Afghanistan and Iraq have been all but destroyed by the false premise of “giving them a better life” and under Howard's "New Order" we are complicit.  Struth.


So, let’s take the expected media attacks on Iran with a grain of salt for the act of democratically and legally seeking to obtain, in their own territory, at their own expense (unlike the Zionists) the value they see in nuclear energy.  Is nuclear energy illegal only in subdued countries?


Will the arrogant and vicious attitude of the Zionists prove to be America’s Albatross?


God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.












The frustration at blatant hypocrisy.

Surely if Jewish parents teach their children the difference between right and wrong, the Zionist Jews have been ignoring that lesson for some 62 years in Palestine and in many other instances over past centuries.

The “democratic” thought of religious freedom does not count with the Canaanite- Hebrews. Right is always what suits them and they can do no wrong. The very crimes which their propaganda has for many decades blamed on the rest of the world, is exactly what they are doing in occupied Palestine.  The truth or not of their claims against the Nazis and other European collaborators, is unfortunately as deceptive and exaggerated as their financial power can buy.

The Zionists will not allow any of their military or civilian criminals to be tried in any international court and I suggest that, if this is allowed to happen with only UN “slaps over the wrists with a handful of fairy floss” then world society has permitted a vicious; illegal and apartheid regime to exist and expand its “born to rule” intentions.

The crimes of this guiltless Canaanite Semite tribe are becoming legend and only their control in the western world is protecting them from the contempt and punishment that they so richly deserve.

As time marches on, it seems that everything these people do would be considered as “wrong” by the world democracies but, they care not; they do not conform and  they will have their way no matter what.

WHY do leaders of many stable nations bow to the demands of these Zionist parasites?

Could it be that, having given the military of this “non-existent state” the power of nuclear weapons, it has been realized that they - the Zionists – not the Indians/Pakistanis/or Nth.Koreans - will use their nuclear capabilities against the world - unless they get their way? As Golda Meir famously said: “If we go down we will take the rest of the world with us”. And Lieberman “We will bomb the Aswan Dam” which would kill about 80 million Egyptians.

Like the US – pay little attention to what they say – but take care about what they do.

They are the best example of  "Money is the root of all evil?"

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



Choose your enemies by their value to you?

Unfortunately, it is the custom and practice of the western media to maintain a stand against the "evil of the Easterners" (a simple version of the Hitler doctrine) and yet I can find no justification for that attitude.

I am no historian but it seems to me that the Semite nations – without obviously the Hebrew/Canaanites – have never been a military threat to WORLD peace? And yet, we are expected to believe that they are automatically terrorists!  Why?

And when we reason and think logically we remain unconvinced so – we are told that these people we are AFTER are the “extremist Islamic”.  Well now that explains who we should hate then doesn’t it?

Fascism has just raised its ugly head in the change of Liberal Party leadership in Australia so; it might be prudent to put the other hordes of fascist extremists under the microscope?

When I wrote about the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion I was actually sickened by the doctrine attributed to those Hebrew/Canaanite Elders.  So much so that I stopped quoting them in this forum.  Now, from Aljazeera, I find what could be a confirmation of the attitude of the Zionists.  And I quote.

"The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) strongly condemned the edict issued by the extremist Jewish rabbis Yitzhak Shapiro and Yossi Elitzur in a book they published recently, which gives Jews permission to kill non-Jews, particularly Palestinian babies and children, who may pose an actual or potential threat to Jews. (Not murder them just kill them).

In a communiqué issued Thursday, ISESCO expressed its strong denunciation of the rabbis’ ruling according to which“Hindrances—babies are found many times in this situation. They block the way to rescue by their presence and do so completely by force. Nevertheless, they may be KILLED because their presence aids MURDER. There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us, and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not only during combat with adults.”

ISESCO’s communiqué pointed out that the book, which calls plainly for murder, constitutes a threat to peace and security and manifestly showcases the racist Zionist thought prevailing in the rightist Israeli government. (Amen).

The Protocols clearly condemn any form of peace or conciliation – it advocates war by deception and claims that the “good will” of an opponent must be used against him as a weakness.  Isn't that a principle agaiinst which these very people have condemned?

The actions of the Zionist Jews in occupied Palestine confirms the methods demanded in these various documents.  And yet the “western democracies” do nothing. Fair dinkum.

Hitler’s attitude to a superior race was considered absurd but, what about the attitude of the Hebrew/Canaanites in their stealing of Palestine land and enforcing the same principles of racism as did Hitler.

Is it a case of “it is not what you know but who you know”? And while the Americans have a long list of items of “never forget” as indeed do the Zionists – do they genuinely expect the once peaceful and dedicated religious other Semites to forget? 

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.





the value of special friends .....

After last year's war in Gaza, and the later report for the United Nations Human Rights Council by Justice Richard Goldstone that accused Israel of war crimes, sensitivity to how Israel is perceived abroad has been more heightened than ever. Yet the most piercing insights into the Israeli-Arab conflict today have nothing to do with the foreign media. They come from within Israeli society itself.

Testimony 24 was provided by a sergeant on a night-time search for weapons near Hebron, a Palestinian city that is also sacred to Jews and whose centre has been taken over by Israeli settlers. It was about 2am when the raiding party climbed the steps to a large Palestinian house.

"So we entered these people's home, the father opens the door for us, in his robe, and the mother and grandmother and two little kids woke up too. Now they look at you with this look, like 'you're entering our home at two o'clock in the morning'.

"Everything was just so messed up . . . and the father tries to ask, the owner tries to ask questions and talk and none of us even bother to speak to him at all. The soldiers go on, opening and trashing and trashing just about everything in that house, turning the whole place inside out . . . all the drawers, the closets, everything. And we didn't find a thing. Nothing."

After an hour, the soldiers went on to a second house.

"That was the first moment I realised why we are looked at like that, and why we are so hated. You enter in the most disgusting manner, without a drop of humanity, because the disrespect in the answers the man was given - the wife and children were not even addressed - I mean, no one even looked at them.

"I can't even begin to describe to you the shame I felt, ashamed of the way we were behaving, entering their home like that, that we . . .

"I'll never forget this as long as I live, I'm telling you. I have this picture in my head, of those kids staring at me."


shamed .....

The Israeli media marked the one-year anniversary of Operation Cast Lead, the war on Gaza, almost as a celebration. The operation is recognised almost unanimously in Israel as a military triumph, a combat victory over one of Israel's deadliest enemies: Hamas.

As combat soldiers of the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF), we have serious doubts about this conclusion, primarily because hardly any combat against Hamas took place during the operation. As soon as the operation started, Hamas went underground.

Most casualties were inflicted on Palestinians by air strikes, artillery fire, and snipers from afar. Combat victory? Shooting fish in a barrel is more like it. Operation Cast Lead consisted essentially of bombing one of the most crowded places on earth, striking civilian targets such as homes, schools and mosques, and ultimately leaving a trail of more than 1,300 casualties, mostly civilians, over 300 of whom were children. As soldiers of the IDF reserves, we bow our heads in shame against this hideous attack on a civilian population.

As for the goals of the operation, these too are questionable. Allegedly, operation Cast Lead was intended to stop the firing of missiles by Hamas. But the Qassam missile problem had been solved before the operation started. The ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel in place from 19 June 2008 had resulted in a drastic reduction of missiles fired from Gaza from a few hundreds per month to about a dozen for a period of five months. It was Israel that never lived up to its end of the bargain to end the siege of Gaza, breached the ceasefire in November 2008 by attacking targets in the Strip, essentially ignored Hamas's proposal to renew the ceasefire, and eventually began operation Cast Lead a few weeks later.

The true goal of this operation was different from the one announced by Israeli officials. The real objective was not to stop the Qassams but to overthrow the Hamas government. As such, the operation failed. Hamas in Gaza is stronger than ever.


Selected excerpts From the

Selected excerpts From the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

IMHO the egregious behavior of the Zionist Occupation Forces in Palestine could easily cause frustrated civilization to believe that the disputed authenticity of the Protocols could well lean on the side of truth.

I mention for a moment that the Zionists in Palestine have committed crimes which would indicate their acceptance of Apartheid and/or Nazism.  Certainly fascism is indisputable.

Further to that apparent situation, I find it difficult to believe that such a dictatorial racist society would allow their media to broadcast “anti-Semite” and/or extremely critical/ honest statements against this “totally locked-down- all-powerful” illegal occupation government.

I think it is without question that deception is used extensively in business and is even mentioned in Zionist standards of war and the Mossad murders.

I quote a section of Protocol IIX regarding Control of the Press




These are not only quotes of the “Protocols” but also highlight the suspicion of a “free” media even partly existing in the Zionist occupied Palestine.

The enormous wealthy and well established Jewish organizations are undoubtedly involved to a point of at least “consultation” and therefore the hatred that is surely the reward for the Zionist behavior is more than likely going to flow on to the Jewish people all over the world.

Therefore, it seems without challenge that thinking, reasoning and logic would dictate that the diametrically opposed “true Jewish” views - ostensibly permitted to be expressed in a media who owes its very existence to the “Zionists” - might just be deceptively accepted as a true and honorable opposition to “take over” the shambles created by a “non-Jewish” fascism called Zionists - when the time comes!

The facts are self-evident – the crimes being committed by the Jewish “Zionists” in the Middle East are crimes against civilization itself and giving them the false identity of an uncontrolled Military/Corporate Jewish Mafia does not and will not, satisfy their judges "when their time comes" – as it surely must.

God Bless Australia and may no unelected power ever control our lives.  NE OUBLIE.