Friday 10th of January 2025

a cult of revenge .....

a cult of revenge .....

Yes, I am a survivor, for I have managed to survive all the scary accounts of the Holocaust: the one about the soap (1), the one about the lamp shades, the one about the camps, the mass shooting, the one about the gas (2) and the one about the death march (3). I just managed to survive them all.

In spite of all these fear inflicting stories, that were purposely installed in my soul since I opened my eyes for the first time, I have become a functional and even a successful human being. I somehow survived the horror against all odds. I even manage to love my neighbour. In spite of all these fearful, traumatic indoctrination I miraculously managed to master my cheering alto saxophone rather than the sobbing violin.

In fact, I have already decided that in case the Queen, or any other member of the Royal Family should ever consider to make me into a 'Sir' for my bebop achievements, or even for facing Zionist barbarism with my bare pen, I will immediately change my surname from Atzmon to Vive, just to become the first and only Sir Vive.

I clearly resent those who deny the genocides that are taking place in the name of the Holocaust. Palestine is one example, Iraq is another and the one that is set for Iran, is probably too scary to contemplate.

The Holocaust is a relatively new religion (4). It lacks mercy or compassion, instead it promises revenge through retribution. For its followers, it is somehow liberating because it allows them to punish whoever they like as long they gain some pleasure. This may explain why the Israelis ended up punishing the Palestinians for crimes that were committed by Europeans. It is rather clear that the newly emerging religion is not just about 'eye for an eye'; it is actually an eye for thousands and thousands of eyes.

A month ago, while visiting in Auschwitz, Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak left a note in the official visitors book: 'a strong Israel is both the comfort and the revenge'(5). No one could summarise the aspiration of the religion any better. The Holocaust religion doesn't offer redemption. It is a crude violent manifestation of sheer collective brutality. It cannot resolve anything, for aggression can only lead to more and more aggression. In the Holocaust religion there is neither room for peace or grace. Take it from Barak, revenge is where they find comfort.

To deny the danger posed by the Holocaust religion and its followers is to be complicit in a growing crime against humanity and against every possible human value.

meanwhile .....

Israeli officials are right to worry. Gazans too. Yet Americans should worry even more. Israel's "legitimacy" will not last.

Of course, that assumes its legitimacy was deserved. That issue also is now called into question in light of the consistency of Israeli behavior over the past six decades. The emerging issues are these: When and how will the recognition of Israel's nation-state status be withdrawn? How will Tel Aviv behave in the interim?

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman may have tipped his Masada hand when he reportedly told Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan that Israel may use nuclear weapons against Gaza. The threat to Israel is not the 1.5 million Gazans who reside in the world's largest open-air prison. The threat is the fast-growing global outrage at the abuse inflicted on Palestinians, commencing with the ethnic cleansing of 400-plus villages six decades ago.

Not since 1948 has this enclave of extremists mounted such a public relations offensive. Christian Zionist President Harry Truman trusted Jewish Zionist lobbyists when he solicited assurances that they would not become what they immediately became: a racist theocratic state with an expansionist agenda destined to create serial crises in the region. The merciless global agenda pursued by Colonial Zionists is the single greatest threat to world peace, as confirmed yet again by Lieberman's warning. As the primary remaining ally of these Jewish nationalists, the risks to the U.S. increase with each passing day as Tel Aviv works behind the scenes to catalyze yet another conflict. This entangled alliance was destined to provoke resentments that would eventually endanger their super power ally and foremost arms provider.

Extreme power for a small race of people.Why?

I read somewhere that a part (one of millions) of the complaints by the Jews is that, if that word is Googled, it can create an enormous amount of unpleasant references to the Jews.  Is there really any wonder? 

In any case, their history reveals that ten of the twelve tribes of Abraham, who were eventually from Judea, were called Jews.  Not so with the other two tribes who lived in a separate kingdom called Israel after I believe Jacob was named thus by his God.

It is amazing how they can get away with what they do – not the least of which is re-writing history.  The Jews after all are only one of the Semitic tribes so – WHY isn’t it an act of anti-Semitism when they continuously and viciously attack the other Semites.

Why is it anti-Semitism when another Semite nation criticizes the Hebrews? And yet – Golda Meir; Lieberman; etc and of course Ben-Gurion – have committed anti-Semite actions and statements since the 1920’s.

Source: Wikipedia:  Ben-Gurion.

Ben-Gurion recognized the strong attachment of Palestinian Arabs to the land but hoped that this would be overcome in time. In a conversation about "the Arab problem" in 1956, Goldman wrote that Ben-Gurion stated: "Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country ... There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generations' time, but for the moment there is no chance. So it is simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army"[1]

Nahum Goldman, president of the World Jewish Congress, criticized Ben-Gurion for what Goldman viewed as his confrontational approach to the Arab world: Goldman wrote that "Ben-Gurion is the man principally responsible for the anti-Arab policy, because it was he who moulded the thinking of generations of Israelis"[1].

The view that Ben-Gurion's assessment of Arab feelings led him to emphasize the need to build up Jewish military strength is supported by Simha Flapan, who quoted Ben-Gurion as stating in 1938: "I believe in our power, in our power which will grow, and if it will grow agreement will come...".

Well might they say “by deception thou will do war” and - (Protocol III) Methods of Conquest?

They are becoming so powerful - yet again - that they can commit crimes against humanity; murder and massacre at will; create the biggest concentration camp in history; fly over sovereign air space and bomb them as they wish; use illegal weapons against defenseless civilians and state without reprisal what they will do to any State or Nation (without warning) if the latter dares to attempt to do anything that the Hebrew Zionists have forbidden even if it is an entitlement under international law.

What do we call that for goodness sake? Self defense?  Then what do we call the Palestinians in Gaza who fire an occasional home-made rocket – into their own land – which is occupied by a fascist enemy?

I am old enough to well remember WW 2 and the patriots and heroes who formed the resistance in those fascist occupied countries – but then sabotage was aided and abetted by the “Allies” in the now oh so hypocritical claim that “we defend to the death the right of a country to defend their land”.  Unless the aggressor is supported by the real meaning of terrorism exercised by the United States of America?  Fair dinkum.

God bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.



Surely these maps are a warning?

G'day John,

With a broad brush I have the opinion that the Zionist Hebrews are - and have often appeared to be - a threat to “the powers that be” and yet conversely – have opposed the ideas of equality; fraternity and liberty - as perhaps others have considered over many past centuries. Those considerations are certainly in their self-written history of the very master race they want us to apply to some other doctrine of like-evil - to the right of all mankind to be truly free.

I become so fed up with the references to the Jewish Holocaust in the Jewish media - for which I make no apology.  Slowly but surely, the contradictions are appearing to the claim that this was a personal attack on the Jewish people simply because they were the only untermenchen who were outside the racist claim of Aryan superiority and were the  only race to be persecuted by that doctrine.

For goodness sakes this is just not true.

The Holocaust does not belong to the Jewish people alone - it belongs where is should be - in the annals of history along with the similar and sometimes more lengthy episodes of history from which they have not learned?

It certainly appears to me that the Zionists are misrepresenting this episode as theirs and theirs alone – WHY?   IF human rights are even a slight argument by the Jews - who have stolen and concentrated the sympathy (and the claims for reparation) for the bestial behavior of the fascists as theirs alone – then they are indeed the masters of deception.  But why?  Gold-n-Power?

Your map shows how manipulated the invasions by the Zionists into other Semite lands was allowed to happen – even as Hitler was also permitted to do in the early years of his infamous deceptions.

There is no dignity or justice in what the Zionists have done in Palestine for over 60 years, and yet, their power over the “information channels” has maintained an appearance that the innocent victims of their aggression are the real culprits.  Fair dinkum.

What will Murdoch do next?

Cheers John. God Bless Australia. NE OUBLIE.




Is the Gaza holocaust the end of Zionism?

For sixty plus years the Zionists have been murdering and deporting the rightful land owners of Palestine.

Because of their "Gold-n-Power" in the U.S. and Australia’s dependence on manipulated media reports, we have never really had a good look at their demand for the Palestinian land – and the manner in which they have always  intended to succeed.

The Power of the Press was so influential during both World Wars and their aftermaths, that we were programmed to hate certain races for reasons which we have never bothered to study. And surely this is still the policy of the U.S.?

During these periods of time, at least in my opinion during the post WW 2 period, the Jewish claims for the Palestinian’s land was almost flagged as a God-given right and, because the Middle Easterners had no way of reaching out to the Westerners, there was a complete distortion of facts.

For example, the Zionists were deceptively portrayed as bona-fide Westerners when in fact they were in reality just another Semitic tribe. Their claims to western civilization was a result of the Roman Diaspora and is even mentioned in the Protocols - if in fact they are genuine.

This revelation to many Australians must have come as a shock since the race card had been played so vigorously by the powers that be.

Now perhaps, as arrogance and lack of any humanity often does, the Jews’ Gaza Holocaust may be the catastrophic mistake that all types of “empires” seem to make.

It is almost certain that the US/Zionist’s aggressive and illegal actions, already being demonstrated in all Muslim countries, especially Iraq and Afghanistan, will eventually attack another innocent country for two things – Iran is Muslim and Iran is trying to abide by the UN regulations while the Zionists refuse to do so.

The question is, will Iran fall into the trap that US ally Hussein did by allowing a decade of starvation (500 thousand children died) and trying to abide by de-militarization – all for the purpose of “peace” – at the end of the hangman’s rope.  How weak the Iraqis were after that brutality and how much they must be remembering Bush’s claim of “Mission Accomplished” just two weeks after the illegal invasion!  Will they remember?

This Iran attack must be the straw to break the Camel’s back – surely the false mask of the U.S. being for freedom and peace will have gone forever. Secondly, the Zionists hope, the Gold-n-Power of the American/Jewish dream of world domination will have been exposed.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.




What price freedom of choice?

How many lives must an invaded nation pay for its freedom of choice?  Has the times of the Spanish Inquisition really passed or has it just been euphemized for a purpose?


Are the Zionists and the Americans the catalyst that is intended to Unite or Destabilize? Hitler once had a vote of 96% support - a vote mind you - so was that democracy at work?


The blatant duplicity of the US/Zionist policies really sickens me.  Not so much because of the destabilizing effect it has on the entire area of their inexcusable military destruction but the virtual loss of many ancient civilization’s history and artifacts as they want to maintain their Military oppression.


Is this the way the Zionists have re-written and “revised” their history for effect?  Is this the reason that they have followed Golda Meir’s statement that their borders are wherever any Jews reside?  How will that be actually achieved?


So we come to the value of a life – to its owner in particular.  What’s in a life given by any God or one just evolved?


I am certainly no expert in the dictates of the many various religions in our planet but, I have tried to explain to myself what they all have in common.  And I believe that it is the knowledge of the inevitability of death, but with a “choice” in the ultimate result that motivates people.


While the U.S. criticizes Muslim suicide bombers and Japanese Kamikaze pilots we nevertheless make heroes of our own who act similarly. The basic reasons are of course only created by the beliefs that they have learned since childhood and been influenced by lies, myths and propaganda.  When the Americans have consistently imposed their military power on unhappy nations, they have come up against the very initiative that they used in their own revolution - guerilla tactics.


So, is it disgraceful that the invaded Vietnamese; Iraqis; Afghans and others become desperate and willingly give their lives for their race; nation or religion? Are they doing it for money or 75 virgins?  Fair dinkum.


The East and West have never been as dangerously opposed as it is now with the canker in the heart of the Muslim religion – the Zionists. The Ottoman Empire is no more but, irrespective of the 91 fatalities of the Jewish Legion in WW 1 suffered by the Zionists against the Turks but, not in Palestine itself, is hardly a gift of life for a purpose?


Without the absolute advantage in weapons and technology (courtesy of the U.S.) would the Zionist Hebrews who have committed most violations of human rights over 60 years, be prepared to give their lives as suicide bombers or Kamikaze pilots or – would they prefer to use the American unmanned Drones to kill women and children?


One could believe that the destabilizing of the Middle East has been an exercise in bastardry by the US/Zionist alliance and

the only winners in these cruel and unnecessary wars are the US Military/Corporate and their counterparts in Europe.


The days of invaded nations wearing identifiable uniforms and carrying a flag are gone and, even as their revolution itself survived, the invaders cannot be sure of who are the "extremist" citiizens of the attacked country - and in every case the Americans have lost their wars, expecially Vietnam - but at a profit as the Bell helicopters can testify.


Like the Empires of the Etruscans; the Romans; the Russians; Alexander; the British and the Germans, in the final analyses, it is only the bankers who win – and who does history give credit for that sort of historical financial power?


God bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.








business as usual .....

A December 2009 report prepared by Oxfam International, Amnesty International UK, United Civilians for Peace, Christian Aid, and a dozen other international NGOs (called NGOs below) titled, "Failing Gaza: No rebuilding, no recovery, no more excuses" is hard-hitting and to the point.

It says a year after Operation Cast Lead, extensive damage hasn't been repaired and thousands "are being prevented from rebuilding their shattered society." It's not from a lack of commitment or enough resources with over $4 billion in pledged aid. It's because Israel blocks goods and equipment from entering Gaza. The world community and Arab world do nothing to stop them, so much of the Strip still lies in ruins.

Following Hamas' January 2006 electoral victory, all outside aid was cut off. Sanctions and an economic embargo were imposed, and the democratically elected government was falsely designated a terrorist organization and isolated. Stepped up repression followed as well as regular IFD attacks, killings, targeted assassinations, property destruction, and more. Gazans have been imprisoned ever since.