Monday 6th of January 2025

on existential threats .....

on existential threats ......

"I promise that if I am elected, Iran will not acquire nuclear arms, and this implies everything necessary to carry this out," Benjamin Netanyahu said before the elections. In other speeches Netanyahu described Iran's nuclear program as "an existential threat for Israel," and warned that it risked a second Holocaust.

Benjamin Netanyahu

April, 2009

When will the US/Zionists be brought into line?

IF ONLY - perhaps the saddest words in the English language - one or more of the international organisations, like NATO, would stand up to the US/Zionist alliance and force them, by sanctions if necessary, to conform to the spirit and intent of the United Nations.

IF ONLY - one or more of the oppressed Semite nations in the Middle East would carry the fight to the occupied Palestine lands, as Hamas tried to do.

IF ONLY - the nations of the world would realise that the "deception to do war" by the Zionists is based on the same "flag waving fear tactics" so consistently used by the US.

So we find in Australia, regardless of our belief in the UN Charter, more or less more concerned with saying sorry to everyone rather than taking a firm stand against the Zionists and their arrogant dictatorship being developed in the Middle East.

Why is the information on the Protocol performance of the Zionists so sparcely reported?

Perhaps the most powerful Jewish media baron in the world, already controls the most effective media in Australia and England - let alone a large chunk of the US  (Protocol XII)- and is already deciding who he will have elected in both countries, next time.  Well might he control the Wall Street Journal - representative of the CEO's who almost brought on another depression.

The Howard "New Order" was - and its remaining neo-cons still are - hooked by the need to be a government of the people; by the Corporations and for the Corporations.  They didn't hesitate to remove the Keating protection of preventing cross-media ownership.  This obviously leads to massive monopolies which is symptomatic of totalitarianism (Protocol XI).

It is claimed to be a fact by a Jewish politician that Malcolm Turnbull is a wannabe Jew.

He represents an extremely wealthy electorate with primarily Jewish residents.  These people, in their wisdom, elected Turnbull in spite of his opposition candidate being a true Jew.  Do we have the beginning of another "damped" Jew here? Like Benjamin Disraeli?

What is needed to stop the US/Zionist alliance from their fascist domination of the Middle East?

God bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.


Once upon a time - did we have logic and reason?

I quote from Aljazeera which the American terrorists haven't bombed for some time - perhaps they leave that to their partners in crime the Zionists?

“Will Iran make the same mistake as Iraq?” 23/10/2009 07:34:00 PM GMT  Comments ( 4)    Add a comment    Print    E-mail to friend

Iran should learn hard lessons from Iraq’s sad story. Disarmament and compliance should never be an option when your obnoxious, unprincipled and roguish adversary has far more powerful weapons. (Amen added).

Saddam Hussein allowed the vultures of IAE to turn his pockets out, he ended up in prison and eventually in his grave and his country was ruined, undermined, destroyed and was pushed back into the Stone Age for decades.

Ahmedinejad should not make the same mistake. Iranians should have their freedom of choice and restore some balance to the region where Israel remains the sole rogue state.

There are other countries which are real threats, and they have not signed the NPT but Iran has and abides by the international law. So why talk about sanctions? 

Why indeed?

Is there anything - even a modicum - in this opinion that we could call false influence?

Think about it.

God Bless Australia.  NE OUBLIE.


Does the most powerful nation in the world really want peace?

If that is so - who or what is to curtail that destructive intention?

Already we are becoming more and more aware that the information we are fed regarding any important issue in our country is manipulated?

I have often opined that the basic objective of the Hebrews could be called "Gold-n-Power" and the reports of their atrocities are sanitized by the Jewish lobby which exists apparently in every country of any importance.

Irrespective of the Jewish lobby in the Australian media – can anyone of reasonable logic genuinely feel that we are not being fed absolute garbage about issues which may expose the actions of the Zionists?

Throughout the world there are terrible crimes against humanity but, we have been programmed to accept this as being from third world countries – however, why do the Zionists have the right to do as they wish? Are they third world? Not bloody likely!

From an objective point of view – would the American Military/Corporate terrorists allow any Middle East nation to defend themselves against the torment of their (only for the time-being) Hebrew Zionists?

Wake up Australia – we are indeed a part of the world society and – if we can try to improve the welfare of nations far away from our boarders – what is the purpose of trying?

What are the odds of any other Semite race taking over the Middle East – and by force? And who will benefit the most? 

How simple are the Americans? How simple are we?

God bless Australia. NE OUBLIE.



gaza petition .....

Israel 's siege on Gaza , as I assume everyone I'm emailing knows, is a terrible crime against humanity.

The water system is on the verge of collapse; the available drinking water is polluted.

So little food is allowed in that children's growth is being stunted.

About 15 Australians are going to take part in a massive international non-violent demonstration in Gaza on December 31, marching through Gaza to the Israeli border. Their aim is to end the blockade. We should support them.

I've started a petition to this effect. You can read it here.

(http://www.petition libgaza1/ petition. html)

So far, it has been signed by Antony Loewenstein, Peter Slezak, myself, Ned Curthoys, John Docker, and (what I found gratifying, one of the original "Freedom Riders"), Ann Curthoys. There is not much time left until the march. Please sign it, and circulate widely. The text is also below. It supports the marchers, calls for an end to the siege, and calls on our government to support the protest, and to ensure their safety.

Best wishes,

Michael Brull