Monday 6th of January 2025

or smart-arses ....


disenter's warming

Senior Liberal calls for emissions vote delay

A senior Federal Liberal MP has publicly disagreed with Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull about the time frame for negotiating changes to the emissions trading scheme.

Mr Turnbull wants to negotiate amendments to the Government's plan before the legislation is reintroduced to Parliament in November.

The Opposition is working on amendments to the scheme and Mr Turnbull says he wants them through the party room later this month.

Senator Mitch Fifield says he agrees on the need to put forward changes, but has told Sky News they should not be locked in before global climate change talks in December.

"I hope in doing so that I'm not branded a maverick, a rebel, an outrider, a dissenter," he said.

He says it would be premature to lock in changes before the Copenhagen talks.

"My belief is that we shouldn't conclude negotiations on amendments prior to Copenhagen for the simple reason that we won't know many of the pertinent facts before Copenhagen, such as what a majority of nations intend to do," Mr Fifield said.

Mr Turnbull says he cannot lead the Liberal Party if it does not support his strategy of negotiating with the Government.

Labor MP David Bradbury says he is confused by the Opposition's policy.

unacceptable delay...

There is plenty of information already available in order to make everyone tighten their butt in regard to global warming. Waitng won't make a hoot of wisdom except delay the inevitable with more to deal added on by the delay. I define global warming political skeptics as idiots. I stand by that.

rid the merged party of all Liberals...

One of the people Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull described last week as "anonymous smart-arses" stepped into the spotlight today.

Victorian Liberal Senator Mitch Fifield became the most senior Liberal to speak publicly against the Coalition leader on emissions trading.

As if Mr Turnbull did not have enough to worry about, there is talk of civil war breaking out in the Liberal National Party in Queensland.

One senior Liberal says frontbencher Peter Dutton's failure to secure pre-selection in a safe Gold Coast seat is proof of a National Party jihad, as he puts it, to rid the merged party of all Liberals.

Senator Fifield says some Coalition MPs are comfortable with amending Labor's emissions trading scheme before the Copenhagen Climate Change conference in December, but he is not one of them.

fresh uncertainty over whether...

Comments by senior Opposition frontbencher Nick Minchin have cast fresh uncertainty over whether the Government's emissions trading scheme will be passed by the Senate before the end of the year.

Senator Minchin says even if all the Coalition's proposed amendments are accepted by the Government there is no guarantee the Liberals will vote for it.

Almost two weeks ago Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull won the support of his party room to negotiate the amendments and he said that if the Government agreed to them all he would recommend supporting the bills.

The Coalition has put forward several key changes to the scheme including more compensation for trade exposed industries and the exclusion of agriculture.


The dilemma: apart from many other troubles, global warming is likely to increase drought in Australia.

Farmers, whose cattle is farting enormous amount of methane (see enteric and manure management increased production of methane), are opposed to emissions trading schemes that are designed to tackle a bit of this warming. Their representatives, the Nationals, have no idea what global warming is, as it does not come in drums — like super-phosphate and diesel...

The Liberals in the coalition have many supporters in the coal industry, one of the main culprits in CO2 (and methane) emissions. Thus the Liberals are opposed to any penalty or emission trading scheme (ETS) impeding their friends' trade. Apart from Malcolm (and we don't know where he really stands), the Liberals don't really believe in global warming either (it's their god-given rights to leave the lights on and drive two SUVs at once) — but give it lip service, so they don't tank further down in the polls.

The government is cashing royalties and taxes from coal miners selling coal to China and the rest of the world. Methane gas is leaking in the Timor Sea. The Government wants to look pretty cool in Copenhagen climate deal conference, thus it wants to come hat in one hand and an ETS of sorts in the other.

Granny Miranda does not want to ride a bicycle to save the planet.

Money does not grow on paying real attention to global warming... but global warming is real and coming faster than we think, but Granny Miranda thinks not. She gets her info in the same loony pot as our Mr Fielding. Hey you two, the global temperatures ARE rising despite your diagrams... Adjustments have to be made for natural events, such as sun spots, and most serious modelling of global warming take these into account.

Our world capitalist and communist systems require population growth at any cost to work without little contretemps, such as a financial crisis, wars and revolutions. But population growth (and modernisation of existing population) is contributing about 10 per cent global warming emissions extra per annum (by deforestation, clearing and demand for new goods including food). Every year that we delay tackling the problem, we add approximately five years extra to the solution on top of that year's delay.

So there...

disingenuous Libs...

One should be highly worried that the polices on global warming of the Liberal party are mostly underpinned by deniers following public opinion shifts rather than politicians following the evolution of facts. Tonight on 4 corners (ABC TV)the Libs and their mates the Nationals showed how pathetic they are... My view.

libs still living on a flat earth...

Climate Change Minister Penny Wong has called on Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull to condemn comments made by Liberal senators who question whether people are causing climate change.

On last night's Four Corners program on ABC1, several Liberal MPs spoke out against Coalition support for an emissions trading scheme.

When Senate Leader Nick Minchin was asked how many Coalition MPs are doubtful of the link between human activity and climate change he replied: "I'd say a majority don't accept that position."

Senator Wong has described the comments as "outlandish".

"If he [Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull] is serious about acting on climate change he has to live up to the tough talk and he should repudiate the views that were put last night by members of the Coalition," she told Radio National.

end of subsidies...

Climate change called into question

It is refreshing to hear Barnaby Joyce declare there is no reason to act on climate change (''Climate row hits boiling point'', November 10). Farmers are not stupid. They are fully aware of weather vagaries and, like any business owner, have priced such risks into their investment decisions.

The only reason a government should subsidise a business sector is that it faces endemic and unforeseeable change, and that it evokes sympathy from the wider public. Temporary support from taxpayers must always be matched with genuine industry change, however painful.

Senator Joyce says our climate is not changing. If that is so, taxpayers should not be expected to fund farmer welfare for ''exceptional circumstances''. The situation is ''normal'', and farmers who receive subsidies for drought, flood, and other climate-related issues should be taken off the welfare teat forthwith. Senator Joyce should be thanked for making this clear.

Richard Pitchforth Bilgola

for the climate change denier muddleheads...

Adelaide's extreme hot weather is now officially in the record books as the city's first heatwave for November.

There have been five days in a row above 35 degrees Celsius.

Simon Timcke from the weather bureau says history was made before lunchtime.

"Shortly before 11 this morning we clicked over 35 degrees which makes it the first official heatwave in November in Adelaide," he said.

The previous hottest run was four consecutive days above 35 degrees in 1894.

The current heatwave is expected to continue until Sunday at least.

The maximum temperatures is forecast to drop to 28 degrees next Monday but then rise again.


see Dear Reader... and all other dedicated article to global warming on this site... and peruse the toons and latest articles while you're at it, and spread the word,,, Tell the muddlehead deniers that they need to pull their socks up and stop crapping on... So Miranda, many sensible people are screaming, because you're telling massive porkies and fail to see the facts...


Meanwhile today's (12/11/09) Sydney max temp is about 4 degree above average and min temp is about 3 degree above average...

smartly-dressed smart arse...

Opposition Senate Leader Nick Minchin has warned the Government it will have to give more ground to secure Coalition support for its emissions trading scheme.

The Government's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme legislation will be brought back into Parliament for a second time today and will almost immediately be sent to the Senate.

Debate on the bills is set to dominate the final fortnight of parliamentary sittings for the year.

Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull has staked his leadership on the issue and he has had a major win, with the Government caving in by permanently excluding agriculture from the scheme.


Nick Minchin has not understood yet anything about the "mechanics" of the Earth... But he dresses and coiffes very smart for an old young man (only 56) who knows how to play politics. For us old erudite foggies, global warming momentum is beyond politics. Trust me. See toon at top...


Malcolm Turnbull will hang on to the Liberal leadership for now after the party room rejected moves to hold a leadership spill today.


Mr Andrews said he accepted the decision of the party room but said the troubles of the past 24 hours should send a warning to Mr Turnbull.

"I believe this sends a very clear message to the Liberal Party that there has been deep concern about the way things have occurred over the last few weeks," he said.

"I'm saying that my take out of the result ... is that there is a degree of concern on the part of many of my colleagues. I think there is a clear message out of that and I hope it's heeded all round."

However Mr Turnbull still faces ongoing challenges and has been dealt a fresh blow with the resignation of three senators from the frontbench today.

Mitch Fifield, Matthias Cormann and Brett Mason jointly announced they were resigning from the frontbench because they were opposed to the emissions trading scheme.

"We believe that Labor's ETS risks Australian jobs and Australia's standard of living for no environmental benefit. It is not in our national interest," they said in a statement.

"Our decision is made with regret but also in clear conscience."


How can they have a "clear conscience" when they have understood nothing of global warming? And worse still, they try hard NOT to understand anything about climate change, except when they are just short of claiming that climate change is a furphy that will cost money for nothing... The cads! Vandals of the earth future!... Idiots!

Sure, Labor's ETS are far far far from perfect and there should be far more done to mitigate global warming. These renegade Liberals should have argued in favour of a massive carbon tax or such. And argue in favour of helping the renewable energy to the max. But no, they go brooding in their little self-centred corner... Children! Brats!!

See toon at top and read climate change on this site...

not sweet enough for their pockets...

unhappy polluters

The Federal Government may have added billions of dollars in compensation under its revised emissions trading legislation, but Australia's biggest carbon polluters still do not like the sweetened deal on offer.

Despite an extra $3 billion for power generators, one company in the sector says it is considering launching legal action to recoup the costs of a carbon trading scheme.

The coal industry, meanwhile, says there will still be massive job losses.

The idea of an emissions trading scheme is to make polluting expensive.

But the Government's revised plan changes the debate over whether it will still be expensive enough to truly be a carbon pollution reduction scheme.


I believe that most "polluters" would have to know that these ETS are only the beginning of a long process that they are trying to delay as much as possible — but a process they know WILL have to be. Most coal "tomb raiders" would secretly know that carbon (coal, gas, oil) is a big culprit in global warming, despite the "polluters" public antics to the contrary...

In fact the culprits are us, the consumers... We have to smarten up and reduce our "intake of goods (including carbon-based energy)" by up to 80 per cent NOW... That would shake up the general trading and industrious activities of the world, wouldn't it?... But our personal and social comforts are all linked with all people. Should we do such drastic reduction, we may become unemployed and our dependence of having already borrowed from the future (on credit) would greatly damage our social survival... We have trapped ourselves in a vicious circle of producing more to consume more, while our debt to the future grows and grows... We have to be smart about what we do next, including killing credit, softly... Meanwhile the earth is warming, fast...

See toon at top and read climate change lines of articles ...