Tuesday 18th of February 2025

Post Your Links On Framing

Hi everyone,

I think it'd be great if we shared links we've found on framing, so we can all come up to speed with each others information.

Currently Bush is attempting to Privatise Social Security accounts. Frank Luntz, who is the man in charge of framing for the conservatives wrote them a note telling them to not call them 'private accounts' but rather 'personal accounts' because research shows people are afraid of privatisation. "Banish the word privatisation from your lexicon". When the Democrats found this out, they started using the word and dumped 'personal accounts' from their lexicons - now the Dems are winning on the issue.

The following are from a message board.


The Luntz Research Companies are the premier corporate and public
affairs communications firm in Washington. While we may be small in
size, we are recognized for having a better product, a louder voice,
and a greater impact than any of our competitors.


To the Ladies in the Room

By Molly Ivins, AlterNet. Posted July 8, 2004.

Warning: Frank Luntz arms Bush with 'framing' devices to court the womens' vote – Bush's anti-woman record be damned.


Republicans are crowing at John Kerry’s selection of “Über-liberal