Wednesday 1st of January 2025

escape to mordor .....

escape to mordor .....

Malcolm Turnbull has sought refuge from negative opinion polls and the OzCar affair in the politically safer territory of Afghanistan.

The federal Opposition leader visited Australian Defence Force members in Kandahar and Tarin Kowt that they have the support of all Australians during a visit to the strife-torn country.

Mr Turnbull has just left Afghan airspace after the visit, which The Australian online understands was booked well in advance of the OzCar affair and recent opinion polls showing his popularity has fallen sharply in recent weeks.

The opposition told troops that despite the vigorous political disagreements that occur at home, they have the wholehearted support of all Australians.

Mr Turnbull flew out of Australia on Sunday night, accompanied by his deputy Julie Bishop.,25197,25717480-5013871,00.html

That could stain a silver spoon...

From Bob Ellis, Unleashed


This, though, is not his worst fault I think. His worst fault is a clinging, romantic, almost superstitious trust in the power of words. We would get the Republic, he believed, by merely changing the title of the Governor-General, and the people would applaud this minimal idea, and settle for it as their salvation. He did not realise that they needed more, emotionally and spiritually, than a rearrangement of words. We will get rid of Wayne Swan, he still believes, by applying strictly and legalistically the meaning of the words 'misled the House' without applying those words to half the Liberal Party, who mislead it all the time. This is evidence enough to get him on, the man who saved Australia, you'll see. Get him on those words. And other words are enough to get Rudd on. I mean, Rudd said there was 'no email', when there is an email, a forged email! Gotcha.

Will Malcolm survive as Leader of the Opposition? It's fifty-fifty I think.

read more of Bob Ellis at unleashed and see toon at top.

ambiguousnessology explained...

From Al Jazeera

Britain's foreign minister has said that people in his country are supportive of troops fighting in Afghanistan, despite polls which suggest a majority of Britons want the soldiers to be brought home.


see toon at top... Ambiguousnessology : definition : Ambiguous ideology presented as a fact while it is is a deliberate top class fabricated porkie with one side of the coin on both sides...