Wednesday 15th of January 2025

spiritual rites .....

spiritual rites .....

The blonde joke is dead

Today the Gruen Transfer, a unique very funny TV program made in Australia about the weird and amusing cons and pros of advertising got its hands smacked for doing a spoof advert promoting fat people, in very bad taste. According to the power-that-be, some subjects are off-limits... including the Holocaust... Since the offending segment has been edited out (will be available on the net), I guess it might have been in regard to the gaunt figures that survived the camps versus the fat people living today. Obviously the powers-that-be never saw Joan Rivers (men are stupid and they like big boobs) talk about drooping vagina and old people... unless they think it's fair game since the oldies are all memory deficient...

But in regard to fat people, I've already mentioned on this site that the US population of 300 million (306 today) people is equivalent to about 350 million Europeans, 299 million Australians... and 600 million Africans, in calorific consumption and size values. Airlines need to take this into accounts, for supply and space - in the same way as the slave-ships carried their fare across the sea with rations. Even in the being filmed remake of the Dambuster movie, the dog famously named Nigger now might be called "Blackie" (actually "Nidge" which is not much better).

Yes, we live in different times now - those of the non-offending jokes... I'm dying laughing and I don't know why either.

So, no more blonde jokes and never again can the words Irish and joke appear in the same sentence. For the French, they can't do jokes about their Belgian counterparts, nor can the French-speaking Belgians make jokes about the Flemish-speaking countrymen (or blonde countrywomen). In Switzerland, the messy Southerners can't make jokes about their over-rigorous Germanic countrymen (and blonde womenfolk), While in Germany, no one will be allowed to mention the Bohemians from Munich... Only the Jews will be allowed to make Jewish jokes - as long as it's not during Yum Kippur or on the Sabbath (Saturday)... War and bombing is allowed anytime anywhere, but please no offending story about a Rabbi and a Priest... which brings me to the very bad taste cartoon above...

The Vatican authorities have just jocularly clarified that young Ratzinger(the pope before being pope) never was in the Hitler Youth movement but had only been drafted to be an anti-aircraft gun operator just before the end of the war (WWII)... And the pope Pius XII's controversial benediction of Hitler and Mussolini during the war (WWII) was still dogging the dialogue between the Catholics and the Jews.

Meanwhile the Muslims are invading Europe, a kid at a time - each, per year...


Referring to my comment above, the problem in fact concerning the deprogrammed  "offending" segment was being too close to the bone and seriously targeted the discriminations that we all do in some way or another by expressing an opinion of sort...

Under the umbrella of extremist politically correct fairness, the only jokes left for us are the one we'll play on ourselves for being too stupid or hypocritical... Sure we are so... Yet I'm afraid my cartoons will still be aimed at expressing slanted point of views that may not be palatable to some, although I try to make them situation relevant, not discriminatory of race, sex or creed — Yet I will target the idiosyncrasy of creeds nonetheless when creed is applied to rule and conquer... Or when creed is simply too silly for modern times or is, in my view, dangerous to the future of the planet.


The shock value of the advert was over by second viewing, its powerful message appearing on target and spot on. Great work — too non-glib unfortunately for a great glib program on a powerful glib industry — advertising. Reminiscent of the Australian anti-AIDS grim reaper campaign of the 1080s that helped efficiently protect an entire nation against the possible epidemic and also removed a latent stigma on homosexuality.

The "Boy Scouts" and the "Girl Guides"?

That was the advice my Father gave me almost seventy years ago – and how true it is.


There is also another fact which is all too obvious but now considered not “politically correct” – that is -  in bastardised Latin; “Peni-erecti nil consciensum”!  All men know what I mean.


It is totally contrary to the natural laws of nature for young women to intentionally display their bodies without any real objection by society – and why – because the old fashioned and centuries old system of protecting the females from sexual abuse is still exercised so discriminately in our courts.  


And this, even though increasingly the modern female may do anything she likes to attract men – or to tempt them – or to even bring them ALMOST to the natural climax of a sexual enterprise by simply saying NO!  At any time that is rape! And now – if she has had drinks and agrees, it is still rape!  But if the young man is also under the influence, no consideration is given to him,


This is an example of the mixture of old-fashioned female protection with the almost unbridled freedom of the exposure of their sexual allure. They are chronologically out of sync.


The media frenzy over a man (Mathew Johns) having consensual sex with a 19 year old WOMAN when they went to his room for that purpose is, in isolation, a matter between him/her and their respective marital partners if any.


As so often, while the male involved is crucified by the hypocritical media, the facts emerge and it appears that the subsequent group sex was at the invitation of the “innocent” woman who subsequently boasted to her peers about the whole issue.


Nevertheless another man’s life is ruined and his marriage endangered simply because, as a fit athlete with his hormones raised (yes, men have them too) he was too much of a man to refuse the opportunity of sexual relief presented to him. How terribly natural.


Lives there a man with soul so dead - who considers himself normal - who would not accept the sexual overtures of an attractive woman? It is no longer a matter of the woman putting herself in harm's way but that of the male.


Why would the other men involved with this woman give themselves to the mercy of the main stream media?  What would that achieve?  The New Zealand Police investigation concluded that no crime had been committed.  What does she want?


As a young man I knew the pain of “lover’s …..” as many men would remember – but I discovered early in life that the sexual assets a man has and his ability to perform, is not criticised so much by his peers but by the girls or women with whom he is involved.


I am human and nothing human is alien to me.



This will be cross-posted in  





from the Washington Post

Susan Jacoby is the author of nine books, most recently "The Age of American Uneason" and "Alger Hiss And The Battle for History."

As an atheist and an ex-Catholic, I cannot claim to be displeased at the spectacle of the Roman Catholic Church continuing to shoot itself in the foot by refusing to ordain women or to allow priests to marry. If I cared about the survival of the Catholic Church, however, I would have to say that the severe priest shortage would end tomorrow if the church simply allowed its preachers to have a normal family and sexual life. But Palestinians and Israelis are going to embrace one another in a joint ceremony at the Wailing Wall and the Dome of the Rock before the rigid old men who run the Vatican open up the doors of the priesthood to people who want to serve their god and enter into the full experience of loving and being loved by another human being.

The vast majority of American Catholics see no need for priestly celibacy and support the ordination of women. Father Alberto Cutie, the appropriately named Miami priest and television star who was caught embracing an adult female companion on the beach, has received strong support from many of his parishioners and fans. He has said that he loves the women in question and would like to marry her and remain a priest. Fat chance. (I must confess that Cutie does not have the same meaning in Spanish as in English, but I couldn't resist.)


Gus: In my many incarnated activities, I had the pleasure of being a good friend of Dick Emery... His humor was mostly based on empathy with the characters he played, whether it was small time crooks or be it a priest... He was often "maligned" for his "stereotyping" but that was mostly coming from bible-bashers or critics who could not do what he did. He was a sharp but a very gentle man... He was quietly inspirational for those who were prepared to learn the power of comedy and quirkiness...

Of course I meant 1980s in the comment above this one, and please note that 1080 is an insecticide poison banned in many countries...

golf cart touring...

From the NYT

ROME — Pope Benedict XVI said that he wanted to walk in Jesus’ footsteps and experience the Holy Land first hand. So photographers waited eagerly by a turgid pool in the Jordan River for the pope to peer from a wooden promontory to a central spot in Christianity, where Christ is believed to have been baptized.

But Benedict declined to get out of the golf cart that brought him there.

Certainly an 82-year-old pope is entitled to remain seated if he likes. Yet the drive-by pilgrimage seemed to sum up his eight-day trip to Jordan, Israel and the West Bank — and indeed his entire papacy so far.

It reflected what critics describe as a lack of understanding, or interest, in the public aspects of his office that has led to a series of public-relations miscues and questions about his skills as a diplomat.


see tooooon at top....

shape and gruen...

The man behind last week's controversial "fat pride" Gruen Transfer ad - aimed at ending "shape discrimination" - once sold T-shirts bearing slogans offensive to fat women.

But Adam Hunt says the process of creating the ad for the ABC TV show had made him "re-evaluate my own prejudices" and, as a result, there "won't be any fat chick gags" on his next line of T-shirts.


see toon at top and comments below it...